ntardar- J""' 21, l830, B.C COAST I STEAMSHIPS I Sun Visors Spec! 1 5C m Special Values up to 50c. Qrmes vVW! ROUND TRIP $48.85 frim any point tit th Trlangls (Inc. Msali and BfHi en Stumer Tfw Pioneer Drunoists THIRD AVE. & SIX in T. TELEPtlONFS ft?620C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllnei Tibia Prluo Kuoert f t TANOOUX'BR, VICTOalA, JJuflle. Alrt Bay etc Tuesday a in m F:r POHT SIMPSON and WAIIfl ISLAND. ThurvUy p m III nd A.mii 8 M SMITH Kent prlnc Konert tl r M B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM FKINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau. Skacwav 'une 9, 16, 20. 23, 27 30. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle-June 4, 14, 21. 25. 28. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and vicwria, every rnaay, lu pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines W, C. Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vhoi.u U Canada's Finest Scenery ... on this TRIANGLE TOUR Either by rail to Jasper National Park an9 Vancouver, returning thence y steamer via the I wide Passage . . . i be tour may abo be made in the opposite direction. It's tttrg kind of vacation rolled into one! Sightseeing in the Rockies . . , folf swimming, riding at Jasper . . . wfcl artiviitjea in Vancouver ... a Mjfei&htful trip through the "Norway ,lfAmerca.,'' -tJtxril Sl6p0VW Descriptive folder on request. W- Canadian Vjational R. F. McNaughton, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. COAL! PKMWNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINRHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.S0 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton lJLpO FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONK 5S0 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " J" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ntlNCE KUPEKT, B.C. r.T 5 ; Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. j Scandinavian Dance, Metropole nan, Saturday night, 9 o'clock. 145 JUmbn DVip nf VWrirla fi.111 . ik..vtiu nui I .work out at the Empress Social Club gym Monday, 7 and 8 p.m. ruDiic cordially Invited. I StoriS. off free a ni f mW .n.l , HH lllVillaf A 11 U dwellings for rent and sale and we want more. Helgerson. A. J. Lancaster. Drovincial col lector, sailed nn thp Prlnco nanrni yesterday' afternoon for a brief trip to Stewart on oniclal busl ness. William Qoldbloom sailed last night on the Cardena for a brief business trip to Bella Bella. He ex pects to return to the city on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. Sergeant II. II. Mansell, chief of the provincial police detachment at Courtenay and formerly night chief in this city, is handling the sensational Comox Valley case in which Capt. Patrick Hugh Guthrie Is charged with the murder of his sixteen-year-old, con whom he hit on the head with a stick. ANNOUNCEMENTS 32. Moose picnic, DIgby Island, June Elks' Dance June 30. Elks' Home. C. N;f Recreation Picnic to Ter race July 1. Dominion Day snorts. AcroDoll '.Hill July 1. Children's sports track Imett, baseball, footbalL Hi Dominion Day dance 'Moose Hall: July 1. j Cnjiadian Legion picnic Digby . Island July 0. . I Moos')BUii-, October 16, 17. Smothering Spells Couldn't Walk Far Gaspfecf For Breath lira. T. W. j Roth. Kelowns, B.C., write s : ,7For over a year I was UlrooUciith smothering spells, and it opuraa3aiposrfbIe fur me to walk, tb a usrt alliance, on account 01 aanng to gasp for breath, "A friend told me to try which. I did, and In a short tin I felt ranch better, "I yan now recommend them to everyone." ' Price, SOe. a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct om receipt of price by The T. Uilburn Oa, Limited, Toronto, Ont HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'MltK NK- MAMtlKMKNT Mleam llrxtrd; Trvellrr' Hamplf Itoonm; Hot anit (old Mater I'rre llu .Meet All Train and Rates $1.00 and Up MI'tCMI. .MOMIILV ll.Tt.S C. R. niOGAUT & A. DONALD 1'roprletors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. i , Savoy i C. B. .Flewln, Victoria Cove; J. Douglas, Queen Charlotte Islands. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, irop. l ilt; IIOTKk MOKTII Willi K ' I HVt tt 'cold Svater; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone ZHI Rofal James Manson, Claxton; E. C. Morris, Stewnrt; O. Nelson and J. Davidson, city; D. VV. Webster, Vancouver. WHEN A CHILD , IS FEVERISH, CROSS.UPSET It will be sent IKftJS. Colic, gas, sour belching, frequent vomiting; feverishnest, in babiei antj children, generally show food is souring in the little digestive tract. When these symptoms appear, give Baby a teanpoonful of Phil-lins Milk of -Maimetia. Add it to the first bottle of food In the morning. Older rhildren should be given a tablerpoonful in a clans of water. This will comfort the child make his stomach and bowels easy. In fire minutes he 4a comlortable, happy. It will tgreep the bowels free of all sour, indigestible food. It opens the bowejs in constipation,. colds, cnuaren a auments. muaren taice it readily because it is palatable, pleasant-tasting. Learn its many uses for mother and child. Write for the intereKtin? book. "Useful Information." Address The Cha II. rhillips Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont burin?, be sure to eet nrnuinn Phil In bu Jps Milk of Magnesia. Doctors have prescribed it for over SO years. Attention Boys 16 and under, special admission price 55c. for Boxing Show, June 24. 146 Jimmy Lawson will work out at the Empress Social Club gym Mon day between 7 and 8 pjn. Get your basket packed for the -Moose r Picnic tomorrow, to Oigby Island Good prizes' and good music. Boats leave Dominion Fisheries Float from 9 to 1. 145 Enroute to Montreal where the" will reside, Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Watson, who were mar ried recently in Vancouver, passed through this city a few days ago The bride was formerly Miss Mary Thompson Kerr, daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Kerr of Vancou ver. MM tin ' 1.1 iTtHsKSa , FROM MONTREAL TO GLASGOIV-BELFAST- XIVERPODL xJuly a. Auk l Mellta July 12 Duche Y'rk Ju'y "( xAusr l" Mlnnedosa xNot calling at Liverpool. To CHKKIIOURG-SOUTIIAMITON HAMBURG July 5. Aws. 7 Mantcalm July 34, Aug. 31 MtoUro TO .'"1 Uetagama xJuW 18 Dueheas ot Atholl xNot calling at Antwerp. 1 LIVERPOOL. July 4. July 30 Duchess ot Bedford FROM QUEBEC To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON July 3. July 33. . .Empress of Australia July 9. July 30 Emoren ot Scotland July 18. Aug. 6 Emprew of France i FROM VANCOUVER I ! To ll.iall-Jaan-riilna-rhlll)plnrs I i Jun38. Aug 31. Empress of Russia 1 July 34. Sept. 18, Empress of Asa I xAug 7. xOct 3. Empress of Canada ' , Includns call to Honolulu. AdoIt to Azents eTerrwnere or i. i iohsti:k Steamship Oenl. Pass. Aeent C P U Station. Vancouver. 9 Specials: Pot Roast Beef per lb Round Steak per lb Stewing Veal 3 lbs Pork Steak per lb 20c 30c 50c' 30c Fresh Killed Fowl 9An per lb Shoulder Roast Veal 4 ! 5 lbs Mutton Chops QAar VC per lb. ............ Stewing Mutton tZfis ' 3 lbs Shoulder Mutton-?- . j Q4 j MussallemVMeat Market . . Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phpne 686. George Thaln sailed last night on the Cardena for Bella Bella. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Boxing Ten rounds Frankic Neef vs. . Jumbo . Dayies,' Exhibition i Bldg., June 24 at 8.15 p.m.' 147 William McNelsh, auditor for the Workmen's Compensation Board, after spending a few days in the city on official duties, sailed on he Prince George yesterday after noon for Anyox. Frankle Neel works out dally this week, "7 to '8 pjn., at the Empress Social Club gym. Public cordially Invited. 145 Misses Jean and Jennie Johnson, daughters of the late J. G. Johnson, who died in' the cfty several months, ago, will sail on the Princess Alice this afternoon for Vancouver where they will meet Mrs. Gillett, formerly matron of the Ridley Home here, who will accompany them to Scotland whsre they will take up future residence. J. H. Brownlee, -veteran Dominion land surveyor of this province -h6 has lived and is known in almost every part of British Columbia, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Princess Mary this morning and will be here for the next week or so. Mr. Brownlee. who how engages in map making, was In Prince Rupert for a while in the very early days with the original townslte survey party. He was also n Atlln for a while. VIC HAS MOVED Vic Rogers. lormsrly of the CJi Rooms, 3rd Ave., has moved to 719 Fulton Street where he will keep: chickens and fresh eggs. As soon' as his cook arrives from Calgary, he will serve hot tamales. He , wishes to ask his few creditors and many friends to give him a chance to help make good as his age is against him in further service , on j the cars. He asks your patronage J I rnone ureen 17U. (isu, w- (Jut Photo FiniJiing An; size roll developed with six prints, 30c. Extra prints each 4c Enlargements made of your negatives 5x7 30c, 810 '.Si. 45c. Larger slz-s marie if wanted. Extra copios of enlar'gemcrits made of your old photos. Photos"! of groups, children and passport" photos in your own home. 1 Prices Reasonable John Sunderwood, 424 8th Ave W Im-Jn21 Notice to Voters Voters, whose names have been omitted by those collecting: names will be able to get their names on the voters' list durine the three days court of revision at the end of this month by appearing in person, at the court of revision or by leavin; their names with or ohoninc their names to the Liberal Committee Rooms, at any time before the court Is held. Phone 851 U W. PATMORE, Liberal Committee Rooms, (tf) IF I COULD ONLY SLEEP v 'thetirid ex cited nerves ARE SOON RESTORED AND THE WHOLE SYSTEM, GREATLY BENEFITTED . BY THE USE OF' THE CELEBRATED. Dli. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD hAtf A CtNTUBV Or SUCCCSV A TO ALL BUYERS OF FOUNTAIN PENS Do you know that no longer do you need two fountain pens for your dally writing requirements; one for your pocket and one for your desk or desk set. For by a remarkably unique plan, the Parker Duofold supplies one pen for both purposes. This plan saves you the price of one pen and insures that you write with the point you like best all the time. Come in and let us demonstrate this feature. W. J. McCUTCHEON Druggist Prince Rupert PAGE THREE1' IDEAL FOR THE SUMMER COTTAGEI What if there isn't a daily delivery of pure, safe, pasteurized milk? What if you have no ice? You can still enjoy an abundance of fresh, sweet, dairy milk if you have a few tins of Klim handy. Klim is a whole MILK, all milk and nothing but milk. The cream is there, the nutriment is there, the delicious fresh milk flavour is there. Only the water has been removed. Replace it, and you have pasteurized milk for eookins, for tea, coffee, cocoa or cereals; milk that the youngsters will love to drir.k. And you mix it just as you need it There's no waste wi(h Klim. Send ten cents for a trial can and taste its soodness foi" yourself. CANADIAN MILK. PRODUCTS LIMITED IIS GtOf3 Sbtet Toronto COUPON Canadian Milk Products Limited, 115 George St, Toronto Please send me free booklet "National! Known Recipes." Name'. . , Address. (JhurcK Services CHRISnANiiSCIENCE Christian Science Society. 215 Second Avenue 4A4 - i ', .w ' ' - - i.1 mi m This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. Subject. "IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" Sunday. Sfchdol'ali 12 noon. Testimony meeting on the first Wednesday of each' month at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially. Jnylted.. Heading room. 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 p.m. F!RS,T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher', Rer. Dr. Stevenson, M. A, Ph. D F. R. G. S. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Solo and chorus by Junior Choir. Soloist Helen Fuller. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Anthem by the choir, "Send Out Thy Lfght." Duet, "Love Divine, All Love Excelling." ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England! Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Sunday School at 10 am Morning P,rayer and Sermon, 11 ajn. Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:30 p.m. LUM sESL S iiun LiiuCiii di'icuuta, (.;k.iiaic AWU HEMLOCK g T0IN1RTT PP.II.IMf3 PTTCTIP HiriTTT rifXTno i.rrz-i Specialties Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring jij Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers uoors, Hindows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced Rices'. BIG BAY LUMBER CO.. ITD ti i.umhcr Aianuiacturers Prince itnnrri n i Immediately rafter the arrival of the Prince George yesterday morning an impromptu reception was held at the wharf when many Prince Rupert people, Including a large number of ladles, were introduced to Lleutenant-Oovernor Bruce and Miss Mackenzie by the Mayor. j Hl n m Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepperdson are leaving on this morning's train for Montreal whence they will embark aboard the ss. Athenla for Liverpool enroute to their home In Hull. Mr. and. Mrs. Shepperdson have been staying for the past year at the home of Mrs. Shepperdson s aunt. Mrs. R. S. Anderson, Sixth Avenue East.