0.1 Local readers, per insertion, per line .23 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate ine .15 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 56 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ftp. Saturday, August 2, 1930. NEED OF EXPERIENCE Rpfprpnff whr mnrlp vpctorHav fn the nrlvanpoe flay. manv had madp in riinVihlp nir rrnvol and hnw aha Ipd rTio DIFFERENT WITH PLANES With airplanes the situation is somejvhat different. ReemS to hp. holdinfr hpr own tViPVP no witnoca tha ro. First pumping of water from Dead Rea tnto one of immense solar evaporation pans from which chloride .uiii bromides arc being extracted by a syndicate hcadrr by Euri of Lytton. former vlce- ro.v of jjii'ia A general complaint often heard locally is that there Is no place where one can go for a day's triD I readily. With .a view to affording : these people an opportunity to get lout cf the city for a, day the Cana-Idlan National Steamships are In augurating special excursion rates on the Prince William for trips to ithe Bkeena and the Naas, during' I August. i The Skcena trips will be on. : Thursday and Saturday and thei , boat will leave at 8 a so. returning ithe came evening. I The Naas River trip will be made jon Fridays and the Prince William will leave at 8 ajn. returning the same evening. These trips will give passengers a fine chance to see the scenery of ' the immediate coasts and also an opportunity to see some of the canneries in full swing. ENTERTAIN PERSONAGES world in it. The rnmnmndpr nf tho R-lftfl hit Hip nnil nn ninn, i ,.i m r., the head when he said that what they lacked was exper- Br chamber of commerce jence. Since Last Meeting During the war the Germans were using dirigibles with success and since the war they are still using them, and i At the regular monthly meeting the completion of a second large one for commercial use of tne Cnamber of commerce last is an indication that they are still forging ahead. The new X AVf Zeppelin is said to be expected to make something like 125 ?ctJS?Z miles an hour, so that the British ship just making her luncheon of Mr. pooiey of the Em-first flight will be away out of date from the beginning. ! Plre Marketing Board and of the The satisfactory feature of the situation is the fact thathmcheon to Slr Henfy Thornton, the British are now Pninintr exnpripnrp and thnt thPvLML-B?hbrePortedhTtotoken Vnrafc-tWmwwHt r Mr.pooieyoutaliaaylnoneofhis boats and shown him the canneries and other local plants. Mr. Pooiey nad said ne was going back to England with very pleasant recollections of Prince Rupert. The me president presiaeni thanked uianjcea Mr. Air. Bush - - - - - - ...w.w, ...... .v. liusn- marKable flight of Amy Johnson, to Australia from Eng- by on behalf of the board for his land. Lord Thomson recently announced that Britain isork.in entertaining the distiijg- Steadilv fulfilling her fiinntinn as thp fvn nf trip nppnni. ulshed visitor. air services. The London-Karachi service had been exten- .-f,-, ded into India and will be carried on to Australia. The Lon-!MUULEi HfcLD V,T uuii j. vujjc luwji rviee win soon De in operation ana an expedition has been organized to reconnoitre the Arctic route to Western Canada. ' PAYING UP TAXES It is reassuring to hear from the city treasurer that in spite of the general depression, mostly outside of Prince Rupert, the taxes have been paid up well and the bank charges against the city are being liquidated. Some fears had been expressed that the taxes might not be paid well this year. When there is financial depression, taxes are apt to be withheld. While the treasurer says it will be several days before actual figures are available it is good to know that there is nothing to worry about. FKW WF.F.KX: Tf V A IT? It is now only a few woeks to the opening of the fall fair, j owicmry vance is a uy man arranging lor tne concessions, the entries and other work in connection with the big event The directors are standing by. him and there is every indication that it will he a success. Final definite arranceninnts hnvp Tvpn marln fny visit of three groups of entertainers from the south as well as the Greenville native band and the local boys band so (here will be music and other entertainment a plentv. There are also indications tha exhibits will be in and especially entries in the big floral display which is a new feature this year with unusually large prizes. SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE The Moose white drive and dance held last evening in the Moose Hall "jr Buccea&iui anair wjinj over 140 people present. Winners In the whist were: ladv'n i first. Mrs. Wlngham, 152; second, Ma. Hudson. J45; with Miss EL Con-nery and Miss B. Brland Ued for the consolation with 113 each. The men's first prize went to Freak Fitch. 149, and the second to O. Brochu. 145. lira. A Wirlrx nla. , gwmmf tag as a genUeman. won the conso- Utln with 105 points. The committee in r.entral charoe of affairs consisted of O. B. Bather, ehairman; GU1U Royer, Pete Peterson. V. Peterson. W. Logan, C. Blg- gari. u. ixrne, e. Marriette. Mrs. c Edwards. Mrs. Wicks. Mrs. Crosbv and Mrs. McCarthv. At were J. L. Blaine. P. Cameron and ' D. S. Schubert. 1 For the dance which followed and which was kept up till 2 ajn.' ine premier Orchestra supplied delightful and snappy music. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Hupert August 2, 1914 The first construction train nai. sod over Zenardi bridge and 41 mitei of the road are now open. The tugboat and barges above the bridge have now been discontinued. Hon. Frank Oliver, minister of ikp interior, was in town on his way to Vancouver from the north nf in completing a trip that took him to Herschel Island in the Arctic. th mouth of the Mackenzie River, and ine xUKon Territory. Dr. CrJppen and Mile. LeNeve were arrested at Quebec on the ar rival of the Montrose. A fine four-horse team ni Im ported Clydesdales was landed from tne Prince George for a Bkeena River logging company. v A short meeting of the executive councU was held In Victoria to con-1 slder the application from the Cltvi jOf Prince Rupert for n special loan I or S50.000 to acauire and Install an ! electric plant I It) I PAGE Tv70 TS2 DAL WaSTS Saturday, August 2 i93fl The Daily News EXCURSIONS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA TO SKEENA Published MterUMI Scept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally NevlLfmitetfTl)tfd AVenUe'. n . -.MOOd '!; HOE II. Vi i H. F. POLL'EN - - - Managing-Editor AND NAAS -a: t'l aril..-. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United Spates, paid in advance, per year 6.03 By him! to all othejr countries, per year- 7.50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in adrance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for ............. 1.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month . . .50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Prince no longer a British subject she was not entitled to a British passport. Americans, however, decline to recognise weddings celebrated In Russia, and she was refused an American pawport. The authorities stated that the solution was to re-marry in England, after which Marie become a nrrviinnai American citizen. M. Radamsky hiu pessimistically that he could' we himself re-marrying his wle! In every country to which they go together He would not mind marrying hot a hundred times, but lt was likely to prove expensive SUPPORT The Fall Fair and Take The D aily News Regularly f -" Now that Prince Rupert is about to have a forward1 ''.A movement, two local institutions arc well worthy of consideration and support as being important factors in that movement. They are: The Annual Fall Fair The Pr. Rupert Daily News Out of town people are recommended to make their plans now to attend the Fall Fair which promises to be the biggest and best ever held in the city, and to enter their exhibits with Secretary Vance at once. Thy are also recommended to sec that their subscriptions to the Daily News arc paid up so that they may keep in touch with all the forward movements. It is a dally record of the doings oPthc dstrict and a sup-port of all that is best for Northern and Central B. C. The Daily Newt Prince Pupert, B.C H. F. PULLEN, Managing Director. Married Wife A Second Time LONDON. Aug. I Miss Marie Williams, a Scotch operatic singer, has married her husband, M. Sergei Radamsky, a Russo-Amerlcan singer, for the second time. She explained that she married him first in Mo&cow. As he was a naturalized American citizen she as-mimed that she ,would automatically become an American citizen. The British authorities took this view and said that as Marie was District News NEW HAZELT0N District engineer Cotton is a patient in Smithers Hospital. He underwent an operation thwn i-.. eenUy. Many people went over from here to Bmtthers to help celebrate the victory of Olof Hanson. A high line, - has been strung across ;hc Bulkley at the point where the bridge Is buv.n: uw" ted and this will be u.d u ""' veylng material across ii fl"?r Mlt. Tl. 1 in ('hunt? of the Hazelton Poslv"!: ' f,'r a fortnight's holiday m tr..' soum REM0 Mrs. II. L. Frank of K. the guest of Mrs. Rus- ' week-end. Mr on fT .firm i Margaret McLaren of T' " the week-end guests of Mf WUson. :fl Ml '"' f. A 1