DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUi'EUT, B.C. COAL! ' COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 SAVE MONEY! PHONE 771 Try C. C. Ketchum's Minehead Coal THE BEST ALBERTA COAL IN PRINCE RUPERT Save 10 per cent In weight and buy our coal, which is always under cover and full weight. Egg, 1-inch to 3-inch $12.50 Stove, 3-inch to 6-inch $12.75 Furnace Lump $13.50 THE BORDEN GO. LIMITED. Dept. A, 1 lorti.r Arcad FUJ., Vancouver !eSSS lend mo fioo Baby Book. Robert Wiggins is a patient in the Prlipe Rupert General Hospital where he is to undergo an operation on Saturday. Week-End Specials 8mprees Jelly Powder, all I flarors, 12 4 oz. pkg j Kellogg' Corn Flakes j Pk( Very Pine Bulk Tea per lb Faultless Sliced pineapples j S, 3 tins i Crown Norwegian Sardines 3 tins 8 wilts Sliced Bacon ! per lb Shelled Walnuts, Quarters a lb Swan Down Cake Flour pkg. Bags, Fresh Extras dOS Bggs, Fresh Firsts doc Canada Dry Ginger Ale 6 bottles Royal City Apricots, 2s 3 tins 75c 10c 50c 40c 35c 50c .Sunnybrook Pine Creamery Butter 3 B, brick j gL25 75c 40c 55c 50c 81.25 80c Royal City Pork and Beans ORn 2s, 3 tins GOV, Faultless Corn, 2s 2 tins Choice Dry Peaches, Pears or Apricot, 2 lbs 35c 45c Alberta Market I'. GAMUI.A. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 Final Cast For Play at Church Number of Well Known People Chosen to Put on "The Re-bcllion of Youth'' The final oaet has been made for "The Rebellion of Youth," the play being put on by the ladles of the United Churen early next month. Mrs. John Manson it director and the others taking part are: Grandma and iMrs. Denton Mrs. H. B. Rochester. Mother and Edith Denton Miss Alva Garnet. Margaret Rudder Miss Blia Steen. Martha Denton Miss Cathie Irvine. Mary Denton Mia Bdna Vlc-kers. Mrs. McOUligan Miss Isobel Haddock. Miss Abbie Snip Mrs. Bertrand. Aunt Midge, Darky Servant Karl Barrie. Mrs. Jimmy Clelghton Mies Evelyn Grassie. Georgia Carter Mies A. Barrie. Janet Rudder Mies -Margaret McKay. Josfe Pepper Miss Victoria District News ALICE AUM Freighting up the Dolly Varden Railway, which was suspended owing to heavy snows, has now been resumed. Five residents of Alice Arm are confined to the Anyox Hospital. They are J. Flva, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis; Mrs. C. M. Smith, who Is suf fering from Influent; Wilfrid Macdonald, who sustained burns recently; Anton erbtch, who has lung trouble, and Mrs. A. McGuire who is expected to return home soon. 4 SCALE OF 1 CHARGES 4 The following Is the scnle of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c Cards of Thhks, $2, Funeral Notice $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. i 4 .-..VI; s.1.1 . PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 20 1931, ABY'S FOOD is of first importance. So nurse him if you can. If that is not pos sible put him on the food that has been used with success for countless thousands of babies since 1857 EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Pure, easily digested, always the same, it is the safe food for bottle-fed infants and is highly endorsed by leading doctors. Feedings are easily prepared; directions on every can. Sold by all grocers. FREE Two books every mother will love to have, "Baby Welfare" and "Baby Record Book". Mall coupon today. BANQUET Many Eulogies Paid By Speakers to ' Local BoysVBand At the Boys' Band banquet Tues day night. Mayor Orme referred to I the value of the band, to the organization and reorganization and to the great success of the past I year's work. He prophesied that 11930 would be equally successful. 1 Col. Nlcholls spoke of the splendid work done by the bandmaster and told some of the difficulties of the early organization. He said he was glad to see some new faces among the boys, W. H. Tobey spoke of the success ful year just concluded. Ten student boys had been added to Uie band during the year. Practices had j been well attended and the financial condition was excellent. They now had money in thr bank and a I very valuable equipment. The objective of 130 subscribing members had been obtained. He hoped the I boys would keep op their practices. ' He was sure If they did their part, Mr. Wilson would do his. Alderman Pullen said that Prince Rupert was proud of its boy's band. The early efforts had been crude and the contrast with the present splendid performances given by ;thsm was very marked. He hoped the boys would carry on until it became the best organisation of its kind in the country. A. O. Franks also mentioned how much the work of the band was appreciated. Bandmaster Wilson spoke appreciatively of the work of the committee. He hoped to go on to greater successes. Chairman Collart closed with a few wise words about co-operation and successful effort. The Letter Box OPPOSES DELEGATION Editor Daily News: I cannot refrain from on the action of the cltv council, in granting five hundred- : dollars towards the -travelling expenses of a delegate to Ottawa, to I press the claims of Prince Rupert as the coast terminal of the proposed Peace River outlet, i The Dally News, of the 19th, In jan editorial, states that there will I be very little city work this year, on account of lack of money The 1 above action is therefore not in harmony with the financial condition of the city at the present time. There is crying need for spending money at home, instead of chasing after rainbows in the form of Dromises from the railway companies. I have every confidence in Mr. Collart's ability as a delegate for the purpose, but he can not ac-"ompllsh the impossible The local papers state that President Beatty is reported to be giving his closest attention to the question of a western outlet, and we may rest assured that it will be the engineers' estimates that will tell where 'he port wMMp. and I. in common with others? firmlv believe that t-'ncc R'wrt will bs chosen as V o"M rwt. regardless of how nany de'rootions we send to press nT claims. R. X. BY0LF8ON. Officers Of Anyox I.O.D.E. Mrs. J. W. Lang Elected Regent For Comint Year Mesdames ICoy and Cody Vice-Regents j Colllaon of KtneoUtn Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, Anyox has elected officers for the year as follows: Honorary Regent. Mrs. J. S. BrayfieW. t Regent, Mrs. J. W. Lang. j Pint Vice-Regent. Mrs. D. C. Roy. Second Viee-Reejent, Mrs. J. Cody. Secretary, Mrs. J. A. MeMwttr. Treasurer, Mrs. C- Cundill. Educational 'Secretary, Mrs. Wynne. Behoes' Secretary. Mies Omrod. Standard Bearer, Mrs. C. Har-man. Councillors. Mrs. J. A. D. Stewart, Mrs. W. F. Eve, Mrs. J. Dewar. , Get pays. the Ad. reading habit. .It JUST YOUR CHANCE TO STOCK UP ON THESE LOW PRICES. ESPECIALLY ON VEGETABLES RSMO TURKIP8 QC 10 UN U TKKRACE CARROTS Qn 10 lbs RBMO BESTS Win 5 lbs CRRAM8TTSB Qp '4v Per pkg CLKS. VEGETABLE SOUP Q Per tin PRBSil FIRSTS Per dec SEEDLR88 RAISINS 2 lbs MAGIC BAKING POWDER 12 os-Per tin CORNED BSBF Per tin ROYAL CITY LOOAN-BBRRIBS 2s, per tin SAGO Per lb SHELLED WALNUTS Per lb BLACK FI08, CHOICE SiCn 2 lbs u The Economy Cash & Carry PHONE 360 319 Third Ave. iwrwfTw answ vhl-i VIHSffiL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY I AND SATURDAY Two Shows, 7 & 9 pjn. Matinee, Saturday 2:30 p.m. AL JOLSON, THE WORLD'S G NEATEST ENTERTAINER In His Greatest Success All Talking and Singing Picture 'Say It With Songs' All Talking Comedy "He Loved the Ladies" Scenic "Seeking Steclheads" ADMISSION. 20c AND C5c; SATURDAY MATINEE. 15c AND iQi Am REMEM ! the same rich creaminess, same silken smoothness Xhit Carnation Milk gives to cream soups you will find in every dish in which this good milk is used. Write tot Utry Bliki Cook Booh CARNATION CO.. LIMITED 1J AUm Sum. Vwimt, B.C. Tlic Safeguarded Milt "from Cositemted BER PRODUCED Ci CANADA LUMBER 9 1x0 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap .....'.$23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x0 No. 2 Spruce Shjplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 SpructfSfflplap $22.00 2x4 and 20, 8 to 14', S4S, No.l Common. . . $25.00 2x4 and 2xQ, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles. Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Itclai! Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 423 25c feE 22c mM: 27c WjS 38c 1 Wall New 1930 Patterns Just Arrived A. W. EDGE CO. 2ND AVENUE Phone Red 53 P. O. Box W 444444444444444 If you lose anything advertise for it.