4 U -.-," Or'ober 28, 1030 .I aa I VWHBMMaHMMWM I yfio Pioneer Druggists I'honcs Kl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS ZXSEtXSSQCi FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through YOhKsflHiE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6r on Deposits, Compound Interest WAFFERY, GIUHONS & COLLART, LTD. THIIID AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 iJijfcuniiii3iiw UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED hailing I'rum lrlnc lluprrt v - i ll VKU, VK TOKM. Iluti-ila, .llrrt lU). rtr. Tufwl iy. 3.30 m J ." .- AN0X' rCtVABT. . IChrr. Tort hlnijmon. (Mm- 'U"'lU'.. . ' M" NM,T" Utul f'"e Koiwt. .C. ;h tlckcU u via to Victoria and Seattle and bagoam . riiqck.il through to dcitlnatlon. I VMMHPS ml) W f nr, -hard, B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT fo Ketchikan, Wrancell, Juneau, Skagway Oct. 28. Nov. 5, 19. l'o Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle Nov. 1. IS, 29. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, riione3l. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST DKEAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Ltd; PKINCK RUPERT. II. C. 0 Want Ads Let Tlicm Ik' Your Hrokcr in Ihiving and Selling X'u-body it waiting to buy that houst or bedroom 1 ' ir coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to 1 'I that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It is you in tho market for. Oet the habit of shopping luouith the Want Ada. You'll find undteamed of baron, -undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping 'i ii -nigh these columns and see how profitable and ( a.imit It Is. HEAD and USE ,v , t PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADS v Phone 98 "If it's fully told It's quickly sold" (iittooiMH5eH5ooooQoooooaowMHa&aoooooouuDBaiso News Want Ads. brinj quick Results Local Items Classes fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroncr's store. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. , One hundred of the most beautl-! f ul dresses ever shown in Prince ; Rupert are in show cases at An-jnetto's. You are welcome to call jand look them over. (254) Vic Rodgers of the Tamale Parlor has Just, received a large shipment of fine spring chickens of 2'g to 3 lbs, each which be guarantees satisfactory and he deliv ers them fried to the door. Try one 719 Fulton Street, Phone Oreen 170. 252 A letter from B. O. Beale. read at last night's meeting of the city council asked that the water main on Eleventh Avenue East be low ered so that the correspondent might have access to his property with a car from the level of the street. The matter was referred to the Doard of Works wlthflower to act. As decided upon'M tlflgneetbsg two weem a ran' ' IbcaSBnorerve ment Initiative bylaw providing for the construction of a 12-foot board sidewalk on the south side of 3rd Avenue between the Brooksbank Building and McBridc Street waa introduced at last night's meeting of the city council and given its initial readings. John Eyolfsen had a letter before the city council last night requesting that a street light be installed at the eorner of Water St. and Tenth Street. Mr. Eyolfsen stated that application had been made toe the tight, last winter but nothing, hf ktflbUone about ft The request was., referred to the Btlllties committee with power to act. ' '!':- ' , ."Jj b W. F. Ere, Anyox," dfcfcfct deputy grand master. A.:T! A A. M. who has been paying official visits at Smithers and Terrace, returned to the city on this afternoon's train, -accompanied ly a party of Prince Rupert and Anyox Mason who made the trip to the tnterlo wun rum. Mr. Eve wfll return to the smelter town on' the Prince George tonwrrow aftirthbon. ' i-iorrji -ii. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS The office of the City Clerk City Hall, will remain open from 1 o'clock pjn. each evening on Oc tober 3S. 37, 38. 29, 30. 31, to re ceive declarations of householders and licence holders. tl N STEAMERS Jofim TRAINS IJOVlhl'",",J .Id Mwlrrn HMlpmrnl . . . turl fn ',, VMoy" w TtMJlf to. flrt ",0, . tar Mwl nJ KlrW l.n. HIUK ou P-" K.VI ll" " -..nr tr.l IVIm Mut "J H,..loi. mrinl. K. 1 a, WcdnrwUr "' Uturd.T ra- T Pal MwMUn Ft It. r, M.NAl C1ITON Ufkt. PamMifOT Alt -rri lUiwrt, no. w-uo THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE SPECIALS! SPECIALS! C. i Bottle Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic 50 c t . Tube Klenzo Tooth-Paste 50 l, !i JvOttOO CENTS Vaiue'$1.6o , ,ii reuse uea Aipea raic .5"' .35 Miir i-owaer run x. , ii Foit40CENTS-:;::' ."Li. on ' ixi's iiny ix3i uaDy soap :.aEBr T -?h ,i vvoah cith :....... g ALL FOU 30 CENTS 4 aiuc .45 One Tubo Rexall Shaving Cream ' One Autostrop Razor, One Dladc, One Strop ALL FOR 35 CENTS Grilles Ltd. Billiards tonlghj, Legion vs. Elks. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Orchard are passengers aboard the Catala today bound from Anyox to Vancouver. Basketball meeting tonight in Gi ty Hall . atrS ro 'clock, AH -Inter ted please attend. Election cers. interes-of offi- Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig of Alice Arm were arrivals in the city on the Catala this morning from the north. City accounts fqr the two weeks ending October '24 totalling $6,-403 were passed for payment at last night's council meeting. Mrs. Don Crearcr left for the In terior on yesterday's train to meet Mr. Crerar and son, Alistalr, who are returning to the city from a trip to Toronto, Mrs. Seymour Wright, who has been visiting in the city for the past couple of weeks, will sail by the Catala this afternoon on her return to Vancouver. Mid-week dance' to be given on the Zenith Cafcftiance floor by the Jazz SeriJifaeiJS, ; commencing tdmorrow nlgHtSfrdm 9 to 12. Ad mission genUSc. ladies 25c. 252 O. E. aulick,-i3eal manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to tho city on. the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on com pany business. A big manufacturer is coming here vjth a large stock of furs and will be at this store showing sam pies Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and taking orders for made-to-order ooata, Everybody welcome. W. Ooldbtoom, the old reliable. 25S A school of navigation will be opened here as usual this winter. Capt. J. R. Hfert, harbor master, announced today. The opening of the classes wlB bebn November or two weeks earlier than usual because so many1 of the fishing boats are tying up that much earl ter. . Union staaoiec C&tala-in command of Sapi. James. Findlay, who is relieving Capt. A. E. Dickson who is taklncr a six weeks' vacation returned to port ad 10 o'clock thh morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and will sail at 3:30 pjn. for Vancouver and wayporta. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WILL the man who took the fawn overcoat by mistake from the Capitol Theatre last evening kindly return same to Theatre HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel tiMi:ii new man.h:mbnt Mram llratrd; TratrllrtV Suniplf llnomi; lint and Cold Water rrrf nu MrrW All Train and lloala Kates $1.00 and Up M'lXI W. MONTHLY IMTKS C. It. ItKinAItT St A. DONALD l"Tlrlf Ion I'HONfcJ 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu A. J. l'KUnilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraset uid Fifth Sts. Savoy N. Rokkjar. O M. Fraser and W Field, city; E. Endrat, Oona River; W. II. Cocks, Quick: C. F. Burt. Grassy Plains. i New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, iTop. THE IKITHI, UOKTII Wlltl.K Hot Ac Cold Wtr: 8tam Heat Vc PER DAY AND UP Trlrphnur tSl Boston Grill La rtc Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nlcht, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties t'honc 57. J'rlncc .Rupert Dlnnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroncr's Store. On account of lea vine town must sell Star Coupe. A snap at $175. Phone Walker 137. 253 Mrs. Annette Stone, who has been on a business trip to Anyox, returned to the city on the Catala this' morning, Foster Wlllan, who has been on a business trip to Anyox, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. Dr. John A. West, who has been visiting In the city for . the past few. days, will sail by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Just arrived 100 dresses too late for fashion show. Latest styles, colors and materials. You are Invited to, come In and look them over. The prices are right. 'Annettes. (254) R Petrie. auditor of the Premier Oold Mining Co., who has been visiting Premier on official business, Is a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon returning to Vancouver, accompanied by his son. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo- torshlp liner Northland, Capt Len Williams, was In port last evening while bound from Ketchikan , to Seattle unloading frozen fish for transhipment east over the Cana dian National Railways. A recommendation from the fi nance committee that $5 each be granted to the parents of Baby Nagasuye and Baby Redman, both children born during Prosperity Week, as per advertisement made by the city was accepted at last night's meeting of the city Telephone Surplus In September ai . Was $783, Report Says The report of Sam Massey, super Uitendent, for the telephone de partment for the month of September, presented to the city council last night, showed expenditures totalling $3028 and revenue of $3811 or a surplus of $783 on the month's operations. DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Olasses TAXI -PHONE 32 Comfort. Courtesy and Safety NEW CARS John Gurvich, Prop. Day or Night Jewellery f Manufactured or Repaired' Plating Work Done LEO CONTOLI 320 Sixth St. Mail Orders The Regal Shop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery St Papctcries, Artcratt Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. St MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone Red 442 MI LADY BEAUTY ! SH0PPE Offers an attractive price on PERMANENT WAVES RINGLETTE OR NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone 655 ANNOUNCEMENTS Vardcn's Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist ser)cs, next game, November 3. United Oct. 30. Church HaUowecn tea Hill CO Bridge and Dance October 31. Elks' Halloween Dance Oct. 31, In Elks' Home. Moose" Whist November 7. Friday, Eagles' Smoker November 4. Catholic Bazzar Nov. 5 and 0. Leif Erickson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Drive and Dance Armistice bay Banquet, Tuesday Nov. 11. "Amy From Arizona." First Uni ted Church. Nov. 12 and 13. Rupert East United Church Ba zaar, November 13. Oyro Hocdown November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A. Bazaar Dec. 2. Fireside Club Had Enjoyable Social Meeting The Fireside Club held its week ly meeting in the Baptist Church Parlors with a good attendance of members and President M. R. Dafoe In the chair. Vic Houston conducted the Scripture reading address on logging and sawmills was given by W. Louden. There were violin and piano duets by Misses Phyllis and Eileen Hamblin. A general invitation was extended by Miss Jean Smith for the gathering to adjourn to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, and this was accepted by all. A very pleasant evening fol lowed. There were piano selections by C. E. Bletsoe and Norman Allen and delicious refreshments by the hostess. Prince George To Take Moose Party Stewart-Ketchikan C.N.R. steamer Prince George. leaving here tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock for Anyox and Stew art, will make a special trip from the latter point with a party of some thirty or forty members of the Moose Lodge going to Ketchikan to make a fraternal visit. De- Upite the extra call at Ketchikan, it is stated officially that the ves sel will be back here in time to make her regular sailing for Vancouver at 10 o'clock Thursday night. The Moose party will be handled back from Ketchikan to Stewart by the steamer Prince Rupert re versing her schedule from here on Saturday afternoon and calling at Ketchikan before Stewart. Asks Permission To Build Walk D. Zarrlll Asked to Walt Until Street Byaw Has Been Safely Put Through A letter from D.' Zarelll asking for permission to lay down a concrete sidewalk on Sixth Street alongside the Royal Hotel was read at last night's council meeting. Af ter some discussion the matter was referred to the Board of Works with power to act, It was sunested bAld. Rud erham, that Mr. Z&rellF mlgm defer his work until the bylaw providing for concrete sidewalk on the same side of the street be tween Third Avenue and Fraser Street had been safely passed. Withdrawal of one property owner from the bylaw who was in favor of it might endanger Its passage by the others it was felt. A DHy News bring results. want-ad will REPORTS ON CONVENTION Mayor C. II. Ormc Tells Council of Recent Doings at Kclowna. Mayor C. II. Orme presented a verbal report to the city council last night on the recent conventions in Kelowna of the Good Roads League of British Columbia and Union of British Columbia Municipalities which he had attended as delegate from Prince Rupert. His Worship reviewed some of . the more Important resolutions which had been passed by the two bodies. With regard to a resolution submitted by the city of Prince Rupert asking for the extension of the time in which householders and licence-holders may register for the municipal voters' list Mayor Orme announced that a recommendation, had been passed for submission to the provincial government requesting that the Municipal Act be so amended as to permit municipalities if they desire, to change the dates of registration from October 1-31 to August 1-October 31. Robert Baird, inspector of municipalities in addressing the Union of B. C. Municipalities, had urged that the assessments of the cities be fixed at lower levels and that the Improvement tax be adopted In cities. Concluding his report, Mayor Orme stated that he was greatly impressed with the town of Kelowna where there seemed to be such a spirit of co-operation among the people. It had been an Instructive convention and the mayor did not think the city was losing anything by belonging to the Municipalities Union. In moving the adoption of the report, Aid. Llnzey and Aid. Mac-donald congratulated the mayor on the work he had done for the city at the conventon and on his having been elected second vice-president and Dr. F. W. Dafoe gave a de-of the Good Roads League. votlonal address. An educational I WANT GRAIN SHIPS HERE City Council Authorizes Mayor Take Matter Up In Proper Quarter to The tie-up of grain movement through this port and the apparent use of the local government elevator by the Alberta Wheat Pool merely as a storage bin was brought up by Aid. James Black at last night's meeting of the city council and, after most of the aldermen had made critical remarks, it was left to the mayor to take the matter up in the proper quarters. Aid. Black thought that this port was being discriminated against in favor of Vancouver In the matter of grain shipments. He referred to the value that grain shipments would be in giving employment here. He thought the council should get in touch with the Wheat Pool and the shipping companies. One of the difficulties. Aid. Cot-lart explained, was that part cargoes were not available here. Prince Rupert, however, should get Its share of full grain loadings. Aid. Pullen believed that the president of the chamber of commerce was in receipt of some correspondence on the matter. He suggested that the city council co-operate with the chamber In the matter. As far as he was personally concerned, he was in favor of asking for the cancellation of the Wheat Pool lease If it failed to use the house except for a storage bin. After other members of the coun cil, including Aid. Rudderhom. Aid. Pillsbury and Aid. Macdonald had expressed their opinions on the matter, It was decided that the matter should be left '-i the hands of the mayor to take such action' as he saw fit. Four Lots Are Sold By City Council Received Very Satisfactory Prices In Some Cases Last Evening The city council last night adopted recommendations from the finance committee that the following lots be sold: Lot 17, block 33, section 7, to Mrs.. Ada Parsons for $66. Lot 14, block 9. section 2, to Jack Flint, $150. Lot 17, block 5. section 7. $35. Lot 15, block 25. section 1, Helger B. M. Valentin, $400.