J. it Wednesday, March ? t1 PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS Lecture room in C.N.R. hospital car. first of its kind in the world now at Spadina yards, Toronto, (or inspection. The company has , three such ears CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Qi'IMATINU (I. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlarksmfths, Pattern ilakers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Ail Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 If you lose anything, advertise for it. P'sooooMoooaoooooooooooofieooo Prospecting For Spring Salmon At Flats Hecate Sts. About twenty trolling boats hare gone out to the flat In Hecate. Strait; to prospect for spring sal- man. There it is that the first fish ' are usually caught The place where they fish 1 about two hours from Squaderee which is the nearest ; harbor. i j Sometimes the fish are taken in large numbers on the flats. Last ;year some of the boys made a i thousand dollars in a month there but usually about three hundred dollars is good fishing. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert . March 26, 1910 l a poDuc meeting was neia m toe Empress Theatre, at the call of Arthur Cuthburt to consider the situation following the turning over of the local waterworks project to the city. The unanimous opinion was that construction at Aeropotts Hill should stop until the city council is elected. The Bank of British North Am erica Is to open a branch here construction of a temporary one- Montgomery.) Water powers under reeorve which may be used for power purposes include: " FallRiver Thlilme RiVer .......... paooQOoaoooawooowooowoooowooa i iiii.L . 32,qD0 horse pojv'er 16,000 " Union Bay 10,000 Khtada River . 20,000 Brdwn'g; River ......... 15,000 This means hat for manyyedtatocprne Srjricpprt wiMWW the huge organization of trel? Corporation of Canada will.be using its influence to help build up the district industrially. ',:X- H. This year the sockeye' salmon fishing season will open on June 29 'and the Skeena River boundary is extended seven miles above Strawberry Island, it is announced by Hon. William Templeman, member for this district SWSWOOPOOOOOOOOOOO ooooocwcooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooockoooc-s SB co op ta 1. What Northern B.C. Power 0 ,8 WRIGLEY'S U good company on any trip. Iff dcUaoat flavor add rest and enjoyment. Th P-plie pep and energy when the day teems long In short Wt food and good lot jo- night ul social m After Every Mealjjfy Brotherhood ! Holds Social Affair Last Night In Baptist Churtb Parlors Pronounced Great Success A held most lait in the Baptist i shortly, a contract having been 11 CJ" ito the!0' f Brotherhood. The Anderson & McKinnon for president, o. W. Johnstone, spoke a few words of welcome to the vud I Third Avenue and Fulton Street. OUf- ebr I Th hiriMIn rw,w atanrf. , ThHrt ! oi W committee, took I Avenue below the Dally News of-1 che nice wncre it is occupiea ay w, Means to Prince Rupert COrOCH&00000- CQOOOOOtmov o c A good many people do not yet realize what the development of power by the Northern B. Power Corporation means to Prince Rupert. The present power plant at Shawatlang generates very little mora than one thousand horsepower and the steam plant at the drydock ig.u$ed as a reserve. The new power plant at Falls River is designed tb'gen- " orate 32,000 horsepower of which the first unit of 6,000 is now being constructed and is expected to be completed this year. Other units will be of 6,000, 10,000 and 10,000 horsepower, respectively. The initial capacity of the pond at Falls River is to be 258,000,000 cubic feet but by raising the dam, the capacity ' will later be increased to 5,000,000,000 cubic feet. The first part of the evening was musical and the progmm was as follows: Violin solos M. R. Dafoe. Humorous readings Aid, p. H Limey. Vocal solo Miss Beulah Mc- Kinley. Piano seJeesaoruv-Miss McKinley Spring Cleaning . SPECIALS Stock Up At These Prices P. O. NAPTHA SOAP ftft 30 bars for . Vevv ROYAL CROWN SOAP Q4 A A 20 bars for . i,uu ROYAL CROWN CLBANSE31 18 pkts lux- c-a nn 10 pkU. for vi.w RINSO- Q1 nn 10 pkU. for - PJL.vv oif d nn 5 pkts. for COMBINATION 1 Rroom, 5 strings 1 I'kt. Sunlight Soap I Pkt. Ivory Soap Flakes 1 Tin Gem Lye. All For $1.00 We have re-oneried our Meat De pariment and Mr. W. MJonesf who Is no stranger, is lntcharge of that Department. tV' Come In and renew your acqualn tance. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited. 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. O. Box 575. Nominations Will Bo Kade For the Local Rotary Club At the Rotay Club luncheon to-J morrow the nowmsttng committee; will propose a full slate of officers I for the coming year, and, If these I are adopted, there will be no elec-Uon. However, every member of. AletU the club has a -fight to nominate anyone ior any on ice ana. snorua Oet-together games were tin 1 1 nlisnlsjr HIJisl it if tlilii jiilTl indulged in. one of the funniest was a bUndfoM tilting match between M. R. batoe and Lee Dell. Amid roan of laughter the bout was dec m draw. Masry eSsief nlrth provoking ,iumU took place, and the proceedings were brought to a close by the serving of refreshments. The ladies who were the guests, expressed, agreeable surprise that mere men could entertain with such success. About forty-five were present J ind the Brotherhood's first social was declared an unqualified suc- R. W. Sinclair of Inverness Cannery arrived in town on yesterday afternoon's train from the 8keena River for a brief business visit, returning to Inverness this morning. lege, a usnot wuvaxe place on we club's election day. The recommendations of the committee follow: President, ft. O. Johnston. Secretary. Oeorge Rorie. Treasurer, O. H. Munro. Directors John Dybhavn, Jams L. Lee. B. J. Hellish, C. L. Monroe, John J. Little and Q. E. Oubclc Lord and Lady Villiagdon Boost j For Banana Fruit! i OTTAWA. March M -If Lord! and Lady WUlingdon had their way ! bananas would be on every Canadian table bananas, of course, j firm the British West Indies) Their! Excellencies came back from their j recent holiday fine believers in aj banana a day. j A few years ago bananas were considered thqnighly indigestible. Today they are prescribed for youngtfhlldrcn. It appears that the Something weU worth remem .1 firm tallow fruit, sliahshr treen- BaUEwaar tinned, formerly classified aa Al.j was the cause oi all the trouble. We have learned that the smallest j touch of green was a danger signal, i that the banana was not ripe and j consisted largely of raw starch. In; this state the fruit should onlyi have been eaten when cooked, j When the golden skin mottles to a dark brown, bananas are at their An.'11' e&ay 10 digest, full flavored, Q-i Jj) J. VI U i sugary and wholesome. Even If the skin is black, if it is utwroKen, UK pulp is thoroughly wholesome. The Journal of the American Medical Association says that the "digeatl- oility of the banana is directly proportional to the ripeness of the fruit." bering Is that bananas should be kept at a moderate temperature. Domestic Science Is Recommended Duke of York Pays Tribute to Ills Lady In Opening Institute Ju. fte, Wed., Thur., Fri. and Saturday Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. ZiegfielcTs fabulous, all-talking, all-singing, super-Screen Spectacle RITA Retls A Wonderful Musical Extravaganza With Behe Daniels and John Boles Admission 20c and 63c Saturday Matinee at 2:30 -15c and 10c GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA March 31st II the last day for filinff returns of Income earned during the calendar year 1929. Returns are required to be fed with the Provincial Asac.uor Prince Rupert, from whom the necessary forms and full lnfor.iu Han may be obtained. Thoe required to make returns are as follows: 1. Brery corporation or joint slock cotnpanyrtuse Form Ne. 1). X Uw rjr partnership, and every person engaged in business of any kind, or practicing any profession, (use Form No. 7B). 3. 'Every other person In receipt of Income from salary, wages, commission, fees, bonus, perquisites. Interest, dividends, rent, or other Income from any source whatsoever, in excess of (a) In the ease of a married person, $1800. b) In the ease of a single person, $1200. (Use Form No. 7A). t Individual whose total Income from all sources U Ies than the amount specified need not file a return unless requested by the Assessor to do so. In the ease of Provincial returns the amount of the tax is not payable until 30 days after the dale upon which the Assessor mails a notice of assessment. The public are earnestly requested to obtain the necessary forms and file returns promptly In order to avoid penalties A slstance In the making up of returns will be gladly rendered where necessary by the staff of the Assessor's office. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Province of British Columbia. ' LONDON. March 26: ''com-n,Ptfil him to offer himself as a mend the study of domestic science , P"Pl- He referred to the care taken to you In all seriousness, for I know i m lM instruction or young girls what real comfort can be given toiani women in domestic science and a home by a wife who is interested ! homecraft so that they might build in domestic matters." I up good and comfortable homes. That was the Duke of York's tri-! "The aim of the Polytechnic was bute to the Duchess when he open- to provide facilities for forming a ed the new institute of the Bor- steadfast character and true ough Polytechnic Cookery School, friendship, for training the Intel-Addressing the pupils, the Duke !ect. and for leading an upright, said that the list of delicious dishes unselfish life. "That embodies our taught at tho institute almost national Ideals and sums up, to my C. B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Income Tax. LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4Si No. 1 Common. . , .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 SIS, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow bay, Telephone 423 mind, everything worth living for' the Duke added. T. C. Workman, representative of the London Salvage Association, arrived In the city on the Prlnco Oeorge this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business In connection wjth the, Institution at the local dry dock of repair work on the steamer Camosun which went ashore last Saturday night on Calvert Island.