We Hurry ‘Taxi---Phone 99 n Day and Night New Management Ope WOL.X. NO, 247. ~_—_ (Special to The Nows Northern and Central British \rganized Labor Withdraws [sacs From Industrial Conference! ,zmuel Compers Disassociates the American Federation from Gathering which has been Considering Relationship Between Labor and Capital. 000,000. via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) — The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT lumbia’s Newspaper “<4 = SS PRINCE RUPERT, » Cy THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 7 s 1919, BRITISH COLUMBIANS VANCOUVER, Oct. 24.—0n Monday next, October 27, the Sixth Wap Loan will be launched. General Ourrie States that the Canadiar Army never failed to carr PSE PO OS S08 02 POOP OOOnYD Decide to keep TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Slrep s” if 4 \ A PRINCE RUPERT Mu ' Bh (707 Second Avenue a) Mw. LaRGR! ' *.@) ; ua — PRICE FIVE CENTS United Farmers will Not Form Alliance free from old Political WASHINGTON, October 23.—Organized labor, through uel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, announced its withdrawal from the National! Industrial Con- nce which has been-in session here for several weeks past y to arrange a reasonable relationship between capital and The conference met first on October @ and has ‘been holding ular sessions singe: that time, Among the chief questions’ up discussion has been that of collective bargaining, the right hich has been denied by a section of the conference. Leaders of the big steel strike, which is still going on, have looking to this conference as a means of settling the dispute een the steel magnates and the employees. Most of the | works are in operation, but some of them are badly handi- ped by the lack of skilled workers and through the difficulty its objective. is ; tumbia’s cueiee te Gap. ? Parties; Will choose Leader soon suesienenctenreiiuasisiiinlin Gah Gaon ae but no outstanding Figure who ‘LADIES’ DAY AT THE id? mehten Commune fl is sure to be it. swer must be “No.” This is a war loan, 1919 is a war year. For four and haif years our Canadian y8 stood the test at the t and their job is done. us demonstrate to them that we can do our Part they did theirs. W. H, MALKIN, Provincial Chairman. LOCAL POLICE COURT Three Women Convidiad of Being Drink and Di rly. Todays was ladies’ day in the police e@urt. Of th four cases before Magistrate MeMordie three of them wete charges against wo- men for being drunk. Mabel liarris, whose case was adjourned yesterday morning, had her wit- nesses up this morning, but they proved of little h&p to her. She was fined ten dollars for being drunk and disorderly. Two (Special to The News via G,T.P. Telograpns,» TORONTO, October 23.—The United Farmers of the Ontario eounties decided yesterday that they Would not form an alliance Pwith either of the old political parties. They have not yet chosen fa leader, but it is expected that, when they do, he will be called f#pon to form a government. He will have to be chosen from famong the members elected to the legislature. There are 43 to choose from, but there does not seen, to ‘be any outstanding figure that would make the choice a certajnty. While the Farmers are the dominant party, they have not a working majority without a good many members of the other parties. Even with the labor men théy nutiber less than half the members of the legislature. Whether they will be backed by the Liberals does not yet appear, although it is expected that some .R CHARIOT - HERE SOON Steamer to Complete Lumber Cargo Here Early in November. plain CG, H, Nicholson, super- pdent of the Grand Trunk t Steamship Service, when in ily recently arranged for the ng of the big freighter War jot which is-to load spruce the United Kingdom. Ww he first and fifth of No- d will doek at the. G. eoa harf. e War Chariot is the latest e new war boats to be turned at the Coughlans shipyards Ancouver and is now loading er at Vancouver, having com- | her trial runs satisfactor- She is very similar in style size to the War Company Was here September 10 for ame purpose, POLICE CRITICIZED tigation into the Charge of icking a Man Who Was Being Arrested. een | pel il th Commissioner Hill and Missioner Maedonald cited } al the Police Commission Ne last night where the local > Were blamed sey; for, being a is ad hye “oMihissioner Maedon- aed of wher aman had kicked when he had fallen and Commissioner. Hill of °& Man had been taken hold 4Wwagon. The Commission- aid that the police would lo show their stars and also Who they were before any ral for * would be tolerated. ssioner Macdonald felt that Were true that an oMeer had 14 man when he was down Pould he dismissed from the MMissioner — Macdonald and ickers are to investigate harges and bring in a re. k Bush the is , Stewart mining £Oineg to Stewart by the Albert this evening, Special $41.9 Wallace's, e sets 5 per pair, 248 izes. we. btice to Launch and Boatmen a. Shawatlang Passage dow m— © Water Main, ' when crossi . 8nd joe ah ‘ng pipe ding, ae cables before les span ng repe Pg CLEMENTS, © and uneivilin makirf® - scuring supplies, men in kindred trades objecting to supplying js to a trade that is under the union ban. eaonaprineenanelitle » JIMMIE MITCHELL TAKES ACTIVE PART IN UNIVERSITY LIFE J. Mitehell, formerly of the Daily News staff, appears to be entering Very energetically into the activities of University life at the University of B. C. in Van- couven. Yesterday he took the negative side in a debate “Re- solved that the future government of the British Empire shall be a commonwealth ‘as outlined by Cirtis." Together with another arrive here some timehthird year man, he argued this against a returned soldier chap- lain student and the winner of last year's oratorical contest at the college. Mr. Mitchell is secretary of the college football club, as well as playing half centre. Another honor that has been conferred upon him is the presidency of the college Y. M. C. A. As such, he often-has to introduce celebrities to the student body. On Friday he is to be chairman at a meeting at which the famous old country revivalist, Gypsy Smith, will speak. It is believed that there will be an attendance of gver 800 as he ha® been receiving a great reception in Vancouver GERMAN GRAND OPERA (Spec: om 6. TP. TPerecraphs. NEW YORK, Oct. 23\-Rioting when for the ‘second time this week German grand opera was produced. Mayor HwWand has de- cided that no production was to be staged until the Peace Treaty had heen signed. Returned soldiers and others took part in the demonstration and feeling against local Germans who would go contrary to public feeling is very strong. ROAD TAX Those Who do not va neato to A suggestion was made at the meeting of the Police Commission last.evening that an officer be sent around with the road tax collector to aid him in rounding up those who should pay. This suggestion was not adopted by the commis- sion, but it was pointed out that those who refused to pay, might be summoned and were liagle to a fine of $100 or two ‘months’ im- prisonment. Commissioner Macdonald had one dault to find with the present ‘road tax system, that was that the names of those who paid noad tax did not xo automatically on the voters’ list, but that they had to come to the city hall to declare City Engineer, { SON ernrnrnrnrn = Avk for Atkins’ Sausages. i broke out here again‘ last night Iments Indian women also ap- Appeared on the same charge. A SALARY BEFORE sort of a working arrangement will be made. . young Indian girl, Annie Smith, was fined ten dollars. The charge against Minnie Johnson was ad- journed till tomorrow morning as she claimed being only “ a little drunk" as the result of ore drink. As a result of these two cases, i. J. Butler was charged with supplying under the Indian Act and his case has been adjourned until tomorrow morning. COMMISSION Cenerai Discussion Regarding the Appointments and Pay at Meeting Yesterday. St. Andrew's and Oddfellows won Games Last Night. in the second games of the whist tournament held in the Sons of England rooms last night, the St. Andrew's teams won from the Vathalla by a score of 5-4. The Oddfellows also scored 6-3 over the Sons of England. Following is the standing of In speaking of the increase of pay to the police magistrate, Whieh was laid over By the coun- cil for six months, Commissioner Macdonald at the meeting of the FRENCH GUNS BOMBARD FORTS Their Long Range Give Them Advantage Over Other Artillery. . (Special via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Oct. 23.—Wireless ‘from Helsingfors says that the French warships have been bom- barding the coast forts since Monday. They are able to reach beyond | e of the artillery of the weed es owing to the Police Commissioners said that| the whist league he would have been prepared to WwW. LL. Per. MADE OF FLAX hove a resolution recommending | Sons of Sanada { 0 1000 au inerease if the matter had not | Oddfellows 4 © 1000