PAGE TWO -'fUesday, May All The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA' Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert M vtyty Wi.LH!tfr1. third, Avenue.. ,.. ,y SENT COPIES AWAY A good many readers of the Dailv News sent Saturday's issue awav to frienrls in nrrlpr that, t Vipv mmlit r-aaA fh minimum. Psrhsps lb one tlmple thing you are not doing to guarantee permanent health Is havtfcg sufficient roughage In your food. Absence of this roughage Is the direct cause of contUpatlon which results In to tnaey other Uls heidaches, HsllesjsjacJs general depression. In-digostlos and; BOtnetltnCs, terlout disease. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN U rotigh-hge. It It positively guaranteed to relieve both temporary and recur-ring constipation or the purchase price will be refunded. Two table-pooni dally (in terlout cakes, with each meal) It the proper amount Kellogg'. ALL-BRAN alto helps you to health In other wtyt. It It rich In irtn, practically all of which goei (ninths blood, bringing red,healthy color to the complexion. It helps prevent anemia. Be eure to include it in reducing diett. Many eat Kellogg'e ALL-BRAN with cream or milk added. It la a delicious addition to cereals, fruits and soups, t i.. . , REFRIGERATION IN RELATION I TO THE FISHING INDUSTRY . i ijf.'B.'FJnn, Director, FiseriesExperlmentail .Station, Prince BjjfrJ;. Man's insatiable curiosity has beeii responsible for1 the1' 1,1 ! irrpnf 'li'nri'A'dc wMh hnvfl 1-fiboM Hirii frt irhtVc Iferlniir ' subscription RATES j'fhe systematization of 'knowledge which he has gained in By mail to all other parts or British Columbia, the British Em- his attempts to satisfy this curiosity has made possible all pire ahd United States, paid in advance, per year ..Lii.. 6.00 those things which science has given us. Without science - v By marl to all other countries, per year . L.. f.50 p umilH nrt Vinvo tha &nmion uriftiAuf mimtiCAii By mail to all parts 6f Northern and Central British Columbia, onUA nnt havn itl itM'aaH,nn-l ,.-fl,nt,f In!" paid in advance far 3.00 yearly period 'frtBtnuJi'";C J ' ' Or four months for , . .100 . oiimui uiuc uum uc uu utnc uicusses ui jjuyuiti" Tor lesser period, paid in advance, per month v50 i,uon- f n"s tne very acquisition oi Knowledge has indirect- ; City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 jf creiiea inf, PfDiems wnicn to- Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters Telephone , 86 DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Tuesday, May 29, 1930. SALMON FISHlN'fi TREATY day we are callecfupon to solve. The alded by first referring tothe pro-! masses of population ha made nec- In the Sea- Durin lit6 there elaborate for eisary systems pro-,ilves Curing, preserving and distributing are constantly going on withlnthe of food. In this, refrigeration is de , organism processes cf building Up,' stined to play an ever increasing and breaking down. These proces-important role, particularly in it . A . , . . ises are carried substances on by relation to the fisheries. The fisheries of today are faced i wltn,r the body called enzymes. with two Important problems which 1 During life, these two processes are are. broadly stated, ceoservallon nicely balanced. At death the bal and preservation. This paper will It is satisfactory to know that the opposition of fe'deral 2 Sri SZfLZilln n)on.ibie for breaking down the Conservatives to the provincial Conservatives anrj to the ffi TpreLrvVtK r5i affiK are u accelerated in vjiuiuayuverjiiiiuiLinregaruioinerraserniversaimon,orthsomeoftherblemsehcoun- their action. Ther struggles which treaty is at an end. It Was a foolish and frivolous ODDOSi tered in relation to Its uses. The the Hah undergo before death, tion at the hest anrl whnllv iinnuPssnrv Tn env that tha Ideal prteervatlVe would be one produce editorial m on the front page "Evidences of Pros- JiSETtiSSS perity. Those who have not done so are advised to take problems of refrwrattoh and mueh action yet. So many inquiries for copies have been received tiseful information with regard to that we have decided to use it again as a free advertise-lhe production and maintenance of ment for the city of Prince Rupert. jlow temperatures has been gained. J r On the other hand, Very little Is Baggage Car ETERNALLY AT IT I i he only Way to do business effectively is to be eternally : materials frozen and stored. As yet at it. The moment VOU let lin in vour efforts, von herrin fn hardly anything U known of thc in cookco jooa.". iucn i . . . -. a. bran muffins, It it Just at el!1"8 Pre" na to migrate tive lu the relief of constipation. Recommended by doctors. Ask your grocer for Kellogg's ALL-BRAN in the red-tnd-grcen pack' Servtd everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. IT "Improved In Texture and Taste" a condition within the- Tolmie administration and its permanent fisheries force !?lct!L iv'kl ltthe .fli.n i,nWn fn oj.,; riffn,..n : ii i. , In the preserved prodiKt. Most autoiytlc tor breakdown) enzymes: w eie unable to advise Ottawa m regard to what was need- So thbds of pmrMiion do bring powerful are these destructive-ed was going a little far when none of the opponents to the about ehahge. Thus, in treating fish agent that at temperatures above treaty had any fisheries experience. It looked too much by canning, smoking, salting, drv- freeeing they would in trme tom like opposing for the sake of opposition rather than for I"6 Pick,m& and freezing, marked P'eteiy liquefy all the tissues of the the Ettod of the COUntrv Now thev havp sepn thp ormr nf 4n arc brought about in the fh quite apart from ahy bacterial tneir thp,W ways and nhH tW there is likely to be action at Ottawa. materials. Refrigeration activity. This autoiytlc or self-dl- about the gestIve te 4,owed rIngs ,ea8t th ot M pn)CCSS up by ,ow though even In this there are irre , temperatures and, by cooling the Versible changes which It Is the ob ; fish itnedlately it Is caught, the Ject or our research to reduce to a ' rate of enaymatic decomposition Is greatly decreased, while by freez ing It Is almost arrested. Recently. however, this laboratory has been led to bellev that some of the enzymes may have slight activity at temperatures In the neighborhood of 10 degrees T. and over a period of months or years, may produce dls- ht riuctuatlng tempettiturw, la con-! would be greatly reduced. The ex- jtdered, It Is readily1 seen that even though the Ice crystals within a tissue may be uniformly small In the newlv-frozen ntndnM ffr a nor. J5d or storage under such varying gonaiuons, mese small crystals will be replaced by large ones. This has the errect or disrupting the tsisue, polling lhe texture, ahd making the product very much more like slowly-rrozen material. Variations in temperatures: also have the erefct or bringing about changes In Internal toressure with in the rrozen material. Under conditions or fluctuating temrerature. .there is continual expansion and I contraction, which may have a ,bearlng upon the migration or oil I towards the surface or the fish such as occurs in the stored salmon. Oils at low temperatures are only semi tollds and under conditions or In In sUch a way as to relieve that pressure. This condition of oil ooz- llng Is not met with ir the temper atures are held at a constant low level. The reason for this Is probably two-fold the lower temperatures bringing about a greater solidarity of the oil and the constancy of temperature preventing variation In internal pressure. There are many other phenomena connected with deterioration in ALLtBR AN t Lco.ld stora8e which must be lnvestl-T TYV ?.fttVd rrom the biochemical point or view. Consideration or these may be perlment conducted by the Biolo gical Board Was based upon the following considerations : U that the; amount of heat geherated by stored material within Itself was ei-tremely small and need not be considered as having an appreciable Influence upon the temperature bf the room Q) that while a room Is" closed, the principal source of heat IS the leakage through the Insulation. (3) that providing the heat could be taken up before it. came aU the way through the walls, the presence of bodies much colder than the stored material, such as ammonia pipes, Inside the rooms, would be unnecessary and thus shrinkage would be avoided. In Jhe experiment, an air-tight Insulated room was .built within a cold storage room in such an manner as to leave a space 11 the way round Its' walls. Jbj celling and jjopr, Through this space was circulated cooler air which was maintained tit a temperature only very slightly below that at which It was desired to store the frozen fish. This circulating air served to pick up the heat which leaked through the outer Insulation. In this way, It protected the stored fish from undergoing any rise in temperature and since the temperature of the walls of the Inner room was almost the same as that of the stored material, there was extremely little transference of water vapor rrom the pro- www Your Breakfast Shot from Guns so you don't have to cook it Read how this amazing invention gives Puffed Grains the virtual nourishment of hot cooked cereals. WHEN Professor Anderson found the way to shoot Wheat and rice grains from guna he aolved an important problem. He give these crisp, delicious, reidy-to-car cereals the virtual nourishment of hot cooked cereals. Every grain of wheat and rice ContaifU 123 million food cells. Every food cell must be broken before the grain can be completely digestible. It takes long hours of cooking to do this. But Ptofessor Anderson found a better way. He seals grains of wheat and rice In bronze guns. Revolves them In fiery Ovens. Then fires the guns. This causes 123 million explosions in every grain. It blasts oren every riny food ttll. Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are thus made completely digestible. Hence practically as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. The grains become 8 times normal sire. They have all thc buttery ctunchiness of fresh toast. They are made to taste like sweet new nut-meats. Never before was rich grain nourishment made So delectably good to eat. You owe it to your family to give them this extra delicious grain food that tastes like nut goodies. Order Purled Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today. Thc Quaker Oats Company. lose OUt. So it IS with any cause. Spasmodic enthusiasm tal.plest. tc&i constants of lhe I has certain mechanisms of derense through the walls travels through does not count for much It is all riPht for ftrttr nuv,m.aterla,S64lorcd or of the ""btle; against the Invasion of bacteria, the stored material causing air to L ! I g SlttmS aay chemical changes which take With the advent of place death, these if a good 0f,:t but i : : pick up water vapor which U sub-Wlth Start, a good Start IS not enough. jand result in the destruction cf fla-; mechanisms cease, to. function and sequenUy tra JSed to the I in Fnnce KUpert we are gleat Starters. We have abun-. or, texture and those other quaN i bacterial invasion starts Imme pipes. The cooled, desaturated air dant enthusiasm for a new cause, a new organization, new Ules whfch ftre characterutic bf the diately. while it is true that bac- sinks and once again begin this Work, new amusement, but we do not alwavs stav with it lfrE mleri,al- lle?aI "Utty is decreased by low- cycle resuiung m the conunuous Perhaps that is why we sometimes fail A little more ut ' JSZTu T lrp!r"ure? p7 no means transference or waurfrom the ma- tained effort and sholild HoZttpr I1"8 u0' hm dIV! ,mUCh 10 foU tempera- terial to the pipes. This Is more ef- idineu eiiort and we we BHOUld dO better. the -! . 32 F4. prove quality of. frozen fish. ture to degrees will entirely in- lous than a mere ross or weight In - : .. - These methods are being widely i hlbit It. This laboratory has isolated the nroduet sin ,ch rtehvArattr. Service Kinds or Mail Carried Larger Places Along Hallway Every Day to The post office announces that the hours of closing for the east-bonnd mail by the regular mall car Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays Is now 1 no but that for the baggage ear service leaving here Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays the mail will not close until noon. The baggage car service carries aU classes of mall Including letters and newspapers to the following points only: Edmonton, Vander-hoof, Port Fraser. Duin? Lake. Tel-kwa, Bmlthers. Harelton. Terrace, and Prince Oeorge. Fireside Club " Holds Meeting Second Coming Is Subject of Address By Pastor, Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe The regular weekly meeting of the Fireside Club was held in the Baptist Church Parlors last night. Miss A . Dawson's group had Charge of the meeting and the chair was occupied by Miss Edith Johnstone. Miss Stelna Phllipson led the devotional exercises. The address was delivered by Dr. F. W Dafoe. who strove to Impress his hearers with the nearness of the return of Christ, and the impehitlve need of the individual tflrhmg to Christ as tho Savior. Ilerreshments wert served at the close. A SIMPLE STEP TOWARDS HEALTH Kellogg'S ALL-BRAN is a Daily Essential and Millions Know Its Effectiveness in Relief, of Constipation known with regard to the blophy ! ttnetly observable and undesirable y . "f ct,,Aet,n ' In an ordinary cold storage room, i the elimination of spoilage of During life the living organism the heat which gains admittance i thawed fUh in th hand, nf th r. J 1U- - II .1.11 U-.-A-.l ..ti-t . . ... J ivi"cu aim uie excellence oi-me : oaciena wuicn are quite active at always brings about a loss of "tex resuuing proauct is aomg a great ,inai temperature notably Pseudo lure" ana "AnrMAnini" ith oem mj overcome prejudice wnicn i monas iiuorescens wnlch is thought consequent errcct upon price. existed in the minds or the general ! to be responsible for much of the public against rroeen or cold-stored ' discoloration of halibut which oc- j Itustlng foods. There is stlU a great deal to I curs In the holds of fishing vessels. The "rusting" or yellow discolora be learned. Our problems are by no Investigation Is being Drosecuted tlon which occurs In oily fish dur- hieans solved, for It Is one thing to i with a View to examining the role of , ing cold storage Is another problem proauce a product which has un- 1 bacteria in cold storage at low tem- which seriously concerns cold stor dergone very little deterioration by !peratures and while as yet nothing age companies. Fish such as halibut the act of freezing and quite an-6ther to maintain Ihls product without deterioration In cold storage. Crystal Formation It Is well known that when the rftte Of freezing In a tissue Is rapid very definite can be said In this re- salmon and herring which contalh gard, It seems quite probable that appreciable quantities of oil lmme bacteria do play a part in the de terioration of the rt02en product. The loss ot water in stored materials Is another undesirable fea ture In long storage and, one which the number of crystallization cen- can hardly be greatly redu;ed by Jres u very large which results In proper temperature control. It Is the production or a large number well known that the presence or 6r very minute Ice crystals Instead cooling pipes In a cold storage ttf a smaller number or large ones room has a dehydrating errect upon kiln V nM n k. u . ,u . . . ! .1 i !j ; , '.7i .: i .... . .A ... out.ii no npijvnr 111 a siuwiy irozen ' me swrea prooucis ana tnat II dii-Ussue. When the ohenomenon or ' ferences of temneratui-p Between One Ice crystal growing at the ex- i the pipes and the product cotlid jw pense of another, under condition eliminated thi rirvm t,r ihrinVno- aiaieiy unaerneatn tne skin are particularly svbject to this wheh kept in storage ror long periods or time. The phenomenon seems to be one which concerns a change trUhe rats and oils though there Is some indication that the nitrogenous Constituents or the tissues play ah Important part In the oxidative chinges which occur. These discol oring reactions seem to be depen dent upon a certain chemical state existing within the tissues them selves. It Is quite possible that con dttions or alkalinity or acidity or tne oody tissues may have a prr round, effect. It Is known that low tempera tures such as zero or slightly above, win greatly reduce the possibility oi tne occurence Of "rusting." it Is round difficult to use such tern peratures in ordinary practise for long periods of time because of thc excessive shrinkage which they pro duce. This Is, no doubt, due largely to Inadequate insulation; for it is svldent that the poorer the Insula tlon, the lower must be the tern perature of the colls to produce a given condition. This results In a greater dlHerentlal between thb stored product and the colls and It rollows that shrinkage will increas in proportion to this temperature dirrerence. Such low temperatures could be maintained without ser ious, shrinkage and with avoidance t3f a fcood. dealf these undesirable chemical changes by the Introduction of the Jacketed cold storage room as developed by Doctor A. d. Huntsman at Halirax and discussed earlier In the paper. There are very good reasons ror believing that in the future most or our fish will be processed by modern methods or refrigeration and distributed In the rrozen condition. Recent experiments carried on by the Biological Board or Canada have shown that rish rillets placed In the cooking utensils in the rroz en condition are superior to those taller will be apparent, for. If the public were to buy and keep flih in a frozen State until the time of cooking, the spoilage Which that most perishable product unfrozen rish 4s subject to during this period, would be avoided. Fortunatelv. such a procedure Is tteadilv belnz 'If 0j . ) . QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE .... - - ; - rf ...Me, n win hiv uiunvu VUUIC bUUbUlK, AUC sioai ana oiochemtcal properties or eirecw. :u. reduced about 70. ! advantare of tueh A nmrnrinrp In MUCH WORK AT JASPER Tourist Kesort Enlarged to Mcft Increase of Visitors made more possible by the develop-1 WINNIPEG. May 20 - In )v in-ment or email, low temperature re- trnatlonal exchange of l.-iui iy frlgerators ror use in shops and Who now annually r the homes. CanadlanAmeflcan border n n- Thus, as one views the progress jormous flood of tourist trav. ' the which has been made by refrigera- jCanadran riocklet Is predict c fur tlon engineers in the construction tSon by It. Creelman n. cn-of apparatus, together with the de- 8er traffic manager for t! termlned efforts of the biochemists 'd,n National Railways i, irft and blophyslclsts to -dellne the best I y?teTday to complete air iw-rreezlng treatments and optimum Iments ror many tours and rmi storage conditions, one cannot but!!3118 10 Japer National Ptrlc feel, as was stated earlier In this "Year by year." Mr O ' iiiun paper, that refrigeration Is certain sAld, "increasing thouwn-s are to play an ever-lncreaslngly lm- i turning to this playground viurh portant role in the rishlng Industry : has necessitated the eni.iu . of and to eventually revolutionize ex- 'Jasper Park Lede each .vu- n and istmg methods or procedure. Shower For Miss Alberta Hill Is Pretty Affair A dainty miscellaneous shower was glveh last evehlng by Miss B. Campbell and Miss J. stalker at the home or the latter, 615 Tallow 8treet, In honor or Miss Alberta Hiii, wnose marriage takes nlace eany next month. The rooms were a mlnlntnm hrMa A.itk j 1 today the accomodation guests it an increase of 1029 capacity. New buiki for the official opening ' will Include: Two tcn-n. one 16-room cabin, one cabin, one two-suite cabin. Ing building for golfers w .tii bedrooms, each cabin ben. i ped with baths for each - with sitting rooms, two " starr cabins, with ift room-new building ror the nm stay at thc Lodge to give guests. The dining room i powerhouse, private servm and the garage are enlnp: Improved, new 0 usees and Required, the curio shop t whir "nnutZ.. . tl cabins. The program or 1 wnite carnations and rose tatters in xltvpr tnrni. .j,, . . . ueing conunuea. .via.ijf iuh wvie presented by Miss M. Stalker In a daintily decorated wagon. Music was enjoyed and rerreshments served. Those present Include: Mrs. Geo. Hill, Mrs. E. Klnny, Mrs. T. Sprout, Mrs, J. Campbell, Mrs. W. Cum-mlngs, Mrs. V. Menzles, Mrs. Joe Cook, Mrs. J. it. Meagher, Mrs. Prendergrast, Miss Chris McKcnzle. Miss Allda Johnson. Miss E. Ross, Misses Annie and Netta McLeod. Miss Mas Davis, Misses Nellie and Mollle Lawrence, Miss Frances Cummlngs, Miss Edna Parker. Horace McN. Fraser, engineer rdr the UnltedEastern Mining Co., one of the original companies op erating In the Taku River Held, will be here on the Princess Louise tomorrow morning enroute rrom Vancouver to Juneau. Mr. Fraser's rather was for years eold com missioner at..Atlia and he was brought up in that district. meet this year at Jaspr. headquarters camp at Main will be In operation ror rrom July 28 to August Id 650 iver . i'ly .ilT.'W .ihns. 1 1 Kim sicep- 23 ,.j:iip-:n and ,'imial M il A - who wiry. d and s v-re i uwd. . i .i.i... i . i ....I u nrw decorated in rnauve, pink and White TZZrJ f ' i and the t table was centred Wlthl?' S!S , Thc Alpine Club or Cur. .iplllC .la WiU , We Sell Nothing But the Best Our l)nes include CHEVROLET and MUCK Automobiles . Willard Guaranteed frfad Kubbef Storage Batteries dOODYEAll TIRES flAYHESTOS Ilrake Llnlnjs and Genuine Ducot Ross & Moore Reliable Wrecking Service Phnno M . VTtnfn n1llr'' B