Lrday August 2, 1930. Pure Bristle Tooth Brushes and Hand Brushes Regular 70c Both for 50c EAST ... Ztfic Pioneer DrugeisAs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists FEMIHNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton .$12.00 MINEIIKAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 jlLNEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton ... 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PKONE 580 PHONE 580 1 learners earners OLJTII by steamer tu Vanrouirr, Victoria, Srallleand lutcrmolijile pwte -Mondays, TTrtlnrMlays. Thursday ami Saturdaja. for A nyos a nil Stewart Mondays vJ FrMaya. for Alaka Porta WedneiMlaya anil Saturday. AUo regular jailinp fur Mmu and Mas lllrr wrla and North and Snitli i)urrn ClMirUtte UlamU. raMenarr train for Edmonton, Minitiorfi and all pointa r.t leave daily eicept Sunday at 1 p.m. I.ow farm .NOW. Auk attout our Triantlr Tour. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA for injurmation rail or mtU H F. McNAlGIITON. Dl.trkt IWrnjH-r ent. ' I'rlnrr IturH-rt. H.r UMON STfiAAISlIIl'S LIMITED ,.,... . halinit- Itm ITtiic Kupcn v cVVER. VICTORIA. Butedai Akrt Bay, etc r.iedy, S.S0 P-tn t r i'.VVi'ltK- VIC'IOKIV itutedale. Alen lw. eie . Inaajr inMMchl AlltE ARM, A.NVO.V. HTKWAHT, Naa. ttt. Vmx mIminm, m ,. O0 cm in i. "' R,A"80N and WA!JCS IB! AND. Tliursaay pm """"Atenue H. M SMITH nt ITInce RBrt. I C iw I,fSh t'ekets told to Xktorla and Heatlle d IwiiUf tbetked """"Sh lo dentlmtlon I S-C r ' ast B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM riJINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrdnsrel! Juneau, 8kagway August 1. 4, 8. 11. 15. 18. 22. 25. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-August 2, 0. 0, IS. 16. 20. 23, 27. SO. Princess Mary- Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn t iy Acents For All Steamship Lines k Alexander X KV SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNElt I1LOCK DENTIST vw i -.- ----- (i - . , TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI rt Y FOR SKEENA DRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City I Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. i Th Pllhlln Tlhnni mfll .lim for the holidays at 9 p.m. Saturday, August 2, reopening at 1 p.m. Monday, August 36. 179 Application tor coneesslops at the Exhibition will be received until Tuesday, August 5. W. D. Vance, Secretary. 179 Dr. E M. StanXord, president of United Church in British Columbia Is expected to arrive from the south Wednesday and will address a meeting the same evening in the First United Church. He will visit up the Skeena the following day accompanied by Rev. Mott, of Rupert East. On Friday he will go to Stewart to visit officially there. CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE OF CHILDREN Ii ia valuable preparat ion that ha been on uw market lor tbepastpigbty years, j It has no equal for off-setting tbe vptrutiag, .purging and dianhu of I cholera infantum. ! Prine, 6(tr. a dot tie at all druazata or ! dealer; put up only by The T. Milburn I Co , limited, Toronto, Ont. FROM MONTREAL TO tJt.AUV. -tlKI V VST-MVKKrHMIL aAug. 18, S p- l'i Mlnnedou Au. IB. ESep: 27 Meltta KNot calling Liverpool To I HEXBOt ; Ol THAMPTOV HMltI KO Aug. 21 8apt IB Uontclaie Sept. S Manteaim T IIABVi: I.OMHN-TUEHI' AS. 14. apt u MontroM To i n tc Kml Aug. 14. Spt. 4 Oucbcaa of Atboll Aug. 30. 8pt. 10 . Ducheaa of Bedford Aag. 17. Sept. 17 Duobea of York FUOM QUIBIC T t HCKHOl IMi-MH THAMPTOX Auir 19. 6fpt 9 . .Kaioraas of Scotland AUf 36. Sept. IS iSnpr of Prance opt. 3. Sept. 3S. Bmpraa of Auvtralla FROM VANCOUVER To Hawall-Mpan-Cfclna-Ilittrprrt""' tAug 7., Oct 3. Buipieaa of Canada Au:i. O-t 18. ImBrea of Bttaala BaWpt 4. xOet. SO. Bmp. of Japan slncludl n call at Honolulu. Aonlv to Actntt everTwttffV or J J FORSTFR Steamship Oeol. Pass. Aomtt CP S Station. YaAoovrer. Telenfc Hie Irtn ijr I1S1 U&I Cafe Formerly the White lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel ISWH NEW tSiKMIT Mean Heatd. Tmvellir Snnplr Haoma: Hot and Ctrid H.itir l Ban Meet- All Tralli- and IVnat lUtes Sl.M and Up WT-flAt MONTHLY KATI.S C. R. IUGGART & A. DONALD Frunrtetora I'HONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water. In all rooms A. J. rUUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Chris Eden. Savoy New Royal Hotel I. XarelH. "faff. TUB 1I01T.I ttOATII WHILE Hot ft Cold Water: Steam Heat 75e PER DAY AND UP ivl-h...... Nn Royal li. EU'wai-t Vi Mi.ia; W. F. Fel-ton. C.N.R : Ownr- Dutfleld. Cloe-man: Axel Lund Trrr;-e; E. War-rcii. cily: J I) Mi"('.illoi:i'h. Oreetl K.vri V Waal. rily. nty. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREF Dinnenvarc, - china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Mrs. Stan Moran returned to the city this morning on the Prince Henry. H. L. Shadwell and son are booked to travel south on the Prince George thte evening. Dry DocBgmployees picnic August To Tuftfell Island. Boats leave Dry Dock IteflK) to 11 a.m. (179) T. n. yen war a passenger on the Prince Henry this morning and will visit Don Yelf while in the At Bthe Chamber of Commerce meeting last night Adam Edward Parlow. district forester, was elected a member. C3iS. Prince Henry, Captain A. J. Gilbert arrived In port this morning from Vancouver at 10.15 en route north. to visit in the south. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rochester and daughter who have been holidaying in the south, returned to the eity on the Prince Henry this morning. WantM 100 men. women and children to sell Fair Board membership tickets. Liberal commission B fSia Tickets will be ready ly. For particulars pnone Oresn 326 or call at Office, City Hall, 2 p.jn to S p.m. 179 At the monthly meeting of the 'Chamber of Commerce last night, I Oeorge Busfaby told of the efforts of tbe local committee In entertaining the New Outlook party that visited Prince Rupert recently. Tbe party went to the Cold Storage plant by train aecompan-'led by members of the committee. Thanks and appreciation of courtesies were convoyed by them through Mr. Buchby to the Boaid and to the Cold Storage Company for their courtesies. ANNOUNCEMENTS : Dry Dock Employees Picnic August, 3 to Tugwell Island. Moose Basaar, October 16. 17. PAIN Peculiar to Women H avsaaw Periodic Suffering Headaches ? 1 -4 J& Neuritis TriE next Urns .a headache , makes you stay (at horaaiioc. the time or montn nas brought on pains. Avhlfh. threaten ioaevtat. your keeping some enpapement remember Aipi UUeu a trin crateful for th are ao many aches and painsthey relieve promptly. There is never the slightest harm In their use. Genuine Aspirin can't hurt you! Doctors will tell you it does not depress the heart. The experience of millions of men and women rpeakt for Its worth. So dont suffer uttdUttly. Aspirin tablets will check your e ld, relieve a headache or neuralgic pains so easily I Buy the 100-tablct bottle and save money. TRADI Rid. Baseball tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Central vs. S.O.C. Mr. and Mrs. George Howe and family wene east on the train this afternoon. gNed Tobey left on this alter, nta traih m LSMJteathleen Wnerft he wfllfrislt ? ' ' ' $ . ;p.PJt. Princess Mary was in port last evening at 9.15 and left for the south at 11 pjn. ! Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Lambley leave for Vancouver and southern points oA the Prince George this even- ifig. 1 ; J. C. T. Williams of the Union Oil Company was a southbound passenger on the Cardena last evening. The CPU. Princess Alice, Captain Cliff is due in port at 4 p.m. ;and will leave for the south at 5.30. I Miss Margaret Palmer of the to-1 Mrs. Thurber and daughters are eat teaching staff is a oasaenser booked to sail on the Princess on ftto Prince George this evening Al,c thl evening en route to Victoria. Gordon Henderson of the Canada Power. Company was an, arrival on the (rain from the ea$ this ' ' ' ' " ' morning. Mrs. i. S. Irvine and Jlmmle iand Gebrse Eckenaan. formerly of , Mrs. -Jack Frew and Molly left this ! the Nelson Trading Company, and ; ternoon for Terrace where they j more recently of the Mussafiem will holiday for a week or two. Grocery was a passenger arriving - on the Prince Henry this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson and f family left on the Cardena last j Angus MacDonald. son of Fire evening for a holiday in the south j Chiaf MacDonald returned to the and will visit at New Westminster, i city on the Prince Henry this! , ' j morning after" a two-weeks' holl-i Parsengers southbound on the dav in Vancouver, Seattle and, Candena last evening included Mr. southern points. and Airs. A. Sinclair. W. D. Booker J and Mrs. Hadfield and daughter, j ' Mrs. A. R. Phillips, who has been ! visiting her sister Mrs. Alex. 8. In the local police court this Munro in Vancouver, returned to "rrrn Mary Adatm. Indian, of the city this morning accomnan- LDtooet, and employed at a can-led by her mother Mrs. J. Teller nery, was fined $10 for intoxica-who will visit here for a time. jtton. -Get pays. the AC. reading, habit. It tutcK$ennce0 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, DJ), Minister Morning service at 11 a.m. Subject, "THE COMPULSION OF RESPONSIBILITY." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening siOvice at 7:30. Subject, "A STUDY IN PALMISTRY." Special solo at evening service. Communion of the Lord's supper at close of service. A cordial invitation to worship with us Is extended to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "LOVE." The public Is cordially invited' to attend. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open On Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn.' ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and holy communion at 11 ajn. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. rPHILUPS" For Trmil due to Acid IMaOiSTKN C1D STOMACH CASta-KAUSf oai many people call indiirei When Pain Comes Two hours after eating very often ineani ezceaa acid in the stomach. The stomach nervea have been OTer-stinralated, and food aoura. The corrective i an alkali, which neutral-' izea aeida inatantlr. And the beat alkali known to medical acience ia rhfllipa' Milk of Magnesia. It baa remained the standard with phyiieiana in the 60 year since its invention. One spoonful of this harmless, taste less alkali in water will neutralize Instantly many times as much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. Yoa 1 , will never use crude methods when i once you learn the efficiency of thY?"'1 Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips Mflk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in (correcting excess' acids. Each bottls contains full direo tions any drugstore. Ford Executive Solves Problem of Travel Time With Airplane w:i.amjriC.'gf PjiWAN taat ra. mm au . I 'rttl a. f" 71T.OlTa gal 'eMrwvi r w,i .l T .avr". I W CI tDMONTON tfJr. fXALCARV NjAJKATOOH BWK' xytwciai hat , A Crowd Examining FordTri-Motor. d Plane, tha First Air Transport Seen in Many of tha Western Provinces. Mr. Wallace R. Campbell, President, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. WHEN the modern executive plans a hurried inspection uip to nis orancn lactones and dealers he turns to the airplane for rapid transportation and quick jumps over long distances. vhen Mr. Wallace R. Campbell, president of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, found two weeks which he could devote to a long-deferred survey of his western Canada branches he chose a Ford tri-motor club plane as the vehicle best able to cover the territory in the time available. Travelling in the great luxurious air yacht was a comfortable as ridinjr In tha best Pullman train ana thrice as fast During: the 12-day tour which carried the Canadian Industrialist as far north as Edmonton and as far west as Calgary the plane travelled 3,700 miles in a total flying time of 38 hours, 10 minutes. The tour enabled Mr. Campbell to Inspect branch factories, confer with dealers, study economic conditions In the Prairie IVovlnces and shape the plans ox his company for I fuJure activities in those areas. He I found economic conditions Improv-I ing, favorable prospeete for a fair wheat crop ami business men generally fighting vigorously to restore prosperity. During the tour, Mr. Campbell had as his guests on plane flights Hon. J D. McGregor, lieutenant-, governor f Manitoba, and Hon. W. G. Egbert, lieutenarKrgpvenwrAf Alberta, the. latter Jiyirig with the, 'party from Edmonton to Calgary. I Miss Edena Newlanda, daughter of ; the lieutenant-governor - of Sas katchewan, flew with the party from Regina to North Dattltford, piloting the big plane herself part of the way. The first day's flight from East Windsor. Ontario, carried Mr. Campbell and his party via St Paul to Winnipeg, a distance of 929 miles, in 8 hours, 45 minutes, much of the time airalnat wt-. The same Jump by train would have required 30 hours, or the total time consumed on the 3,700 mile nying survey trip. ST KUtVSs V J The route of the tour from Win. njpeg was via Brandon and Vlrden to Regina; Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and North Battleford to Edmonton: thence to Calgary and through Medicine Hat, Moose Jaw, Minot, North Dakota, and St. Paul, batk to East Windsor. Only onto did -weather conditions delay the party '' and that was when a viorent dust stewa raged over the pralritsdrc, nig the plane back to Regina after it had fought its way against tha norm anu a so-mue wind to a point 26 miles north of Moose Jaw, when all other planes, including the mall planes, were grounded. Mr. Campbell ound the people of Western Canada very air-minded and actively supporting the development ot some of the finest airports to be found in the Domln ion. Crowds of 10,000 to 16,000 persons turned out In some of the larger cities to greet the party and view the Ford plane, the first tri-motor transport to l seen in those provinces outside of Winnipeg. 'Uir