S PAGE six THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. N II WALLACE'S DOLLAR DAYS-SaL & Mon. This will be Oar last event of this nature,' till the holiday season H over. Many tollable. offerings for sift purposes will be found cm oar tables, at special reductions, as well as the lines offered in this list. CHILDREN'S AND BABIES' WEAR Babies Cambrle Dresees Nicely embroidered on Q-f ff yoke, etc. 2 lor . t?i.UU Babies' Flannelette Gown With contrasting trim Q Q Sleepers Fleece lined, warm' and cosy, 2 to 6 years Q-f flf) eacn Babies' Stockingette Pullovers White only pHh ,,, Lakeside Scrims In four floral patterns 4 yards WOMEN'S. Wlllf Hsppy Ooat-I bright tU stain and eplorfed i each l..Sm.:Z.... Rayon Silt Buscusers-rln a full range of colon very special quality, axetpttonal value, 2 pairs Vests To match the bloomers 2 for - Crepe de Chene Scarfs Nicely printed each Phone 9 OUR I si.oo Babies' Jackets Silk quilted in floral pattern Q-f flf) each Baby Carriage Covers Qai! ted stlk In bfee or pmk g QQ HOSIERY Silk Hoae Pull fashioned Mercury make, this Is an outstanding value, all new shades, pure sUk tn semi-service weight, also the famous Beraberf service weight in all the latest Q-fl QA colors, both on sale at the same price vXuU All Wool and Silk and Wool Hose In a nice range Q-f A A of sizes and colors, at ?XUV Children's Hose In an assortment of various styles Q4 A A and colors, sises to 7ft, 2 pairs ?X.VU Navy Serge pleated SkirtsSize 4 to 6 yMn . Q-f A A on cambric bodice, each ''l 1 ilAixk Boys' and Girls' Pullover Sweaters Sizes to 6 yews O-f A A each ...i...t.. YARDAGE 300 Yards Plat Crepe In a nice range of colors. This is an exceptional opportunity, values to $2.75 yard C"fl Of) U at Ui an nriw nor rare ?X,wU Printed Rayons and Voiles A nice selection to choose from, 1 yards for White 4 rajfta Flannelette 36 Inches wide, pure soft quality gjl QQ Toweling Pure linen roller or dish 6 yards I Want Ads S1.00 $1.00 S1.00 S1.0Q . S1.Q0 S1.00 SI.OO SEE OUR WINDOWS Third Ave. & Fulton St. Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Maebody waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell, Somebody is waiting to sell that oar, or typewriter, or whatever else it It you arc in the market for. Oet the habit of shopping througetahe Want Ads. You'll find undteamed of bar-gainfi-undreamed'tif opportunltlestiDoyour shopping tiufPItbUHMio . oolunws. and. toa-how profitable and. "" pleasaayt is , T f rtr HEAD and USE I IS IN A DRY SHED Wben ye-a are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If yen buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. rftMBLNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton 518J0 MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per fon 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1J.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through , YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6 on Deposits, Compound Interest A HATE OF INTEREST COMPATIBLE WITH RAI'ETY McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" pnnflooaaoaaawooaoanootHjowaopiKiocioaooaaqnoaaouuaopao WATERFRONT WHIFFS Salmon Pack Was Large Breakwater Needed For New Floats Hunting Parties Arc Active British Columbia's salmon pack for the 1930 season is nearly 100,000 cases higher than the previous record of 1926 according to final official figures which have just been issued by the fisheries department The total is 2,- 163,712 cases of which District No. 2 contributed 278,899 cases; District No .2, 1,497,003 cases, and District No. 3, 387,810 cases. The 1929 total was 1,389,476 cases; 1928, 2r 035,629 cases; 1927, 1,360,634 cases; 1926, 2,065,451 cases. A large bird hunting party numbering seven and led bv Claude Klr-kendal and Charlie EVltt left Wednesday night of this week at midnight aboard the Massett Canners fish packer Jed way for a goose and tonht I . U 3a - , 1 SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE Where Your Nickels and Dimes Have More Value Clark's Pork & Beans Q-f AA Medium, 9 for ?J.VU Clark s Ketchup i Qf J-57i bottle. Blue Ribbon Baking Powder QiOn per tin "" Hire's dinger Beer Extract QAn perpkg Ooblln Soap n 6 lor Bnos Fruit Salts QAt per bottle Double Cream Custard Jlfin perpkB. Sago-r- 4 lbs. for Tapioca 4 lbs. for Llbby'i Roast Beef l's AtZn 2 for Aylmer's Mince Meat AIZo per quart Argood Mince Meat 2's 3Q( mil i read Raisin, White, Brown On f per loaf i tti-u iinVf'M Nice Juicy Oranges (tlZn 3 dozen The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 Third Ave. subject of considerable discussion. It is pretty generally conceded that any site on the central waterfront, which is where the fishermen want to be, would not be free of ha sard in a strong westerly gale so there duck hunting trip to Naden Harbor, Jj, agreement on the new suggestion Graham Island. The party, the first one from here this fall to visit Na den Harbor, expects to spend about a week on the Islands. The British Columbia Fisher men's Co-operative Association, which entered the canning business for the first time this year, is reported to have had a successful season. In the association's plant at Vancouver a total of 120,000 cases of salmon were canned while a small plant at Alberni on the west oast of Vancouver Island put up ' 5,000 cases. In spite of the fact that nothing has been explained as to iow and where this canned salmon is to be disposed of, it is hoped that, when the association's books for 1930 are closed, the men wtU find ihat they have fared as well as for- nerly In actual cash. The associa tion is now talking of expansion for next year by adding another can-aery somewhere on the north part if the coast, probably not far from Prince Rupert. The New Floats Following the recent westerly nlow which stirred things up a bit jut did no actual damage to the fleet, owing to the fact that prompt iction was taken, the effectiveness f the new fishermen's floats just :ist of the dry dock has been the TOMORROW that a floating breakwater might remedy the situation Accordingly, this suggestion is being transmitted to the public works with the hope that the government may see fit to do something about it. The floats themselves are most satisfactory and the fishermen are only desirous that they should be fitted est so they may be really used as the permanent and safe headquarters sf the fleet. Hatchery egg-takes at the prin cipal British Columbia stations spe cializing in the propogaUon of sockeyes are generally reported to have been excellent this year. The Babine and Skeena Hatcheries are among the plants which did well. The hunting around Morris Cove must be good else the party with Capt. Nets Peterson on the halibut boat Ternen would have been back by Thursday, they having been an even week out then. The party includes Jack Christiansen. Harry Menuie and Pete Jensen. Nineteen proposed amendments to the fishery regulations include three which directly affect anglers. One is the removal of the dally Una- it from the catch of Doily Varden trout which are conceded to be a pest. The second of the proposed new regulations, arM one which is not meeting with a 'Very hearty reception on the part of anglers, is that the limit of three steelhead when angling be applied to the whole province instead of exclusively to the Vedder' River. The last and perhaps the most Important amendment is the proposal to allow herring fishermen to sell the trout that are caught in their nets. This proposal meets with opposition on the grounds that it would encourage the catching and marketing of trout more particularly as they are on their way to spawn. Initial work in an investigation under the auspices Of the Biological Board designed to trace the migration of crabs in this district has been interrupted by the transfer of the investigator to Another field. It I U honed however, in nnntimut tho work next year. One of the chief objects is to definitely ascertain when crabs of the district spawn and to regulate the elate season accordingly. There has been some dis pute as to .when exactly crabs do spawn. Capt. A. M. Jangord, skipper of the American halibut boat Chancellor, came into Seattle recently with a story of having sighted a merman off Destruction Island. Tht creature, Capt. Jangord declared, rose almost vertically out of the sea to a height of several feet and blinked and stared at members of the crew of the Chancellor. It had a wrinkled face, much resembling that of an ape. and, from the color and general contour, it is believed to have probably been a stellar sea lion with a deformed face. Some years ago Capt. Leonard Pedersen of the halibut boat Betty Jane reported sighting a very similar creature In much the same vicinity. Since being ordered to OaUfornla two years back on account of ill health, Capt. Henrlk J. Henrickson, former skipper of the halibut boats Teton, Mary M. Christopher and Cedrlc, has built himself a fine new halibut boat and next season expects to be back on the banks again; his 'health being now practically completely restored again. The boat, named Saga, is nearlng completion at Oakland near San Francisco. It is being equipped with a SO h.p, Fabco-Tuxham enjgune. Mrs. Henrickson has actively" assisted her husband in the building of the new boat. The 40-foot American hullbut schooner Mayflower, well known DDD-a sluggish pimply skin needs its tonic action An ariirn fluid tint tfranses the tis sues of unsightly Impurities. Skin sufferers give this treatment a test. Soothing, cooling, healing a remark able agent. W. J. McCUTCHEON. DRUGG1S1 OK.MES LTD. RUPERT PHAIUIACY here, was sold by the United States marshal at Seattle recently to Oscar Sirstad who will operate the vessel on the fisting grounds next year. Capt Louis Pfundt, veteran hali but boat skipper, who has been out of the game for some time, will resume halibut fishing next season with a new 40-foot boat which is being built for him at Shelton, Wash. The new boat is to be equipped with a 40 h4. Frisco-Standard gas engine. Batk From Norway Capt. William Heme, well known here as owner and skipper of the American halibut schooner Renub- Bc, has returned to Seattle after a trip to his former home tn Norway. The Republic was in charge of Capt' Jack Courage during Capt. uegge's absence. She was the first of the Seattle boats to quit fishing his year for the winter, having laid ip about the middle of September. Although he said when be left a ouple of weeks ago that he would away all winter engaged in hand ogging near Lowe Inlet, we notice iarry Scott, a well known old friend, back tn town again this week. No doubt. Harry is in to do his Christmas shopping although -iiere might, possibly, be other attractions under the white 11 guts la my case, he Is back again and test shadow is no lew. A fish of a variety seldom taken tn Alaska waters was a bottle-nose shark which was caught recently by he steam trawler New England. It reigned 155 pounds, measured six !eet eight inches from Up to tail and was caught In Cook Inlet. The hark was f reusm and has now been hipped east for exhibit as a euros! ty. Although many other varieties are regularly captured by the fishermen, the botUe-aose shark is nmewhat of a rarity in Alaska. Capt. Joseph Faulsean. master of vie United States Bureau of Fisheries patrol boat Scoter, died recently in the Bella Bella Hospital. ;ie was taking his vessel from Ketchikan to Seattle when he was seized with a paralytic stroke. The scoter put m at Bella Bella but 3apt. Paulsean lived only a abort time. 4 ( The Dally News asm be pur- chased at Post Offtoe News Hand, 3 Oranvllle St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. 4- Sratthers Drug Store, Smith- ers, BJC. , R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. r General Store, Aayox. REASON FOR i DEPRESSION The best authority in the world, places the cause of the business de-ptfMstfmaoA unemployed condition ou theJowing six reasons: FlrstrOvex productho. Second: Price control of commodities. Third: Fall In the price of sUver metal. Fourth: Bad distribution of the world's stock of monitory gold. Fifth: Political unrest. Sixth: Speculation. In addition to the reasons given, the authority states that economy is necessary, not economy whereby those that have money will horde it, but a reasonable economy in all matters of living. We do not consider ourselves capable of criticizing the reasons given for present conditions, but we do feel able to show you a way of ec-onjmy. A large amount of money can be saved during the next three months by using NAMAI1CO-WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT St McOAFFERV Phone 116, 117 (279) i THIS, Iw- Strausjsr CouW-jioai tellj$jietne time? Kokei 'Art-past. Straugwr Half-past what? Yokel Dunno. My watch 'as tost its hour 'and. The Humorist SAT. and Two Shs Lupe Velez in THE STOHM With I'AULCAVIMi I ' " WM. BOVi) An all talking thr.u.. , , woman and two bound In a Ion. I ,..,' Comedy "BIRD IN n v Serewi Se "OLOW W Admission Feature Starts at 7 ' TUBS, and V i ; glrl of the O !' v , Charles H. Sawic pi. Omineea Herald, aft ness visit in the cm New Haselton on tl:: safeIilJ For NEURALGIA Prompt relief from HEADACHES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA ACHES and PAiNS Accrpt only "Atvirin" vadaot DOES NOT HARA THE HEART ASPIRIh is. TRADE-MARK RCG, Aspirin ' boxes of 12 tablet, Abo bottles of 24 and 1 00 Aj y- CIGARETTES xVTTiTv'- Mild and Mellow NO J)l .7 COUPONS I ALL QUALnY ffj X, I