fopet 24, 1919. ay, October 24 THE DAILY News GOOD WORKIN GETTING PEOPLE f BEWARE OF DECEPTION ON THE LAND. Statistics show that when egg albu- a | iil men is wsed as a constituent of | Chairman of the Land Semen | baking powder, the amount so used Board Who Was Mere Last aid S is too small (usually 15/100 of 1 , aa, affect the quality or wet Borris ot That 150,000 acres had now the baking powder containi it, , . and when so used, is plainly for @o been cr ig in the settlement areas © e ovinei overn ena eueG Gaeenc| purpose of fraud. Intelligent buyers wherein the price of land is set| {if will not permit themselves to be by the Land Settlement Board and deceived by the water glass test. a special tax levied if the owners refuse to sell. This was a state. ment made by M. H, Nelems, chairgnan of the Land Settlement Board, who in company with Col, Rh. Davies, another member of of the Just Arrived - Fresh and Crisp CHRISTIE'S MARVEN’S Ice Wafers Cocoanut Bar jul Bat inul Brittle Cocoanut Fingers Fluted Vanilla Ginger Wafers gwisee Chocolate Marshmallow Apple Blossom Varshmallow Fingers Honey Fingers toval Canadian Afternoon Tea tlers, the chief benefit of the}atives of the members of the so. and exporters: ning their engagements on the] ciety. on owners of property. In most For providing means of recrea- cases as soon as the Land Settle-] tion, exercise, and amusement bv | business now being earried on by To invest and deal with the them under the name of the “Cow moneys of the company in such|Bay Supply Company.’ They manner as the managing director! agree to accept stock in this com- ig Bat Social Tea ae ae I Fig Bar - — passed through the printed on the label—and none other. a tame Fancy Wine cily last evening bound south. 4 eed Animal S feney Win eae tnene hantiidiaee the eeca Made in Canada By Canadians iia Peach Bar in the valleys east of here and t For Canadians srrowroot C Ginger Bar are both enthusiastic over the % jest, Fruit Sandwich Honey Fingers success of the work. spernethed U \pricot Wafers Establishing Homes. set, Biscuits Lemon Snaps Mr. Nelems in discussing the (pple Blossom | Royal Milk Luneh work of the Board with a Daily] * — - —_ = Cherry Rings Chocolate Drops News repiesentative said that] promotion and diffusion of know. | To carry on business as own-! may think conducive to the wel- Cafe Noir Popular Mixed while a large amount of land had] ledge. |ers and operators of boats of all! fare of the company: felly Wafers T Sultanas heen purchased from the owners For establishing and maintain-| kinds; to earry on business as re-| To purchase and take over from Lemon Snaps S Special by the Board and resold to set-|ing refuge homes for female rel-' tailers, wholesalers, importers,’F. E. Hunt and E. Shrubsall the SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ment area was established the! means of boating, bathing, ath. ay deem wise, unless otherwise pany in full payment of said busi- Christie's Assorted Tins, per ti... . sees. $2.00 te bate why ling one 5 ss ~_ and gymnastic clubs. directed by a majgrity vote of the |Mess as their interests appear at i a ti O half what vey were originally To establish branches of the stock issued: September 15, when stock was Christie s Sodas, UG 4 0 0 oO sb4vocteossces .65 asking and this land was being| Society throughout the Dominion To do all things as are inci- taken and the books of the Cow Ramsay's Sodas, cartons ............... 3 for 1.00 sold to actual settlers, who were|of Canada and the United States dental to or which the company! Bay Supply Company closed. ? 1c k Ib 2 toming into the country with] of America. | | Genond COMOM, BE Me ces cw ce cicccccrsvieess 25 héle fiebiennmnd sehenniettele . i a . Christie’s Biscuits in packages:---Arrowroot, Graham Wafer, Water Wafer, and Social homes. - This year a lot of land pros- HUNT & SHRUBSALL You will delight in using this non-gritty tooth paste that Tea, POP POCO o.oo csi ecrsesen 25 ecting had been done. People ARE INCORPORATED is so delightfully flavored had come from the prairies to look PENSLAR TOOTH PASTE is unlike most dental creams inasmuch as it does not scratch the enamel off your teeth and leaves no scapy taste in your mouth. We want you to try it. Use it regularly for a week or Land settlement areas had been ten days and note the difference between it and the cream © ; the ineorporatior f Hunt &« “ established at various points Boabeath tea. of sitein Og you have been using. long the line as follows: Pile. fullecinn ave -the-ahinets ‘tes Penslar Tooth Paste is sold im generous 35c tubes . over the ground and as soon as they could sell out their prairie] T° Carry on Business as Owners farms they would come to British and Operators of Boats, Etc. = mY | Columbia. Re tages eres Many Areas. The British Columbia Gazette just to hand contains a notice of Nechaco Valley, 42,000 acres. Bulkley, 15,000 acres. which the company is formed: Try it upon our recommendation DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! Prince George, 18,000 acres. 4 nmamnbiiiinis 7 Dec Marien Lake, 15,000 acres The Prince Kupert Drug Co. One ayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Senithera, 48.000 esres. E. H. SH OCKLEY ~ b at Efficiency Francois Lake, 20,000 acres. While there had been no de- velopment areas set aside in which farms were prepared beforehand Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. GENERA, CONTENT OR PHONE 134 Mail Orders Givin Prompt Attention P.0. BOX 215 Office and Shop Fraser &t. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber ai- for those wishing to move in . without enduring all the bard- ways in stock. — ° ayne ships of pioneering such as had Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's been done at Merville and .other » ae ! r. points, such work was comtem- setimases “riven. Grrics HOURS plated in the spring and it was|% REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN - Worning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.90; Saturdays, 9 to 12 onty; quite probable that a gang of men Phone Green 269. ‘ ‘ —_—SSSESS== i would be employed clearing land Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, trem 7 to 9 oule employed c & IS THE MARK OF SUC- and building houses for that pur- - eas Dental Nurse in attendance pose as scon as the snow disap- ROYAL CESSFUL BUSINESS AND Phone 109 for appointment j a. Nelems and Col. Davies ; IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR — were accompanied through the AS IN OTHER THINGS. district by Mr. Munro of Terrace, Pool Room ‘ who is also a member of the You can obtain Individu- Board. moved to ality and distinction in the Parkin & Ward Electric Co. SONS OF CANADA 721 a Ave. SHOES AT OUR STORE. The Empress Hote! ‘¢ Carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, You will be convinced by examining our stock. w CIGARS SODA tt nw. By By oan ae British Columbia Gazette Contains Two per cent. Beer THUR’ ‘Nales furnished on House wiring and Motor installation Notice of Application on Be- ~ McAR S Shoe Store MARINE DEPARTMENT JOHN PELLICANO THIRD AVE. Electric Engineers and Contractors — INCORPORATED Fs half of Society. . Agents for aes SOO D OLEL OO L OOP OLE ML OOD” ie Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Notice of the incorporation. 0 —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_——— —— —_ ection Motors Titan Storage Batteries the Sons of Canada appears in the current number of the British Columbia Gazette, on application of Alexander Hamilton Smith, business agent, of Lulu Island; Reginald William Eyre, and Frank Alexander Jackson, solicitors of Vancouver, who are the first di- rectors of the society and who hold office for the mext ten years. The following are the objects of the society: ro promote and uphold the tn- terests of the Dominion of Canada and to sustain the constitutional See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY laws thereof. before purchase To make provision, by means —_ of eontributions, subscriptions, : < ° donations, or otherwise, against N in mn t l ne sickness, unavoidable misfortune, SSS orm death, and for relieving the widows and orphan children of We handle members deceased, and for such purposes to promote and solicit Pr 4 ) we Rupe S ruce Co. 3 Lumber mutual benefit imsurance amongst st)’ . the members of the society. Lime . ill 8 Fir For the purpose of social inte: course, mutual helpfulness, men- Brick Cement Plaster tat and moral improvement, and Shingles Laths ational resreaiien. For improvement and develop ment of the mental, social, and aa & McCaffery, Ltd. f)ry:es.csrnssiiicati 4 science, and fine arts, and the | Mosier Spark Piug & that was chosen for the Transatlantic fights ver service department will help you to plan your Lighting Kquipment. A full line of Dynamos “torage Batteries, Switeh boards, Gonduit, Cable Lamps, Searchlights, etc. . We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat ee Natteries charged and repaired (no time lost while ee an is being charged, we have one at your disposal. - venue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 The Phy cba fags | EF RI SBIE Complete and ready to — the friendly motor Frisbie Motore give jong, uninterrupted service with practically cept cocasional grinding of vaives. Valves in cages; throughout, avery part designed for hard work, overneed valves, > Horse Power, $450 opening directly into combustion chambers. No pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- struction effects a gain of 7 ” ” 15 to 20 per cent. more power than is possible with & cr T-Head designe. intake and exhaust 10 ” ” $700 manifolds are cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, beolted~on manifolds. Large vaives ineure full 16 $900 charge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. 99 99 eraate aunts eee-ane & emenins toms sane ee TER: GD gs » $1400 2-oyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 8 cyl, 18 and 25 H.P.; 4cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl, 60 and 76 H.P.--Bore and Stroke, 4%" x5” and 6” a6". For work or play, the Friebie will measure up to your hardest teste. Ask the Man who has used one Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd.