I I iff 1 I1H d-y May 27, 1D30. A Graduate Pharmacist is a on Dutyg ....; at Orities Limited Dispensary BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO Ormeslta. 7w Pioneer Drttreits HfJD AVE. h SIX In ST. TELEPMONrS ft? 6 200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fcatllnt from Prlnrc Rupert rANC'ODVER, VICTOaiA. Butedale Alrt Bay, etc Tueadar 330 njn P SftWtx&$i& Vtn 2?- uinMn.m loi ALICH ARM. ANYOX. HTKWAKT. Nmu KHer. Port Slmui.ua. sua-day, 8.00 p.m. r .-T SIMPSON and WALER ISLAND. Thurvlaj pm 1:1 tmi tnt B M SMITH Unit Prince Rupert, n C Tlroutn tt,krt. told to Victor!. aod Beattl nd b "rVbJJked throucb to dettlnatlon B C COAST ISTEAMSHIPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FKOM PKINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway May 10, 21, 31. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle- May 4, 14, 21. Princess Mary Ocean Kails, etc; Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn Agents For All Sttarruhln Linn i W C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vhot. Si Ranadian National Qid l!argft jtilioay Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ., ., Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ir. iin.r. ana imrrmruiaic points, inursaay & Sunday 10 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART each Wednesday & Saturday at 4 pjn. l or NORTDttuTt SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wed nesdays at 10 p.m. l or SKEENA RIVER rOINTS. Mondays, 8 a.m For .fgCTER POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 a.mM PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT IHU.V KXCKPT HtMHV at I ji.m.. fur PIUMr! tlEOIHIK. IIIMONTO.V. niNMretl, all point 4 In taMern Canada, and I'nllrd Male. Ajency All Ocean Steamship Lines Clt:' Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by ish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCB RUPERT, H.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ' AND SHIPYARD OI'BKATIMi V.. T. '. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK tngir.eers, Machinists, Hollcrmakers, IUacksmlths, Pattern Makers, Pounders, Woodworkers, hie. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOUK PHQNES 43 AND 385 Local Items Dentist, Dr. C86. J, R. Gosse, Phone Try Minehead egg coal, for kitchen use. Clean- and hot," Phone 771 ; ti Money to loan on Improved property. Ilelgcrson. 123 Kenneth Mclvor, for his second offence on a charge of drunken ness, was fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymontwin city police court this morning. on recommendation of the fi nance committee, the city council last night decided to sell lots 7, 8 and 9, block 36, section 7, to John Lindseth for $300 provided he pays nis proportion of taxes for 1930. J. W. McKlnley left on today's train for Hamilton, Ontario, where he will attend the General Assem bly of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. While In the East, he will visit in Toronto and "will probably return to the city in about a month's time. ' The city coundll; on' recommen datlon of the finance committee, decided last night to accept an of fer from Hugh McEachern of $100 each for. lots 2 and 3, block 7, sec tion 1. The lots He below the Sea view Grocery store and are at present rather inaccessible. The local Improvement Initiative bylaw in connection with the proposal to construct an asphaltlc sidewalk on the south side o! Third Avenue from McBrlde Street to Dybhavn & Hanson's office was finally reconsidered and adopted at last night's meeting of the city council. Mrs. Sam Dill, Third Avenue West, appeared before Magistrate MtClymont In city police court this afternoon on a charge of keeping liquor for sale and was re manded.for eight days.. Mrs. Bill was apprehended following a raid by the police on her place last SatordSyevenlng. City Solicitor E. F. Jones is prosecuting the case and Milton Gonzales Is acting as defence Counsel. COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel INIIKU NKIV M.W.WIK.MKNT Strain United: Traveller' Rumple Itonnu; llut and Cold tVnler H t'rrf llim MrrU All Train and Unlit. Rates $1.00 and Up MIXIM, MONTHLY It.VTf.S C. R. BIGGART & A. DONALD Proprlton PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUD1IOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy John Walker, J. Bruce and Otto Frlden, city; Mr. aiid Mrs. C. Cou-thers, Terrace. New Royal Hotel I. 74irrlll. "nip, TUB IIOTKI. W OUT 1 1 WHILE Hot & Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphnnr SHI Royal S. W. Gould, Smlthers; J. Irvine and J. Krlstensen, Vancouver; G. Erlendsen, city; O. Larson and R. Larson, Queen Charlotte; Roger Powell, Metlakatla;''T. Rasdek and T. Julibri, Anyox."" ' ' 1 ' ; 4 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Glasses fitted by registered op tometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) Baseball tonight Elks' vs. Cen trals, 6.45 sharp. (123 Lionel Holtbyureturned to the city on yesterday train after hav ing, spent tpe'nplway week-end at 'Rooming house, 10 rooms for rent furnished, or furniture for sale. Helcgerson. 123 Accounts for the two weeks ending May 23 totalling $7,031 were passed for payment at last night's meeting of the city council. Mrs. Stlckney, who is engaged in the restaurant business in Stewart arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from the north for a brief visit in town. Thomas Kaye'of the Union Oil Co. returned to the city on the Ca tala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. O. E. Gullck, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city tin the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on bus Iness. Union freighter Chllkoot, Capt. W. W. Mounce. Is In the Skeena River today unloading a cargo of cement on to scows for the Power Corporation's construction work at! Falls River and Is due to arrive' here tomorrow. The vessel will go no further north than here this trip. So that water consumers west of the dry dock may be kept separate account of Instead of through the dry dock meter as at persent, the city council last night, on recommendation of the Board of Works, decided to purchase a six-Inch jya- tcr meter to be installed at tne werterly boundary of the dry dock property. . Arthur M. Whltesldes. Dromlnent Vancouver barrister, Arrived In the city on the Catala, this morning, after a brief visit td Stewart on mining business: and; will proceed from here to the Interior. While In the district he will pay a visit with his agd mother who resides at Telkwa with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Dockrill. On recommendation of the finance committee, thecity council Hecided last night to buy in at par ; from Spltzer, Rorck St Co. $6,000! Prince Rupert six percent bonds, j Aid. Collart reported that these were odd lots of bonds which were on the market, some of which were redeemable next year, The purchase will be made from the city's sinking fund. The Royal Canadian Mounted Maybe youVe never thought of this : Next time you want soft water in a hurry t - . try Gillctt's Lye. Dissolve one tablespoon- ful in a gallon of cold water and use this 4 solution for cleaning sinks, refrigerators. floors, tiling, etc. For washing dishes, dissolve one table-spoonful of Gillett's Lye 'in one quart of cold water. Keep in a labelled bottle and put a few drops in the dishpan whenever you wash up. Lye ahould never be diaaolved in hot water. GILLETT'S LYE HAS HUNDREDS OF DAILY HOUSEHOLD USES District Forester A. E. Parlow left on yesterday, afternoon's train for a trip to the Interior on official duties. E. J. Smith bf O. W. Nlckerson Co. returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a brief j business trip to Anyox. The Boys Band committee, at a meeting last evening, decided to purchase nine new uniforms which are required by members of the band. Some of the old uniforms will be rebralded to conform with the newer ones. Aid. Theo. Collart chairman of the Boys' Band committee, presided over the meeting. When the natives brought In; their furs at the week end from I the Mazladin Lake country and! the buyers, including the Hudson Bay representative.'' bid on them, Goldbloom bought 75 per cent In direct competition with the others. He pays the highest price for furs that is why the trappers send their lurs to him. 123 Mrs. McLean, who spent three months here engaged in deaconess work in ocnnectlon with the First Presbyterian Church, sailed at the end of the veek on her return to Vancouver. The evenln gshe left, she gave the Presbyterian Canadian Girls In Training the final of a reries of lectures on "The Three Marys." FUR MAN IS COMING HERE Police have received an enquiry : Will Take Orders For the Very Lat-from the police department of the est Things at Goldbloom's city of Windsor, Ontario, seeking Store Information as to tha wherenbouta of MLss Catherine c: McIIugh.j Tomorrow a representative of thirty-three year o law firm sec- j one of the big fur manufacturing retary. who disappeared from her concerns is expected in Prince Ru-home at Windsor oh April 21. Miss Pert and w111 make his headquarters McHueh is a devout Roman Cath-1 at Goldbloom's fur store. He will be ollc and It is thoueht that she mav : ,n the city for a couple of days and have turned to her church or to Prince Rupert ladles are Invited to some Citholic institution for as- nim and get the very latest ilstance. j l"ore 13 In Iur siyies. u wui De a 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dance May 30. r 22. Moose picnic, Digby' Island, June C. N. Recreation Picnic to Ter race July 1. Canadian Legion Island July 6. picnic Digby We Sell Nothing But the Best Our lines Include CHEVROLET and RUICK Automobiles Willard Guaranteed Tread Rubber Storage Batteries GOODYEAR TIRES RAYnESTOS Brake Linings and Genuine Ducos Ross & Moore Reliable Wrecking Service Phone ,52- -Prince Rupert, B.C. , J wonaeriui opportunity to get fun at first hand direct from the manufacturer and the very latest things In style and fit. Adv. , NEW WEST3IINSTEK (JIKL IS KILLED PETALUMA, Calif., Miss Anerson of New Westminster, B. .C., died on Sunday from Injuries sustained when a car in which she 'and her parents were touring California was struck by a train. The .parents were Injured but arc BATTERIES Hi When we Josyil a COYLE ! fiatt'ety in your car, we do so with the knowledge that it will give you the maximum amount or service. The COYLE is built for long life for constant powerful service. Let us Install one in your car today have the satisfaction of perfect battery performance) Rupert Motors PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ,5 . jyXlAV Send for our booklet. It will ahow you the many ways Gillett's Lye can make cleaning easier for you STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED CILLETT PRODUCT . ' TORONTO MONTREAL" WINNIPEG and offices In all the principal cities of Canada i . ' . r 9 mr icy to give comfort and happtacu to loved ODtA. t The Savings Department op the Bank of Montreal offers you. its friendly services v tohelp . you attain your am-'bltidn for those who are dear to you. BANK OF MONTREAL Established i8i7 Total Assets In exceas ot $960,000,000 tn4 locUt prominciKf: SAW, stungct Try a Daily News Want Ad. .18 b','8 : yi jii3