You'll Want Snapshots of Your Vacation Besides the fun that picture-taking .will add to your vacation, you'll have tho snapshots lor enjoyment over rand - over again after you hvejp(urned. ii ; Any kodak' Ukejp6jrt pictures easily, and kak' pricra arc Just aboujt whatever you would like to pay. Let us help you select the right-model for your vacation. LOAD WITH KODAK FILM Lct Us Do Your Finishing Ormes Ltd. Zfic Pioneer Drugpss Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I LUMBER ! KILN DRIBIHtUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edfrc Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shiplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. COAL PEMKINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halilntt from prince Hupert Tot VANCOUVER, VICTOIUA, Butedale. Alert Uay. etc Tueaday. 9 30 p for VAN('OU Kit, VICTOKI.. Ilulrdate. Alert Hay. fie.. Friday inlitnlthl tor ALICE AnSI. ANVOX. BTMVAKT. N" Kim. Turt lni)iiu. sun-day, 8.00 o.m. For TWIT 8IMP30N and WAIJW ISLAND. Thursday p.m. 1X1 ml Atentie K M SMITH stmt Itlnce Rupert. ll.C. Tlj-nurh ttrkets told to Vlrtorla and Brattle .and bai(ae checked through to deatlnotlon mm 6. C. Coast Steamship Service B.C. rAAST STEAMSHIPS (QMAitrrl TK4VBL SAILINGS FROM TRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway rune 9. 16, 20. 23, 27 30. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- June 4, 14, 21, 25, 28. Prlntfess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and victoria, every tnaay, iu yon Agents For All Steamship Lines . W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone SI SI B I U m B r R 5 a tl Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. Lloeral .workers will please turn' out this evening at Committee Rooms. tf A, daughter was born recently In the Stewart General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hodgklnson and son are sailing on the ss. Prince George this evening for Vancou ver. this evening for Mrs. W.F. Irwin of Irwin of Vancouver was among passengers disembarking here this morning from the steamer Prince Henry. Canadian Legion picnte to Di-by Island Sunday, Jujgr 6. Boats leave Pacific Salvage Company's floats 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults 50c., children free. 156 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsett of Vancouver are among passengers making the round trip to Skagway aboard the steamer Prince Henry which is in port today northbound. which she attended the recent I Grand Chapter meeting of the Or der of the Eastern Star In VIch ,toria, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning. Mrs. H. S. Parker left on today's train to pay a visit to her native home in Hantaport, Nova Scotia, after which she will visit Boston, New York, Montreal and other t points on business, returning to tha city by way of Vancouver. Seven school 2 ages of seven m broke into the Booth School bad been issued by His Worship. A rash a skin sore Eczema? DDD has no rival In (he treatment of kin disorders. A dorter's formula that dorfors recommend. An attire fluid tliat destroys the dleas germs JntlieiJiln. DUD cools, soothes, lieals. The blemished fcLln is washed clean. W J. McCUTCIIEON, DRUGGIST OKMES LTD. Easily H FROM MONTREAL TO GL.VSGOIV-IIELFAST-LIVEItrOOL July 18. xAvig 16 Minnedoaa Sep'. IB Ducheaa ot Richmond xNot calling at Liverpool. To CIIEUIIOUUO-SOUTIIAMPTON IIASinUKO July M. Auj 31 Mmtclar Auj 7. Sept. S Montcalm TO IlAVKE-SOUTlIAMrTOX- luly IS Ducheu of AthoU TO IIAIUT; LOXDON-ANTWEUI' July 17. Aug 14 Montroa TO LlVEItrOOL Jvilyas. Augia. ..Ducheu of Richmond July 30. Aug. 90 Oucbaa of Bedford FROM QUEBEC To CIIEiUJOUKG-SOUTMAMrTON July IS. Aug. S Eniprrvi vj Frauoc July 33. Aug 12 ..Bmprcu of Auatralla July 30,' Aug. 18 ..Knipraw of Scotland n'ROirTrANCOUVERl To llaw'all-Japati('iliM.l'hllliliir I July 34. Sapt.ia. BmprcM of Asia I xAug7. kOcta, Eiupraai of Canada i i Aug 31. Oct 18. .Emprea of Ruaala , Including call to Honolulu. Apnlv to Annta ererywhrre or 4. J. SUamahlp anl. Paai. Airwil CP.R. Station, Vancouver. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST iim UAiu i nravvo CASH-CARRY SAVE MONEY Economy Store Operated by N. Rliissalcm Completes, i feai-; of Successful Operation Tomorrow Is the first annjversay of the opening- of the Economy Cash and Carry Store by K. Mus-salem and so great has been it success that the) occasion Is worthy of special mention. . Beginning with, a-few casual customers last July.! 3i the store has ...gradually arid ;$taiilly bujlt up for itself a clientele' unul today there MrS. a. J. Matheson and family are literally hundreds of satisfied of Carlisle Cannery will sail on the i customers taking advantage of the Prince George Vancouver. opportunity to buy groceries and garden produce at the low est possible prices. . For Prince Rupert the store was somewhat of an experiment. -There had been cash and carry stores that had failed but It remained for Mr. Mussalem to make one a Customer who deal at the. Econ omy Cash and Carry look upon the founder of the store as something in the line of a public benefactor. He has enabled them to save money while living Just as well as previously or in some cases to live much better at the same price as previously. Not Only has he been able to give advantages in price but the store has influenced other Mrs. w. u. vance, wno nas Deen stores In town to sell at a'smaller on a trip south in the course of ; margin, enabling the people of the city to buy Just as cheap as any- where on the continent. Through the Cath and Carry Prince Rupert is no longer an expensive place at which to live. The Economy Cash and Carry store announces that it will continue to serve its customers at these low money-saving prices and as the business Increases even greater advantages will accrue to those who deal there. Increased and (the Economy Cah and Carry an S3 , trvl" a numhar nf amall . 1 V. . .l..t ll twit m .-"v- v. bmm u .ron UpAJl lUlllWJ LU BllUW WllUb Wall UC g, therefrom, were brought Into city done In bringing down the grocery ii j police court yesterday before Mag-.bill to lowest possible figure are Silstrate McClymont. They were al- cordially invited to give the store glowed to go'after strict warning a trial orderl ; Delivery can be arranged if the ! order amounts to five dollars and if leas a small charge for delivery lis made. It is worth while to get I the Cash and Carry habit. Just as I important as having a savin bank habit Advt. 157 Dr. R. E. Eyolfsen left on today's train for a trip to Lundar, Miss E. A. Jones was a passenger sailing on the Princess Mary last night for Victoria. A Deloralne District Builders' As soclatlon tour party, which was to have been heie today In the course of a trip to the coast, has been cancelled. A daughter was born last Sunday in Grace Hospital, Vancouver, to the widow of Frank H. Taylor well known Smlthers mining man. who died a couple of months ago. Mrs. M. A. Dupula of Haysport. who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned north on the Prince Henry this morning. Hon E. D. Barrow, minister of agriculture, and Lieut. Col Davis head of the provincial land settlement board, reached the city after a tour of. the Cariboo. Nechako and Bulkley districts, going over areas selected for settlement. Ten Years Ago column, Vancouver Sun. ANNOUNCEMENTS Canadian Legion Island July 0. picnic Dlgby Moose Bazaar, October 16, 17. FOR BABY Sa!etjr First" Five generations of babies have been kept clean, fresh, fragrant, and free from skin troubles by the use of BABY'S OWN DInnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Mrs. Clark of the Gossard Corset Co. at Wallace's Monday. Fittings arranged. Phone 9. ' 158 Mrs. C. A. Hancock sailed, on the Princess, Mary . fast, pight, ' '"' , for a trip' to Vancouver, j Special offer to miners, Western Canada Mining News, 8 months, 1G Issues, $1.00, J. H. Brownlee, D. L.S., Savoy Hotel. . Lieut. Col O. H. White, Wesl Fiffppnth hn rpfnrnprl in t.ViA pltv - f v ' 'rom a trip as far north as Hazel- i ton. Vancdtlver Province. Richard Gosse, B. C. Packers official, was among the arrivals in the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver. Misses Mary and Helen Sim will sail on the Prince George this evening for a holiday visit in Van couver and elsewhere In the south. Mr. and Mrs. George Tyson passed through the city recently en-route to their home in Victoria after a honeymoon trip to Jasper Park. Mrs. B. G. Beale and son, Howard Beale, will sail bn the Prince George this evening for a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Mrs. N. Tisdale Washington, arrived from the south on of Yakima, in the city the Prince Henry this morning and will visit here for the next month with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Brooksbank, Third Avenue. R. E. Benson and Reg Webber returned to town yesterday on the former's power boat Polnsettla after a week's cruise in the course of which they visited the hot sprmg3 near Port Esslngton and went as volume of business gives increased , ar down the coast as Olbson Is- purchasing power and the cus- iana- boys between the tomers benefit. . . . and fifteen, who Those who have not yet given 'Mrs. P. J. Ryan and family will sail on the Prince Oeorge this evening for Vancouver. After a visit n Vancouver, they will proceed to Edmonton to take up residence. Joining Mr. Ryan who is now in the nrlec tf the" Alberta- TJrjuor Control Board as an inspector. Evidence for tne crown was hoard by W. E. Collispn, J.P., last evening In the cases of D. R. Stein tnd Herbert Porter, who are char ed with buying furs out of season and the hearing was adjourned until Monday morning when the defence will be put In. Staff Sergeant AJex McNeill, provincial ' police, prosecuted at last night's hearing! and Milton Gonzales Is acting as counsel for the defendants. STI'IHIORN SKIN TROl'HI.G. ylaida lt magic to KUL-BAU t' rrfriit. Trrre'i no ointment like It. Also unequalled I r Cut. Burna. Brutoea. Rheu-mattrai and Itching PUev In 'I ."Ire Tin. IM-lpnld. Mrentn. Addreaa Kul-Bim PraducU. B4S , Commercial Drive. Vancouver. Brttlah CrlumbU. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l.Mtnt NEW MW'VfJEMENT Mram liratrd; Trivellrni' Hnniplf Itouma; lint and Cold Water free llu Mret All Trains and IVtuU Kates $1.00 and Up SflXML MOXTHLV RATtS C. K. UIGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor. PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and Cold water In all rooms, A. J. FRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor, of Frascr and Fifth Gts. Savoy R. Reid. CNJt.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helln, Balmoral Cannery; V. Harrison. Rivers Inlet; W. Wesley, Port Simpson. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, "rop. TIIR HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot At Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND JP Trlrphone SHI I Royal Karl Berg, Ketchikan; Mrs. A. Evans. Vancouver; H. R. Bellack, Endako; W. M. Stevenson, Victory Cove; W. Q. Valpy. Stewart; A. 3. TEA (Frch trmm the garde' PAGE TERES SALABA quality will always be the finest you can buy n ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church ot England) Very Rev. J. 15. Gibson. Dean i.ri maite tne rouna trip vo onagway. T. B; Campbell, totem pole preservation engineer for the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city on today's train from Ha-zelton for a visit of a few days in town. and will sail on the Prince Oeorge i; ii SALAD A' ATTENTION: TAKU PROSPECTORS Avoid the necessity of clearing your supplies through the customs at Juneau. We carry complete prospectors' outfits right on the ground in Canadian territory. TAKU TRADING CO. Wm. Strong, Prop. i TAKU RIVER P.O. Ad-Jress: Tulspquh, B.C. Church' $tvvkz$ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 ajn. Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. j,: v. Momlng prayer and sermon at 11 APH.f fHfjfavp.Y--- H. Flores. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30, There i wilThe,.-c..-a... e.uo j........ t..i . - .iMJin'i nil n w UXJ QUiiUajr OVIVUA UUiill& aj UAJ CftiAU 4tUSjL4aV. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' Treacher, Rev. Dr. Stevenion, E A, Ph. D, F. It. ti. S M.ornlng service at 11 ajn. Solo by Mlsk'iJfty'imeron. There will be no Sunday School. Evenl?rvl3et47:3ij'.' Solo, "Oh, Lord, Correct Me," by'AClapWton! J10 m: ' na tB't'i nr J. M. Hockln returned to the city, on today's train from a week's business trip to interior points. A. H. Waddlngton of the Forest Branch service returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. A. R. Holtby, B. and B. master, and F. S. Walton, roadmaster, returned to the city on today's train from the interior where they have been on railway business. William Dick, M.L.A. for and Mrs, Dick and child are Quiet Wedding Is Solemnized Miss Laina Parvianen and Bernhard Korhonen United in Marriage Yesterday Afternoon The marriage took place quietly at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. John H. Hanson officiating, of Miss Laina Parvianen and Bernhard Korhonen. The couple came In for the ceremony from "v.- .v ofv... mupnn rrnlnir-nnrth nn r, T' ises sea were were William wmiam White wmte 'and and Mrs. J. II. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Korhoner arc proceeding to. Port Esslngton to reside for the summer and will later make their home In Prince Rupert. They are Flnlanders and came to this district about four years ago. C. W. Homer, nrovineial' assessor. tjt. steamer rrmcess cnar-; retumed to the city on today's lotte. Capt. C. C. Sainty. is due In traln frorn a brlef trlp t0 tne ta. port at 3.45 this afternoon from ; terlor on duties. Skagway and other Alaskan points j and will sail at 5 JO p.m. for Van-j j x Aphthorpe, for many years couver and Victoria. j-a wll known chj6I Reward on j vessels of the CUR. coast fleet, Mrs. L. B. Jones, wife of the C. has now been superannuated from N.R. agent at Skagway, and famllv the service. Mr. Anthorpe went to who have been spending the winter England to bring out the new In the south, are passengers aboard steamer Prince H nry of which J. the Prince Henry today going Webb, formerly chief of the Prince .north to spend the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Lang ot New York, In the course of a western tour, arrived in the city on today's train ! Rupert,' Is now chbf steward. C.N.R. TRAINS From Bast Dally, except 12.30 noon. For East Dally, exccDS Sunday, this evening for Vancouver. While 1 1 p.m. , 1,1 here they are thp guests of Judge: and Mrs. F. McB. Young. PIANO TUNER L. F. Coles, now here for a short time,. Orders left at MacLaren's Music store will receive prompt at-! tentlon. -157 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND Child's Tricycle. Apply C. N. Freight Office. tf i .rv;: . -' ; jt J SAW it with a aiayi snarp longer Cuts caster. Saws faster 1MCNDS CANADA fiAW fn. LTCI. AsV