f AGE SIX Woodless PainT Some folks take pais for granted. They let a cold "run its course." They wait for their headaches to "wear off." If suffering from neuralgia or from neuritis, they rely on feeling better in the morning. Meantime, they suffer unnecessary pain. Unnecessary, because there is an antidote. Aspirin tablets always offer immediate relief from various aches and pains we once had to endure. If pain persists, consult your doctor as to its cause. Save yourself a lot of pain and discomfort iLuuugu we Aspinn is taje. Always the same. All stores with complete directions. SASPIRIN TRACE ia trip to Montreal, where principals of the company re-isirle. on business in connection with the forthcoming re- ' sumption of operations. J. M. exploration staff of the Uranby uo., will be engineer in charge of the work on the Mountain Boy. In view of the low prices of metals, work will be confined for the meantime to mining some of the high ! grade ore. The company Is repor-1 ted to be amply financed. O. R. Bancroft, managing engin eer of the Premier Border property at Stewart, Is well pleased with re- Sulla being obtained Irom diamond drlUlnl that has been carried out on the property during the P,dlncU) of company ta New few months. The drilling cuts ac- York. miwmmV.NWWVIWW VVVlAfVVVVVWVVVVVVWVVIi'VVVVVVVWUVWVIVVWW.. T - I i Jkr'... - T37HAT a t. worth of .Is. The where you "i They will tell you, by depend to dollar invested. .The nil you a new strate to you may be buy it at a By reading familiar merchandise confidence buy, you getting one dollar. .r n QOOOK)CH3OO0OOOOOOMOiMM&OOlS many proven uses of Aspirin. MARK RES. How much a dollar ? ross a porphyry zone which strikes towards B. C. Silver and has shown it to have a width of some six hundred feet. 200 feet of which are throush Donhyry similar to that 'of the Premier. The drill cores show !value3 ranging from $3 to $56 In gold and sliver across a width of 1 70 feet. Cross-cutting Is now being carried out with a view to developing various cross-fractures of which at least eight have been d'e-i fined. The main workings on the ; property are approximately on the Isame horizon as No. 5 level of the I Premier and some two hundred feet SO IS f your dollar is worth depends on ybu. To-day, dollar'will buy a full one hundred cents' merchandise or service. ' . advertisements in this newspaper will' tell you can make your dollar do its full duty. tell you what a dollar will buy. They will name, those articles on which you can give a dollar's worth of Value for ev6iy advertisements in this newspaper will give , conception of values. They will demons you the qualities of any article in which' interested and tell you where you can price you can afford to pay. the advertisements you will soon become with the most desirable articles of in all lines. You will learn to have the in them that they deserve, and, when you can do so with full assurance that you are hundred cents' worth of value for your . , , Kead advertisement daily to enable your dollar to do its full duty. D000004000Oa00000tOHKiOHKr0CH0OK0000CH3000 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Mountain Boy to Resume Operations Soon; Premier Border Shows Up Well; Another Premier Dividend , As soon as spring weather permits, the Mountain Boy Mining Co. will resume work on its property at Stewart. William Tolin. manager of the property, is at present on If you lose anything, try a classified ad. Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. McDonald, formerly of thei below the lowest workings on B. C. Silver and Sekakwe. The Premier Gold Mining Co. will pay Its usual dividend of six cents per share on the 5,000,000 shares is- isued on April 4 next to shareholders on record up to March 12. The di- vktaid announcement was made PclETAL WATER KILLS HSH ; Water Through Galvanized Iron Pipes Causes Death of Trout and Salmon : : At the Atlantic Biological StA - ; tton, St. Andrews, N3 the water ; that is turned ort through galvanis - ' ed Iron pipes In the spring, always kills young trout and salmon In short order. Dr.JKathleen E. Car penter, who formerly investigated the matter of the death of fishes in water flowing from lead and zinc mines In Wales, now reports that the tap-water contains Iron and zinc, which form with the slime a suffocating film' over the gills of ' .he fish. These metals can be! largely removed from the water by aerating, holding, and filtering It Jhrough finely divided material. Yet the improvement that occurs with the progress of the season Indicates that with continuous use of the system ane with protection from frost, the metals of the Inner surfaces of the pipes would be kept from solution in the water by becoming coated with a permanent Insoluble deposit AT THE WRONG END A handbook issued for the use if political campaigners gives a cod deal of advice about how to begin speeches Kingston Whig- Standard. An itching skin? Ugly pimples? Red eruptions? The active fluid DDI) will warti the disease germs out of tiie skin. Touch a few drops to a bad opoi waitn Hie formula wnetrate. Repeat (lie test one, two, three times the rough un sightly spots have disappeared. IV. J. McCUTCHEON, DRUGGIST OKMES LTD. JAM JAM A-l BRANDS, STOCK UP AT THESE TRICES Malkin's Jam All varieties. 70c 4 lb. tins Empress & Fraser Valley 70c Jams 4 lb. tins Malkln's Marmalade 55c 4 lb. tins . Ensign Marmalade 50c 4 lb. tins Mrs. Haines' Marmalade 65c 4 lb. tins .: Empress Jams 45c 2 lb. tins Beeklst Honey 85c 5 lb. tins Empress Jelly Powders 90c Per dozen CANNED FRUITS AT LOWEST . " v , PIUCES ORDER NOW AND GET YOUR ASSORTMENT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Sth Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 84 P. O. Box 675. MUGLEY5 Drowslne I dangerous. Weary milef seem shorter and the day i brightened w hen you have Wrislys w1 Y011 Itt sugar rp yu UP M delicious flavor adds to any enjoyment. Ati cent fatiat A Httim. tool fy7j jr J f D . neillieUy 01 f CdLC River Heard From On Outlet Matter ............ T- - n V.l "y-: " proposal to build a railway line rrom the Peace River Block to jprlnce Rupert. D. M. Kennedy, M. jp. or feace River, writing from Cltawa, states that he notices Van- COaver also has an "On to the peaCe AssoclaUon." Mr. Kennedy umis that, with all the effort! be- .rig put forth, action by the Dominion government will be assured. Shipments From Prosperity Mine Very Profitable i. SlUDincn U, oiad by Premier Gold fro tit; QPSlPeMly Mlnes aurlnz Januaw show a n?t profit of $34,- W.rfHXfJIr ton. according to A. MXcDfrnild. Seattle Stock & Mining Syndicate. Mr. MacDonald stated that the Information was released by Prosperity Mine Syndicate owners of 21 of the property. Single Men Should Not Be Taxed Is Finding of Bebah With 0. W. Johnst.me, the president, in the chair, the Baptist Brotherhood last night held a short business session, durtnp which final plans were completed for a big social to be held next xreek. After the business was com-lated, an amusing debate was leld entitled , "Resolved that all single men over the age of 21 years hould be taxed." After a wordy battle the Judges retired to deliberate and returned i vordiet in favor of the negative. The debaters were as follows: Affirmative Aid. P. II. Llnsey nd V. O. Houston. Negative M. R. Dmfoe and C. Oilker. Judges were W. Wilson, L. Dell and C. Daniels. The attendance was fair, and membership Is growing. Bound from Vancouver to Skag-way with a good-slsed passenger list, C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in port at 10.30 this morning from the south and sailed at noon for Alaska. Pains Around Heart Weak Spells Would Fall Over Mrs. James Vnti<tino, Plbroth. Ma, writes: "I ht4 pains kroonj my heart, and suffered with wrsk. smothering tpellx. Sometimes I would fall over and would hare to bs picket up and put to bed. "I used several boxes of and it is now over three years since 1 here had a spell- "I hope anyone who is In the same condition I was will give TL k N. Pills a fair trial." Price, SOc a bos at all druggists and leaicrs, or malted direct on rooelpt of pries by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. Ruth Chatterton In "Madame X" One of the TEN BEST All-Talkinff Pictures Produced in 1929 All-Talking Comedy--"RubcvilIe" Paramount Sound News Admission, WE HAVE recently completed arrangement v. : a long established and nationally known ( ;, dian Investment Banking House which will mui.;. us to offer to our clients sound Canadian investm. securities representing equities in leading and sue cefful Canadian public utility and industrial corporations. We invite your inquiries. S. D. JOHNSTON CO. LTD. G17 Second Ave. Prince SCU9S3K3 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x0, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . $25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . $22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, J6I Retail Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 423 Mud Baths Are Popular Healing Processes In East BERLIN, March 18: Hydro-athlc treatment and mud baths vere popular healing processes In he ancient temple of Asklepios Aesculapius) at Pergamum, Asia Minor, says Dr. Theodore Wlegand. The German explorer told the Arehaeelogieal Society that a col-Minade nearly a mile long connected the city with the temple -of dealing, and surmounted by a cu- wla 200 fee in diameter, adomed lth glass mosaics. Adjoining Is an- jther sanctuary, where ,lt Is sup posed, the patients took different :ures. Patriarchal Crustacean At Boston BOSTON, March ID: The grand father of all the lobsters larded at the' Fish Pier here was brought In by the sjeam trawler Boston College on March 4. . He was caught off Nantucket Shoals in 02 fathoms of water and weighed 30 pounds. Joseph Stima, mate of the trawler, estimated his age to be from 30 to 40 years and was unable 'to account for his presence so far off shore, unless It was due to the fact that It Is the season when the lobsters change their shell and Methusala (as he was christened) went out there on account or the nam ooitom to await the process. It Is very rare, he said, to get lobsters In that vicinity. When Methusala was measured he was found to be three feet long, with a claw spread of 41 inches. His feelers were 21 Inches long. This smashes all records at the Boston Fish Pier as the former champion weighed only 20 pounds and was only a little more than half the slse of Methusala. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. 20c and 65c Rupert. B.C. Pilot. MBER TWO SISTERS ARE REUNITED Former SL John Women V.nd lorlj Years of Separation 8T. JOHN, N.B.. March H' 40 years of separation u who were fonner residctr.--John, KB., were united r i Tarrytown, NJI. The si :-Mrs. William Reaves and Vt-wph WtlleU. Mrs. Reaves :: John and made her hou r :: Francisco. Letters were ex. :. for a time but nothinK w.i ' from Mrs, Reaves followm great Sjin Ftanciaco earthqn 1WC. A brother of Mrs R" ' fng In Doston repeatedly itt : to $et In touch with her success. The reunion of the sismn brought about hy a letter v Mrs. Reaves sent to her bi i! Boston. The brother was d Ihls widow forwarded the let:. Mrs. Willette. Mrs. Reaves at present ie Tarrytown, NJI, and Mrs w- in Nashua, N.II. Gran Humphries Takes Long I "P SYDNEY. Aust. M;iM' P . "Granny" Humphries. ap' ; ' " 1 the wanderlust the omer u.. a three-mile rldo on a nuu ( then went homo contented "Oranny" came to Austr.iii.y1'" Ireland in her youth and wit" pioneering husband went lnt- backwoods whence she ,u'v' -erged until curiosity got t!" " " of her and she insisted up" a train ride. Her three bi sons, aged 72. 75 and 77. dnl"a their mother's escape HOW-HE GOT SUIT "A mart with n hew suit is trusted- says the advertlsemen t tailor. Well, that depends - Mtril. . .