Mosaics of Flowers on Italian Streets Gardeners laying mosaics of How j.s on principal e rect of Qen-z.tno. Italy, over which festival procession of Corpus ChrlstI li., ,ses during celebrations for vihlch the town on shores of Lake Nemi, is famous. Miss M. Jackson To Be Married, Is Given Shower VANCOUVER, Aug. 2: - Miss Molly Jackson, formerly of thi Prince Rupert High School staff tui August bride-elect, was the Riit of honor when Miss Islay Mc-Li.-'y entertained with a party and lUneous shower at her home. , i 'fusion of mauve sweet peas ; arranged In the reception ns. while the table, centred with uvp sweet peas and Shasta (! i it s. were lighted by tall match-i : tapers and presided over by Mr J Clark, while acting as scnrl-trir WPre'Mlss-Oonnle- Leylarid, Mi Suzanne Jackson and Mrs. Ce- 41 " " :.: Elphiek: " in r invited guests were Mrs. 1 :.: McLarty, Mrs. W. A. Adair. M: .Sydney Petrle, Mrs. Douglas rx4r ofNew York, Miss Sadlo Ddc Mrs. R. Wlnslow. Miss Hose-i; . .! . W inslow, Mrs. J. Hendry, Mrs. N' il Gilchrist, Miss Jean Jackson. M: Y Armstrong. Miss Elsie Smith u: : Misk Lillian Cope. Joint Committee Held a Meeting In the City Hall V j 'lnt meeting of the city fln-cimmlttee and a committee of !.iital board in the mayor's ' it the City Hall yesterday af- i "n presided over by Mayor appointed Dr. Cade and ' y Birch a sub-committee to a up a plan for management ' -'.tiling of the Isolation hoa-md submit it first to the . ''I board and afterwards to 1 i'y council. 'if was considerable discussion m which it seemed to be the 'l opinion that the hospital in proper authority to operate "Utum hospital and that the hould pay the cost. HOPPED OFF LONG FLIGHT Mcars Will Try to Capture Round World Record Willi Brown As Pilot roosEVELT FIELD. N.Y.. Aug. 2 J"hn Henry Moors hopped off morning for Harbor Grace In Hurt to capture tho record for t'iu.1,1 the world travel. i " plane Is piloted by Henry J. Bl' "a a, rormcr air onall pilot., HARBOR aRAUEvWld., Aug. 2: Henry Meats on a round 'thd '""i flight, arrived here from York this' afternoon. Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, August 3, 1930 0.20 a.m. 14.8 ft. 21.00 p.rm 111 ft. 2.58 a.m. 6.2 ft. 14.45 p:m. 9.9 ft. I Stevens Called To Ottawa, May Enter Cabinet VANCOUVER, Aug. 2 H. H. Stevens was summoned to Ottawa last night by Premier-Elect Bennett. Mr. Stevens has been offered the Nanalmo seat by C. II. Dickie, who was elected there this week. It Is considered a safe seat and Mr. Stevens would doubtless be elected there. Embargo Against Russian Imports WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 Treas ury oflcials today indicated that the embargo against Russian pulp- wood might be applied to other Russian products. The department said its studies "are going right down the line on a series of other Russian products. including anthracite and mangan- Pulpwood was barred because the new tariff provisions exclude products manufactured by convict labor. Tariff provisions barring other goods comes under the head of "dumping." Manufacturers assert that lumber, anthracite and man ganese are being "dumped" here. LONDON HAS GREAT PORT A port that can show 1,000,000 tons of shipping entering and leaving each week can lay claim to greatness. London has this distinction, for during the four weeks ended 27th June no less than 4,-264 vessels, representing 4,120,403 net registered tons, used its docks and river berths. , Ships of every flag frequent the Thames and the great docks are known to the white-capped American, the buslness-llkc Japanese, the nimble Lascar, the swarthy Greek, the flaxen-haired Swede, the red-tasselled Matelot luxury liners, deep-draughted merchantmen, tromps and even wlnd-Jam- crs. PLAN TO MAKE BRANDY IN EAST BERWICK. N. 8.. Aug. 2:-A proposal, understood to provide for the establishment here of a distillery plant turning low grade apples into brandy for export, is arousm m-Iterest and controversy. The promoter of the enterprise, a citizen of the United States, Is prepared to Invest $100,000 in the plant, which j would employ from 20 to 25 men the I year round, It is said. a n..mivr nf business men and growers endorse the sencme. clergymen and temperance workers denounce it. Ratepayers will decide the Issue. ASKS ABOUT WATT CASE Victoria Paper "as Leader Urging It to Be Tried Now More than four months ago the Legislature of British Columola ordered an Inquiry into the case of Norman Watt because it was far irom satisfied with the manner in which he had been treated by the loimie government. Mr. Shelly dismissed Mr. Watt from his position as government agent at Prince Ru pert in a summary fashion. The first reason the minister of finance gave for his action was that Mr Watt had been "playing politics." The second reason he gave was that Mr. Watt had retained government funds coroner's fees which always had been considered a perquisite ol the office of government agent at Prince Rupert and certain other districts In the province. The resolution of the House, therefore, originated more In a general desire to investigate Mr. Shelly than it did to Investigate Mr. Watt. Soon after the Legislature had prorogued Mr. Pattullo asked the minister of finance to proceed with the Inquiry. No action was taken; Mr. Pattullo drew the matter to the minister's attention again on several occasions with no success. The last reminder, however, reached Mr. Shelly after the date of the federal election had been announced, flic minister seized upon this as Justification for telling Mr. Pattullo that he was pursuing "desnicable tac tics" by asking that the Inquiry- a purely provincial matter and nothing whatever to do with either Mr. King or Mr- Benentt be proceeded with at this time. Mr. Pat- TWlmW eiuier iiau w reoune nis minisw 01 finance for his politically indeli cate remark, or back him up. He followed the natural course and an nounced that the inquiry would have to wait until after July 28. The public may draw its own conclusions from the failure to proceed with this case to lift the cloud under which this man Watt, a war veteran who. will carry the i soars of battle to his grave, has I this province on July 28. The Watt case may have had been compelled to live as result of the slur cast upon his honor and Nothing For Publication at Gath-reputatlon by a minister of the ering of Ministers at Ottawa crown. It surmised that the govern-J Yesterday ment was afraid of the consequen-1 ces of the Inquiry, afraid of the ef-' OTTAWA. Aug. 2: With tho at-fect it might have upon the for- tendance of 14 ministers the Mac-tunes of the Conservative party In kenzie King cabinet yesterday met something to do with the complete hours but the Prime Minister had eclipse of the Conservative cause nothing to announce at 1U conclu-on the lower mainland on Monday, slon. The proper thing for the govern- "A post mortem and routine busl-mcnt to do now, however, is to hold ness" was the description of tho the Inquiry which the Legislature meeting given by Mr. Mackenzie ordered more than four months ago. King. -Victoria Times. No Unemployment In Prince Rupert The local labor situation Is fairly easy at present. There are not many without work and even these find casual Jobs generally. It Is not expected that there will be any demand for harvesters from Alberta or Saskatchewan this year, for those who may have employment arranged with farmers on the prairies it is expected that the re- duccd rates will go Into force about August 12. 1 Wreckage of BOSTON GRILL Wmln LAKQC CABARET Special Dlnnn Thurid.ya and Saturdiji Oanrlnt E"ry Sntar.laj Night, 8 to 12 Dance Hall lor Hire Accommodation for Private Parties PHONE 457 NOUTHERNfiND?CESiTUAIi4BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXI., No. 179. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGJJST 2, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS Plane that Crashed Near Bennington Wreckage of plane in which Frr flight record und Donald Mock Be C ALLW0RLD IN EXHIBIT VICTORIA, Aus. 2: British Columbia beat the entire world at the Leipwc Exhibition of game trophies this week, according to advices received by Attorney General Pooley today. Tbe exhibits exhibits were nrcnared '' G- IopVthe, Vancouver.; taxidermist, In co-operation with Bryan Williams, B. C. game commissioner, and were successful against entries from all leading countries of the world. POSTMORTEM BY CABINET ' l for the first time since the elections. The meeting lasted four and a half , Alitor! If h hd raejtivnri the rp " slgnatlon of Hon. Vincent Maasey , iht. itmi nnmmiuinn. 1 cr in London, the Premier replied J that he had not. It is probable that there will be one or two more cabinet meetings next week. Conservatives Win By Only One Vote MONTREAL, Aug. 2: Yamaska c. County has gone Conservative by one vote a check-up revealed last night. Previously a tie vote had ; been reported. R-100 Was Badly Damaged and i Fins Must Be Repaired BeforqA She Can Profcefeiloii Schfeduloi MONTREAL, Aug. 2: Damage to both fins of the dirigible R-100 which arrived here yesterday morning will be repaired here but the flight to Ottawa scheduled for Tuesday has been indefinitely postponed and it is possible other flights to Toronto and Niagara Peninsula will be cancelled. No date has been set for the return trip to England until the repairs to the ship are completed. nk Oojdsborough, 19-year-old-holder of Junior transcontinental r crashed, near Bennington, Vt Young Goldsborough was pinned under the wreck for sixteen hours. t 4 ' PEACE LANDS A TIE TURNED OVER TO PROVINCE OF B.C. VICTORIA, Aug. 2: Twelve million acres of railway belt lands and the richly endowed Peace River Block today were officially transferred to the province. This was one of the finals acts of the Mackenzie King Government. READY frUK LABOR DAY Committees Appointed to Have Charge of Big Annual Event The following committees have been named by the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council for their Labor Day celebration: Judges Mayor C. II. Orme and Scrgt. Duncan. ! Starter SUff-Scrgt. McNeil. Finance S. D. Macdonald, F. Derry, Jas. M. Campbell. Sports J. Campbell, Jas. Black, Jack Ratchford, Alex McRaa, F. Rogers, Geo. Shenton, E. Larson, Jas. S. Black. ! llsrMoUnB,FCV- LZ r ! I I Q rounds W. M. Brown, a. Oed- rlna Iff V Dm rA T3 Art T IrMkOTtn : Geo. Dungate, H. Armstrong. Geo. , r-a It T -T ",uie' Dance J. M. Morrison, James Simpson. J. I L Meagher, rt1; at Gte-F- Vlckers. Indian Boy Was Said to Be Shot The ambulance was at the wharf 'last evening on the arrival of the P. R. steamer Princess Mary, to take an Indian boy to the local hos 'pital. Details are not available yet , but It would appear that the boy was shot In the thigh while aboard a fishing boat, and was then 'brought north for medical atten tion. THE WEATHER port SlmpsonCloudy, calm, CO. TcffdeClolidy. calm, CO. Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 60. Alyansh Rain, south' wind, 61. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 00. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 55. ' Stewart Cloudy, calm, 56. Hazelton Cloudy, light wind. 64. Smlthers Cloivly, calm, 60. Burns Lake Clear, calm. Vandcrhoof Cloudy, calm. 52 Eighth Cabin Cloudy, north wind. CITY TAXES WELL PAID Figures Not Yet Available But Big Payment Already Made to the Bank City Treasurer Matheson announces that taxes have come in well but he is not yet able to give out figures as the amounts are not yet tabulated. The last day of July the city paid off $100,000 owing at the payment in a few days. All this tends to establish tbe credit of the city with the financial institutions. Sawmills Shut Down in Prince George District PRINCE GEORGE, Aug. 2: The unfavorable outlook for the lumber, i, . . , . ,. , . Industry Is going to result In vlr- tual stagnation in the sawmilllng districts to the east of the city. The Gale is Trick mill and the Glscome mill will close down today putting ; a large number of men out of em- iployinent. The former mill was built by Eastern Canadian capital T aB- n -nt,Pfrt rt im its business hiiMnaM lime was the tna supplying eimnlvlnff of lumber to' the automobile trade. During the year there was a con- .-tonus of the automobile industry, and this coupled with the slackness In the lumber business In general i the mill down at the end of the month. Grain Cutting Will Commence 10 to 15 Days With the exception of south and central Saskatchewan and south- eastern Alberta, moisture is ample to carry crops to maturity, says th Bunk of Montreal retwrt. Should present ' favorable weather conditions continue, cutting will be Rrncral In ten to fifteen days, and Indications point to an average yield. Some damage from rust Is reported in Manitoba. In Quebec Province, Hie weather continues favorable for all crops. In Ontario while crops are for the most part considered promising, rain is needed in some areas. In the Maritime Provinces, favorable weather prevails and crops generally are progressing satisfactorily. In British Columbia, the weather continues hot and dry and rain would be welcome in most districts. The estimated population of Brazil Is placed at 40,272.650. There were 1,274,027 births In 1929. FORECAST OF NEW CABINET Premier Bennett May Be Also Minister of Finance With Black As Speaker, OTTAWA, Aug. 2: Little cre dence Is placed by political observers in the rumor that John Stewart, former Premier of Prince Edward Island, will be a member of the Conservative cabinet. It Is con sidered likely that George Black of the Yukon will be named Speaker of the House of Commons and that Mr. Bennett will take charge of the department of finance in addition to his other d sties. GREETINGS TO PREMIER Ramsay MacDonald Writes to Mackenzie King By Air Mail Carried on R-100 OTTAWA, Aug. 2: A letter from the Prime Minister of Great Bri- !taln to the Prime Minister of Can-lada crossed the ocean on the R-100. 'Under date of July 28, Premier Mac- Donald wrote to Premier King as follows r 'My dear Prime Minister: "I take the opportunity of the i maiden voyage of the R-100 to l Canada to send you and your colleagues my very best wishes and express the hope that the flight will be the forerunner of a regular alr-'. ship mall service which will draw J closer the bonds which link our two i countries together, i "It Is my confident belief that l'hat1ha18 alady sieved In : nouimg io me potentialities now opening before us." FISH SALES, Fish sales were much heavier this morning on the local exchange when a total of 205,800 pounds was ' disposed of. Of this 164,000 pounds were in American boats with prices from 8c and 4c to 10c and 5c. Canadian boats were responsible for 41,800 pounds at prices from 9c and J ... ,, 5c tn to lie and 6V4c. American ' y 26 StoraBe Tr,nUy A m 8c and to ,, PUh rn SenUnel, 17.000, 8.1c and 4c, LdoUi. Irene, 17,000, 8c and 4c, to Cold Storage. Augusta, 15,500, 10c and - 5c to Royal Fish Co. Wireless, 5,500, 10c and 5c to Royal Fish Co. " Baltic, 11,000, 9c and 5c to Cold storage Tuscan, 13,500, 10c and 5c to Booth Fisheries. Oceanic, 10,500, 9c and 5c, to Cold Storage. Canadian J. R 7,300, 9c and 5c. to Atlin Fish Go. . Gulvlk, 12,000. lie and 6V4c to Atlin Fish Co. Capo Spencer, 7,500, 9c and 5c, Cold Storage. Vtklng I, 9,000, 9c and 5c, to Cold Storage. Gibson, 6,000, (k: and 6c, to Pacific Fisheries. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Aug. 2 The price of wheat today was quoted at 89c. FIRE SITUATION IS RELIEVED' IN CENTRAL B. C. The fl" situation In Central British t lumbia Is much lm- 4 proved as a result of recent showers. The Prince Rupert district extends through to Fraser Lake and throughout it there Is now no fire men- ace and crews of fire fighters have been laid off.