Page 6 THE DABLY NEWS ee rere eee ee LE A SS AS, Ar : : es SSS — eee ——— Om es re ee ee ree ee 6@ f, —_s } PUBLIG eet) WEEK - END sPEctaic G. H. Arnold _-_- Notary Public a Miss Ruby Taylor returned -—_—— from up river last evening. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAy For Rent ANNOUNCEMENT | Geo, Sweet left for Stewart last Groceries at Lowest Prices in Town evening. Australian Jam in t-ib. tine Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several boats can te docked together on one smali section, making fees light. Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. FRUITS . e ** ae or on. 78 4a dozen Wants) be AND VEGETABLES . ibpy's Spinach in of Ib. tine ice 81.25 ’ We . h h h -_ S Rae 6 ; fhe Mussailem Grocery Corsets at bargain prices, 2 Spe ial abe | Me : : Q ; ; 9 Canned Pumpkin 2? tine for @5¢ Cr 6 — House, wi . : 7. — ; Co., Ltd.. Economy Store per pair, Wallace's, 248 Canned Tomatoes, 2. ib tine > tins Rn 7 ; 7 . . ‘ for S8h« e | wish to inform the public a bel Monte Pork and Beans tl eee aii uriiture for Sale : : . . s , Pianos correctly tuned. G. €. for 96e _ Cabbas at they Bete Surchased Bl weiker, Phone Bike 360. tHE canned Peas @ tins for asc | “** stor 8 the whole of the stoek and smete Libby's Catsup #5e per botth PROVISIONS ' . g Libby's Salad Dressing, 25¢ per bot AND FRESH MEAT - eo ~ fixtures of 8. Mussallem & Mrs. Sol. Mussallem and family Crabapple Jetty 20¢ per jar | Finest Onta . an T Co., Ltd., from the assignees Bli.1 for Vancouver last evening. ie ie FT ireantent | ' H G HELGERSON L D. and from now on will run . . . Chow Pickles, #1.40 per gallon jar Breakfast | . i ’ . ‘ oti . . Sweet Mixed lickles. #1.60 per gal Shamr k He that business in conjunction Fred ©, Johnson, of Hazelton, lon jar > . ; . : . Insurance Real Estate Bonds | with their own. is registered at the Prince Rupert ain Flakes, 25¢ for two] yi »., BEEF . el, Qt ake r Puffed Wheat, i0c f thre poe Old customers of 8. Mus. Hotel @ e . " peckeaen. re poate Ri - 4 . . ay are her " » . Rolled Oats, 45c for 6-1b. sack Ay sallem & Co., Ltd., are here Jas. Range and BE, W. Gross ar Seal Brand Coffee, #1.20 for 2-Ib tin ww I > 8 ’ . . . Victoria Cross Te 50¢ per Ib oe te . be eee rived from Prince George last Pacine Milk "9 ‘thine for” #100] , VEAL 4 . trading with us and we can night Pagle Brand Milk 20¢ per tin ‘ : assure , ; ‘ie : ‘ Htalian Prune Jam, 95¢ per 4-Ib. tin | 2)°"' assure them of lowest prices, * « Raspberry Jam, 81.15 per 4-Ib. ti best quality and prompt Miss Scheiswinger of the local M.B, Baking Powder, 25¢ per 12-07 MUTTON . service. Ga. T. P. staff left for the south a oie. an I. tin—$1.50 | Leg . ast night. Seeded latsins, = pkes. for 50 a LIMITED Give us a cal), or Ia . e ° Snitana Raisins in bulk, 25c¢ per It Stew . : : . a Jello, 2 pkgs. for @he or $1.40 doz esseis O any $1Ze L7OC p f Fisher's “Folly Girls” in musi- Palmolive Soap, 2 cakes for 250 oF PORK | : . 4 € - | or cal comedy at the Westholme to- mecnsaae- Das. Walls ;. 980 th —— morrow night, Mussallem Grocery fe!" 2ui"iie "ns TheRupert Table Supply Co, Co.. Ltd and Roy Turner. J Phones 211 and 21? 5 j ey ° . . . oe Founcry Work | Economy Store Miss Mathilda Smith arrived \ — —_—-- Castings in tron, Bross, Bronze, Etc., made at : from Alice Arm on the Prineq =e Reasonable Prices. | 117-419-423 Fifth Ave. BE. B] George last night. Dr. Harcourt, of Winnipeg, was Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds | =|‘: passenger from the train to the SCHOO! DAYS Be Prepared! ; Sixteen “Wolly Girls” at the} boat last night for, Vancouver. 4 eile a, dk, eins Tens Cn 's ~ ARE HERE - Business of Industrial ‘aon Mills and Cannerie 1olme omorrow nigh he Wut eeentet atid alias: | . 7 M : | Good warm hose at clearing] nization agent of the G. T. P. and Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | prices, 50¢ per pair.—Wallace’s. |G. G. R., arrived from the east on Outfit Your Boys and Girls wit} | Boce his private car yesterday. Mrs. Zabriskie and Mrs. Austin ig "vv lleft on the Prinee Albert last Direct from a long engagement HO} L SH r ae FY i J | night for Stewart, in Seattle, Fisher's “Folly Girls’ wit : * Fo8 ippear at the Westholme tomor- ee ee ff D. J. Hancock, Jas. McAleenanfrow night. :: EMPRESS :: | , . }and John M. Morrison arrived in eo M.M.Stephens TONIGHT ONLY | the city from Alice Arm and are The Princess Mary arrived from Buy them from the | registered at the Prince Rupert.] Vancouver yesterday afternoon Notary Public Conveyancer HALE HAMILTON ee with a very small passenger list, | —_— --_-——_ —— ‘ > } E. F. Duby arrived on last most of whom left the steamer ° Johnny on the Spot , evening's train after having spent} at Prince Rupert. ata |}a few days at Zimacord. He is e fy 26 12th Episode | returning to that point in a few The Prince Albert arrived from GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM ; i | days and will be there for, several] Vancouver yesterday evening and a New Dwelling, plastered, The Great Houdini in | weeks, left again about 10 o'clock with The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 painted, and complete with **The Master Mystery” 9.8 a capacity list of freight and bath, range, boiler, etc, ready ie OO ee aah ae Miss Pear! V. Wall, who spent passengers for Stewart and Hyder. FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. for occupation, on Eighth Ford | ducational Ree! the summer on the Hazelton Hos- ,le Ss oil Avenue between Seal Cove 2 oat 5 sealant ne, = | pital staff, will arrive in the city M. Christiansen and F. Knott. and drydock, near school. nassion 15 and 30 cents on Tuesday evening. She willfaccompanied by their families, PRICE $2,500.00, TERMS. visit for a few days in this cilty|left by the Prince George last } ; : aiited Lot 10, Block 49, Seetion §| E : before leaving for her home in _ en route e San Francis: 0 7. Eighth and Seal Cove $) M Vaneouver. . where they will make their homes DEMER’S Avenues, A Dandy, $300.00 TONIGHT ONLY ; |\-e™h-———_— —_ in future. otk a Gnees. Bryant Washburn | J. Bruce Walker, Dominion im- wae UF com migration commissioner from Tes a lil : M M Stephens . There Ss lron Winnipeg, arrived in the city by Rea! Estat ve rance Financial Agent 3 A Very hood Young Man 4 the train last evening and left e ] S be again for Vancouver on the south- oe n Strawberries |." c.007°° . > . A meeting of members of the Federated Labor Party and in- tending members will be held in the O. B. U. Hall, corner of Sixth VERY LADY i tending to pur chase a hat will save money by taking | FATTY ARBUCKLE | “The Cook’! His Latest Success | Admission, 35¢ and 15¢ ChittiConCarne || ==" Thee's better, for eating QOUAKER JAM. . , Avenue and Fulton Street, Sunday } It's pure fruit—nature’s ’ , ag Pthis sale —niprendnnes > - * Phone 557 ;

finish work, betere 5 ? m. may tebe the eeorder ntohe his first ended wa ° . to u from the Shoe DENTAL NURSE IN ENDANCE necessary deciaration,.the City Cler i ‘der "ss 5 P Tr as 4 e aan a y < om tne + emons 349 Pon saamenmate attend a nis oMice ‘on. priday evenings, satisfactory. I have over 5,000 HIE jatest advices coming a advancing forty wm the 204h. from 7:30 BM. to pth nalabives emis.) Me « cbtaee Manufacturers tel! of prices acyvane! "00 Tax recep. MME Wel iy Ailed. Write or call.— per cent. since the first of August. nad ERNEST A. . clerk. | 1:4. DAVIDSON, The Peerless -| Studio, Suite 22, Alder Block. P. 0. box 22. 249 This is No Dream | But a Hard-boiled fact make any . NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for che “ae ofa fom certificate of title to ee - art o ot Eight hundred and forty-eight . , 848), Group One (14), Cassiar District, Good heavy hose—black only satisfactory, proof of loss of certificate| = . P anne se! ving beel filed, notice is hereby given 0c per pair. Wallace's. 48 fr er it is my intention, at the expiration ated f ope month from the first publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title nNOTI cE in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Tithe is dated 8th npr eer, ‘ebruary. 1913, and is No, 3067-1 q » e ir i Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Take notice that I rogue all Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of Oetober,] bills owing me to be paid on or — W. P. BURRITT. before October 34, 1919, and that Acting District Registrar. I wish all accounts owing by me to be presented to me for pay- Phones 41 and Red 391 ment before said date. F or Sale wh steam heated modern house near drydock, $2,500, Term. i loom house, 7th Avenue, ‘Section $1,750, Terms. i-Room house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terme. 2 Lote, 6th Avenue Section 56 $660 cach, Terms. 2? Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 7, nea drydeck, $360 each, Terme. Lot 25, Block 29, Section 5, Cash i” Anywhere Hie of he likes But all the same it sometimes makes a difference where you #9. We have thought and ' worked to accurately sup ply your wants at every point of 1 jewelry busi hess from collar buttons to diamonds we strive to make our store perfeet And we made up our mind not to ma) £ : .o a soaring. further purchases until prices stoppe’ - ‘ oO ever, is What will interest our customers, " a the } “ders é that we have secured al] our back a that old prices, and our patrons may be * ved with tal ean be se when they visit our store the) : the very Boots, Shoes, Oxfords, Slippe! , etc., a ayvtment is 3 mn . SaeR : \ » Shoe Departme ; rhis is our invitation to H. KE, MYERS, lowest ssible rices. Our enn Sle ly you to see tt. We do tot ; For Hire by the Hour, October 23, 1919. 250 a " fresh sarrivals are constan™ ask that you buy auything Day or Week well stocked, anc res « You'll find pleasure in just Cc ery $ a seeing; and we in showing ’ coming in, Jabour Bros., Ltd. Spirella Corsetiere, Plies Launch Alice B. ! Black 257. | Seer eee eweee tener JOHN BULGER & Doyle, Lid. Agents Jeweler Qie 00 LA TO CLA * The Store, of Worth and |f Phone 11 - rd Avenue Pieniec and Fishing Parties « ro ee ve o »S i omer i d ixth Street ’ , : Insurance Heal Estate Trips round Harbor HOUSES FOR RENT. House’ for Corner of Third Avenue a! Kentals. J, MYHILL-JONES sale. Phone Black 451——F, W. gs