Call In the Studio, we will be pleased to show you the different dies and styles. Bve- ning sittings by appointment. BENSON'S STUDIO Third Ave. W. Phone itC Of Vital Importance The eyesight of toe dose worker is a matter of most vital importance. A test by a qualified optician will give required information. A. E. IRELAND . Optometrist 321 Third Ave. Phone lied 70 for appointment Christmas Gifts Sflk Underwear 2 garments for . House Presses each - W rmi Dally News quick results. 95c 95c Hemstitching IDEAL GIFT SHOP 38 Third Avenue West Phone Red EM CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Cannot Begin Too Soon Do your's now at STEVE KING Ben Carls tad, 1106 Ambrose Ave. The 2st defense &gAinstttoco7d Lome Jjuy tae finesifael cacs so47 There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and ffWaway ot Old Man" Winter. ' HeTl quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. , Phone Gig Want Ads" bring PAGE rOTO TTtr fAYTV NFW3 turdav, KQVtlj . Get Your Local Merchant's Price lefore Sending Your Money HP lo Outsit HAD TRIP ... j "CTITTATX AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any on the Market Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince You . BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 GIVE PHOTOS This Christmas Prince Rupert, B.C. IN NORTH Famous Priest, Author and His-torian Had Interesting Summer, MONTREAL, Nov. 29 After travelling 10,600 mites on a journey which took him through the Canadian Northwest and far into I the Ice bound Arctic, Rev. Father i ' Duchaussols, celebrated author and historian, has returned to Mont-' real for a short respite before go-' tag to the Jungles of Africa. I Father Duchaussols crossed Canada via the C. N. railways in June and started into the north : from McMurray, accompanied by Mgr. Oabrlel Breynat, Apostolic vicar of the Mackenzie. He covered ' 6,590 miles by land, water and air j to visit a handful of Eskimos and: Indians in twenty scattered ml-j sions. They , reached Akvik. in July i and from there "went to Herchell' Island wrtre, a'J$i 'mission was es- tabliabed. ;.Irn -he. Hudson's Bay Compartf rfefntyg "Baychlmo," thev travelled' .down Coronation Oulf, braving the hazards of ice! and feeling their way along thai snore without a compass because the iron deposits m the rocks made it undependable. I . Returning to civilization. Father. Duchaussols. covered in less than! ten hours what wmild have taken' two and a-half months by old methods of trayf! TIMBERING AT TERRACE Entertainment Junior League Catholic Churcl The Junior League of the Catho-1 lie Church held a very interesting piueriammeni iasi evening wnien was well attended. It took the form of a debate in which Miss Margaret Stalker and Miss Annie Lipp spoke for the affirmative and for the negative Freddie Reich and Paddle Palmer. After supper there was music and J uuncing. me program-Deing: waltz, solo, MISS Murray: comic sketch. Jo'ei. wt irui; iox wov i lauies rjulwich ciioice; musioai arms; strip tnB county 2. hijw, iu nut, iiuino wauz. Woman Flyer Thought Lost HAVANA, Nov. 29: Practically all hope has been given up for the safety of Mrs. J. M. Keith Miller, the plucky Australian woman aviator, who disappeared yesterday while flying from here to Miami. 0. Tranmere Rovers 4, Oateshead 4. r Wfexham 2, Wlgahboro 0. Nelson 4, Workington 0. Hartlepool United 2, Stockport County 3. Accrlngton Stanley 3, Lancaster Town 1. Scarborough 6, Rhyl Athletic 0. York Cltv 3, Oresley Rovers 1. Chesterfield Town 1, Notts County 2. Newark 2, Rotherham United 1. Gainsborough Trinity 1, Scun- j thorpe United 0. Crewe Alexander 1, Jarrow o: Lincoln City 8, Barrow 3. Carlisle United J, New Brighton 1. 1 Southport 4. Darlington 2. Walsall 1. Bournemouth 0. Aldershot 4. Peterborough 1. Folkstone 5, St. Ingbourne 3. Norwich City 2, Swindon Town 0. Luyon Town 2, Clapton Orient 2. Walthamston Avenue 1, Watford Northfleet United 0. Exeter City ;IIamlet 2, Newport Crystal Palace 6, Tawnton Town Tunbridge Wells 3, Klngstonlans 0. . Fulham 1, Wimbledon 1. Ilford 1, Brentfprd 8. , Northampton Town 1, Coventry city 2. QllKngham 7, Guildford city 20. Brlston Rovers 4. Merthyr Town 1. For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertise ments will lie found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefullyand find the names. If the two persons whose names arc in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to either the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at cither of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. 11 IT M 1 1 RAW 1 TIE GAME (Fighter Knocked Out of Ring IN U(CYVY h0 aps f Spectators in First til iiVVai SEATTLE. Nov. 2 Vancouver and Seattle went into a three-way tie with Portland for first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey League when the Lions and Eskimos, played a 2-2 overtime tie last night. Vancouver scored in the first and ! third periods and Seattle two In The pole and lu;nber markets as ! the second. ' far as the Terrace district at least is concerned does not seem to be in such a deplorable condition. The FIRST ROUND ENGLISH Little mill has been shipping several vninnw ui puies every wee& ion some time and the prises received are said to be Quite satisfactory. 8everai other Independent shippers have also been selling carload lots. ' There is no Indication that orders Will be out down durjng the winter. ' In the lumber business, the Terrace frtlU recently-dipped four car- j loads of spruce into Quebec pro-i2 vince as wen m canpaa iois w new York and Philadelphia. Orders are now on hand for several points nearer home and it looks like a fair winter for the mill. CUP FOOTBALL TODAY LONDON, Nov. 29:-ResulU of football matches in First Round proper of the English Soccer Cup competition played today were as follows: Wellington Town 0. Wombwell 0. Rochdale 1, Doncaster Rovers 2. Halifax Town 2, Mansfield Town Round at Chicago Last Night Mickey Walker Successful In Second Entry Into Heavyweight Class By Winning in First Round By Technical Knockout CHICAGO, Nov. 29: There was an uproarious scene here last night when Mickey Walker signalized his second entry into heavyweight class by scoring a technical knockout over K. 0. Christner. The f igrtf had scarcely commenced before it ended. After 38 seconds of boxing Chrigtner took a left hook on the chin and went over the ropes, land ing in tne laps or wie spectators. - Christner seemed to be stunned for he failed to climb back Into the ring in time and was counted out by the referee. Backers of Walker went wild with excitement and the place was In an uproar for some Ume. SPORT CHAT Basketba't is again being played in Anyox this winter and keen competition prevails when biweekly sets of games are played. Usually, Prince Rupert has been able to have mtertown games with Anyox during the season but as no basketball has been organised here this winter, the smelter town boys if they want to travel this year, will have to go elsewhere probab ly to Ketchikan, BILLIAUD RESULTS Elks. 1187: Legion, 022. Balagno (Elks) 260; Andrews (Legion) 131. Young 187, Murray 250. Wllliseraft 260, Tinker 163.' Mitchell 360, Zieman 245. Smith 20, Baptie 133. High break, Balagno, 29. Picture Censor Is Resigning VICTORIA. Nov. 20 The health of Josenh Walters, chairman of the board of motion picture can- fnaaria t)nv1r T)nnnAM ft Tfanfviaa BAri la1 trt htt rpmiPJlt fO the St. 0. .' Itorney-general that he be relieved Southend United O.TorqUaty UnUJbfhls duties. The choice of a sue ted 1. cesser is under advisement. Spectators Objected to Fight Decision NEW YORrtrNov! 29-Fidel La Barba, Pacific Coast featherweight won the decision over Bud Taylor of Terre Haute in a feature ten. round bout here last night, a' crowd of 8,000 spectators booed the decision lustily. Old Country Soccer English League First Division Aston Villa-Portsmouth postpon ed. 0. Bolton Wanderers 2. Birmingham Chelsea 1, Arsenal 5. Orlmsby Town 2, Leeds United 0. Huddersfleld Town 1, Manchester City I. Liverpool 8, Sheffield United 1. Manchester United 1. Sunderland 1. Mlddlesbarough 4, Derby County 1. Newcastle United 2, Blackburn Rovers 3. .,.' 'Sheffield Wnediy.7, Blackpool WeSthdm United 2, Leicester City 0. Scottish League First Division Aberdeen 4, Morton 0. Alrdrie 2, Cowdenbeath 1. . Ayr United 2, Motherwell 3. Celtic-Dundee postponed. East Fife 4, Falkirk 4. Hamilton 1, Hibernians 0. Hearts 3, St. Morren 1, Kilmarnock 2, Queens Park 1. Lelth Athletic 2, Pa'rtlck Thistle Rangers 5, Clyde 1. VANCOUVBR, Not. 29 Work on i the rebuilding of the new Cana-ffltn National' pier, which was f-(rtroyed by Itte last August will be commsswed on,,aUirday morn In ? With the preliminary tfHes of the 'work completed, everything will be rushed along as fast as pos-jsibte and t believe we will have the new pier ready for operation ear-ff to Jane." said B. C. Keeley, Pacific Coast manager. C. N. steam ships, who returned home from Men treat today, 1 Mr. Keeley has been in the east on business in connection with the reconstruction of the new pier bat could make no announcement until the plans had been finally pasted by the eastern executive of-, ficials. The plans have now reach -led Vancouver. The Northern Cou rtructlbti Company are the gn- el eentraetors for the work, but ViJjfrMfttoi' Natpnal enginee:- 3airwJbeln eharsre. The new pier will be laid out Wos4mewhat shnfUr lines to tAe1 one whiefi was burned dur'n; the summer. It wni be 1,800 feet in length and 330 feet in width. double track wMl be constructed Itfaroug the centre of the pier forth freight ears to be loaded Vri paded to and from the (OfturtMy 8. O. JomMnn Oo.) Bayview, 1, niL Big Missouri. 41. . Cork Province, nil, 1. Cotton Belt, la, all. George Copper, 0, nil. , Georgia River, 2. 2Vfc. oofconda. 31, nil. O rand view, nil, 3. ; Independeoee, 1, 14. Kootenay Florence, 1, nil. Kootenay King. 1. nil. L. & L nil, 1. Lucky Jim, H4, nlL Marmot River Gold, nil, 2. Marmot MetalL nil, 1, National Sllvef, 2, 2ft. Noble Five, 4, 9. Oregon Copper. 5, SVfc. Pend Oreille, 70. nil. Premier, 76, 80. Porter-Idaho, 7. 7. Reeves Macdonaid. 22, nil. Rufue-Argenta. 2, nil. Ruth-Hope, nil, 5. Silver Crest, 14, 11. Silverado Cons 8, 7. w Snowflake, 2, 3. Whitewater, 4, nil. Woodbine, 1, li. Bluebird, nil, 3. OILS A. P. Con., 304, n. Calmont, 20, 24. Dalhousie, 90, 53. Devenlsh, 6, 7. Fabyan Pete, 24, 2. Home, 2.08, 2.10. Royalite, 18.00, 1850. Hargal. 10, nil. Freehold. 15. nil. Merland, 134, 13. Mercury, 28, 27. Sterling Pacific. 10. 11. United, 27, 2fi. Terrace Wins First Place Fall Fairs VICTORIA. NOV. 29 Terrace is the winner in the circuit of five agricultural rural' fairs it is .announced by the judges, with 83.1 1 points. Saanlchton captured first! place for the whole province with1 80.0 marks. ' Special CKesterf ielH Suites These suites are fully guaranteed by us and i : fortunate buy that We are able to offer them j; . ' 'tt !''.: S175 Cash or Terms may he arranged through our Home Lovers Club Your choice of Blue or Mulberry Mohair and ; , Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Ave. & First St. lephoBti BEGIN WORK ON NEW DOCK C. Keeley Tells of Plans to PimIi W'otk Forward as Rapidly As Possible Auditorium At ITS It! 1 H II II Mil i is f i .1 ii in i Just the plar-c to pls,u Jyabl evenin?. tltni. cerafeMaMi- surroandinjv Cor Fuit.ji & AUDITORIUM GOLF rot USE L. J. MARRFV Prooritto COAL (tar the real Cosi-ocro mm r. ,.11 a'i.1 I Mall--Mnftun m an; :ur.titit Mv, Ru!k! .,ra it Oraln and K--' ln Hood ft j ''mife K'jni Feed Ci rmrri rnn k m mmm w A guaran' : ettlarern. w snapsh ' 1 tb to 5 V ' compe'i: 1 1 r.'-J MM l.'X V J u'POTi-nv k .11 1 s 1 U.1U1" P. O B''v : Ti SJicet Metal Works Steve Pipe GalvaniiM Kk ribon ?!.'is 1. Mr .lukinf Pins tnaae w 310 THIRD AVEME ti Tel' phonrs; nffi3i0 Works-81"" The Regal Shop CANDIES In B i- Du!k of Boxed or Tablet pt atiiNF.RY Orepe. Tte...- Pencils, Tens and In" MR. & MRS. JOHN MJ" i'uwnc Electro Plating Iff OOLD 'M S,LVlR nki. :A11 WMk Cuaranli lull)' Leo Conl Manufacturer frl" phone 3M SUth St. ,lTet nromiil ' v 1 W1 nn. HUGH I 6PECULIS ,r. N' Ncfi 6,1(1 Eye, Ear. At St. Elmo Tested For Hotel niissei