ths daily nev& Wednesday, Martn 24 PAQE fQUR ON FRIDAY Speculation of Weeks Will End When Grand National Racers Try Alntree Course UVMPOQL. Eng. March 26: The Orand National will be ran over the famous Alntree course on Friday, after one of the strangest flclal prohlbiUon against the fly- to see some English fences in a race ing of aeroplanes onr the course j before the National, then things while the lace is in progress. might have been different As it is. In Ireland, just aero the Irish the French star was schooled over Sea. the interest to greater than conceptions of English fences at could be aroused by any other . Mal&aus Lafitte. sporting event Fdr Ireland remains i' The race will be worth approxl-the great home of the steeplechase : mately $60,000, slightly lower than horse and seems Hkely te eentinaef last year when a record field of M so. The Irish fannvr who turns out started. Spectators will see this a mare's offspring Into the pad-1 prise disposed of in a contest last-deck, to he broken for jumping : Ing leas than 10 minutes. Not ail only when the hone Is threw or of them trf!l remember that even four years of age. has been re-' allowing for the b reeks of the ac-sponslble for the strength and de-,tual race, many weeks of patient elonment of most of the great ; training ana years 01 experience training campaigns since the great , steeplechasers of the past inetod-. . i . tft 1S3J. ' ..... . , -. steeplechase was first run in The mishaps to Gree&lach and Baxter Hero, who finished first and second last year, have been received with rattgittDg. Bat on Frtday all uncertainty wtO have vanished. Oat of haS a hundred horses one it in a iteopfrthm terse. inc such Nati.nal winners as Jerry M.. MaiuCeslu. Xirkatnd. Troytown. Sergeant Murphy and Shaun Spadah. Htrses Indisposed Baater Hero, veteran of many will have to eurffe the iunetyflrst ateepecJuLse-and esperienee is wiimsr of the atfhreate tMt of mer-"the stoat valuable asset In a Orand play a large part in the outcome The running of the historic Grand National recalls the origin of the word steeplechase. In the' early days of this essentially Brt ; tish sport men were accustomed to ' match their hunters against each other, and ride across country to a i fixed point near to some steeple, which gtrided them on their way I National was a dear out favorite across hedges, fences and ditches. Not even the Derby can detract for Friday's race for some months. from the greatness of the Orand Than he strained a tendon and for N-vionai. It is unique among the some days there was doubt that he world's great sporting events be-1 would start. Ivest violet-ray treat-cause of its classic severity. For meats were resorted to. He Is own-years after it became a fixture, ed by J. H. Whitney. United States competent judges doubted whether ' turfman, though he was bred on a horse could finish the course with j this side of the ocean, an impost of it stone 164 pounds. Gregalach, last year's winner, is Two years ago out of starters, (a half brother of Baetar Hero, both only one finished the course, the .being sons of My Prince. He was humble Tipoerary Tim. a 10G to one indisposed some weeks ago bat shot, who jam ml his victory if (Seemed to have recovered until he only because he was able to keep ran a very poor race in a trial on ob teet. 1 March 15. His showing. Indeed, was ftour and a half miles of heaxy so feeble that Mrs. M. A. OemmeB. coma with M dtffteuK jumps con this owner, removed him to another front the aspirant to National; honors. Bechers Brook. Valentine's Same ways this was superior sport . to the modern steeplechase over an artificial course. But It didst allow for the spectator. WAUGHWINS OVER DONALD Took First of Individual Champion-Ship Billiard Games Last Night By 5W to 4i: Score training establishment There was. 1De v """""f "7" under but talk of four play among turfe!eh1B18WPs . . , ..i.kt Ax,r,a Wiinh allmln Brook and Canal Turn have a more who forgot that Oregaiach is a no-. " ll Andy IW .e f irrt than local significance. A very tortousty temperaments! turf small psrcentage of steeplechase .difficult to train. The net result t.bJ f?re.Lj 111 IiosVSnTSc sTndVuy-lthat a third horse became the bet- f0. eheieeoM Gratis, who wffl'v good showing It took three me werto give them a chance I ting rider of u,! hoars and ten minutes to play the tathk race. Yet nke aH horse be ridden by Ptggott . match. J. Smith was referee and O. raeea. the National fti lis surprise. , National winners. Ctototar carried the punishing There is little doubt the uncer-' Walker and George Shenton acted franmfagT of 116 top weight to taint sarrouudia the star entries markers. 1-1 am w . . . iiT it,. ' ITniTin H a&n haw little hone of thlM. result. Trssn servtoM hate Venuvteg en Ins fsrst attempt at audi The second game of the first bfcddtng far weeks for the abnormal a prise. His trainer. M. dtXhujien. round, between Den Brown and O. traffic from other ceatres of the admits he is trying an experiment p. Tinker wig be played tomorrow And a aideBght Is the of- Hid Heugon been given s cnanee rugm. Dominion of Canada Income Tax CORPORATION DIVIDEND, WAGE AND SALARY RETURNS s Due March 31st e The larequirtfiatallC Joint StockGompanies, -J ana v&soaaaons snau maKe lnionnaaon. renirns covering ail di-idends bonuses, wages and salaries paid during the year 1929. Every person who fails to make such returns on or before March 31st is liable to a penalty of $10.00 for each day of default (maximum penalty not to exceed $50.00.) Corporation Information Returns are to be made on Forms T4 and T5f copies of which can be had from your Postmaster, or the Inspector of Income Tax in your district. Act prompdy and avoid penalties. SECRETARIES NOTE : Do not neglect to obtain forms T4 and T5 and file returns immediately. WINNIPEG. MAN. Where Income Tax IasfrectorsAre Locnf ed : CAiaVRT.ALTA. tAuttet BueV& RECINA.$A$K. SA$K.KTCQN. tDK.VTO.N, ALTA. PRINCE ALBERT, SASJC PjOlBuJIW VANCOUVTR,aCi WWnBuains The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division HON. W. D. ZVIXK OTTAWA C, S. WALTtltSv MialMr Niriwl Rnrrur CVmwmmt Ivnw Tax iiDiacK as night. LIQUID STOVE 'POLISH i,MCKrrrs tcvtssuiu kited. MOKTRtil TCWHTO - - WWOSMS I Sport Chat Grot to has made quite a clean-up in local indoor sports this winter and congratulations are due the dub for something tn the way of a unique record, the Tobacconists had already captured the billiard and whist league championships and this week added to their laur-eis by taking the cttbbage title. In each ease, they won the first half honors but lost out on the second, as if to make a eompetMien of It coming- back In the finals, however, to win out each time. It is not often that trophies have gone so eon slstenUy in one direction as they have dene this winter. win in a canter by lengths injeaused a larger proportion 01 see- - ' progressive bridge is a new form Ma Manifesto carried the saroe kers then usual to turn to toe iss- ew c,r" " ""' of entertainment evolved by the impost to win in 1st, ser lights who wiil at least ha ve b near tte d ien Wah HerMtomt oommHtee of the Uverwol besemes the centre of weight ae vantages te recommend maea a.,bh break far the oteh Toronto Board of Trade C3et. On the Brittsst Isles on Friday. Hun- them. 01 taTLJWfjrMW Jcea mmiy ,bt drees of thousands will congregate The Orand National will attract weB ta the . Waugh-s average teter to 1B0Oh are at Aintree and mllhons all over tne, out one iTenen-iramea nore. yrr numi a.o uu wtxuu s ; nbn wiU travel from one mem- bers besse to another in North Rosedate.aad Moore Park district, playing pve rounds of bridge In each home. The party wfll be assembled at one peace for luncheon, however.. Soeae 43 members of the el ab will take part tn the Auction bridge esttbusiH its from many pobaU m Canada and the ' UnMed States gathered in Toronto ' week for the annual touma-1 I of the Toronto Whist Club at the Royal York Hotel The tourna-' aunt was under the direction of She various eonnKtees of the cbn. The main events, open to ail players, were fee atdtes pairs, the mesrs pairs, the mixed pairs and I fuse Windsor fours. A new feature ' was the Ontario CfeaUene Trophy, presented for competition by the eeMts the fours championship of! the province of Ontario. It wast mpm to one team of four players. ; (eprssenAf aay iadtvidwxl dab. t or ropmontaUve of any city or tows m Ontario in which there is i no organned club. The Toronto I I WWst Cab at a mixed dub with i tmiiMm ouartets and received a I provincial charter m the year 1000. j fit mesaeert wewast tnthusustsj and for many years at Hs annual ; i totsEnaavau one events were keen-; ihj ebntesvd. After fee wax. the ac- IsfcMea ef tbeaeub were revived andi seeen years' og the club hes the! .first auction "bridge tournament. The teunaaments are now held aa iaoaBy. Named After Real ' Pioneer of Nova ! Scotia Province REINDEER LONG TRIP OTTAWA. March The drt of 3.000 reindeer from the wes coast of Alaska eastward to the delta of the Mackensie river In the Northwest Territories of Canada is progressing favorably and this month the herd is expected to reach the basin of the Colvill- I river in northern Alaska, where it will remain during the coming I summer, resuming the movement game ; Tbtre is a utile tot m Inenoorg. -N&. aaawtf lane Uargaret Badjy.' 'wen is 4 direct descendent of Osome rredessck BaiUy. who m the earry bistary of the town officiated) laacher xsA laj-resuaer to the) rronsh at North West Range. The first utrttr t LaaeasMrrg sews, 'sealed on Juste ?, ms. was that M iJare isargorH Battty: sa oc-;fred on the mght on Juste t, the Bttht folsBwlnc fee landsnc of the , fxnt seitters. the child, aa boaer of wbssa the pesseat baby Jane Is nbsaed. besac ban aa a eeeMruetod l , j ' CNR. ituamer PrfeXiOe Oeorxt Cap. Neil Vkteaa. arrived as port' at 11 etseek this mornww; farm; Yoaeouver. PoweB Rfrer and Octaa PaJk wife a goodstsed pawenger ast i the keen eomnetition for furs nasi Mackenzie and as they increase to1 place smaUr hetds at other unliable points. The natives will b Instructed in tho handling and herding of the reindeer. had to be abandoned V. th? dr. owing to "fhowstorms. The rmn i of reindeer took place u the east of Elephant point in the vU-ley of the Napaktolik RWrr w!ur winter corrals are slt iateti. Sn, v t orms preatiy relanlod the work of gathering the herds t.-r.-fth r and at one ttaie whpn abaut ") -000 deer were bng he-l-1 towards the corral a bliszar ' watered them and It took ab- ;t e! -' days hard work before the r-:roii were safely within the corrals Or. in Oetobor. Word of the progress rjecetnber 01 uie retnoeer purcnaseo ay rne , Dominion Government was brought by A. E. Porsild of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch, of the Department of the Interior. who recently returned from Alasks. While In the north Mr. Porsild selected the animate to be included In the movement and saw the drive well under way before be re turned to Ottawa. The estabUehraent of iwlnaaer herds In Northern Canada to to provide a new source of food and nothing for the native innabitanta The Introduction of high-powered fire arms arsons the natives and THE ROUNU-l'P The drive is to be carried out a - Interior Department, Qtfl&l-JUxiediottsey a possible. A recon- turns from Alaska Select? Animals and Saw U.lve Started nalssaroc flight uy aeropiartc earn-in October over the n-opoMrl m-t tn the far north,. OI Ir" Bm and the provision of supplementary supplies such as remdeer ean furnish is deemed desirable. Surveys completed by A E. Porsild and his brother. R. T. Porsild. in the area east of the Mackensie delta and around Great Bear Lake in 1927-36 haw shown that large parts of the great northern ptalas and adjoining tracts of open timbered land between the Coppei-aUaa. mA the isackenxie rivers eminently suited to reindeer traeaM. and wiU swpport vast herds of these animals It is proposed to establish the S.ftOO animals recently purchased in the area im V- 13 the work of wieciinp the an-mast for Canada ws begun and 2890 does and 307 b-icM were chosen by December 16. The .mrp!iis animals over tne S.OOt traded for are to replace any lost by tntury during the movement. As the animals were chosen they Promisins; were placed In charge of Esklsao fho nis herds rs and directed along the' route to be followed, being allowed to graze as they moved along. Andrew Bahr, three other veteran Lapp herders, and six Kasimo herders are tn charge of Uie drive. Fifty Stews drawn by reindeer contain the equipment while abo.:t 300 reindeer steers are also accom- . . . . . nnniw I rm ripiii an mm in in The but herd moved ea.tward to the headwaters of the Napaktolik rtver and Porsild paints s graphi- picture cf the view of the approaching herd he obtained from the top of February mountain. The herd had turned northeastward from this notnt and the rrossrtiz ' of the End'cotl range is ekpt t : BiLli' BU.SIIAW loca. hM niifht whiah they begir. to I'm east. In Octt-b- : d' ve will be resu-T.i -. .. , northern Alaska eoant -no i pe- ted that the herd the east bank of ti. river early In INI. . . -enoea W senoy oep , - - mB. of the f.wmn penod numoers oi iur Dearmg ana oiaer i r t to be completed this mor.:h T.v Little tmtly ran ; v. herd wfll remain m the iws.n of 'crying as thrurfJ her the Colvtlle river darfemr the fawn-; break. ng sasnti which occurs tn April - What's wronf. dea- and for the greater part of the m .her. rammer, moving to the coast when "M dolly Wry t . . the flies become too bothersome. koh4 Thus the fawns wfll be given an "Bow su dhf break sediatsty east of the delta of the opportunity to attain a at Early ih.s sprin; H T wf the North West T:r Yukon Bramh will c-ieroplane to compl ments for the rry herd In the beflnnine terials for the erecnor. rate, huts, and oth- r have already been sh:7)?"- "I his-hise-on tike a THOUGHT: Another admirer lost for Janet . . . all because of "B.O " WHAT a bitter dwappointBaent the cveseeg ka4 LcenT Men bad been poftesess Hsetf. Bat somesww. Jaaet knew sue hadn't made a good impression on this new salmirer. Wiose fash? Janet dswe't ksww taea. But tkere s no "B. O." no bod odor robeis her of popularity- now. Let htt tel jea what see leaned about this treaekeroas fauk and Ike easy way- la end it by keefsmg pesipiratiosi cJosWt. No fB.0." 'ai any time note Tike everybody- else, I pes scare more freer in summer. Bat I never dreamed I wis guSty of 'B. 0.' at an time. Lifeb UMrOoar) "Now I reelae why. We leeocne in Mositive to erer-pteseat odort. Buttke pores const sntry hre off ooW-caastng waste as mock as a smart dauj. "So lifebuoys my easy toakt soap now. And Hove it! No otkwr toSst sosp Las ever made me fed so coeapseteir. tkrustnfjr cfc 4 as Lifebuoy. IU retreating, aatiscptic lather punfirt pores so dcefdy, B. O.' is iaapossible. "Ifow caaar lifebuoy keefM my skia, too, And its a real ssiesjwsrd against cerms. ijSeeooy a paaajanr. errrs-eson fceatt. yea it tosf muse su Lrrt Swdwi ttmfi. TwrsOa LiOV HEALTH SOAP stops body odor lefts