v. July 23, 1030. ednesda: THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP Face Powders f g.r i nnsr I STLUUIUPS ' HONKS 58 AND 858 50c. An rijrtment oi ouu lines regularly priced at 50c t.o $1.50 including Gay Paree, Roger & Gal-ct, Pubarry, Mavis and Piver Powders, in all shade - and odors. (tames & UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Z7?ic Pioneer Drugrtels hones Kl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists Malllnt t iuin Print Itupert r ' "t'VKR. VICTORIA. Bum dak. Ar. Bay. etc Tuwlai 130 pjn for SHi KK. VICTOUU. Itutrtfalt. Alert jy. ru- . ITWUy inMalcbt fj ALICE ABM. AXVOX. NTMVAKT. Nsa. Klier. rwi riwii 'unity. 8.00 ore. r r ; SIMPSON and WAI.EB ISLAND. Thuraay p.m. jl in Arnue KM SMITH trnt Print Rupert. II C. ItruuKh tU kr 1 pnld to Virions and beanie ud baccate tberked Ihrnnll ' I nriiniin B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM I'KINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrannell Juneau. Skagway July 7, 11, It, 18, 21, 25, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle July 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, K, JO. Princess Mary- Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver a ad vicburu. every rnuay, m pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prime Rupert, ?buue DEMAND "Rupert Stand" THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PltlNCF. KUFBItT. B.C. AWZ AOUNDTRIP $48.85 rom my point on the Triangle (Inc. Meali and Berth on Steamer) COM Buj the real! Coalour fa-b Edson'Yad Cajvidy- Bulklej Valley S&. ur'n and Itobln Hood Hour. Rupert Feed Co Canada's Finr-t Scenery ...on ti.is TRIANGLE TOUR Thin y:ir take a real Vacation I Explore the majestic Kockies! Golf, ride, swim ... at Jasper- Enjoy the KK'ial eayeties in Vancouver. Cruise home through the Inside Passage . . . or make the complete tour in the opposite direction. ... and that long-promised trip East! Why not Smrf Summer fataremuca lower literal stopovers, too. Trains leave daily at 1 p.m., except Sunday. Connections with de luxe transcontinental flyers for Prairie pointa, Toronto. Montreal s-id everywhere te Eastern Canada and UniUd SUtea. WM a"atno3iajL For iformati n A", f MrSaufUo, V.P-A., 1'rinct ttiiptrl, U.L. Dr Alexander X-RAY SEUVICE PHONE 575 UESNER BLOCK DENTIST If you lose anything, advertise for it. Try a Daily News Want Ad. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at IIeilbroners store. Liberal -workers will please turn out this evening at Committee Kooms. tf A' Miss Hardisty tour party of 30 persons from Clnclnantt arrived in the city from the east on today's train and embarked on the steamer Prince Oeorge to make the trip north to Skagway and thence to Vancouver. j who! Mrs. Newnham of England, her json and daughter-in-law Do minion Constable and Mrs. E. G. Newnham, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. A Northwestern Alaska tour party- of 40 persons, the second of these parties to visit Prince Rupert this season, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from the south and continued through to Alaska on the vessel. They will disembark here next Monday morning and proceed east by train. Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Railways, and party disembarked here this morning from the steamer Prince Henry after having made a trip to Skagwssy and proceeded east by special train at 10 ajn. Vancouver officials of the company, who came north with the presidential party, continued south on the Prince Henry Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Tait of Victoria are visitors in the city. Mr. Tart is a brother of Dr. E. S. Tait of this city and Mrs. Tait is a stater of R. 6. Johnston of Inverness. They arrived yesterday on the Catala from Alice Arm. where Mr. Tait has been inspecting molybdenum property of the Dalhouale Mining CO. of which he is a director, and wlQ sail tomorrow afternoon by the Prince Charles on their return south. Rev. and Mrs. Otto Karlstroa of Vancouver arrived in the city on Htt"rPlfcSB lMliy this morning from Juneau when they have been spending a vacation. Mr. Karlstroa has been recently removed to Vancouver as Swedish Lutheran pastor after having spent twenty years in Seattle. He will hold p Swedish service in the local Luth eran Church this evening. Tomor row afternoon he and Mrs. Karl-atrom will sail on the as. Prince ! Charles for Vancouver. iChadrenCryll CASTORIAi A BABY REMEDY ji APPROVED BY DOCTOR $ I rot KyCawSTMWJKX.BtAJlRKtA ; ll'U&I CAFE FORMERLY THE WHITE LUNCH Is Now Open I'ndT new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'MlC.U NfH MANAGEMENT 11 ram Hrat-e. Tnive'trr' tl Iwmi: Hot anil rM Walrr I'rer Bu MrrN l Train, and final. v Rates SIM and Up MfXUL MONTHLY lt.A1l.ft C. K. MGGART & A. DONALD Propi latum PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. . A. J. NCUDUOM3IC I'rop. Cor. of Fraeer and Fifth SU. Savoy F T. Patterson. Porcher Island. New Royal Hotel I. Zaretlt, ""rop. . TDK IIOIKI. UOKTII WHILE Hot Cold vvater: Steam Hat Wc rUK DAY AND UP Telephone Ml Iloyal B MipainrK and j. Hansen. i city. . ' : DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loose Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps, etc., manifest themselves; the gums become swollen, and cankers form in the mouth. This is the time when the mother should use A and perhaps save the baby's life. 4 On the market for 80 years. r. Price, bO? atlleataUdfeistsor da-'- ' ' ' J. A. Morris returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Stew art. Harry Selfe of Anyox arrived from the smelter .town, on .the Ca tala yesterday afternoon and sailed on the Prtnce Henry this morning for a trip to Vancouver. CPU. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due in port at 3.45 this afternoon from Skag-way and will sail at 5.30 for Vancouver and Victoria. B. R. Wilson, formerly engaged In the barberlng business here and now located at Alice Arm, arrived in the city from ''the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Boxers from HJ.I.S. Dispatch and local boxers, who will take part in Boxing .Tournament tomorrow night in Exhibition Hall, will work out tonight at Empress Social Club. 171 Father E. M. Leray O. M. I. of Stewart arrived in the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon and will leave on Friday for Terrace where next Sunday he will conduct monthly services in the Roman Catholic Church. The steamer Prince Henry will make a stop in the stream off Namu ttotarht to oleic 'in nd tak" south Mayor W.. II. Malkln and party of prominent Vancouver bu-taeas men who have bear on a visit to Ocean PaBs. V With a large list of passengers Including many Skagway round trippers, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port at 12 noon today from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Pans and sailed at 230 this after noon for Alaska. F. C. Bishop, who was seriously injured recently at Falls River where he was in the employ of the Power Corporation of Canada, sailed on the Prince. Henry this morning for Vancouver where he will receive further treatment. He was accompanied south by Mrs. Bishop FISH SALES Seminary American 38,500 pounds, lie. and 6c. and 11.5c and te. Canadian 11300 pounds, 10.8c and 7c. to 11. and 7c American , Radio. 30.000 Cold Storage, 115e and 6c. Wave. 6,900, Booth. 11c and Gc. Canadian Margailoe. 2,800, Cold Storage,; lOJc and 7c. Borgund, MOO, Pacific, 0Jc ana 7c. R. W. 6JM, Atlln. 11.3c and 7c. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dry Dock Employees Pknlc Au gust 3 to Tugwell Island. Moose Basaar, October 16, 17. SUITS! SUITS! Cutting, M. i , VrcfrkTrunshlpTrta Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND TRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor ; , Phone X 19 Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Mrs. J. J. Pavne and firm Rnilwl yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a visit In Vancouver. A. R. Holtby returned to the" city on today's train from a brief trip to the interior on railway business. For driving a horse and rig with out lights, R. McKay was fined $5 by Magistrate McClymont In city i police court this morning. Dan Jabour returned to the city on the Prince George this morning! from a business trip to Vancou-! ver. Mrs. T. B. Campbell of Hazelton arrived In the city on today's train from the Interior for a brief visit In town. Mrs. J. P. Cade and family, who have been on a holiday to Kit'wan-ga, returned to the city on today's train. Mrs. i Fred Wesch and family, who have been holidaying at Terrace, returned to the city on today's train. CJiJt. steamer Prince Henry Capt. A. J. Gilbert, arrived Jn port at 6 o'clock this morning from Skagway and sailed at 9 ajn. for Vancouver. Lady Verrle of London, England,, and daughter are among passengers going north on the ss. Prince George today to make the round trip to Skagway. V. L. E. Wilmont of the federal Department of Mines at Ottawa sailed on the Prince Henry this morning for Vancouver after paying a visit to mining areas in this district Oscar Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs left on today's train for a brief trip to the interior on official business. He will return to the city tomorrow. Rev. C. E. Motte came Into town on today's train from Sunnystde where he makes his headquarters 'n eonhecjUon with' summer pujs-sionary work at Skeena River cannery points. After tonight's campaign meet-'ng at Ocean Falls, J. W. deB. Far- rts. K.C.. of Vancouver, and T. D. Pattullo will leave the paper town on a gasboat and early tomorrow morning in the. stream near Namu will board the steamer Princess Alee on which they will proceed to Vancouver. OHKHKHOOK5OODMOlWOOO0tf0OCH30O vki rocHsoooHocHjoc rCHcCHno m IS! Own an ELECTRIC Water Heater Running hot water without lighting a fire . . . with a Hot-point Electric Water Heater. This ideal year-round home comfort and convenience is sold on easy deferred payments. Ask about it. For bathing, laundry, shaving, dishes. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Prince Rupert, B.C. J, W. MeDeneM sailed thlsJ morning on the Prince Henry for a trip to Vancouver. Hon. S. L. Howe, provincial secretary and commissioner of flsh- ieries, and Richard Gosse, general manager of the B. C. Packers, re ; i uJ -for bnji sru A toesl . jEwth on a charge of being iotrad in a-beer parlor was fined $50 by Magistrate MeCJy-mont in city police court this morning. ;l4i,Jt :?jikj K. C. Pickett, well knowftBAT turned to the city on' the Prince Arm mining nan. and Mrs1. Plckatl' Henry this morning from a brief are passengers aboard the Prince1 trip to Ketchikan. Mr. Howe con- George today bound from Van-tinued through on the ss. Prince oouver to Juneau enroute to the Henry to Victoria. Taku River mining country. What part of your newspaper is of most interest to you? THE front page? The society page? Sports? Woman's page? Financial? Editorial? Cartoons? There is a part of nearly every page that is practical, helpful, full of news the advertising. Do you interest yourself in reading it? You should. Here is news of immediate value to you. Comforts necessities luxuries merchandise every bit of which gives you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend. In the advertisements i& information of practical worth. Reputable merchants bring wares for your inspection that are soundly made and of known, Droved value. The statements they make they are willing to sign knowing that "each statement must be truthful, for their reputation, standing in the community, and business prestige is at ji.siake. . It pays to road advertisements. For, in this prt of your newspaper, you can find where our money cari be spent to best advantage. A very material aid in bettering your every-day life. A way of lengthening your pocket book. e (let the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. 60 x 8aMOOOOOOoarKJOCH30DooooooooocwocHaoiHKHo V;' ' ' ! P T f: '-.v. .V -i r ' i. . ' : ' - : Las