Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices A Wffi m SALE M. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED. PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! !'.V.M. FOR KENT FIVT. ,med flat lor rent. Phone E! '.'.15. PAT Oil RENT Wallace Bloc. E:'. ;ro store. tf HED Aoartm?nU for rent. A' Mussallem Grocery, Phone (tf) FOE PENT Furnished room, bo :i optional. Phone 543. fOH RENT Modern Flat, kitchen. Westennaver Bros. tf FOE HENT Modem' house, 3 r , and 'bath. Apply Munro C tf ror pent -Housekeeping rooms t - y. week or month. Phone' n-j ('-"7. tf FOR PENT hlne-room flat close in B:r;j modefate -rental. Westen- t r t Bros. tf . , FOR RENT Clean well furnlshid r ' :n two-rtemed suite. Palm es phone 444. If, ; -.NT '- Modern house, 5 and bath. Fine sea view, AM in Avenue. Phone Blaek 251 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Frc! use of electric light and ,. !.' i Rentals $10 to $10 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. FOR SALE" F'.uT AEK-Walnut Floor Lamp, h'W Apply Room 19, Federal 252 iR v jjs McCtary Range, Koot-. in good condition. Phone P 103, 23 r-r Fult KALE Table model Victor r, o just as good as new. Ap- Pullen. Daily News. it FOR .SALE -Cores of newsprint with a fair amount of white mi them, 52 Inches long. 10c AppyDailyNews. tf LAM md lowest price of the sea-As a final inducement to lie purchasers the gasboat t v s offered for sale for $175 ; Tlip boat Is In good condl- md may be seen at Yacht 'i float. Appy Dally News. tf. SITU ATIONS WANTED MAr niKD Man wants work driving : r gas engine. Phone. Red r.l (263) FOUND Form - Motorcycle key. Owner i 1 . have same by calling at the E .:! Npws and paying for this 'Ttisment. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black T07. tl NEEDLEWORK lint. TITCHING, Mrs. Feasby, F iif Red 315. MI" blockings mended at De " Phone 27. 27 TRANSFERS TRANSFER Cartage and. F.unit,ure Moving. Phone 204. 253 SCALE OP CIIAKGES' - t charges made for reading " "iu:cs: Mnrrlaand Engagement nnouncementa Ji, name. 1 Birth Notices 60c. tr.. i . . .. uncrni notices ?1. r irrJs of Thanks, $2. mneral Flowers 10c per AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, for crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed, Sust phone- Black 120 and we will call. O. J, DAWES, Auctioneer., 6 Federal Block. tf SALVAGE ANN TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for' Hire Bargains in Gas Entries Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES or Northern B.C. DistrlDutors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity. delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box I5C4 timiikk ham: XIUM Sealed tenders wUl be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria not later than noon on the 34th day of November 1930. for the purchase of Licence XI3- 86. to cut 3.614,000 feet of Spruce. Hemlock. Bsuam and Cedar on an area S iltvated on Apha Rk?r. Alpha BayJ I'm isisna. Hang 4. coast und District. Two years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of tne Chief For-eater. Victoria, B.C or District Forester rrtnee Rupert, B O. oot3T, no J. 10,17. Auction SALE Instructed by owner, who is leav ing town, I will sell by public auction at the home of J. C. Drady at No. 2003 Graham Avenue on Thursday, Oct. 30 At 2 o'Clork The following articles: 1 Dining Room Suite. 2 China Cabinets. 4 Loans Chain. c 1 Wicker Chair. . r . 1 Toronto Couch. - 2 Beds Complete. if 2 Dressers. 1 Chiffonier. 1 Drass Lamp. 1 Basy Washer. x 1 Hoover complete. 3 Dook Racks. 1 Hot Plate, 1 Lawn Mower. And- other miscellaneous articles. GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PHONE: BLACK HO Oct the Ad. reading habit. It pays. BRINGING UP water mark; 'tbence aauth-westerly, following high water mark, to point of commencement, and containing 5 aires. PARuCR MOW LAVH ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leaja Foreshore In Range 6, Gout Dtitrlct, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate On the North end of Haystack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation PUh Packeri intend to apply a lease of the following describe'1 foreshore : commencing at a post planted at oement monument on the North- eat corner of Haystack fUand; thence uortn chains; thence East 10 chains; thence South .5 chains, more or less tn hi?n or itrst. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A H. Holland. Ann Dated Eept. 7th, 1930. LAM) ACT ' Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 6, Coast District. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on tile West shore of Dundss a Island, 8 miles South east of the most westerly of the White Wand Group. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C occupation Pish Packers Intend to apply for a lease of the following deecrttwt foreshefe: , . commencing at a post punted at th uuai.fMMhte tr, . Ain. .K,. . mil south etit the werterl the White - Island Qrdfcn; thenn I North west 10 chains; thwee South j west a enains: tnence south east io, chain; Whence Ncrth east S chains and containing S acres, more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Hllnd. Aaent. Dated Sept. lat, 1930 LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leoie Foreshore In Caaalar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Dog Flab Bay on Portland Canal me notice tnat The canaaian nn- tn Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occu pation Flab Packers Intends to aaply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted t at the South west corner of Lot 627 OaevUr District: thenee West S rhalns: thence North 10 . chains; thence Ea chain more idT lets to high water mark: tnenod Stb westerly foUowtng Miign msr,isrVJ point ,01 owituiwirr mam; sua nwauuaavwgggw. more or lees l 1 !(. CO. LTD. per A H Agent. Dated Sept. Sth, 1930 LAM ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreahore In Range 5. Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and tuate on the West shore of the mos4 westerly of White Island Oroup, 1 and one-half miles west of the Arnlston Point, Dundas Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co Ltd . of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers Intends to afpty Rr a lease of the following described foreshore:-- Commeneteg at a past.' planted on North. west WSflAfr of the most ' westerly of the irrTWV - r r tbence south 10 cMtat; thnoe West S ehatnu thenoa NortaMO chains; tnence Bast S chains and eontolnlng S acres, more or leas THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated September Sth, 1080. LAXIl ACT Notiee of Intention to apply to L&se Poreahore In Range S. Ooast Dtoriet. Land Re-oordlng District of Prince Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying on mile North of Haystack Wand. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C. occupation FMi Packer Intends to apply for a leas of the following described foreahore: Oomntanclng st a post plantedon art unnamed Island approximately one-quarter of a mil North and one-halt OO mile West of Lot 6933 R. S Coast thaant'wost S chain tbence South 19 eJaalna: tnence Kat S chain more or llgslarshore line: tnenoe Ncrth westerly Wgn water mars jo point oj MM KMtitSnS uu MntAinfttur ft AMADIAN FISinNd CO. LTD DatXt aot. th 'Wo. skehna iaxi nrronniNO districi Take notice that the British Ooliim-bit Fishing & Packing Company, Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. flsi ackers. Intends to apply for a lease al ? he following described foreshore, situate on Nasi Harbour, fronting on Lot 3 Range S. Ooast District: Comity ncing at s post planted on th east sk otNaa Harbour, thence west 15 chains, more or len. to the opposite hore; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, following high water mark, to the point of commencement, and containing twenty-fire acres, more or less. Dated 9th August. 1S30. J. It. Bushnell. Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO St PACKINO CO . LTD FATHER fOHV rr WNUEW-ULT WIUVJC rUHULB, THE FAMOUS FOOTBALL- MMJFBACK IS CALUMG ON NORA- HE'S IN THE 11 1 1 in TIT j L.1 ' v. r-.e-' I IMKlfcr I II I .11111 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Zayas Island of West shore line, t and one-quarter miles south of the north west corner of the Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occu Datlcn Pish Packers Intends tn annlv 1 ' . . ", - .. . . ' for a lease of the following described loresnore: Commencing at a post planted 1 an-l one-quarter miles south of the North west corner of Zayas Island: thence North eet 10 chains; thence West 5 chains; thenceSouth west 10 chains; thence East Ircbalns and containing 3 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st, 1930. LA MI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 6, Coast District, Land Re-cording District of Prince Rupert, an? situate on Zayas Island, one-quarter of mile North east o! the South east corner. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Fish Packers intends to app'.y for . a lease of the following described foreshore: , , Commencing at a post planted one- quarter of a mile North east of the Bouth east oorneM of Zaras Island Nort.n chains; thenee f1 8 chains; thence south west 1chili,;1 t 5 chains """"""s " THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st, 1930. LAM) ACT Notice of. Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range S, Coast Dlvtrict, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, onl sltuato on the South west shore cf Wales Island, opposite The Proctor Islands. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Flan Packers Intends to appl) fur a lease of the following describe foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on the 8outh West shore of Wales Island, opposite the Proctor Islands; thence wesi iu cnama; tnence North 10 chains thenee East S chains more or lea to high water mark; thence SouUi easterly along high water mark totnt of commencement and -containing s acres mare or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, -Agent. uatea sept. n. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Least roresnore In Casslar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Dog Fish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notiee that The Canadian Fita log Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, ooeu- C Vm?? . . , Jcflowlng ZJtiXj, described I.v . : . , . . . thiTwest 'corn-ert ofLoT t Caaalar. tnence 1 chain West to htofr water mark; tbence South 10 chains: thence East 10 chains: thence North 3 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence North westerly along high water mark, to point of commencetnent; and containing 8 sere, more or lea. THE CANADIAN FISHINQ CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. Sth, 103O LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Ranee 8. Coast District. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and sltuste on the South end of Haystack isiano. Tak notiee that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described fore bore: Commencing at a post planted at the south-east corner of Hayttack Island: thence South S halna: thence West 10 chains; thence North S chains, more or leas to high water mark: thence Southeasterly, following' high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or lesa. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 7th, 1030. N LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreahore In Range 9, Ooast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bartlett Point on the South West of Wales Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver. B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at Bartlett Point, on South West shore of Wale Island, thence West 8 chains; thence South 10 chains; thence Bast 10 ehalnt to high water mark; thence north westerly following high water mark, and containing 10 acres, more cr less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent Dated Sept. 7th. 1930. rJ GO IN ANO (SET ACQUAINTED WITH HIM BECAUSE I'M GoiN' TO THAT SAME TOMORROW 0) IMC. In'l fumrt Scrvm, Inc. Goat Prltiik Hwmi. i CANAMAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TENDERS FOR TRACK TIES Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders (or Track Ties" will be received at the Office of Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent. Canadian National Express Building Kfnn-.ra1 turlv n'fWV nvtn Cr- . . . n,. . ' . i wr aisi., ivov. lur ruuiway lies hj u I manufactured from Hardwood and Softwood timber, cut between September 1st, 1030, and May 1st. 1931. and delivered between January 1st, 1031, and September 1st, 1931, F.O.B. cars, Canadian National Railways, in accordance with specification S3W-1.2, revised July 15th, 1926. Tender form may be obtained at the Offices of the Tie Agents at Moncton, Toronto and Winnipeg, Office of the Purchasing Agent, at Vancouver, and from the Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent, Montreal. Tenders will not be considered unless made out on forms supplied by the Railway Company. As our necessary reserve of ties has been built up. and as a very substantial surplus u. therefore, on hand, the number of ties to be purchased will be very much lest than during the past year. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aeaefated. ' ' Q. P. MMLAREN, Oenerfi Tie and Timber Agent : MONTREAL. Que. October 2nd, 1930. "4 LAND REGISTRY ACT Nonce " Re: Certificate, of Title No. 2891-1 to Lots Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24), Block Seventeen (IT), Section Six (6), City of Prince Rupert,' Map 923. WHEREAS .satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of John Gordon has been filed In this office, notiee If hereby given that I shall at the expiration of one month from the first day of publication hereof. Issue a Certificate of Title m lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection Is made to me In writing. Dated at the Land Registery Office. Prince Rupert. B.C, this 3rd day of Prince Rupert. B.Cthla 3rd dac of October, 1930. 'V5fcl'. ntgpHeLEOD,i Sat.-St-nov 1. "HT Registrar. rTf" LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply for Lease Land In the Stlkln Land Recording District of Caaalar District, and situate about three miles and one-half south of Tulsequab Post Office on Taku River Take notice that L George Robbing of Tuisequah. B.C. occupation book keeper Intends to apply for a "lease cf tne following described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted on oanx of siougn. thence south bo cnsins "" iQ thence north 8-) ohtto,. thence west 40 chains, and containing 320 acres, more or less. DtUa Aut TO IkXW f, . 1 -W.W..urr.'--,r Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaite Land In the Stlkln Land Recording District of Casslar District, and situate about three miles and one-half south of Tulseqush Post Office on Taku River Take notiee that I. William Strong, of Tuisequah, BO, occupation merchant. Intends to apply for a lease of the following describe lands: Commencing ut a post planted on band of a slough, thence south 80 chains; thence esst 40 chains; tbence north 80 chains; thence west 40 chains; and containing 320 aerea. more or less. WILLIAM 8TRONO. Dated August 28. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Pores hor In Range 8, Ooast District. Land; Recording District of Prince Rupert, am situate on the East shore of Dundas Island opposite Orern Island, Lighthouse Take noUcerthat .The Oaha'dlah Fishing Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends tp apply for a lease of the following describtd foreebore: .." ! ' Commencing at a poet planted at hlghwater mark On tbe East f hare of Dundss Island oppentte Green Island Lighthouse; tbence East chains: thtrwe North 10 chains: thence West 8 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence Southwesterly along high water mark to point of commencement and containing 8 acres, mors or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. II. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. Cth. 1930. C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 am 1 ml it n '. a 1 it 8 O&REC THE AUS OF DI5EA5 msmomam jiwaimauji. in. GET AT THE CAUSEi That's the Idea with chiropractic. The seat of most disease lies in the spine. Our method discovers where the root of your ailment is and uproots it! No knife, no drugs, no dieting merely nature's own way helped by chiropractic. W. C. ASPINAM, (Chiropractor! Phone Green 241 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. tOpp. Orme's) MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Heading Whiie House 225 Second Ave. Telephone "67 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City. Mondays and Saturdays leaves Port Clements. 8.30 a.m. CJuren Charlotte I. $0.0.11. Fares S3 corn. Round trip fi U DYSON. Port nrment Hunts Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" ' Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT . Third Avenue. Phone Red 631 STEAM BATHS 204 6th Street rhone Black 7W Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Gents, irom ... 10 am. to 10 pjn Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired Furnaces and stoves cleaned and repaired. General handyman; Phone 201 Night phone nlue 712 II. J. ZUMKEHR Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bouf ht, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 ! Get the Ad. reeding uabit. 11 pays. 16 THV6.THB TIC KIP" ASENCV? WBU.TH S MR. J&68. 1 TWO TICKETS TO TWB . lo 3 sons Beauty Parlor Permanent Waving and Hair Bobbing by Mr. Al Nelson. Violet Ray Scalp Treatments. Facials, Marcelling, Finger & Water Waving, Manicuring. MRS. RICKEY, MRS. NELSON 211 Third St. Phone Blue 5G1 Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone 53 1 P. O. Box 730 TYPEWRITERS So other value '-an apprmuh the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $73.00 Very easy terms All other makes from $15.00 HUMMTKAND ADDING MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOVVF.R. B.C A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Class. Wallraper, Wall felts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave Prince Rupert Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to Buy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-mous Edson and Cassidy Wellington in any auantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 NEON ELECTRIC TUBE SIGNS SILVERSIDES BROS. Local Agency By George MnManiis CANCEL THOS t 1