rrlday, November 21, 1030 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dlnhenvare, H'china, crockery, Finest Orange Pekoe leaves Local Items glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. used to make this are blend Every Thursday evening. 7 to 7.30, the R.C.A. Victor perlod..from Billiards tonight Elks vs. Grotto. KOMO. It's- wonderful. Mcllae eiCM&fl ML Brc Jm. fi a Si U " ill u.,; It TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Pinaud s Special Offer iOc Lilas de France Talcum Free with a $1.00 Bottle of Lilas de France Lotion 50c Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Ouirimd- iiu;ilr. : yuf Pioneer Druggists Phones Rl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St, THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS HERRING Now .Salted Herring .of superior quality just arrived from Norway JACK SELVIG ' ptottoi irr. coT?TioiSTnp service 7.Ytfrit SAILINGS FItOM l'KINCE ItUrEKT I t.C COAST rSTEAMSlllPS ro Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, bitugv. iy Nov. 15, 29. To Vancouvei, Victoria, Seattle-- i'Ncy. 5, 19. Prince. Man Ornv Fan., etc. VaiMSltdirar and Via- lorlu.-every Friday. IQ PSW, Agent For All Steamship Lines W C On-hard. Oert Agent grdv ITiwrt' Hupert, Phone 31. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'tXlM. WISTKIt KXri ItHION IWKKS lltktt.. on Mile fruni Nov I.V 19m t,i )b. :x. 1931 (with IIimI rrtuni limit AUrrli II. 1931) miNCE HUPKKT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RLTTUUN Mrumrra mic Itlnrr lluprrt lor Vawroum : T -fATAIA i:Vt:UV TIKHIIAV. S:Si P..M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday Noou appro;. T.- ( un:N i:vi:1:y hiiia miiimciiit . Arriving Vancouver Bunday nuuiuht ajpro. ilniKs to Port Slmpaow. Alice Am. Anyoa. atowart and Naaa Rim potnu. Bunday. 8:00 p.m. r ii lormatlon iarding all wUlnga and ticket at I'ltl.MX IllTKItT AdRM'Y: Her ond Avenu.. PlwMir 5W FOR SALE HOUSE 9 rooms and buth. sewer connec tion hot water heated, concrete basement, ii; i, need In garden with coivcre wtHtn - A i u bargain Hutu 4 rooms and bath, sewer connection. cx'Ubi' corner, Flth Ave. W., partly furnished H'lr.si; -7 room, .fully modern. Fifth Ave. tn arrange 3,500.00 $1,500.00 4,000.00 McOAFFEKY, GIKHONS & COLLART, LTD. Third Ave. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 11 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST UKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1'llINCE ItUl'EKT, n.C. Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, fotomftrlst at 'flcnbrSneslore. ''About fiWoff.fH-rsons are employ ed In the Pishing Industry of Can ada. TENDLUb WANTED SEE! 272 Boxing tonight, . EmflTreBs Social qjjb.jArena Mel, Cowfc, Tqafcher-welghtiChamp. tit Westerjj Canada1 vtf Bill? Balne. KtftchUtan. . . ' Junior Glrto Branch of the Anglican W. A. te and sale of home-cooking at the borne fof Mrs. Wad-dington, No. 5, Waldron Apartment Saturday from 4 to 6. 272 Sealed tenders for the purchase of the Anglican Mission Boat "Northern Cross" will be received by the undersigned up to noon December 16, 1030. Terms strictly cash. The boat may be inspected at the local Dry Dock and typed general particulars may be had from Ray. W. K. Rushbrook, P O 553, Prince Rupert, B.C. 276 it, . . ANNOUNCEMENTS . Presbyterian Basaar Not. 20 Moose Whist Drive and Dance November 3& ifoyal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, December 1. Anglican W. A. Bazaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dee. 4. Hard time dance Queen Mary Chapter, I.OD.E. Hall Decerakjer 4 High School Concert. Dec 11. Canadian Legion BJS.L. Christmas Tree DecemeeT 20. SOMETHING NEW - FOK LADIES AND GENTS Lam assortment new clothes for (autumn and winter lust to hand All finest quality ami latest patterns. Come in and set' us t.xlay. Butt or overcoat complete and finished In three days. Line, I lie Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing vul altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOK 81? Second Ave. Phone 049 FOR THE HOLIDAYS not tuLe winter liolldaytliUycnrinBa.lmt Canada? VUll old Quabor wllli lirr pay io((lnl, quaint tM burlmut and fini ahrixea. Canudian Nnlloiral offers a-crplinnally low fare lo poiiiln in Koalprn Canada from Dec. lat lojnu. filli . . . titrird an lHt you may mjoy the Chrlatmaa and New Year's fsatWlltsa. Nlncty-day return limit . . lllieru! sImcts. JirM phMH for rrnrrraliona. HOLIDAY RETURN FARES Mit rMl - -Toronto - - Ottawa ...... Onr-taw ..... .Ilallfat S.lnt John, N.U. . . (lurlattrtVTiti - - - laaHMn - .r.,- .if.. Wrrutear . v ' 1134.60 111.4 IM.4S IU.H UB.4.1 iu.n 1M.TS Ml .45 KaratU. ) m .i . mU1.4X Ttanrnian- - - :"U1 .4S rhytbi.r. N.rl'- nf- 'tMKOS eadian afinal For Information Call or Write It. V. McNauffhten, District raasenaer Avent, I Prince llupert. n.C. Jilt "1 ii . ! ill fibrehzernsailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria hear which city lie' will spend the next month or so. The value of Materials used-annually in tne FttlfCannlng & Curing EtaV4i?hmcnls of Canada is abot ft0,000,000, 272 Hyggas Bazaar, Metropole Hall. Friday, Nov. 21. Program starts at 8 o'clock. Sale of fancy work. Admission to dance 25c. Everybody welcome. . , 272 When you want real warmth in your home order Nanalmo-Weilington Coal. The coal that made Nanaimo a city. Albert & MeCaffery. l'honc 11C and 117. tf After having spent ten months in the city, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom -ealled last night on the Prince George for Vancouver en route to their home in Montreal. On the way, Mrs. Bloom will stop off at Chicago to visit with a sister. Quite 'a number" bf friends were at the -dock last .night to bid good-by to Miss Huldah Graham who left on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver en route to Mexico where she plans to pay an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. McCarthy at Ensenada. SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial wui De appreciated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Money Savers ! For Friday and Saturday IN Quality Grocehes Butter Fancy New Zealand OOl OOp pur 1-lb. print Quality Guaranteed Q-f -f O 3 lbs 01JLA Qoldeu Bleached Sultanas -f per lb Candied Peel Whole Mixed 67o per lb , wansdown Cake Flour For OQp Nabob Whole Clams per tin 15c Tomatoes Large tins, order AOX OQp catiyv for I, Seedless Raisins 47P per 4-lb Market Day pkR. Orange Marmalade Nabob Q'lp ' or Empress, per 40-oz. Jar Mayonnaise Gold Medal Q9p "The Best" per 8-oz. Jar Wild Rose Pastry Flour CAp .vi w-iu, enva Spilt Peas 3 lbs 22c Playing. Cards Ollt edged A9p att per pack Eruit & Vegetables vsrz 9t9 SL :.: $1-95 Table Pears 00 O ffp per dozen Fresh Savoy Cabbage OAp iUU per head Firm California Lettuce Offn UO 9 hoarl. aivswu Firm B, C. Celery 2 heads 25c Fancy Hothouse Tomatoes g g q Watts' Grocery Qunlllv KiKht Prices Hight I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 H WARNING . Tmltattoo of OvaltiiM bound. fiejact them. TK an pot "!" or "similar to Urahioa. Thia pcrfmt food la room-aoaoded bf doctor tkrol-oat tho world. Week-End SPECIAL: Braid's Best Tea With cup S(n and saucer, per lb tv Braid's Best Coffee It O n per lb "aOK, Fancy Sweet Biscuits M Cn 2 lbs Gorgonzola Cheese ("(in per lb Jack Cheese A e per lb 2tJv Kraft Cheese-S-lb. box Eggs Firsts 3 dozen Cheese Charms 3 pkgs ' per tin Pure Lard per lb Crtsco 6"s , tper tin Crisco 3 's per tin $1.25 25c Malkln's Table Syrup 2ft's CQ 20c 1.55 80c The Economy Cash & Carry 'Where Uollars Have More Cents" l'honc 369 319 Third Ave. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT (Meant llralrrt; TratellW Sunilr Itimms; lint and Cold Mnlrr Vrrt lu MrrU All Train and I sou lo Kates $1.00 and Up MI'EClAI. MONTHLY IIATBt C.K.niOOAllT & A. DONALD rriirltluri PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ituperc's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roomi A. J. rmiDlIOMMC, I'rop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. Savoy Miss Lena David, Winnipeg. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, 'Top. THE HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot & Cold Water; Btaam Hat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone- 81 Itoyal M. Whatystow, Pacific; T. Oa-zola, Premier; L. LeVolr and Len LeVolr. Anyox; E. C. Morris and H. Bradley, Stewart. o : : -.1. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNLKS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince llupert 1 '..:t I SATURDAY SP&CiAL RopcatingJLast Week's tSujesa , Two Laver Devil's Food Cake, Saturday gQp Special, each . The Electric Bakery Third A'e .Phone CG7 FKHL DELIVEKY Order your Christmas Cakes and Puddhigf now Gold and Silver Plating Jewelry Designed, Made or Repaired Watch & Clock Repairs A Specialty Engraving Leo Contoli . t; Maiaavfatturini Jeweler )fII320 Srkth St. Phone 911 Mall orders will be given prompt attention GVALTINE overcomes sleeplessness even acute cases of Insomnia. Tati Jticr tifnr retire, it soothes raw nerves, allays digestive unrest, and brings sound, natural sleep. Ovaltine is free from drugs or narcotics. It is made by an exclusive process from ripe barley malt, fresh eggs, and creamy milk. It is a scientifically correct food for body and brain. As a night-cap, to bring you sound sleep, or as a meal-time beverage, it gives you health and vitality. TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN, NERVE AND BODY AlaUlandauKaiaiSOc,7Sa, 11.25 aad special famUv UM JiJW tiai prrrai k4 m oUd M kkU Uunli. Qjfjkijl v ' f BltHfitmomt- ujndmg work bool aad is worthy of nnul markiag. The ole tip of mty gtnumr $1? u colorraf blar You us't mutike thrm. thr rrfituicd Maa trade mark it ttamprd on thr tola Look for Travel to work in comfort TAXI -PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. ihn mjik Acctpt no tobtritua. that i re none so good. Your Dealer ha$ them I Uttt ay J LECKIL CO LTD. VAMjOUVtB. a.c WORK-BOOTS Sllili' BUSH'S Groc erferia FIRST SHIPMENT OF APS $1.00 - - Box $1.95 - Bundle resh Shipment of Snaps per lb Empress Jams-glass jar Red Arrow Sodas per pkt Aylmer Peas No. 4 per tin Nabob Apricots 2V per tin Nabob Orange Marmalade, 4-lb tin Ciiv A guaranteed, hand pa:nt"it enlargement from your own snapshot or photo. Fru-nc . 25 o 50 lower priced than competitor. .Phona or wnu WESTE11N SALES COMPANY P. O. Box 158 Centn! h ,.( i cr 25c 2 Jc 13c 25c 5c j Bush's Grocerleria Phone 211 We Deliver 1 A-, amait&cjuairVi'giBUhRr Steam Baths 304 Sixth St. Phmii' B! ick 7IM Opposite Prince Riiixt: II :- l Ladies Dv Apnointnfiu Gents from ii p.m. to 1- i-.n;. n ' l V 1 i & ... 5, n 3f' "J I ... .yH I!" :Stf 1 . ..Bl t m i: !a ml I