Contract rales on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone' ..,..9S Editor and Reporters Telephone &6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION -mas; WORK APPRECIATED TRADE WITH ORIENT R. J. Cromie, publisher of the Vancouver Sun, is rendering a useful service to Canada in impressing upon the public by his addresses and in other ways the exceptional advantages our Dominion possesses for world trade and; ctdor. hardness, weight, streak, thp snpfifu niMinrtnnitiAts fnr nrnmntincr ir whiph Hp fuj-'Mstre, fracture, taste, smell and t- T l I O " " " fore us, says the Victoria Times. As the outcome of his observations on his recent tour he is convinced that Canadian commerce has a ijreat future in the Orient, particu The House of Commons, without a division, and with bait and the' iron and copper areas of the Misjenable Range. L. W. Patmcre again occupied the almost compkste unanimity, rave second reading to the cir at the evening meeting and bill which forbids the issuance of clearance papers to car- ened tne 86681011 PromPuy at 8 ones of linnnr Averts fnr- tha TTnTcf otL o'clock. Mr. Winkler opened his dU- repute of the country it will do so by an impressive ma-were unfolded. The speaker also" jortty. described the prt -Cambrian ore bo- No form Of words can be Used which can dilutP thp fartlHes oi British Columbia, mention- PAGE TWO TH&DAlLY NEWS Wednesday. March 26. imo The Daily News . PRINCE KOPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Ntws, Limited, Third Avenue : H. F. . PULLEN. y,r ,apggpgdor ft MANY AT Eagles Capture I VPT1 IB 17 Q Ducks Driven Discourses by George Winkler Con-j "ttnue to Be Centre of Attrac- " to tion For Local Mining Men In For Shelter ! PORT ALBERNI, March 26; A strange sight was witnessed Jn the' ' i t i i ccuiiti yesieruay etciiuig, aiiu one ' which local naturalists could bard cenaaeraxae numoers again iT believe. The terrific wind had1! availed themselves of theopporiun- my to brush up on geology and min- seVeral small iJavs and Inlets near eralogy by attending the lectures harbor Awards dusk, two Igiven jwterday afternoon and eve- Mele, anneared. and after circllne mine bv Geonte E. Winkler of Vic- i .,. ..ii Wednesday, March 26, 1930 under the auspices of the eA ny M that thev were Pprovinclal Mines Department. In just above the ducks. The ducks. we aitemoon, aociu lorcy persons VidenUy exoectkig trouble, con- hWere present and. in ihe evening, tinuallv dived under the water, but mnce Itupeir people Will appreciate me action oi inera gooa oeai more man mat when mt Up ragtes were llnion Steamship Company in using its influence to secure Mr winkiefs afternoon topic was always above doubt the work on the steamer Camosun for the local dry dock. !. "JJJ.t"i r able to see them below the surface. Tr nlsn snpnks wpII fnrthp trnrk done at the dock that .TT? ? Soon the duc!u became exhausted, it also speaKS well ior tne wk acme at me uoc, inu re-im re- uiustrated from samples in w hand and swooped down )eat orders can be secured from the same firm. We are while some of those present offer- e small on toenu grasping a sure we are voicing the popular sentiment when we sayjed samples for MentincaUon. The duck m lts daws mth prey that the Union Steamship Company has risen in the es-j61'' manne' was pleasingly tney disappeared towards the htik. . . r . i i r r f t i ii v jiir inmnie and Mna on teem oi tne people oi rrince nuperc inrougn us wuiing ness to co-operate fer the improvement of industrial con ditions in the city. simple Attract and his subject matter revealed many points xst In tern jr a practical way to iflose in attendance. The lecturer described the char- j actertsttes of the most commonly , occurring minerals and elaborated on the various physical .tests that I'oang Lady Has Important Duties can be easily used in the field for their Identification. These included crystattizatien. Evening Meeting About sixty -were present at the Is Acting Agent For Nova Scotia In London LONDON, March 26 In an office m Canada House, overlooking Trafalgar-square, sits a pleasant-faced woman of 37. with unbobbed hair and long .skirts, whose task is to j attend to the varied interests ln larly in China, which hp is ennfidpnt will pvnlvp intn an evening meeting when the speaker London of a small Dart of the Em-! orderly national organization with an immense demand! le,8,Jffs.f " "d pire.hejs Mks Jean iris Howard) for thi nrodiiPte. neural nrl mannfWnrprl whiVh r,pr i0. of ge5,oslcal. ' Im .si- acting agent-general in London for , i , ......... myriad population lacks, but which this Dominion possesses in abundance. British Columbia, owing to its geographical situation and the variety and quantity of its resources, is bound to mentation and straUflcaUoc, elera- jjova Scotia, to which post she uon oi sea oowoms, goacuu acuon, succeeded on the death last March Intrusive bodies bursting forth o( ner father. She was his confi-f rom beneath the earth's crust and dential secretary and when he died extrusive bodies spreading oat over, .vP intrnH br rah!, tn "rar. i perhaps, vast areas. Mr. Winkler be an important factor in the development of this trade, endeavored to place in respect t , iwvviiieu uHre is a proper appreciation oi us situation ny the Canadian people, and there are energetic efforts to make the most of it. BREAKING THE ALLIANCE (Edmonton Bulletin) on. Hr art nm nt th thlnir tha both geologic time and strata the to j. chief metal deposits of the North probkms American cnent such as the Bdtaln Nova Glve arbestos at Thetford, Quebec, the , .,v,,i j c,j,w iiZ 2. motherly advice to emigranU and arrange their passage and passports. Lecture on Nova Scotia, and attend conferences and functions as Nova Scotia's representative. Miss Howard was the guest of honor at the house dinner of the Royal Empire society recently, a long way to repair the damage it did to its onu prestige,.. i",VlS when rt refused to take such action a year ago. If the ; .During the course, of the lecture Senate has any proper regard for its repute it will sane-1 treasures on orilario-s pre- ... i . tion the measure, ami if it is rightly concerned about thebS'SS Women to Head ' Big Undertaking that Canada has been in partnership with smugglers That;!ng f'"11011 property of the Central Public Health committee biles QT Silk Stockings, has nothing to do With the case. A j British Columbia pre-cambrlan LONDON, March 26 A woman decent regard for the obligations of neighborliness re-j areas did not seem to contain the has ben chosen at the head a quires that one country shall not make itself knowindv a Proportionate equivalent of the vast undertaking of vital party to the violation of the laws of another. That is pre-' Ontari0 mlneral dcpos,u wis Tr?nce t0 thousand5 of Lon- oicalu m.k.f rn.j. l.. i . . 1 exnlalned by the excessive erosion aoner5- KlT, 7B7fflFgraf ?nC,(' "d ated those areas In On April 1 the old Boards of tion to thi.s business, and providing sanctuary for those British Columbia. The great Sul- Ouardlans will have ceased to ex-engaged in it. The Unanimity with which the Commoners livan ore deposit In the East Koot-t11- The'r functions as far as the decided to terminate the partnership will do something tnav country, although it occurred County of London is concerned will to lesnen theontpmnt witn whiVfe tho nannU nf fi, it:i Ji Jo pre-cambrlan rocks, was attri- be exercised by the London County ' "" "v 'W -IVUJ ' rt, . . . . wic UUHCUIU..J V.Ka . -i..MU.h,. i u. ini.j.Aa - nr, atates must have been viewing this alliance for years. DEAN TELLS ABOUT WORK NEWSPAPERS l Journal of the British people, came 'into existence in 1785. and John Wilte. Hs first editor, had been .Imprisoned on several occasions. . becase he insisted on the right to . crlUctee royalty as well as the com- Power f prM. t ,. . , lheT?. U,moa Prosecution could not Others Says Well k Known rh th iia. k. , ivine "" " yvMrix,uui9 scat1 ned to fear the press, and do still with good reason; for secret and VICTORIA. March 26: "The arbitrary things are Impossible printing press is the chlW of the the prsjts expresses Itself church," stated Dean Qualnton. in frankly and freely, delivering an address on "Thp Un.' Twentv veara atrn no lumiMn rViunril A new rommltfp rallprl WHKU ,V UiUICiaiUdilB UAiiUlUra VI . the Jurassic period. ! the Central Public Health Commlt- The speaker described the Inter- j tee will be responsible for all the had been homtht at a oraf r,rw cstlng investigation of the Yukon miirmarjes, nospiuus and msiuu- Tae London Ttm whiH 8dd deposits that were found to be tions previously administered by sneakAr refBirM t .. fv, unin. derived not only from pre-carii- the Ouardlans. and. with certain pre-cambrlan mineralization. The J Asylums Board, and also for the theory was also expressed that the I public ambulance services now ad Cariboo schists from Vhlch the -ministered by 'the .London Fire Brl gold of that region originated, derived their mineralization from pre-cambrian influences. ' The mineralizing activities of the Jurassic and Cretaclous periods, ,to which the great majority of British Columbia ore deposits are due, were explained In detail. The Important avocation of the Coast Range Batholith with these ore deposits dern Newspaper," in the Memorial would permit an article on religion, i 'as also stressed. nan on Monday evening. "I believe tod changed. Interest In poll-it is a fact that In sntn lara nun. tics had. .declined anrl Intsmcf in It was pointed out that a few deposts such as the mercury deposit near Kamloops paper plants the composing rdom is nglon had increased, the speaker I 11x6 Phoenix copper deposits sua referred to as 'the Chapel. 'sought. The power of the press Is ana Lnose " ine Joraan Kiver ana When Wilbarn Carton first set up greater than, aU the. platforms, i Sooke on Vancouver Island his printing press It was in the books, radio and movies, because it I were attributed to the younger ter- chapel of Westminster Abbey. The mould the opinion of the average first documents printed In Western human being, and holds in its Europe were done by hand, and hands the future of democracy! were termed indulgencies. by copy- , . ., . lstsinold moaaatrles." It wasTot Resting Facts hard to lmaalne what th. oivni a While the prea cannot make a tl&ry mineralizing activities. At the conclusion of the evening ssittn several Interesting Questions were askod, to uhlcb the lecturer gave concise and iittlng re ply. the nruitina nceu meant tn tv.u mm9-beBeve wht.h'l?hot lrielffifidf For the rest of the week the lee copyists, and the efforts that were t?KP It mdaaliysrattainsiB3s4tUres at 4 .o'clock In Jhe afternoon 4 made to belittle the usefulness of ,cendency m h rnind, interpreting the machines, when the nwfangl-ifaBte ,n a way acceptable to men ed innovaUons first made their ap-1 who require Interpretation, and pearance. i10 w111 invariably accept Its opln- At a Great Price ,ms In lon ran- It was during the reign of Good j ' Queen Anne that newspapers first ; Chiel Engineer Logan of the Un-began to be an Intellectual force. J Ion steamer Cardena Is at present The tribulations and difficulties of ashore at his home in Vancouver early editors were alluded to. They, on annual vacation and Chief En-were liable to fines. Imprisonment ', gineer Hogan, regularly of the Ca-ardl4;wJjrM.or,he expression otjmosun, is on the Cardena in his opinion. The freedom ot the press absence!'" " . - and 8 o'clock in the evening will be devoted -to the various agencies governing the deposition of commercial ore bodies, the mode of occurrence of these deposits, and helpful hints that will aid In their discovery. CNJt. THALNS From East Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 3.30 p.m. For East Mondays, Wednesday; gade of the MAB. The chairman of this committee which will have the health and welfare of thousands of London ers under its control, Is Dr. Flor ence Barrle Lambert, a well known member of ihe London County Council and the chairman of the old Public Health Commit tee, which" under the new regime1 becomes a sub-committee of the Central Committee. It is a colossal Job to place upon the shoulders of a woman, It Involves the care of the necessi tous sick of a city of millions NORTH CLIFFE BUST LONDON, March 26 A model bust of the late Viscount North-cllffe by Lady Hilton Young has been accepted by the Committee of the Northdlffe Memorial' Fund. When completed the memqrjal will stand In the forecourt of St. Dun- stan's Church, fleet-street lam .W V FOR. QUICK. HARMLESS COMTGICr ChildivnCiyforlt fWaTf1KWSrSAtTmJ'tS V .OU tot a r!sjlt4 V.t V v. iA :Ht. i. .- . ; -.rod TOO1 .aUy A oi every V 1 VWSCBRW" . FoiSettling Small Accounts M Tfct Skfllnt of Tsroato IANY business houses as well as inJiviriuali ne Mnn (M obtained from the Bank of Montreal instead of cheques. They are safe, convenient and economical. The charges are: 2.50 and tinder .. 5c . Over 300 to 50.00 Uver 2.50 to f 5.00 . yc 300 " 6oao " 5.00 " IOXX) 10.00 30.00 roc I2C M ' 60.00 14 80.OO 8O.O0 " IOO.OO 18c 20c 24c BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 TOTAL ASSBTS IN UXCUSS OP f 860; 000,000 Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.