PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS BRITISH LUMB i mNGB lI ' rof flili lss ! Bmish Colum'na fish ' jy'l 000.0CO P This work emp$loy Ift;! ft v gafflPff:'' ) 19.000 men with a payroll run- L .affij-finr ' s ning into millions of dolUn. -tC4y JKSSWi ' I Tliis basic British Columbia '.tj; rE jjiv iwlf' '5 ' ' i ' ' ! industry is assisted greatly by ;-v f$ti l" lf -iSS?1 3 he supply of Home Petro- V'fi" ;i. fStv .rWlJTf I lcum Product$ trough th i j 7 ; twenty four Home marine 1 K floats located at convenient IJjCS I IfS ffn im roll, and projjrfM, lfiriid Nlj" 1 l hrr inlutrie. Support llitiu! Tht Horn Gji and Home Prtto lcum Producu marine flojt at Coil Hnbour. . . 24 Home Gji flout of hil Ijrpe arc tlntcjicjllv locird along the British Columbia IbI fnl IIJ1 If Jft.JkC Inheres no gas like Bome CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYA OPERATING (i. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRVDOCK Engineers. Machinists, llollermakcrs, JUarksmiths, l'uttern Makers, Founders, Woodwoiker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our l'lant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" f'TIIE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD ", Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. U your paper does not arrive, telephone the office DEACONESS APPOINTED Miss Edna Rogers, of Truro, N.S., a graduate of the Presbyterian Missionary and Deaconess training home In Toronto, has been appointed under the direction of the Maritime Branch of the Presbyterian Church In Canada, to take up mission work In Sussex, N.B. EASTER Specials COME IN AND INSPECT OUR PRICES AND STOCK. WE WILL APPRECIATE IT. Ffesh Eggs 3 doz Terrace Local Eggs per doz Drookflcld Extras 3 doz Oalners Superior Hams 10 to 12 lbs. each, per lb. Gainers Boneless Hams ; per lb. Canadian Cheese per lb. Ham Loaf Machine sliced, per lb. . Clark's Ketchup 2 bottles Gold Reef Pineapple Large tins, each Economy Coffee Fresh Sjsoundpr ib.x ........ Fresh 'Firm Tomatoes--1 2 lbs 85c 35c $1.15 38c 29c 29c 28c 35c 30c 40c 45c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 Third Ave. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Preparations For Salmon Canning Season Whaling Operations to Start Soon-rFur Seals Moving North ...... f .. , The middle of April sees preparations under way at practically all canneries in Prince Rupert district for the forthcoming salmon nackincr season although at the most of plants operations will not be actually under way until j I about June 20 with the opening of sockeye fishing. Prac-i 5 tically all the plants which operated last year will again, dc run cms summer, in many cases, cunsiueruyiu uupiuve-ments are to be made before packing commences. Many cannery boats, after having wintered at Vancouver atid elsewhere in the south, have been' coming up the coast during the : tlon of this type and, for that rea-past few weeks. There is also ac-. SOn, should be of particular Interest tlvlty In chartering of local boats since to date, motor boat magazines for packing work. and other cannery Intensive experiments In con work continues, It Is being found Operations of the Consolidated Whaling Corporation of Victoria at its Queen Charolttc Island stations vvill be started in May and the company is now making plans for big season. Various boats of the fleet will have reached Rose Harbor and Naden Harbor stations by May 10 in readiness for the annual drive against the ocean mammal. Four steam whalers will be assigned to the Rose Harbor station and two vessels will be operated out of Naden Harbor. A million fur seals, 15 or 20 miles off shore, are now pressing their way northwards to the cold waters and rocky Islands of the Bering Sea after spending the winter In south ern sunny quarters. The advance guard of bulls Is now moving up past British Columbia, roraging their own food as they plow along. A month later will come tne xe- males and. last of all, the younger seals. Protectlng the seal movement off the British Columbia coast are the fisheries protection steamers MalasDina and Olvenchy and H. M. C. S. Vancouver. American vessels convoy them past the lower coast and again as they pass through waters contiguous to Alaska. Under treaty with the whites, Indians only are permitted to hunt the seals as they move north but only with the native weapns sucn a3. arrows and spears. No power, prd-, pelled boats may be used by na-Uves-on the huntlns.ground3. Last year British Columbia Indians killed 3116 seals, or about 1000 more than In the preceding year. The price realized last season was about $7 per skin. Motor Hoat Magazine on the Pacific Coast, have come from the other side. Western Canada Motor Boat is published by the Mitchell Printing & Publishing Co. nectlon with elimination of halibut of Vancouver. discoloration will again be con- . ducted out of the Prince Rupert Enforcement of regulations Fisheries Experimental Station this against foreign fishing craft har- season with R. H. Bedford, staff boring In Canadian waters will be bacteriologist, in charge of this jnore strict this year than ever be-partlcular line of research. As the .fore, it is announced. The Depart- ment of Fisheries, In addition to that the problem of discoloration Is j the vessels set aside for this work, a very intricate one with many j win have a new vessel this season factors, which might at first have I which will be designed for patrol been rather unexpected, entering I work In Hecate Straits. This craft, into It. Remedy, as far as the com-1 100 feet lit length, will have a good merclal phase Is concerned, will be difficult under existing conditions but, could a practical plan be devised, it would be a great boon to the Industry. New Building Completed Construction . of the new annex to the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, as far as the present year's building goes, is now practically completed. Next year It Is expected the necessary funds will be available to complete the Interior of the Imposing structure. Meantime, the- basement floor Is now ready to receive the refrigeration machinery for which it was designed. It Is understood that tenders for the equipment are now being called and Installation will be made Just as soon as It arrives. May Entej Race It Is just possible that Alex Mac-Donald, proprietor of the Summit Apartments, may enter the yacht marathon from Seattle to Prince Rupert next June with his local power cruiser Vacquero. Thus could Prince Rupert be suitably represented In the race which Is . already commencing to attract such widespread attention ajl along the coast. It Is understood, 11 Mr. MacDonaia finally decides to enter the race, that he may be accompanied on the trip by Alex McRae, secretary-treasurer of the Prince Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club. operating radius and speed of 12 knots per hour. She will be fully armed and equipped and will carry a crew of 10 men. He was an Aberdonlan wealthy. but stingy. For years his wife had pestered him for a trip to far-off California, where they had relatives. Finally he acceded to her wishes and packed her off. She had not been on the Pacific Coast very long when, sad to relate, she became the victim of a tragic boating accident and was drowned. A relative thereupon sent the following cable to her husband in Aberdeen' "Wife drowned In accident here to day. Body recovered adhering to which was specimen of very rarf fish for which the Biological So clety has offered $10,000. Wire in structlons." The Aberdonlan re plied: "Accept offer and re-set bait." Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the past short week, Good Friday being a holldaj with no session on the Fish Ex change, totalled 621,700 pounds of which 165.200 pounds was Iron; Canadian- boats and 456,500 frotr American. This brought the. grand total for the season to date up to 3,944,800 pounds, 1,118,500 pound: of which had been landed by Cana dian vessels and 2,826,300 pound.'; being American. During the week prices hunt? around a rather low mark. The high bid of the week for Canadian fish was 11. Cc and 6c which the Vera Beatrice received for 5.000 pound. while the low price was 9.1c and 5c paid the Canuck for 13,000 pounds The top American price of the week was 13.7c and 6c which the Remus and Norman Jane received for catches of 6.000 and 5.000 pounds respectively. The low American price was 10.1c and 5c given the Tahoma for 20,000 pounds. Mrs. Geo. Hogan of Stewart Dead Passed Away This Morning In the Prince Rupert General Hospital After Brief Illness The death occurred early this morning in the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital of Mrs. Emily Hogan of Stewart after an illness with which she had been confined to the hospital for only one week. She was the wife of George Hogan of Stew art, a native of England and 25 years pf age. She had. resided In the province for 11 years. Besides the widower, she Is survived by one little daughter. The lunerai win taKc place on Monday with the B. C. Undertakers In charge. Minstrel Troupe Has Been Formed Moose Has Likely Bunch of Men Practicing For Performance Next Month A minstrel troup under director Western Canada Power Boat Is ship of Joe Ratchford and Walter the latest new marine publication Howarth has been completely or u n , n It n i n n Chasi All-Talking, Singing & Dancing Cartoon"Ratskin' In ng Saturday, April 19, 1935 JANET GAYNOIt AND CHARLES FARRELL (Stars of "Seventh Heaven") In "Sunny SideUp" ALL TALKING, SINGING and DANCING. The Gorgeous Musical Show Musical Novelty -"BIRD. IN THE HANI)' I Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Two Shows 7 & 9 P.M. ! Hd mission. 20c. & G3c. Saturday Matlncc at 2.30. 15c. & 40c. IBSHKEB IBOTBBSBtBKBJBtBB EBlBlSXBXBtH nXBXBXBKB ; j Bessie Love and Charles King one of the biggest shows of the year Rainbows' Paramount Sound News Mon., Tucs. & Wed. Two Shows 7&9p.m. Admission 20c & 65c Special Monday Matinee at 2:30 15c and 10c ru nil f bib jib i h iami.1 n j:ni; ebibxi em it v nt&tE cammm 4 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WdOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF IUIIC1I AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS P$r load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 To Fit Your Pocket Book $65.00 to $550.00 TERMS ARRANGED TIRES Can you use these sizes? Several good used 33x4 and 31x4H tiros at special prices. AUTOMOBILE Engines at low prices suit-able for conversion to boat enginos. COME In and see the new FORD MARINE ENGINE now set up in our shop. The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. pices of the local Moose Lodge. Jack Doherty was largely responsible for the early organization and was to have taken an important part In It but unfortunately he has to be away from the city. However, It Is understood that a number of the jokes and side-splitting gags, some to go on the market' and copies ganlzed and Is now practising with of which are of a'local nature, were that have been received here have the Idea of giving an entertainment his work. . the first British Columbia publlca-early next month under the aus W. Beaumont is the pianist and N y B a H H a? - M M C W. B. McCallum interlocutor End men are J. Ratchford, H. Hcllbron-er, R. Long and C. Donaldson. Those composing tM circle include W. Howarth, V. Houston, W E. Funnell,' T. Barton, L. Astoria, F. Mattinglee, O. Lundle, Bobby Houston and Davy Houston, O, Shenton and Valpy and Ryan. Advcrtlso ln the Dally News.