PAQE SIX THE DAILY NEWS clSt Week MF.far entering ,in order to win While candidates may enter this campaign at any time they wish, this is the last week when they may enter with a prospect of getting first prize, because it is expected that those already in the field will be busy working and will get the easiest prospects. The suggestion is made that those wishng to do so ENTER NOW! Delay Is Dangerous to Success Make an appointment with Miss Graham at the Daily News office and she will tell all about this campaign in which Everybody Wins THE PRIZES Victor Radio With Electrola 1. -A new Victor Radio with Electrola,the musical sensation of the age, price, $375. Th's instrument, which plays Victor records and also gives the finest radio reception, is supplied by McRae Brothers of Prince Rupert, and is on view in their window. 2. A complete set o Itable sterling silver in a handsome chest r: It is a beautiful new "Quecnston' pattern , embellished with a little engraving and sells at $200. This is supplied by Bulgers' Jewellery store and will be on view in their window soon. 3. A complete sterling silver toilet and manicure set of the famous Brewster design, 13 pieces, in two handsome cabinets. Price $104.75. This is supplied by Heilbroner's Jewellery store and is on view in their window. 4. A complete 97-picce Johnson's Parcek dinner set, Belgravia pattern, which sells at $50, purchased from Heilbroner's Basement store. This too, will be shown in Hcilbroner's window. Commission to Candidates who 3 not secure grand Prizes Candidates who do not win Grand Prizes will receive 10 per cent commission on the proceeds of their work. IT COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER 1 NORTHERN NEW HAZELTON There was a citizens meeting In Hazelton last Monday night when several matters pertaining to the , welfare of the town were discuss- i ed. As Dr. II. C. Wrinch, M.L.A.. and R. S. .Sargent were both away from town, the meeting was ad- lourned. The Felix Bridge Club held Its! nnal meeting of the season on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. W. Anderson, men as well -s ladies being present. Prize-win-' ners were W. W. Anderson. Will- am Oow, Mrs. R. S. Sargent and Mrs. Walton Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ser'fn. ,who ecently arrived from Edmonton have established a restaurant and onfeclionery store In connection vith the New Hazelton hotel. The back of W. J. Sanders re- -ldence at South Hazelton was corched by a fire which got out f control at the first of week. 'Tad It not been for the aid of -elghbors, he would have lost his 'tome. I Dr. II. C. Wrinch. who has been n Victoria in connection with the penlng of tenders for the bulld-ng of the new hospital, Is expec-ed home tonight. S. J. Wlnsbv. former manacr of he Hazelton branch of the Royal lank of Canada. Is now stationed t Kerrisdale in Vancouver as re-'evlng manager. Miss Jan Burns of New Hazel-on sang at Telkwa last Tuesday qht at a concert in connection 'ith the visit there of the dalry-nen fronj the south. Miss Alice Plllsbury visited la veek-end at Duthle mine with Irs. J. d) Bouldlng. Most of the Indians from th! istrict have now gone to the coast or the salmon fishing season. ALICE ARM W. B. Bower has been appointed jglstrar for the federal voters' list 4 Alice Arm district. An interesting article in the imp from the pen of Dr. Oeorge Tanson of the federal Geological survey appears in the current Issue jf the Canadian Mining Journal. Unpleasant pimples? An unsightly back Wash DDI) over the bad spots. Perhaps once or twice will be enough. A "velvet" skin instead of rough red blotches, humiliation. Skin sufferers make the test of this perfect spcclfle. VV. J. McCUTCHEON, DRUGGIST OKMES LTD. MEAT Specials 3h6tfrPork.$l-00 Shoulder Veal jjJ.OQ Fr5tFryPork. 51-00 Loin Veal Chops per lb. Loin Lamb Chops 35C Stew Veal ftrf 3 lbs.. ; .v. .... . Sirloin Steak 9Kn per lb Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave, E. B. C. NEWS TERRACE Miss Marjorie Kenny accompanied her mother as far as Prince Rupert this week for her music examination.' Mrs. Kenney and her daughter Norma are leaving for Victoria from Rupert. Ed. Kennedy left Wednesday for Prince Rupert where he will undergo ant ..operation for the removal of his tonsils. L. Martin, proprietor of the Tourist Hotel, spent a short holiday in Prince Rupert early this week. W. P. Ungerer put on the most enjoyable, dance of the season Monday evening for the bride (nee Miss Edith Detlnger). The hall was crowded, everyone enjoying themselves thoroughly. A seven-piece orchestra supplied the music. The wedding dance was at 10.15 p.m. when: the bride looked very charming, again wearing her veil; Congratulations are being extended to the young couple by everyone and Best wishes for the future. A crowd of young people hiked to Remo June 3rd and were enter tained there by Mrs. Wilkinson. VANDERHOOF Mrs. MacArthur of Salmon Arm Is visiting here with her son-in lay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Durrant. The Forest Branch Is calling for tenders for the construction of 12 ft. by 12 ft. standard look-out cabin for the forest fire look-out station on Tslnkut Mountain, Viggo Klhl, Toronto Conservatory of Music examiner, was a visitor here last week. While In Van- derhoof. he was;, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Cook. S, W. Cocker, F. Bowman, Dr. W, F. Sshiilta. S. Holmes, A. C. Mur ray, E. Reynolds ;and W. J. Bow man made a trjp to Burns Lake 'ast week to attend a meeting of the Omlneca Central Conservative Association. PRINCE GEORGE F. T. Bustln, local representative of the Morrison Tractor & Equip ment Co., has returned to town af ter delivering a 20-ton tractor to Sweeney Mountain where It will be used by the Consolidated 'Mining & Smelting Co. In connection with the development of a Slbola mining property. The tractor was taken by rail as far as Burns Lake and from there was taken 115 miles south overland. Weather has been generally fair In this district during the past few days with light winds. It' is good growing- weather for the crops ' W. A. Joerss, who spent last summer flying in this district and who, during the last winter, was instrumental In the organization of the Air Land Manufacturing Co. In Vancouver, arrived here at the first of the week with a big Junkers airplane which will be used In commercial work in this district with headquarters at Six Mile Lake. The second of the company's planes has gone Into the Atlln district. for the summer. C. R. Crysdale, who has charge of the natural resources survey now under way in the Peace River Block for the Drovlnclal eovernment. was in town at the first of the week. Returning Officer J. O. Wilson Is busily engaged In preparations for the holding of the federal general election in Cariboo riding. Nomination day in this riding, like Skeena, will be on July 14. Despite assurances given that the extension1 of the;Caribd6, highway from Longworth to Tete Jaune Cache would be proceeded with with all possible dispatch, there Is evidence that roadwork is slowing down In this part of the province and operations on this particular piece of road are now practically at a standstill. A party of three Portland men-Edward M. Miller, automobile editor of the Portland Oregonlan, John H. Welsner, advertising agent and Edward V. Knox, automobile dealer passed through here at the first of the week on their way to the most northerly point that can be reached by auto on the provincial highway system. From Hazelton the party will make its way Into the .Klspiox Valley, as far as possible and will visit Fort St. James and Summit Lake.' Their Idea is to ascertain Just what this part of the province has to offer for the enjoyment of the tourist. Frank Knapp was sentenced at the first of the week by T. R. Loyd, Justice of the peace at Mc-Bride, on a conviction for a breach of the Government Liquor Act. As It was his second offence, he received six months Imprisonment. The May Day festivities here last Saturday, under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Oeorge Hospital, were the mosi eiaoorate ana successful in the history of the city. Miss Phyllis Ireland was crowned May Queen, Misses Helen Stiles, Alice Johnson and Florence Bellna being her maids of honor. SMITHERS The annual school sports day wai held here on Tuesday, the King's birthday. There were many events on the program, the boys' nggrerat cup being won by Har-'and Lewis and the girls by Kathleen Glraud. A large number of Smlthcrs ter-ostchnran went to Hazelton last Friday night to attend the dance n aid of the new hall fund there. Two drawing prizes came to Sml thers from the dance, W. J Dawson winning a dinner set. dawn Motfatt, a dozen stainless steel knives and Pete Slavln of Telkwa, a carving set. A Crew of men was put to work this week on the season's develop ment program at the Olacler Oulch property near Smlthcrs.' The showing of bismuth exposed last year will receive considerable attention and it is also planned to do quite a lot of work, on the silver-lead fhowing on tho west side ff the same Dronertv. There is al ready a fair quantity of hlgh"grade ore ready for shinmcnt as a rs"H of last year's work on the -pro Tcrty, Th" wwldln0' too'r place hre oulrtly on S'lnHiv mornim Rev Father Father Ooifrey of 8t. Joseph's Church officiating, when Miss Ruth Noemah Walters the daughter of W. C. Walters of New Hazelton. became the bride of Peter James Spooner. Mr. and "Mrs 5rwior nre taking up residence In Smlthers. Work started at the first of this week on approximately 1000 feet of new sidewalks for the town of Smlthers. BURNS LAKE Various points of eccellence in dairy cattle were discussed here last Wednesday at a meeting in connection with the visit of members of the British Columbia Dairymen's Association. Speakers included W. H. Hicks, superintendent of Agasslz Experimental Farm J. W. Berry, M.L.A. for Delta; Mr. Page, matsqul; R. Hurford, Comox. In a stock naming contest Stanley Carrier, Maynard Nourse, Royal Jewell and Alan Fletcher took prizes. Earl Sheeler has received the appointment of returning officer at Danskin. II. Foreman Keus of Palling was a visitor in town last week, An executive meeting of the Omlneca Central Conservative Association was held here last week to make arrangements for the forthcoming election campaign. C. D. Haven of Topley was a visitor In town last week. 1 l,r John J. , McKenna had , tho, mla-4 fortune to break his thumb while playing baseball last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Keep and daughter of Prince Oeoree weri I visitors in town last week. I J. H. Keefe, Southbank; Anselm i Keller, Francois Lake; P. L. Mul 1 ville, Orassy Plains, and S. Oodwln Burns Lake, were appointed voters' list registrars for this district in preparation for the federal elec- aiiiillK Wednesday, june n AN ALL TALKING STORY OF BROADWAY j LEE TRACEY in I "BIG TIME' COMEDY "HULLS AND REARS" g ALSO A SCENIC 1 Admission, gliiaaimKm Evinrude Outboard Motors and Peterborough Boats now available on TIME PAYMENT PLAN 25 PER CENT DOWN PAYMENT, Balance over several months to suit purchaser. BUY A BOAT, and enjoy its use while paying the balance. FULL PARTICULARS FROM A. MACDONALD 720 Second Ave. W. tlon by E. II. Mortimer, returning officer, Prince Rupert, who1 was here last week. John R. Walkerihas been appointed deputy returning officer at FrancoU Lake.'-'! "It "t A. M. Ruddy Is expected' back this week from Vancouver where he) attended a meeting of Union Oil Co.'s sales department men. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bedorc of Rose Lake, who recently Ptf UMMf home by fire, have purchn,sdd),:'M portion of Frank Lewis' farm vott the south of the railway track at Decker Lake and are immediately moving into residence there. SKIDEGATE Many natives are hunting for hair seal for the bounty at the south end of Moresby Island. Reports from Hippo arc to the effect that the salmon are very scarce there. Trollers are. how ever, doing well at Langara, some of the obata making as high as $100 per day. A large fleet,.pf Skl-degate trollers left last Monday tor Hippo Island. i - A. C. Pallant of Sandsplt paid a brief visit to Skidcgatc recently. He reports all crops dolngFsplcnd-Idly In the farms around Ihere and that logging operations with caterpillars have proven very suc cessful. NEW TEAK OAS IlO.Mn The U. S. war department has created a new tear gas bomb, for poltca and other riot use. It works faster and Is more powerful than the present type. NOMINATING BLANK To be filled out In, nominating candidate for. trie Daily News Campaign. This should be cut out and mailed (or df livcrcd to tie vampaicn Manager, Immediately. NAME TTfTTTTTKTTT ADDRESS POLITICAL PARTY NOMINATED BY 20c and G5c Next to Tost Office llVaUUlUKBEBM LATEST FROM :-::TAKUREGIOH Mltllnc Activity Is Not So Exttnsirc As Might Be Expected, It Is Said "Latest reports from th TtK; River mining field af to tin- (!". that snrwJms all i fi a the flaljfyhough there is m ! i: hills arotint! A y EbJetrLrp f hol'qulte a rau' b "uil:.. ty Hi rnlght have b' r, : ru led. It is said by some tlur i!; rf pressed condition of the raet.ii markets may have an adverse rff'-t upon this as well as other mm" fields. There la no qiH'ti.m hs. that good ore and plenty f it there although there socms t.. rx - question as to when it ma brought into full developu.i nt ATTRACTIVE DANCING ACTS ARE PKESENTKU Miss Nan Craig's school nf (Lin ing put on three attractive t ow choran turns at tho Capitol 1 in i f Monday evening and aum) W night. LKtie Miss Nona H xi.n ippeajlfc acrobatic and ;' m"1 ing numbers while Mis.v" Jci'i Grieve, Evelyn Zarelli, Lui Z;,r" Clli and Nn Craig presont-j ;m interpretive item. Miss Iron' Mitchell played the piano tuy 'tiuwni-mcnts. HACK FKOM TAKU .Tninf xrmifim RnilltT. pro- vlnclal police, returned t t' on the departmental crm-r P L. 8 last evening after a t ws trip to the Taku River ( (ninny ! got up as far as Tulscqu.dt on official duties. , ' -1