Delicious Salada quality S arf inexpensive luxury TEA 4Fresh from the gardens ITMinvT lmf IIlMITIO I .m.-.i. t SummerTify Trains and Ship. mm m n n ill i ' a Lb I I rnic COAL nr the real Coal our fa- Edson and Cassldy-Y'"nston-in any qaantltlcs. nulkley Valley Hay. and Robin Hood Flour. Pr,Ve Rupert Feed Co I'llnvt.'CT rn . ... ; I 7 Face Powders 50c. An assortment of odd lines regularly priced at Due to .51.50 including Gay Paree, Roger & Gal-li . Pubarry, Mavis and Piver Powders, in all m a !. and odors. imes Eft yfic Pioneer' Driiyeisls Phones Rl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists Mulling. I'rom ITInc Burnt r l " XttTVER VICTORIA. Butrcialt. Atari Bay. etc Tuesday 8.30 pas (or VAN' nttKII. Vl TOItll. Iluteiiule. Aim IU. etc.. rrMJr inldnlrbl rw ALICE AKM, ANYOX, HTF.tVAUT. Man KJier. fort MiDlmia. tun- day, 8.0(1 p.m. r i HIMPSON and WAI.ES ISLAND. ThuMaay p.m. I!J Jnd Airnue B M SMITH Afrni Prince Kupcrt. H C Tlmuih Itrkrt told to Victoria tod rteattle .and tacrine tbnlrd drouth to 1mtlnllo mm I B.C COAST ISTEAMilUPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM riUNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wraneell Juneau. Skagway July 7, 11, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle, July 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30. Princess Mary--Ocean KalU. etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn Agents Tor All Steamship Lines W, C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Kuprrt, I'houv Si For VANt:OUYi:i - YICTOIIIA -SEATTLE ami intermediate irl'a .Monday, Wednesday, Tliuraday, and Saturday. For AN VOX and STEWART Monday and Friday Fur ALASKA POUTS Wed ii cm) ay and Saturday Al rrgular tailings for Sieena ami Naa Idler fMirla and Nurlli 'oiilli Queen Charlotte I aland. 'amrnfrr traint for lUimonton, iprg and all mnfa totl daily rxcrpt Sunday 1 fi.m. Iravel Canadian national TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA For Information mil or write H. F. McNAlMMITON, IM.trlct PnBeiiKcr Agenl, Prince Kuprrt. II.C. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PRONE 573 ItESNER BLOCK DENTIST Try a Daily News Want Ad. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. II. M. S. Despatch will1 hold a dance In1 the Moose "Hall tonight Specials FotttBe;: Week-End Sandwich Biscuits Peek-Preans, per lb. 3 lbs Sardines King Oscar i 2 tins and Saucers for Chopped Oltvea McLarens 4-os., per Jar , 35c Si.00 29c Golf Reef Pineapple 8ms.ll Golden Slices Latfe tins, each .. Canada Corn Starch , perpkf .Whli Fly Fume' -o. I bottle and sprayer for Chateau Chsese-r- 1-lb. packages, each ... Preah Butter 3-lb. ' fyrfcks, each 8trafbetry Jam Ktn Reach Jan. each Rhauw Jam Ktno-.nch tins. 4a, eaeh !. Marmalade Nabob ! 40-01. jars, each Heins White Vinegar per gallon 30c lie 40c 40c 1.10 25c 50c 40c 95c SOAP SPECIAL r, bars Royal Cttmn Soap, 6 Cups Hfig, a Js 25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Green Deans I per lb. ........ ; Wax Bean. per lb Dry .Onions 7 lbs '. Large New Potatoes 15 lbs. . Wenatchee Plum Jjer basket Apricots .,,,. 2 Jbs per crate 15c 15c 25c 50c 70c 25c 1.60 Australian Oranges Now In Stock Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices HIrM j PIIOXKSS I'll ONI S6 TIIE DAILY NEWS Liberal workers will please turn out this evening at Committee Rooms. , tf Boxing tonight in Exhibition Kali at 8.30. Ragshaw vs. Seaman Moore. Nmz fiurvich vs. Searnan,, Lakn,, 'pp ,pther ' .good; ' 'preliminaries,,, j , , pommencine at 9 D.m.The first Mrs Alfred Wilson. Miss Isabel VP QUALITY Massett Inlet points. Father McCarty, O.M.I., of was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday bound for Atlln where, he will spend a two weeks' holiday visiting with Father Joseph Allard, O.M.I. As a result of the Dominion Day celebration, the Sons of Canada have turned over to the Boys' Band committee the sum of $169.99 to be used In connection with the forthcoming tour of the boys in the south. I returned to the city from the in terior on today's train. D. G. McNaughton of Sarnla Ontario, who Is paying a visit here with his son, R. F. McNaughton. C.N.R. district passenner agent, "is a retired official of the Imperial Oil Co. While In the service of the oil company. Mr. McNaughton travelled extensively in many parts of the world and spent a number of years In the oil fields of Java; and Mesopotamia. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, oak library tabe, oak. Uhle, .walnut writing desk. 2 oak rockers, one basket rocker. Apply IL D. Tee, Digby Island. Prone Back 202. 174 rmra" it r s - 4 ... 3 mort.Woalnb,P,,T5.? ' Minute. pum t- .'V;'"'" r.lit. ril.TBlh. A wild! fcmf. All drtr''; U&I CAFE FORMERLY TIIE WHITE LUNCH Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'Miin m:w management Strain llrutrit'. Traveller1 Samplr KiHim.: Hot und fold Water free Hub MreU All Train, and lmt Rates $1.00 and Up NI'KC'I W MONTHLY ItATf.S C.R.BIGGAKT & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel, not and cold water In all rooms A. J. PKI'DIIOMME. Prop. Cor of Frasnr and Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, rrop. Tin; iiotii. xvoitTii while Hot it Hold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP THeplione 2X1 - LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Uartatie, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. Dinnerware, china, glassware. Hcilbroner's crockery, Store. Baseball tonight, 6.45 sharp. Centrals vs. S.O.C. 172 Attention! Boys 16 and under. lpeclal admission price 55c. Box ' - Mrs.' James II.'Thompson left on claw dance band from the cruiser : Haddock and Miss Barrie returned today's train for Terrace where shW rwui supply real up-to-date dance I to the city on the Prince Charles. will visit for the next week or so music. ' 172 this morning after making the with friends. ueorge Keep of the C.N.R. In vestigation department with head quarters In Prince George arrived in the city on today's train from the interior for a brief visit here on- official business. Col. Ross Napier, who is conducting a survey of the provincial civil service, sailed by the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon for Victoria after spending a few days here and elsewhere In the district. II. G. Foyler an authority on Industrial Development of B.C. will address the Chamber of Commerce In the City Hall at 8 o'clock Friday evening. The Public is also earnestly invited, ( j 173 John V.' Alien, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fish-eric's, who has been in the city for the past Week on official duties, will all by the Prince Charles this 'afternoon on his return to , Vancouver. i ! ' . ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Dance August 1. Dry Dock Employees Picnic Au gust 3 tp Tugwell Island. Moose Bazaar, October 16, 17. round trip to Stewart, Anyox and A. D. Matheson, manager of Carlisle-Cannery, arrived In the city yesterday for a brief business visit In town. Haroll McEwen, C.N.R. division freight agent, here left yesterday for a trip to Prince George and Jasper Park on official business. Miss Dorothy Macdonald, who Union freighter Chilkoot, Captihas been spending a holiday at W. W. MoDnc. lsdue inpdrtJpday,TlelI on the Queen Charlotte Is- from Vancouver with B cargo of lands, returned home on the Prince cement for the Powr Corporation Charles this morning. of Canada. Te. vessel jtojlj go no , further nbrth"tharrPrince; Rupert Jack Frew and Howard Hill re-thls trip. turned to the city on the Prince -, - i Charles this morning, after making A. H. Waddlngton ,pf the Forest 'the round trip to Stewart, Anyox Branch service, who has been and Massett Inlet points. spending the past week or so in Burns Lake district In connection with forest fire fighting operations Mrs. E. A. Morgan and children who have been visiting In Petersburg, Alaska, returned to the city on the Princess Alice yesterday Mrs. William Brown and children, who have been holidaying for the past few weeks at Tlell. returned to the city from the islands on the Prince Charles this morning. CNJl. steamer Prince William. Capt. William Thomas, returned to port at 7 o'clock last evening from south Queen Charlotte Island points and sailed at 8 o'clock this morning for the Skeena River. There were 171 passengers1, I aboard the steamer Princess Alice . which was In port yesterday'-after'- J noon southbound- froA'Skagay . to Vancouver. Foiir1' pers'oriSfBfs mbarked here from the vessel. I Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Massett arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the Is-'ands for a brief visit in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Grant are sisters. Rav sharoe. mTOjotty, Charlotte City and brqther M JPxQr vinclal Constable C. G. Sharps of this city, is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound for Vancouver on business. Uncooked An Easij Recipe 2 Eggs Tsp'nSaU iTjp'n Mustard ,1 Cup Vinegar I Can Eagle Brand Milk Beat vigorously all ingredients except vinegar, for a few minutes. Add vinegar, stir well and set aside for a few hours to thicken. This dressing will keep for weeks. Clip and try this simple recipe . . . you will find it delicious. EAGLE BRAND SWEETENED CONDENSED Milk THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, 1 lamer Arcade, Vancouver Smi tn in ticip book "Nw Mtk in th Kitohtn" N Amiui....hw m.........v. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" IT y a iSaippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. OiKKKJOOCKHJOOOOOOOOCWI DOOlOaoOIOOOHJOOHJOCKHOlW 2IOOOKHKHOOOOOCHM OOOOlOOO0OOOJOaOOOOOOCH5CHOOOOOOOOOOeOOOMOOOOOaHWCHSCHJOOOOO 9? it What part of your newspaper is of most interest to you? THE front page? The society page? Sports? Woman's page? Financial? Editorial? Cartoons? There is a part of nearly every page that is practical, helpful, full of news the advertising. Do you interest yourself in reading it? You should. Here is news of immediate value to you". Comforts necessitiesluxuries merchandise every bit of which gives you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spond. In the advertisements is information of practical worth. Reputable merchants bring wares for your inspection that are soundly made and of known, proved value. The statements they make they are willing to sign knowing that each statement must be truthful, for their reputation, standing in the community, and business prestige is at stake. .. It navs to read" advertisements. For. in this part of your newspaper, you can find whot-ffytflirAndnly cn'bffsilfiritHO best advantage. A very material aid in bettering your' every-day life. A way of lengthening your pocket book. Get the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. ooH3amoaacKaoaoaaoooacwo0ao0O00oo0O0O PAGE THREP