Tomorrow" Hes. , Sunday, Jih, High 10.46 Vol XXI.. No. 156. 'Is, 22.33 pa. t iMvt 4,3z a.m. 16.26 pjn. bA fame down tfl.wllrtfn ,100 feet from VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. July 5 Wheat was quoted on the local Exchange toady at Wc. PUBLIC MEETING In the interests of J. C. Brady Conservative Candidate for Skeena . . i Will be afldrcsscd by v HON. H. H. STEVENS and MR. BRADY Moose Hall, Monday July 7, 8.15 p.m Seats reserved for Ladles is due back here southbound next Wednesday morning. There were hundreds of people on the dock when the Prince Henry landed. The wharves, like the ship. were gaily decorated with flags and bunting. The Boys Band,' Under the leadership of Bandmaster Thomas Wilson, was present to give the ship a musical greeting. Immediately af ter the vessel tied up, she was boar- the ground and continued to circle ded by Mayor C. H. Orme and mem around at from pne to. two hundred feet elevation while the huge crowd watched breathlessly be-luw. Finally a landing was made and to great was the cheering of bers of the city council who for mally welcomed Capt. Dan Donald and the new ship and presented the skipper with a gold headed engraved cane in recognition of this aus- the crowd that it was impossible 'pldou occasion in the history of to hear the throb of the engine or shipping at the port of Prince Ru-thc whirr of the propeller. rt. The vessel was thrown open between 10 John and Kenneth Hunter. 27 'J1011 . . ., , o clock and li:3Q. and 21 years of age respectively i stated on alighting, that they could j Description of Vessel not have remained In the air much ; The prince cnry wnosc longer, even if the engine had con- 5 nas a length overan ot m tlnued to operate. feet, six Inches, moulded breadth of 57 feet, moulded depth to the main FORGERY CHARGED Vancouver School Board Purchasing Atent Under Arrest VANCOUVER. July 5:-Charle C. Wilson, purchasing agent for the Vancouver school board, appeared before Magistrate J. A. Flndlay in city police court here yesterday on two charges of dealing in a forgery and was remanded until July 11. Meantlme, he U at liberty on ball of $3,000. deck of 20 feet, two Inches, and j loaded draft of 16 feet, six inches. I There are six decks three of which are continuous all fore and ait comprising boat, promenade, i bridge, upper, main and lower decks. The passenger accomodation is on three decks and is of high quality : throughout. 334 first-class passen-(continued on paire 5) Special Session Congress Talks New Naval Pact WASHINOTON. July 5: Presi dent Hoover announced last night that a special session of Congress had been called to consider the treaty to limit naval armaments !and he expects that approval will I be given within 10 days. MINISTER RESIGNED Treasurer of Australian Common, wealth Quits Following Laying of Serious Charges SYDNEY. Aust.. July 5: Ernest O. Theodore, treasurer of the Commonwealth, resigned today fol lowing grave charges bcjng made in me repon oi we unsDane itoyui Commission which was appointed by the government of the State of Queensland Labor government. Theodore said that the resignation was effective only until charges levelled at him had been cleared up. The commission's report said that Theodore and others were guilty of fraud and dishonesty. Presentation to Captain Donald By Mayor Orme Gold Mounted Cane Given to Com modore of Fleet on Occasion of Arrival ot Trince Henry On the arrival of big new steamship, Prince Henry, this morning, Mayor Orme accompanied by Alderman Theo Collart, Alderman Dlack and Alderman Pullen. members of the r.nance committee, went aboard and officially welcomed the ship on behalf of the city and made a presentation of a gold mounted cone to Captain Donald commodore of the fleet, who with Captain Gilbert was on the bridge when the vessel arrived. The mayor in making presenta tion on behalf of the people of Prince Rupert spoke of the significance of the event and of the high esteem In which Capt. Donald was held. Captain, Donald replied feelingly and thanked the donors through the mayor., . . , Present on the oc,caslon, in addition to those mentioned were Reginald Beaumont, assistant superintendent of the coast steamships, George McNicholl. general passenger agent and members oi the press. NEW ENDURANCE RECORD IS SET CHICAGO. July 5: The endurance plane "City of Chicago" landed yesterday afternoon after 553 hours. 40 minutes, or. more than 23 days, in tho air, .breaking all previous records for sustained flight. A broken oil gauge was the cause of landing. WOMEN TO AID " IN CAMPAIGN There was a large turn-out of women, desirous of assisting in the election of Olof Hanson as Member of Parliament, at the Liberal committee rooms, yesterday afternoon. Much enthusiasm was displayed and organization of their assistance in the campaign was, proceeded with. FIREDOF GUNBOAT Chinese Bandits Attack H. M. S. Teal at Yochow Fire Is Returned LONDON, July 5: A Reuters dispatch from Hankow says that the British gunboat Teal was fired upon yesterday at Yochow by bandit hordes who captured and sacked that city. Two British sailors were wounded. The gunboat returned the fire and II. M. S. Bee has been ordered to Yochow from YOUNG GIRL WINS KING'S AIR RACE LONDON, July 5: Winifred Brown, 22-year old girl, today won the King's Cup air race, beating many of England's crack pilots around the 750-mlle course. Her average speed was over 202 miles per hour. Ladies' Meeting In the interests of J. C. BRADY Conservative Candidate For Skerna Will be addressed by. Hon. H.H. STEVENS MOOSE HALL Monday, July 7, At 3:30 IM. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1930 : REPLY OF PATTULL0 Criticizes Tory Tarty For Political Activity on Dominion Day VANCOUVER. July 5: Replying ,to Premier Tolmle's attack on him at Saanich, T. D. Pattujlo, Liberal pleader, passing through here en 'mute,ta.Re.yeliUjke to .meet Premier 'King, saidrAIlttle later onafter the Dominion election is over, I shall have something to say to Dr. Tolmie. I would point out that the Tory party continues to select Dominion Day to hold partizan picnics for their leaders to Indulge in partizan recriminations. I have always looked upon July 1 as a day of general rejoicing when people of all political persuasions could frater nize as a united Canada. I am afraid Dr. Tolmie and I are very far apart In our mental attitude towards many questions." Brady Back From Trip to Interior Visited Practically All Points of Importance in Eastern Part ot Riding After an extensive tour of the central interior during the past three weeks, J. C. Brady, candidate for re-election as Member of Parliament at the forthcoming federal election, returned to the city on today's train. He visited and spoke at practically all points ot Importance between here and the eastern boundary of Skeena riding. Mr. Brady will speak at public meetings here on Monday, which will also be addressed by Hon. H. II. Stevens of Vancouver, and will then leave to visit other points in the riding. WIFE BEATER SENT TO JAIL Charles Swrctzer of Bella Bella Sentenced to 13 Months' Imprisonment by Judge Young Charles Swrctzer, on a charge of assaulting his wife, was sentenced to 12 months' Imprisonment. at Ok-,a)la by Judge F. McB. Young in Cdunty. Court this momlng. Sweet-zer, who comes from Bella Bella, was committed tor trial earlier in the week by Stipendiary Magistrate Hill ot Ocean Falls. Bruce Boreham, publicity man for the Canadian National, accompanied by Mrs. Boreham, is making the round trip on the Prince Henry on her initial voyage to Skagway and back to Vancouver. BOSTON GRILL LA ROE CABARET y Bpaclal Dlnnrs Thursday and Saturdays Dunclng Every, Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall lor Hire Accommodation tor Private Parties 'PHONE 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS FINE NEW STEAMER IS GREETED HERE Prince Henry, Finest Passenger Vessel on Coast, Is Here Today Handsome Vessel Is Inspected By Hundreds of Citizens and Makes Favorable Impression- Was Given Warm Welcome to Port The new Canadian National Steamships steamer Prince Hcnrv, largest and finest passenger ship which ever came into Prince Rupert harbor, steamed in at 8 o'clock this morning and received a great reception from the people of this city. The C. N. R. docks, where the vessel was tied up within 15 minutes after her appearance in the harbor, has throughout the day been the objective of hundreds if not thousands of citizens desirous of inspecting the handsome ship. To say that the port is pleased with this splendid asleamer, the largest passenger liner prynmn which has yet been placed In service l' Hi I Viilll-i T I IN V IS Ion the British Columbia coast, is to summarize very mildly the lmpres- ITTAnil ATTHP wnicn nave Deen maae on W I I IV N (III I those wh0 have vlslled the vessel. T I Vll 1 VUl ' After a seven-hour stay in port, the Prince Henry sailed at 8 o'clock this EitduranrearUneA'Clly of ChlcagoV. CHICAOO; July S-Shortly before the endurance plane "City of Chicago," landed, 4e engine. Which . for. some timerrad. been spurting oil through being practically worn out, showed signs of K'vtng .Wflytxrcthcr. The plane afternoon lor Ketchikan. Juneau. Further Particulars of Landing of. Skagway and Wrangell whence she PREMIER KING SPEAKS IN REVELSTOKE New Canadian National Liner S. S. Prince Henry Canadian National boat here today on her maiden trip to Alaska and Intervening points. Challenges Bennett to Say What Tories Have Done to Assist Labor Huge Crowd Hears Prime Minister .Open His B.CUCam- paign Point to Return of Railway Lands, and Peace River Block r 1 REVELSTOKE, July 5: The record of the government and the Liberal party on labor questions, the position of the present federal administration on unemnlovment. the return of natural resources and of lands of the rail way belt and the Peace River Block to British Columbia i were among subjects treated by Premier King when he ! fired the opening shot in his British Columbia campaign here last night. The theatre in which the Premier spoke was crowded to capacity and an overflow meeting was necessary. Special attention to la-a? . ..-t bor and unemployment problems was paid by the Premier. He demanded that Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, tell the country what the (Jonservatlve party j had done to help the cause of Labor :ln Canada. "Mr. Bennett has been talking a great deal about labor," , the Premier said.' '"Let him reveal j the Conservative jewrd." He (King? was quite prepared to tell the country the record of the Liberal party in regard to labor. It was a Liberal government which had established the Department of J Labor. It was a Liberal government that had put through the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act. It was, declared the Prime Minister, a Liberal government which had seen to it that the employees of the old Grand Trunk Railway, who went on strike and were deprived of their pensions, had had these pensions returned. The meeting was featured by the attendance on the platform of the latest addition to the federal cabinet, Hon. Ian Mackenzie ot Vancouver, minister of immigration and Indian affairs; T. D. Pattullo, pro Vol. 1. vincial Liberal leader; Senator J. H. King, and D. D. McLean, Liberal candidate in West. Kootenay. Early thls,rnornipg, Premier King and his party left fpr,,. ChJlliwack where they, will speak tonight Southern Cross Reaches Oakland Major Ch Aries klnjrsford-Smitb. tfowW California ' 'UII.IU" I L)ilt, Mi 1 : I 'OAKLANb.",Jur"',15r', Malor Charles Klngsfofd'Smith arrived here yesterday afternoon with his plane Southern Cross following his successful trans-Atlantic flight. A lineman in the employ of the Power Corporation of Canada near' Tyee fell off the top of a pole on to. a rock bed below, yesterday and l& now in hospital at Port Essington where he is reported to be suffering' from a slight concussion. The name, ot the man is not as yet available1 here. Saturday, July 5, 1930 i. i tie routicaLiLorner No. 21. The Inconsistent Mr. Brady Mr. Brady in his speech at Prince Rupert, as reported, said he had obtained more for this riding from Ottawa in the last four years than was ever obtained in any former tour years. Those of us who know what Fred Stork secured during his last four years, including the grain elevator, read this with astonishment and amusement Surely Mr. Brady credits us with short memories. Why, it was only two years ago that he was denouncing tho Liberal Government for starving the District of Skeena because he was an opposition member. He said the Mackenzie King Government was punishing this constituency because it had elected him, a Conservative. And now behold he would have us believe it is the most generous government in the world because it has made more appropriations for him, a Conservative, than It ever did before for a Liberal. Mr. Brady indignantly denounces the suggestion that Olof Hanson has had anything to do with trie securing of these appropriations for Skeena but it is only fair to Mr. Hanson to point out to Mr. Brady that we commenced to get more of those appropriations only after Mr. Hanson commenced going to Ottawa at his own personal ex ense. Is this a mere coincidence, MV. 'Brady ' 1 Does Mr. Brady wish (he'e'lcctbrf'to'Deilcve that he can upbraid the government; that he can hurl insults and denunciations across the floor of the House at the ministers and yet obtain more from these same ministers than a Liberal supporter could? It hcxcan, then this Liberal Government must be the fairest, the most broadmlndcd, and the most unselfish that has ever governed Canada. Mr. Brady must not blow hot and cold in the same breath. Either the Liberal Government was very ungenerous to him as he formerly claimed, or It has been most generous with him as he now claims. Which is If; Mr. Brady?