m. r i PAGE XWO Tn2 DAiLV irEw 3 The daily PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue" SUBSCIUPTtON RATES By mall to all other parti of British Columbia, the British Em-- phe and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.0Q j By mil to all other countries, per year , Mf..f. 7.50 , By mail to all parts of Northern and Central Brltlsn uoiumDia, i . m 1 . J t Art Contract rates on application. ,v Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ...86 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations OAILY EDITION The Letter Box THAT LI DEL ACTIOX? Yours truly, CITIZEN. tu Saturday, July 5. 1930. I f LETS FLY TIIp FLAG; j j Jesterday Prince Rupert was the subject of adverse comment because of the absence of the British flag at a time when the American flap: was being prominently dis In discussing unemployment, one British Cplumbia industry that is on the job six days a week is (he pulp and paper newsprint. But another few days or weeks of Mr. Bennett's talk aboiit how he will handle New Zealand and Australian treaties will put hundreds i that fine indus try on; the; list of 'Unemployed. Wlien the United States started talking about what they were going to do to outside countries with their tariffs, what was the reaction in those countries? What must be, the reaction against' Canada in Australia and New Zealand today as the result of Mr, Bennett? At Ppwell River, at Woodfibre, at Ocean Falls, what muk e, the feeling of these men whose livelihood is threatened by Mr. Bennett. In the Fraser and Okanagan Valleys, among the far-""rTOrs who supply these mills and supply Vancouver people with. thd,produce paid for by these' newsprint mills, what is tlie feeling against Mr. Bennett and his candidates? WOULD KNOW WRITER Editor, Dally News: I notice a letter ln your paper of this date containing certain scuru-lous criticisms of a Conservative Editor, Dally News: , 1, CMM1.rTfttiva' i r.hniiiM th WU1 Mr. Stevens please tell us trriter to slen his hame to this let- on Monday evening Just wiry h.',ter. If the gentleman is a Conser commenced a libel action against the Vancouver Sun Just before tha last general election and then dropped the case immediately afterwards? Mr. Cromle and the Vancouver Sun were perfectly abla to pay Mr. Stevens' damages up to a million dollars If he could ob- epistle, tain a judgment against them. 1 As the people of Canada are Jealous of the honor of their pub-1 11c men they want to know Just why Mr. Stevens dropped his libel action. Is he going to start another libel action against the Sun only to drop it again after this election or what is he going to do about It? Tne electors want to know before they are asked to place any confi dence in what Mr. Stevens has to tell them about this election. vative we shall be glad to know It. It Is a cowardlf act ln statement! lof this bind to hide behind a nom r1.rlnm nnrt T tinva nn rfnuVit ihn nlsh his name, that the public may know who Is the author of such an Chairman Yours tffuly, ; D. C. STUART. Conservative Publicity Committee The Ten years Agtf column of the Vancouver Sun recalls the launching from Harbor Marine Shipyard of the CX3JvLM. steamer Canadian Winner which was up to then twice as large as any ship ever launched there. The Canadian Winner is well known ln Prince Rupert, having been tied up here during the past winter. ARE WEDDED HERE TODAY paium aavance lor yeany penou .. ...... V Xithe wis ;7 ;;-- coast the wedding today mOt 'four months for : -..y .v.viuiWtiviwwaBnaiii..1.00j For lesser period, paid In advance, per.month ., t 5(l'ii-0 rfhrf.'i vrrL n.. t Uu.. j-i.-. v Jin -,ijy-J ...U.i-LUl M n ,n,, aKftrilSUcan Cathedral, Prince Rupert, of Transient advertising on front page, per inch Local readers, per Insertion, per line . . Transient display Advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 2.80 .23 1.40 .02 .15 Miss Lorn a Tite Becomes pride of Fred Clendenning at Ceremony of Outstanding Interest An event of outstanding social interest in Prince Rupert and Van couver as well as other cities on Miss Lorna Jean Tite. elder daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George D.Tite, Prince Rupert, and Frederick Samuel Clendenning, elder son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Clendenning of Vancouver. The marriage service. which was fully choral, was solemnized by Very Rev. James JJ. alb-son, dean of the Cathedral, before a congregation which filled the edifice to capacity. The chancel was banked with ..sweet peas, roses, white lilies and fern and the church was decorated with harmonizing effects. The bride, who entered the church to the strains of the Wed ding March with Mrs. E. J. Smith presiding at the pipe organ, was given in marriage by her father She appeared charming indeed in a beautiful wedding gown of white played in honor of the American festival. We feel that crepe back satin Princess style ha nvitiniem ia incifiprl Pn'rifP Runfirt. liWp mnriv ntnpr!wlth veil and coronet of orange "- - .w.v.kj... .u juuvu.vu, - "X ' "-J - parts of Canada, is backward in regard to displaying the Union Jack. We are strongly of opinion that it should float in the breeze every day of the year, from all public buildings. PERIL TO. NEWSPRINT INDUSTRY (Vancouver Sun i blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses, lllies-of- the valley and maiden hair fern. Mrs. O. Nlckerson, as matron of honor, was handsome in a gown of chiffon with French picture hat to match. Iler bouquet was of deep pink roses with maiden hair fernJ The bridesmaid was Miss Eleanor' Tite, sister of the bride, who wore a pretty frock of flowered chiffon1 in mauve and pink shades with picture hat to match and bouquet' of pale pink rosebuds. 1 Capt. J. R. Elfert attended the groom. During the signing of the register, Mrs. William Cruickshank sang sweetly "AU Joy be Thine. Ushers were Norman L. Freeman and Harry Ward. Following the wedding, ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The roomil were tastefully decorated with roses and sweetpeas and the happy couple received the congratula tlons and best wishes of many in vited friends under a large arch of flowers and foliage. The bride'j table was centred with a beautiful three-tier wedding cake which was surrounded with Mr. Bennett's policy is a restricted world market pol- pink candles in silver sconces. Over icy, and that means a restricted sea-borne policy that will i the table was a huge white bell Strike directlv at Vancouver as a world twrt adornments of flowers and ' It is a policy that, carried to the extremes presaged forfol,aKgend ue streamers. Fern rosebuds and bells ,'H...i. -in e e if. t it 5 ti Canterbury it w.e i iwuoiiu iwvur ui mr. oenneu arm ms iieuien-jwere used ln toe dec0ration of the ants, wouia reiara ana awan tne expansion program oi dining room. Vancouver Dy retarding ana uwnriing the export expan- Receiving with the bride were sibn program of all Canada. In that process, newsnrint' mother and the mother of th? is only one of this nation's great exporting industries grom- M":T1, w?re a strlk,IlP fh if will cuff m. costume of dahlia colored flat creiie J S,nrl ! u ... with hat to match while Mrs. unings are oau enougn in n i,anaua. i as elsewhere i u in the ;Ciendennings handsome costume world, without making them worse, but what do Bennett 'was of green flowered chiffon witfi anu McKae really care about unemployment? Will they lose one meal? Will their sleek well-groomed bodies suffer, etc., etc they who wade their mohey under the forward-looking fiscal policy which they ndw vow to upset? The way they are attacking the newsprint industry shows tncy are no more concerned about the newsprint and lum-pr workers affected by those treaties, than they were concerned about the fishermen and fishing industry, dependent on the Fraser River Salmon Treaty. hat and footwear to match. The toast to the bride was fittingly proposed by Dr. W. T. Herein and responded to by the groom Dean Olbson proposed the toast tB the bride's attendants, Capt. Elfert responding. Mrs. W. T. Kergin and Mrs. S. C. McLennan poured at the reception and Mrs. J. R. Elfert cut the Ices, being assisted by Mrs. Milton Gon zales. Serviteurs were Mrs. O. A. Bryant, Mrs. E. S. Tait. Mrs. WU 11am Cruickshank, Miss Blanche, Curtin, Miss Agnes McQuillan, Miss Margaret Palmer and Miss Lorna McLaren. In an upper room were displayed many beautiful gifts which had been presented by well wishing friends of the contracting couple. Prior to the wedding; many show ers had been iven in honor of the bride. Later ln the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Clendenning sailed on tht fnt.!teamer Prince Henry for a three gentleman will see this and weeks' honeymoon tour which will take them to Dawson and Atlln, On their return south, they will take up residence in Vancouver. The bride's going away costume consisted of a blue chiffon flower iod dress and navy blue flat crepe coat ensemble with hat, footwear and bag to match. The couple were given an enthusiastic send-off, The bride has resided ln Prince Rupert since early girlhood and a very popular member of the younger sot of the city. She has been particularly prominent in musical circles, being a graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. In Vancouver, the groom Is well known and popular, being an official of the. Empire Shippins Co. of which his father is president. At times during the past year or so he has been located in Prince Rupert during the grain shipping ' season. TRANSFERRED TO PRAIRIE Chief Radio Operator at Inspector James M. Tupper, com -J Promoted to Position of In-mandlng officer of the Royal Ca-j spector at Saskatoon nadlan Mounted Police here, Is re-. celvlng congratulations on on the tne Tupper and baby are reported to radio Inspector for the Dominion ' Jtwo or three weeks' time. His uc-( ' cesser here has not as yet, been 'named. , ' : Mr. Tee, who was here In the eady days before he returned north as chief operator at Digby Island, Higby will be missed In Prince Rupert for ! he has been known as a popular. I ieffieient and courteous official. I Friends, who will regret his depar- ji. d. Tee, for the past four years 1 two, win be pleased to learn, now- 1 birth yesterday afternoon in the chief operator of the Digby Island jer, that the move is In the nature Prince Rupert General Hospital wireless station, has been notified of a dlatinet advancement ln the of a ten-pound baby boy. Mrs. of his promotion to the position of sen ice. i be doing nicely. The new arrival government with headquarters hv B. C. Keetajr, u. A. McNlehwl and Batfirday July 5, I93q, Liner City of Honolulu, which caught fire at her berth at Honolulu was scuttled in hope of prt-ven in.g flames from 16,000 barrels of oil stored in holds. There were no casualties. All passengers had left ship before fire was discovered shows burning City of Honolulu." 1. spreading to Photograph ROISOHS N THE BLOOD FOR OVER HALT ACCNTURYf NTHIS PROVEN PStSCWPTKX HAS BEEN RECOGNIZCO ASTHEMOSTEffttTlVC REGULATOR Cf THE UVEfLKIDNtYS 5. BOWELS Is a great grandson of the late Sir Saskatoon. Sask. He will be leaving- Reginald Beaumont, P.NJI. rail-; aboard the new steamer Prtnc Charles Tupper, one of the Fath- for the prairies, accompanied by way and steamship officials, who Henry, are accompanied by their ers of ConfederaUon, Mrs. Tee and daughter, in possibly are making the trip north today Wives. V DOM IN I ON W.A.W.CMAK 4" 11 m..- tvi. wwwMIWt.?Mi' .fi ' ROYAL MASTERS wife ; - .1 v i ' j 1 r . V j V ; 'weeping to Newer and Greater ' Achievements D0MINI0 N TIRE D WMtWSl Idl'd ) MWil Royal Master Is the greatest tiro the world has ever known, A tire reiponslble for almoit Incredible records. A tire for surer traction, surer braking, easier steering; iqf ely. Not one Royal Master In a thousand will ever puncture. Not one in five thousand will blow out under two years of service. Royol Matters, Dominion Royals, Endurance for light cars pnd Royol Heavy Service Tires ore sold by Dominion Tire Dealers cgnyenlently located and equipped to give added mileage through fire service ot Iho highest quality. " i EALERS '9,c I,ntlsh Qo,umbin distributors iIcLE NNAN, McFEKLY & PItlOft, UMITEP 99 hast Cordova Street, Vancouver, H.Oi MOO Government Street; Victora. B.C. 801 Columbia Street, New Westminster, II.C.