rHuE DALLY NEWS Page 2 == == —— _———— = ee = - eee epee MINERAL ACT THE DAILy NEWS | WELCOME RELIEF curate st improvements 17 NOTICE. PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA . cham alae - ie on lives ‘Niorae | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News +) FROM Division of Cassiar Lo a 4 Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. : he ate Nock "tnat Lewis W Palmore, aH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Epitor. ed a Drake, ‘Re ser ‘of the ‘Supreme | Court cf British Célumbia, B. C., Free ag he eee — oe @ Miner's Certificate No, 33583-0, Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r Gives Gratifyiig Results to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate oe of tropre t fi th of ob City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. eninge Crown Grant of Gach of the By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Wasixa, Ont i rit take notice that action, un “T bad an attack of Weepirg | der section 85, must be commenced before To United States and oth other countries, in advance, $7. 5 Eczema w bad that my clothes aeiail a, - suance of such Certificate of Improve- We have a Koi ki TELEPHONE 98. 98. be wet through at times. mated thie 18ta day of September, 4.1 ey , Porfourmonths, Isaffered terribly, | '®!*% — ~~ t it TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. I could get no relief wwtil J tried LAND ACT o su your special requirement Contract R Rates on 1 applies ‘ion. “Freit-atives" and'Soothe Salve | Full range from Vest Pocket + p " a= ee Neen Altogether I have used thres Ost ( . In Queen Mharlotte “aie vo Ape se rand District, 1 sing 9: box f “‘Sootha-Salva”’ anc Recording District of Prince Rupert, and ~ DAILY EDITION. ss: Thursday, Oct. 23, 1919. a we a es and two - moran See SS @ ee haand | - - —-——— - —-—— oe -a-tves'; a a asaaarl TARE NOTICE that we, the Graham, Is. Everything in Kodak a . well.”’ a Wee ALL. and Spruce Cedar Co., Limited, o Por g S | Pop Athletic Association Both these favorite remedies are wa Chae Gee aT upp les ae Formally Launched. sold by dealers at S0c. a box, 6 fur |'Ow!Nk described lands:- ran ’ Corn in t ost lanted tw The Prince Rupert Amateur Athletic Association was for $2.5, or sent on receipt of price by | N.W mcorner of Block 65, townsite of Port Phones 82 and 200 Store Bs mally launched on Tuesday evening when officers were elected,| Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ortawa. oes whats Ee dan. WndGh ts ties 3rd Avenue and 6th Sire. ’: Bont igag gi a board of directors chosen and the first steps taken to incor- “Fruit-a-tives” is aiso put up ima south 237.77. ft punence east 478.08 fe; ae . . " . : . rence Tollo ne ore tine a nor z ° ' ¢ , } ws. easterly direction to the point of com- ' porate the club. It was also decided to inaugurate a drive for] tsial sise which sells for 25¢ . funds early next week. —- rere | meneement and containing 7.1 acres, more w les Nothing is needed in Prince Rupert so badly as a good Ath- letic Association. There is hardly a man or woman, boy or girl but would be better for more exercise. To keep fit is difficult in a place where the days are short and there are no conveniences GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO LIMITED _Dated August 19th, 1919. 3 VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT T.._DISTRICT ' OF COAST, RANGE Ill ! ; 5.S. PRINCE RUPERT Bi tor indoor exercise. It is to fill this need that the Association is ee is being started and the residents of the city will be asked to help icoan Pails, .B.C., occupation married ‘wo & “ : iat : : " b man, intends to apply for permission to § S PRI oh? make it a success by contributing to the finances and also by tak aan, nee eee ee een O wo. NCE GEORGE en ing a personal interest in the work of the new organization. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Commencing at a post planted on the SAILP : north a a small island on the west anand side of Choked Passage, west of Hunter ai Liquor Plebisoite piberve exotiny oper Laie 460s that th | island, thenee sonth 40 chains, thence west THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, ocEay Rg in Ontario. Range 5, Coast District, is cancelled 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE PALL ” . ‘ He NADEN, east 40 chains to point of commencement weongenay en Apparently the people of Ontario have decided tna. cney «lo Depety Minister of in nd comsining (160 secre, more or less and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FoR ANyox not want alcoholic drinks in that province. Whatever sort of ‘By Mark Smaby, Agent 6.8. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE aLeeRT government is now formed will have to obey the mandate of the nee Ee eee nn, sinegnninchll For Stewart Wednesday at 2 pn people and implement in legislation what the people have indi- qu ees CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dts- ae Port eee nd | ‘ a Cc Southe ; P f Sand cated they want. 7 OMe — - Be eee The movement against alcohol as a beverage is practically netinast TRAIN GERVICE ; de , TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, o° Passenger Monday, W®dnesday and Saturday . world wide. In the countries where prohibition does not obtain Prince “Rupert, B. ©., prospector, intend Prince George, Edmonton and Winnives \ (0 apply for a leence to prospect for coal, tl and petroleum over the following de ail potnts east « scribed lands on the West Coast of Ora: —_—— = ham island Commencing at a post planted at three AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAYSHIP Lincs there is an agitation going on against it. Even in England and Scotland the movement is gaining strength and it will not be many years before those countries will vote “dry. Some people . oa : ; NOTICE h " 0 ) ‘ r think this impossible, but it is not. A few years ago it might —— tat benh. dieunde Bd. daaines enoee Gake yg oy ~ wy I } 7 s Lot 2637, thence 8&0 chains north, thener ¢ City Ticket Office, B26 Third Avenues Phone 260 . have been thought.impossible in Canada and the United States,| Novice is nereby given that the reserve se chains west, thence 80 chains south but a wave of enthusiasm passed over the country and the bars] S}e0Re Over ote ete ee ot d hotoe Se ae te Ne: <6 ha and whiskey shops went out of existence. The probability is| wovsned in the B. C. Gasette of 271m Be | ied uty 27, oe ; they have gone to-stay. Ina fw years those who have an extreme eek: Sas ated September 25th, 1019 F thirst will be killed off by the use of “squirrel” and those with]... unemt of tems Of bane WATER noTICR normal appetites will not be keen to see any return to the former] 22nd september, ‘1919. DIVERSION AND USE CANADIAN PACIFIC RA WA — orgies. . yy Peat. ai . TAKE NOTIC oe . ee oy ; os ee IN THE SUPR } , s NOTICE that Northern B.C. Pish- aE Even if there was a return to “wet” conditions, the people EME GOURT OF BRITISH) ories iimited whose address ts Winch Pe N r . 4 te be a tod in the fret week that th amma lad yt Bullding, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for io hie — ; a woul e so disgusted in e tirst wee a ey wou be gia IN THE MA a Hteence to take and use 4 cubie feet per Vela @ Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points of the first opportunity to close up once more. HUGH” YacPHENSON MARTIN. DE-| Srcck whlch ees et ah Gum me _ via Steamer to Vancouver and the / CEASE y INTESTATE. Steamer Paseag.e about 200 feet weet of Ca di Pp bs : . . s 290000 wr MAY c ONCERN ot ee wow | “the “water? will! ie Sheers from the oe ony — Railway c of an order made by | «; , Jt. BUYING THE BEST Fe er anae® e Some URE, | ibe JV. Car Lot Ge84 and il be lined | mei mf i for industrial power purpose upon the , ‘By Walt Mason.) nit 1S “ORDERED "that §. ts. “tectapnen) eran noe © L08 00Rs eBags 8, Come 5. 8. PRINCESS ALICE 8.8. PRINCESS many OMcial Administrator encou mem Guten t The best things are the cheapest, and shoddy things are the death pin, Be allow io" bwear te 10 the oth day of September, 1919. feu By Reptembae 3 19 "26 Oetaber 47, ae . . an ac reson tt fe . v, ¥, «0; ober 6. 1 punk; that man’s a chroni« weepist who blows himself for having occurred on the 4th day uss .—- ro phe SF leation pursuant For Ketohiken, duneau. Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, (rom Prince Rupert junk. Some bargain he gves hunting, in pens or rubber Dest Pol Cee eo ete ori | Will De Mled in the omce of the Water Ihe September 4, 15, 22; Ovtober tires, in celluloid or bunting, in hats or cast-off lyres. He unless in the meantime proof ts furnish. nae og + SS 8 emis ; y bh doesn't ask the merit of calico he buys; he doesn't bite or Prince Rupers ans the ente A. 4 a 2 awe with the said Water ecorder or with eee ~ es — SERVICES Ret tear it, or hold it to his « yes; if it's as cheap. as _blitzen, son Mertin was living subsequently 0 the | men: “Tulldings, “Vier, BC” wiius W. ©. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. r} he thinks the dea! will pay; and every game he sits in he AND IT Is FURTHER ORDERED that th at se Ga ie Geet _sppetrence of A . BC a plays this sort of way. H's elothes are always seedy, his cade ‘tn the Prince” Rupert "Dail | NORTHERN B aS : Litre a 3ed Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, shoes are down at heels, he's looking poor. and. needy 8 Bewepeper ‘pebushed at the City of Applicant ‘ ; ve Prince Rupert, B. C. By W. A. Bauer, Agent - though he earns many wheels. He blows in all his wages period of one mc a - re es a sw Se 2 first or peers - 4 this _ ie for things that do not wear, for birds in cheap tin. cages. «Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C., this 190) | orince p Rupert ee a ee ae and wigs that have no har. The chairs all go to pieces, iH. MeMULLIN, - _ os Y ill delight i } t th paste tha e “5 he purchased at the store, depositing his nieces and aunts IN PROBATE. oo een aoe viele ete ih oi , ; : : : . is So delightfully tia) upon the floor. His car ix always busting when he would in: tees Glecemane: cities om sieileadt For Comfort, Courtesy~ take a ride, and accidents disgusting deface his snowy hide. COLUMBIA. and Service PENSLAR TOOTH PA His boat is always leaking when he would row a bit, and IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA is -unlik t dental cre inasmuch as it does i i coroners are seeking his } ones, on whieh to sit. His dog ON ACT =a coiiele nom eh ff ° te 4 eaves no silt . : : : ' _ -- eI a . is always mangy, his cat wa’ built to squall, his cow is IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ( Pe etn teva ur t +} jean and rangy, and kicks him through the wall. He always Sat TURE, SUCRARED UTES: The SAVOY HOTEL —" for a week® he ch hen he d sh i y : ae i We want you to try it. Use it regularly tora® hunts the cheapest when he would shopping wend; cheap ; -— d : pweon it and heel prices are the steepest, as we know, in the end. | My large Honour F wal eo0- 4 made the 47th oon F. T. Eowne eng SINS ate the eenee os sy te, and shining dollars in good things I invest; in buying cows Of Gorsber, A. Ds: 1080, 1 wes niet . as you have been us 35¢ tube or collars, I always want the best. Dunn, deceased, and ‘sll’ parties paving : Penslar Tooth Paste is sold in generou ; claims against ihe said estate are here , ur reco! amare om on wee 4 required to Tu same, p 7 verified Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Try it upon our : to aes wet 1 . the 17 of No- vember, 194 and ali Sotuss in- debted ‘to the estate are required to pay The Prince Rupert Drug Co, r feo omnant of their indebtedness to me STS i JOHN HK. MeMULLIN, . FAMILY CHEMIST e OMeial Administrator Hotel Prince Third Avenue, opposite Second Sireet. i DATED this i7th day of October, 1019 pert PHONE 134 Mall Orders Given Promp! Attentio! + F ist Prize $200 Cash. IN PROBATE. a 2nd Prize $100 Cash. IN THR SUPREME COURT OF | BRITISN EUROPEAN PLAN a 3rd Prize $50 Cash. ? — $1.60 per day and up. — _ - x Special Prizes, $50 Cash. IN THE MATTER OF THR ADMINISTRA These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of},, ane am end PIRST-OLAGS CAPE va new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decided TAP ALBIN alle DECEASED. A La Aerts. Wi Jum aM i hy points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: INTE ee — ‘ City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. | y RAKE» NQTCK tat In onder of Ie PHONES 130 gf 423. ee { Momth, 75¢. 2.... 75 poini- hof October, A. D. 1919, I was inted Grandview Hotel rtm in ie B. 6 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 point» i Month, 50c. ...... 50 points pape ales tho eatene, perties having FIRST AVENUE Sargon Reneremens of Lume’ | Pati M ashe: sa 1,000 point. | 6 Months, $3 .......350 points] Sitired%e tarnish sane pete, are hereby hen Onde FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY : ° » e 2 Years, $16 ..... -2,000 points | 1 Year, 86 .........800 points] to me, on ot before the 17th day of Nw Rooms by Week or Month SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Renewals, City or Outside. debted to the estate are requited ‘o oa 577 On every dollar collected, 50 pts. ae « Ge net eee Consult Us. SPECIAL GASH BONUSES. OE Pe | me ee ee | ’ ’ . a or Pe Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions | 28ed this 17th day Of Uetober, A, D. 16L¥. The “Gartiand” Boarding House | during the first week of entering the contest gets a starter’s bonus LAND ACT of #40. 416 Sixth Avenue East Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully |58FEX* LAND DISTRICT—-pISTRICT OF Near Drydock NOTARY pusult b 4 ry ss subseriptions gets a ee Bonus of $100 in addition eet ened —s . ; 2 ; oe Phaze Red Oe INSURANCE — 5 Oo any prizes or commissions otherwise earned. Gein tele, B.C. enn Ce ag Royal insurance oom ‘nl ws very competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes ene ° oe a et ‘tor’ permission 10 lease the 9 Northern As wranee gne mae or not stands to make a substantial sum, according to the amount Commencing 4 at = “planted at the a a S ~— timited vareniet ] collected, an ss Siadk le I tal ty , e ye ae Lancasnire © > t Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- | ef re af Swindle Aaland, aha ‘ireetly north wo ident 00 insurance ; wilh and its receipt at the oflice starts the competitor with 100 chains; mone arth 40 theine so poine of General Real Estate Agent Fidetity-Pnenix Fire C points. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each contestant can | commencement, and containing 160 acres more or less, gd Second Sirest. he nominated only once i MARK SMABY menene Avenue on The contest manager will be in the office only ‘rom 4:30 to] — i tam sete ait “ D » 6 each afternoon, when every information will be given akties NOTICE ee a coceseneee Ceenet THEO COLLART, Notary pi yy 00 UF competitors, IN THE MATTER OF an application fort — eid s a i Ci coleoed od .... | the issue of @ fresh Ceruneate of Tithe te Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty-one (34), NOMINATION BLANK Section Seven (7), City of Prinee Rupert, (Man 923) NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it | hereby neminate as a contestant » Pp ; ; | my, intention 10 issue af : fl : y ce in your Prize Competition: | of one (1) month from the ‘iret pupiicn. CHICKEN FEED tion hereof, 4 fresh certificate of t Specia nag Name ..... » Sa the above paeetey lands , the omnes oF a Ity ae om 7 sided de oimcitlins oth tan es 04d Weeees Pather Mekengie, which certificate of tithe oe Wan issued U i have ) ’ aca wax lenued te 6 , pana March, i911, and] Mail Orders promptly attended to = wnt ree 0.6 et: Cate. e tert als wiclk ¢ tied pitts PAC RO, . _ rer of Titles MARINE INSURANCE hand Registry OMee, P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Se vader decceeee eee Me fe Petn ner Ss ae _ eae ee ee ee 22nd of hlenines 1" el rine insuRANOE 7° » ¢ Bioct Neminated by .......