in i I PAGE FOUR Wli Thia advertisement is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbin growth of Ion; Danderine jair that sparkles ! en abies Babies will cry, often for no apparent reason. You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults! Most of those little upsets are soon soothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, gentle-acting children's remedy that children like. v It may be the stomach, or may be the Ihtle bowels. Or in the case of older children, a sluggish, constipated condition. Castoria is still TOILERS HAD CLOSE GAME WINNIPEG, April 19: In the first game of the western basketball championships, Winnipeg Toil-en defeated New Westminster Ad-anacs by the tight score of 17 to 16. fSJ E3 LB C T - ji The choice of those men A who appreciate good. J Scotch Whisky how raarvelously it removes excess oil from the hair; cleanses It; makes it sparkle with new life and lustre. It's so simple to use Danderine. All you do is put a little on your brush each time you arrange your hair! The consistent use of Danderine will dis solve the worst crust of dandruff; pi i (CTfli I llli a IITnt. J ill lAolUh A iiif i W 1Mr'lr Wfl-OT '"''jllljlj jT !HHWlrtMJIlNWWiliMI5Jaf 1 X AHUblrfcil'"- .;;, EaECT2fflW Jlf HlMrlNtTiAan H V I i I ) &JMIIMWlHna IB the thing to give. It is almost certain to dear up any minor ailment, and could by no possibility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the first thing to think of when a child has a coated tongue; won't play, can't sleep, is fretful or out of sorts. Get the genuine; it always has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package. SMOKER z, silky abundant hair, game of men 40 years and pver, Isnt Sticky Or Oily; ,l,V, . milolrlv m-ncnlwl doesn't show. It makes the hair easy to manage; holds it in place for hours. "Set" your waves with it and see how much longer they stay in. Danderine Vie One Minute Hair Deautiper At All Drue 8tr Thirty Flv Cnti In the baseball game with the Benedicts the noxt day, but evidently it was lust what Loblick wanted. I Tom Clough announced that the Eagles were having a smoker soon soothe, hsal the scalp; stimulate the and challenged the Elks to a ball i 1 During the evening refreshments were served and corncobs and clay jplpes and tobacco were given to all I present. The affair lasted from 0 'pjn. until nearly 1 a.m. THE DAILY NEWS. ' , . . " - l ' I''' L ' " - : - SUCCESS! Snappy Boxing Bouts Feature Elks' Entertainment Thursday Night of Dally News "Want Ads" bring Single Elks Defeat Married Brothers 11 to 2 In Opening ! Baseball Game of Season Here They can't come back ! This was proven in a decisive 1 manner yesterday afternoon when the Single Elks put the Indian sign on their married brothers to the tune of 11-2, iri the opening baseball game of the season- here. , Brick Skinner did the heaving for the Benedicts and got along fine until the seventh when he weakened and six iruns trickled across the plate. Benny Wendle then took I up the burden and managed to finish the contest. Herman ilioblick did mound duty for the winners up to the seventh aud thon Bill La table went In to . finish the contest. wendle scored on the play. The Singlr Men collected 10 hits Stephana stoic second and Arsen-and four of them were triples by eau pepped one out to left field Loblick, A. Mitchell, Lamble and which Stone caught Dido Gurvich naroia. ror tne losers wendle and Ratchford did the best hitting. Up to the seventh it looked like anybody's game with the Single Men leading 2-0. Splro Ourvictf hit to right field. Gurvich was qui at second cn Harold's drive to.Far-quhar. O. Mitchell singled and then W. Mitchell "rolled one down the lint base line to Stephens who picked It up but failed to touch him. Both runners scored. Loblick poled out a triple to left and scored on Lambie's single. A. Mitchell tripled to left and than Wendle went into The Elks' Old Time Smoker on m DOX- maae a wua pwen ana Thursday night went over with a neu corea. rrmeii was saie bang. Some 250 men were in at-! on an mneia error ana bione n-tendance and there wasn't a dull i11- s- Ounrich drew a pass for We moment during the entire evening's second time up during the inning entertainment. F. Stephens, exalted i ut Harold ended the inning by ruler, was master of ceremonies, isrounaing out to wencne. The program opened with "o ThV ot two more in the eighth nnnaria" Mna ninveri hv RRLimn'i ! and one in the ninth. Bill Harold orchestra. The Harmony Herd put on several numbers during the evening, Sam Joy leading the chorus with some fancy dancing. Johnson Smith sang "Sonny Boy." which was much appreciated. Alex Mitchell and Joe Scott, with their ukeleles. favored with a couple of snappy turns. Mitchell Bros, and Scott quartet sang to "uke" ac companiment. Fred Stephens put on a good club swinging turn. A banjo solo by Hawthorne Dunn brought the musical end of the program to a close. The orchestra played several popular songs during the evening wb'ch the audience sang with great1 A: 11 o'clock Exalted Ruler Fred' Stephens delivered the usual Elk (L'lemony which was followed by thr singing cf Auld Lang 8yne." The two comic boxing events of the evening caused a great deal of tnorriment to the spectators, even f thov left the pariiclrjants with a few black and biue .spots and the .odd busted nose. Bill Lambie and, 1 Dill Mitchell opened the barrel fight i in which Lambie won a close de-cision. Doag Frlzzell was an easyi victom for Sicne who won three j out of four falls. He then won thej ehampJnttsMp over Lamble in a I convincing manner. The blindfold! match in which Stan Morun, Jimmy j Farouhar, George Mitchell and Bill i ; Harold engaged was full of action. jTh bell wvecUfitehett after Moran ,had planted a haymaker behind his (.ear. BiU LamWe, whe was referee; gut tangled up in the second round land Moras socked Mm and ended the fight. ! Roy Barnes managed the boxing bouts. He introduced Benny Wendle who is to fight Henry Deeth of An-1 yox on May 2 in the city. Tod Mor-1 gan and Newsboy tiaroy iougni three fast rounds in the curtain-, raiser. Frankie Neal, in his first ap-1 pearanee in a local ring, showed a little too much class for Eddie Smith in the deuce -spot. The semi- No one earn deny the importance of , , ,., Wendl t. the best mateh ,., haviac the hair arranged m the style Bermy was best suited to the individual type, n the card with both boys mixing Much of the effect is lost, however, tit freely. The final between Dido unless the hair is kept soft, abundant, .ouryich ancj Herman LobMek de- Armllion busy women and girls veloped into a case of Dido trying know the easiest way to keep the hair to wear out the big pitchers arm in perfect condition is with Danderine. ;bv Doendlng it so that he wouldn't The first applicaUon will show you k- abie oft-h for the Single Elks made a nice hit In the ninth but was caught at the plate. Benedicts' Runs The Married Men got both their runs hi the eighth. Wendle hit to lef J and by fast runing stretched it for a double. Stephens rolled one to George Mitchell who fumbled It LEGION IN FOOTBALL The Canadian Legion Football Club got the season's activities off to a good start on Thursday eve ning when a well attended meeting of players and others Interested 1 was held in the Club Rooms. J. 8. Wilson, chairman of the entertainment committee, occupied the chair and the f ollowin-? ol fleers were elected to conduct the team's i business during the coming season: Chairman, J: Smith, Secretary Treasurer, M. M. Lamb. Team manager, J. N. Kelly. Executive A. Harvey, H. Klllln, J. H. Tait, J. Taylor and W. Wilson. Trainer Alex Murray. Delegate to Football Association, J. N. Kelly. The meeting was very enthusiastic over the team's prospects for the coming season, having quite a few talented players in sight. This adveituemeni is not pub llshcd or dlsplayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the,, Government of British Columbia hit to centre for a double but was caught trying to make third on It. Skinner hit to right but Ratchford ended, the inning by striking out. The box score follows: Single Men ABR II PO A E Harold. 3b 6 2 1 3 0 0 O. Mitchell, 2b 4 2 12 12 W. Mitchell, lb 4 2 1 4 .0 0 Loblick. P- cf 5 1 2 0 0 0 Lamble,, cf., p 4 12 110 A. Mitchell, ss 5 1113 1 Oosse, rf 0 1 Q 0 0 0 Stone, If 4 0 0 1 1 0 8. durvlch, c 4 1 2 14 0 1 FrtMell, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 39 11 10 27 6 4 Benedicts AB R II PO A E Farqnhar, 3b 5 0 0 1 2 1 Moran, 2b., ss 3 0 0 1 1 1 Wendle, as., p 4 1 2 3 2 0 Stepbenf, lb 4 1 0 7 0 3 Arseneau, cf 4 0 0 0 0 o D. Ounrieh, c 4 0 1 15 3 0 3mnYp.. rf 4 0 1 0 3 0 RafehfSRl. If 4 0 2 0 1 1 Mensied rf 2b. 3 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 35 2 6 27 13 6 Single Men . 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 2 111 Benediete 000000020 2 Samsiary: Stolen bases, Farqu-hr, Wendle, Stephens, W. Mitchell 3, Lamble, A. Mitchell; two-base hit, Wendle, D. Gurvich, S. Gurvich; three-base bit. Loblick, A. Mitchell, Lamble, Harold; double play, A. Mitchell, to G. Mitchell to W. Mit chell; innings pitched by Loblick 6, Skinner .5 1-3; hits off Loblick 2, Lamble 4, Skinner 9, Wendle 4; struck ottt by Loblick 11. Lamble 4, ! Skinner 13, Wendle 2. CONCERT IS DELIGHTFUL Sacred Recital in Cathedral Last Night Was Outstanding Musical Event The sacred concert In St. An drew's Anglican Cathedral hist evening proved highly delightful to All in attendance, the choruses being a feature of the Drcsram. The. re cital way. by the Cathedral chislr under ihe direction of A. J. Lan caster, choir master and orgarilst. and augmented by Rev. Alfred ,WH son Mrs. H. C. Fraser, J. E. davdy and J. A. Teng, Mrs. II. C. Pmerf. was accompanist for some ot the numbers. The program was as follows: .-; Processional Hymn. V . ', Chorus "On the Way to Jerusa lem" (Olivet to Canary), Chart s I 8olo "Come Unto Him" 4MJ , slahi, Mrs. Forrest. Anthem "HarK, Hark My Soul," soloists. Bra, M. H. Blott and Mrs, Allen. Solo and chorus "The Agony' Crucifixion), M. H. Blott and choir. 1 Solo "lie Was Despised" (Mes-siah, Mrs. iVC. Fraser. i Chorus" Twas Night O'er" (Ql-! ivet to Calvary), choir. I Solo "By Jesus' Orave" (Christ and Bin Soldiers), W. C. Orchard, i Hymn, Choir and congregation. Duet "So Thou Llftest," M. H. Blott and J. E. Davey. i Chorus "Ood So Loved the World" (Cruelttolon), chorr. I Solo "There Is a Orecn Hill,' 11 ; Lincoln. 1 Chorus "Mystery of Intercession" (Crucifixion), choir. ! Solo "O Rest I" the Lord" (Ell-jjahi, F. Bradshaw. Offertory. Colo "Oh, Was There Ever?" (Olivet to Calvary), J. E. Davey. Chorus "March to Calvary" (Olivet to Calvary), choir. Recessional Hymn. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL j T&J Enslish Leaeuc, First Division Birmingham 1, Portsmouth 0. j Blackburn Rovera 0, Sheffield Wednesday 1. I Orlmsby Town 2. Derby County 1. 1 Huddersfield Town 2, Arsenal 2. Leicester City 3, Manchester City 1. Liverpool 0. Sunderland 6. Manchester United 3, Everton 3. Middlesbrough 3, Burnley 1. Newcastle United 2, Leeds United 1. Sheffield United 3, Aston VlBa 3. Westham United 5, Bolton Wanderers 3. English League, Second Dlvisfon Barnsley 3, Waiver haw pton Wanderers 1. Blackpool 3, Bradford City 0. Bradford 3. Stoke City 2. Bury 1, Swansea Town 0. Chelsea 1, Cardiff City 0. MillwaB 2, Notts Oerarrty 0. Nottingham Forest 2, Preston Northend 4. Oldham Athletic 2, Bristol City 2. Southampton 4, Readlncr 3. Tottenham Hotapurs 3, Charlton Athletic 0. West Bromwkh Albion 7, Hull City 1. Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 3, Qaeeo' Park 0. Airdrieoniana 1, Raagers 0. Ayr United-Clyde not played. Celtic 4, Kilmarnock 0. Cowdenbeath 3, Hamilton Academicals 0. Dundee United 2, Hibernians 2. Hearts 1, Dundee 0. j Motherwell 3. Morton 0. j Partlek Thistle 3, St Mirren 2. St Johnstone 3, Falkirk 4. Scottish League, Second Division Alloa 1, Montrose 3. Arbroath 1, Queen of South 1. Brechin Crty 2, Dunfermline Athletic 3. Dumbarton 3, St. Bernards 0. East Fife 3, Armadale 0, Forfar Athletic 5, Ban ess a. King's Park 5, Cljdebaad 3. Lelth Athletic 5, Stenhoueemulr 1. Ralth Rovets 6, Albion Rovers 3. GOOD FRIDAY GAMES English League, First Division Arsenal 1, Leicester 1. Sleepless Nerves WHEN YOt CAN'T SLEEP, ITS THE NERVES In reviewing many thousands tf wf In which Dr. Chase's Nerve Food vfo used with marked succeas, most patients mentioned slcrplewMieea as their greatest trouble. You may be nervous, excitable, irritable and cxperieuce discomfort from Indigestion and headaches, hut the principal symptom i bleeplewmew. The treatment indicated itt Ir. Qiate's Nerve Food for by its uc you feed tho starved nerve back to health and vigor. This method of treatment is restorative and reconstructive and therefore of lasting benefit. Bi Clisases Nerve Foew! Bolton 3, Sunderland 0. Bverton 3, Burnley 0. Orlmsby 2, Blnrrfngham 1. Manchester United 3, Liverpool 1. Portsmouth 1. Aston Villa 2. Westham 1, Sheffield United 0. English League, Second Division Blackpool X Oldham 8. Bury 0. Nottingham Forest 0. Cardiff 2, Heading 1. Charlton o, Swansea 2. CkeLsea 2, Bristol 1. Hull 0, Bradford 0. MlllwaU . Barnsley 1. Preston 3, Notts Osont? 1. Tottenham 0. West Bromwich 1. The cases of Kenneth and Roger Powell, Indians, wbo are charged) with drunkenness, have been further rttnanded for eight days. Ho . It MOfkl tlPtl. n r , I lort i ' ""17 maknjJ vdl ul well. Big League St YESTERAUY's SCOtJ National I.pitw Chicago 1 8 l Pitutarg 5. ( ! Other games : Amerii a Ir ::ur Cleveland 7. b Other game- r, i Tnund.iv Scow National turnf Pittsburg 7. c, Chicago 3. Si America-St. Louis 1. i ' Cleveland 7. L .tw s . a m saai a in -bp h vi vbbw a sm -er wensi l J ,SL ilMMtum fit, tviul. -. v MjJt in Csnadt hj tl mJtttt lit tmou Dominltn Djllltibip UntUum Sound a. New Note in. Home Decoration DOMINION Inlaid Linoleum inspires original decc rative effects. Ask your dealer to show you the wonderful range of new designs developed in many rich colour schemes ... to blend or contrast with drapes aii furnishings. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum will put reui character into a room. Available in appropriate design:) for every room in the home. Comfortable underfoot: odourless; easy to lay; easy to clean. And very moderately priced. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with Its Domolac Finish has lovely soft lustre, usually achieved only alter years of polishing. Being inlaid .the pattern cannot wear off. Which makes it, in the lontf run, the most economical floor you can instalL Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Dominion Printed Linoleum and Dominion Linoleum Rugs offer a wide choice of beautiful, long-wearing doors at very modest pruts. A splendid variety of designs for every room. At IJouse FwTnijnfnff and Departmental Stores