rAOEWTWO The Daily News r QUINCE UVVEUT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Trlnce Rupert Daily Ntws, Limited. Third Avenue (U. F. PULLLN - - i ManaginjrEdhor : r hi! I ; SUKSCIUPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of Brithh Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid lr. advance, per year . By mail to all other countries, per year y . For leaser period, paid in advance; per month . ,.j .., By mail to all parts of Northern nnd ,QentraI British, Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period , ..p Or. four months for .. ., .....f. . .....f..,. City, delivery,' by mail or carrier, yearly .eriodpaid in, advance Transient advertising on front page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, per line , Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertjon Classified adverting, per insertion, per word Legal notices, eath Insertion, p,er agate ling Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Mr. and Mrs. Prank Robinson have moved to Remo, where Mr. Robinson is taking out ties. Mrs. E. M. Smith went Into Prince Rupert Thursday for chiropractic treatment. Miss Lillian Taper of Pacific Is leaving .shortly for Trahqullle Sanitarium for rest and treatment Arrangements were made by Dr. Brummltt of Terrace. A. C. Small, renresentine the Swift Canadian Co., Prince Rupert, was in town last week for two days. Mrs. Alex Olsen underwent an operation in the Prince Rupert General Hospital last Monday and it progressing favorably. Pr. R. B. Brummltt and family leu i ox Smlthers today. Dr. Brummltt will take up the practice of his REMO Mr. and Mrs. P. Robinson of Ter 0 .02; 46, DAILY EDITION -sfa.- Monday, March 3, 1930. j NORTHERN B.C. NEWS '! 1. i TERRACE The "Tenderfoot" Boy Scouts, under the leadership of the Assistant Scoutmaster, Jack Sparkes, hiked along the Copper road Saturday, and enjoyed a picnic on the bank of the Skeera River. C. J. Wilkinson of Salvus arrived In town Saturday on the afternoon train. 9 Miss Ruby Llewellyn of Terrace, who went to Prince Rupert last fall. Is now clerking in Fraser & Payne's dry goods store there. The roads of Terrace were closed to heavy traffic last week In an endeavor to keep them In good condition during the spring thaw Mrs I G. Sklnner-of Copper City went? Jn W Prince Rupert on Friday wiyfrWght. L. P. Coles, piano tuner, has been in town for the last few days. race have moved to Remo. Mr. Robinson Is busy hauling out the logs and poles cut last summer on his timber, purchase. A. Y. Wilson made a short busi ness trip to Prince Rupert, going down on Thursday and returning Saturday. The Remo Farmers' Association. nem ineir regular mommy meeit Ing Saturday evening. It was very well attended. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed with music and refreshments. BURNS LAKE Mrs. P. J. Carroll and baby daughter, Cecilia Marie, left the Burns Lake Hospital for their home at Decker Lake on Wednes day. The board of management of St. Paul's United Church here has elected officers as follows: chairman, H. Linton; vice-chairman. Mrs. H. D. MacKell; secretary- treasurer, C. R. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Klneald, after having spent several months here visiting with their daughter. Mrs. C. R. McLeod, left last week on their return to their home ln Kelowna. Mrs. Frank Carroll and Miss profession there. Their many friends; will be sorry to part with j them. Dr. Brummltt will be greatly missed as it leaves Terrace without : a doctor. j Was Helpless FOR FOUR YEARS With Rheumatism Mr. Tmd K.'oh. HI Crawford Ave, VV incisor, uni., writes: "i was troubled with rheumatism for seven years, apd for topr years I ws helpless I had to be holr3 ont of bed aild -could not sit straight in a chair, i "I derived such good result from I wish to voice my praise on behalf of ycur wonderful medicine, and a also say it ik helping others whom I have adrised to take it." rut up only !jy The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dorothy JAontoerrat of Deckw Lake Mere visitors in town last week. VANBEfiffOGSF Stuart Lake. TVA fnn&Mi Af Tiima AlHlnn 4n mittCC, Communion services were con ducted in the United Church here gave a birthday party at theL home last Monday evening in hoflorpffirsrJUwrerwe. . J. M. Johnston left last Thurs-day monilng for a two-weeks' business trip to Vancouver and Vc,-torla. ;;". Mrs. T. B. Mitchell has retilrne to her home in the Pralrta'dale district after having spent the winter months in Vancouver visiting with relatives. Mrs. J. W. Paterson and daughter, Miss Florence Paterson, have returned from a trip to Vancouver. Weather having now become rattier soft, the local skating rink has been closed for the season. An enjoyable surprise party was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Maigret. Four tables of bridge were played. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Abbott and three children of Vancouver are visiting with Mr. Abbott's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Abbott at the Vanchako Fur Farm. Progressive merchants advertise. Action photograph taken at Belfast during recent rugby game between Ireland and France,-when the latter won their second successive 'International victory. THE DAILY NEWS - '..Monday, March 3, ' ' " I. - 'i Sport Chat While the neod for development In girls an women of a more fun- damentallattitude towards, exnresr sion of freedom through physical culture ls.great, corhpetlUy.? sporti; along commercial lines do more! harm to girls and women than1 good. Dr. Jesse F. Williams, professor of physical education at Teacher s College, Columbia' University, New York, declared, addressing: ,the members of the Quebep Physical! Education Association. Speaking onj "The Place of Girls and Women in ! Competitive Activities," Dr. Wll-j liams stressed that girl's sport ac-; tlvitles should be fundamentally different from those of men 'andi boys and for this reason he condemned track and field ac.UvUlfi.si for girls and, in their stead, sujges-ted sports where emphasis- is laid more on skill than on strength and endurance. ' Permission to teachers to use the assembly halls of their schools for badminton purposes ww recently granted by the school board pf Ed monton- Popularity of the game' . , .seems to ' be growing among the V. SiSjden was fined $W by SU- teachers, the. committee was told, pendlary Magistrate John b. Char- and the privilege was.granted pro-leson ofvidlnS the teachers pay the extra here but week on charge of and if he playing cost lighting haying intoxicants in his posses- sion on on. the Indian Reserve at hours. are.after 4 pja. ' Maybe the, Daamuuon wouia ao uiew sum. , jone of he Janitors told the com-' and then they wouldn't iu'tove so much time to sit and gos. fant son of Mr. and Mrs. ln th noon hour Brain, took place last Tuesday af-P ternoon with Rev. David Donald son officiating. A delightful post-nuptial miscellaneous shower was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. W. Campbell In honor of Mrs. William Lee formerly Miss Myrtle Smith. Terrace Hoopsters Have Fine Dance Affair Last. Friday Evening Successful, $100 Being Realized TERRACE, March 3: The Ter race Basketball Association put on a .very successful . noveUy, dance yesterday by Rev. David .Dd.-1' 6ymin A large cr0wd at SOIl. Vn.'m..iStnHnri anrt 9 nm nf OVPr S100 WHS Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Reid of ylTBtltzed. The work, ofc. the assocla- tton 'was in evidence thrqugh the well decorated hall, and the novel ties sold att& smartly decorated stand. The iprize winners of the "spot" dance were Harry Stout and his partner. Miss Mary v. snum. Billiard Averages ijil Ui b.Brbvfn (O) : :.15 355l O. P. Tinker (CD 21 4946 J. Andrews (O) 22 5104 M. M. McLachlan d( 16 3722 A. A. Easson (E) 22 5093 J. W. Scott (CD 17 3942 J. Hillman (d) ,18 4138 C. Balagno (E) 23 5293 W. Mitchell (EJ 20 4601 W. Lamble (E) 3 691 F. Stephens (E) 22 4987 VV. E. Willlscrbft (E) .16 3616 W. J. Nelson (O) 23 5190 O. Waugh (O) 19 4187 S. P. McMordie (CD ..10 2157 F. O. Pyle 'CD 16 3441 II. Young (CD 8 1701 M. Andrews (CD 21 4455 A. Murray (CD 14 2898 A. Donald (E) 9 1822 J. H. Plllsbury (CD .. .2 3S0 O. Howe () - l 118 CRIBBAGE 237 23S 233, 233 232 232 230 230 230 230 227 226 226 220 216 215 213 212 203 202 180 118 March 3.-r6tto vs. C. N. R. A.; Operators va K. of C; I.O.O.F. vs. P. R. Hotel; New Empress vs. Cold Storaee: Seal Cove. Sawmill vs. Eagles; L. OV, L. vs. Moose. March 10-4I.O.O.F. vs. Operators; K. of C. v Seal Cove Sawmill; Qrotto vs. Moosef. Cold Storage vs. Eagles; New Empress vs. C.N.R.A.; L.O.L. vs. P. R. Hotel, March 17 -ieal Cove Sawmill vs. New EmDrcss: Operators vs. P. R. Hotel; I.6.O.F. vs. L.QA.; Cold Storage vs. Grotto; Moose vs. K. of C; C.HJIA. vs. Eagles. AUSTRALIA STONE MEN Natives Still Untouched by Civilization in Hinterland SYDNEY, Australia, Mch. 3. In tlie hlnterlan4 of Australia, untouched by civilization, man still exists in the stone age. A few years more, and the opportunity he presents for scientific study will probably have p.one. Under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute and at the invitation of the Australian Scientific Re- !c9rrh AuuviaHnn. a. nartv headed by Dr. Porteus, professor of racial physics of the University of Hawaii, Dr. Paul Wlthington of Honolulu and Ralph King, a photographer, have, by penetrating inland from axtraordinartly valuable films, and a mass of data. The natives were shy and hostile, and several times spears were thrown at the party, but no serious opposition was met. Great difficulty was encountered Jn coming Into contact with the natives, but films of high "scientific value were OOJCHKHCH0O0OOOCKKK)OI0H3araOfr0 WW '- . Sleuthing by Radio (Photo by Courlety Northern Eltctric Company Umlttd.) Detroit co'.ice radio eauioced cars m&dfi 1.193 arreita in 1 928. In Sritmher lait vpar Viv 191 such arrests Jn an average time of 61 seconds each. These arrest ranged from bank hold-ups to kidnappuiv and from petty crimes to murder. Fifty specially equipped Ford phaetona patrol the entire city dayandniiht under the direct control of police radio system headquarters. f Above, left to right, the headquarters, note the microphone through which the operator transmits to all cars, particulars of crimes as received. Typical downtown scene through which police cars operate. Below, the police radio headquarters. One of the radio equipped patrol cars, bote receiving set at thi back of front seat the far northwest coast of the con- obtained, mainly at Osborne Island, tlnent, obtained over 25.000 feet of where the party succeeded ln wln- alng over a native through whom they gradually won the confidence of tlie inhabitants, who had taken to the bush, but who drifted back in bunches and dropped their weapons as a sign of friendship. Mr. King, who has been on many expeditions and who has studied the customs of the natives of Tibet, Africa, China, and Peru, sa;2 r.err before was he so fasr mated sr.-: often he became so Interested L.j he forgot to operate h'vs ruztz Tne expeamon aiso maae a urp collection of native birds. ar.zL and reptiles for scientific purport There Is only one way to rciri the people of Northern B.C Vs. Is through the Dally News. Stop us if you've heard this one . . ff yjY DEAR. 1 simply dread this daily Jhpp-ping" How many timos have you'heard that story? More than once,. .we'll bet a hat And if you ask the woman who "dreads hop-. ping" just why she does so, you'll usually hear something like this: "I takes so much time! I start out and look and look and look ... and by the time I've found what I want I'm dead onjp'y feet. All in, my dear. I mean h i if in .actually am r' . t , ; You can do a friend like that a real service. ' Ask her if sho reads The Daily News grocery advertise-mente. Usually ghe'H look aurprised and say, 'Not very often. What has that to do with it?" Tell hor how you have your mind all made up be-fore you hang the market basket over your arm . . . how you're able to. save step's, budget your expenditures neatly, get what you wantand all?with$ minimum of time and offort. Simply because you have the hows of the "shopping world at your finger-tips all the time, by rending the advertisements evQryjjay Advcrlisements Arc News." Vital, Practical News. Ncws'You Need to Keep on Tap. Kcadthc' ' Advertisements Every Day! I fid awoooooooooooofooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppooooooooooaooooooaaooooo6oapp,'''