Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup umux woman Contracted Bad Cold Believed Gelling Pneumonia Uh Margarr.tt rft. B.N. (Voter Bio, XA, writ: "Im ut 1 t9ettd wrr btJ M. N'4fcng I tried f t me nbef fron ta fBUftM Sire it Afternoon. Except Saaoajr, f Prises aeaert Daily Kews. Limited, Third Aevaae B. P. fULLKN - - srK-R4ttr AdmlWnj; and llrreierion Telephone 98 Bditr and Reparters' Telepnene Sfi Merafeer f AudM TVwe-an of Ctrcofatfons who have not experieaeed the ric-toas aad ateoaat roar from oae or both of the machines Just mctv aaatd. raaDy haac ao luansatluii af i the terrific dsstarbance that can be emanate to their nesrhhor's ears. My exatiaaaw has taagbt me that to the majority of caaat where an totwmltfrnt natse is present in a radat. a aaajty always taras oat to be a bousenald or fiaimi real elee- arte aapiaiarr that to) at fault Cruel atoong the ofstuaeT are the etwtag ruraaai and Taraum mentkaed. rioart ray farhacs. nasfang types of ekKtric ems. meat and coffee tittiaeia. beaung pads with aatcoaUr control battery charger of the ttbratm type barber s dip aBjasBammasca :ure for all tfcL fia w neatly mfcrwd. I teak M Pnet 35t a lr; huge fkafl nt Bf Mm aad 4ralm; fat ay oaJy by Tee T. O, , Tento, Oat The Daily .News PRINCE Rlfl'BKT - fcrftTlSri OOLlf.MBIA at l Vklday. December it. vm IN THE LETTER BOX MORE RADIO INTERFERENCE Bditor, Daily News: With tmrtteahu laftreace to oae part of a recent letter appearing in these commas, relating to disturb-. m noises to radio sets, it is an un- faet that a ooaatderabte nigtaatss right at electrtc- al aapitaaeas to the booataold or office itself. From than it is Iwoadcast" to all radios In the ric-tntty. Those wfeaowB a laatoaaat little prafsnt toning except perhaps a raaaaaar that would not be amiss. It it aaoatty t those who are not radio users that this is addressed. Let me my hare, that if these vara, for tosaanse, to Prsace Raoatt, an ssntirst saatog msrhtne or va- c ieaner in continnoas opem-HMtt 1, laalug, raoBD raeepttoa I a a lesaid run. V aof an Ity. Those people pers, aHatc mast 1 1, etc. in tact ana 'Bin electrical that is any waf !aulty or eren loosely connected wfll .ause illsUuhaaee hi a radio. Users themselves know how merely switching on a agrit, or a knee gSoae la the socket, will affect the radio. The worn part is that the noise travels mande the bouse itself, aad win ?erbam continue a considerable distance. The radio owner win then be wefl advised to be eertam that the interference is not within his. jt his neighbor's home, before go-Tig farther afield. Furthermore. Unketem" can be provided at a very reasonable cost, which wU greatly .minim rue, if not eamrefc esbntoate. these above mentioned noises. iSriB be oaly too alad to adviaa-whai I think will be 1 care, if saeh cases are reported to While the ioreaomg pasted as by any certainly is is not sbvI a total ' teoohteai ferafer I aaaa at the least it sefroovm as JL then to eaetcist oar extreme .odgment whea using anythxog of an electrical natare; aad to aater-aaae whether or not we are making life pleasant or anarraeto far others We would not 'think of getting eat in oar neaghtnr'i back yard or shed and eeattoe; old tin cam or I imitating an Indian War dance ! Then let us not actually invade their homes and interfere with oae il tbea greatest aources of real en-xjyment their radio. Thankmg you Mr Km tor. I am FELIX BATT Fin-timf Radifj Inspector. Since the Days of Merris Engtend good things W eat have been half the charm of holidays. Ywr Chriatmrniewliug mn be do delidcms by buying liere. Balkley Valley Products are used exclusively TURKEYS - GEESE - CHICKENS , VBEEF - PORK LAMR w Swifis Premium Hams Telephones 2 and 10 Third Avenue YESTERDAY Layal Orange Lodje 2nd Ladies" Onare Ctaeieent Amocfatwri' Stare Affair fr fOdeies The flm Christmas Tree of'the I 4 was that which was held yesterday afternoon Id the Metro-pale HaO by the Loyal Orange Lodge and the Ladies' Oreage Be, aWieot AaaociaUoo About eighty of the members of the two organisations wet in attec- aad a most dehsdrtfal ttme by an. The feature of the era Willi igs was. of oonrse. the of SMLnta Clans who diatribe - THE DAILY KEWS Friday, Dpetu;t; 'fa' " Asked to mart to the vomtotiht " T iwfii a,Mi 'dartog Christmas Ere and Chriet- !i..iiEi. I , . ntnrv .mas Day In order to prevent Mm Mrs. Rcfts received the gaasts . ! pt 1 A Sh t 1 interference, and Instead, supplying and Mrs. J. A- Murray was general LU 1 i-iTLXJluU the city demands from Shawatmhs. 1 Vf e r Mat. aM It mmiU an vs .ta. leorwener. 7fbJrtfe f Mrs i fit tr she Ctiradatos Tree anfl Iwmwtim Feel ' on Christmas Ere as the demands t?u- - tnnV tfe mfe Fa-1 1MI raver JUIMer WW U ' mw ww uc om mm ther ehristmas. hi chary of wrtl-i Dwryblc rmk .'cMM refrialnnenU which weie! serwd were Mr Cartyie. Mrs. Kob- radi0 coot met J. J roasn aits, umr -tj. an. uuJe. manaaar of the Northern B nam ana Mrs sasrsaan. c Anrrrdnnm lut afeht 0. Viereek the anwesaeni of tht radio Intevference which torloodr rj4mi they eooid sasply from the old plant He would investigate the powfeflfty of sfrodsjax if off on Christmas Day. The oommftte consisted of fred Wetmia. Fred Weaeb. R. T, J. Rose. w!lh hha the osmcUom af ,w Thain and Fife tiatl. The weoi. Mr Uttle re-L m f mm the cmfMmrA Httkiv e,fto?br st4o- )PtsibletoreifdyUti ay russaa cauia oi qik- the possible causes, the most Hfergy y S4tf a8 Fmfcfle Barber; re- h-tee mdoctton on their teleptaae cttasians by Jean McLean, dances Use He told the committee that he bv Ida Canaen Meal sota b already had a cane of men w&rfcln CatWe Eastman and Shirley Wa'l Ion Utile and saw no toad msec why pino foios by Edna MrLean anc ; -he in'erff -en;t should aof be recttatibns by Ela DahL cleared a:) Vfore Christmas. Mrs. Lestte Brain of Vtaderhoof train an yteday aiteraaon xl ta sawed Use holttkm VMt-? rr; vith her mother Mrs. K. L Mantetth. 11 C.V. OFFICIALS Rni p.x W. H. Jtebo. cvp j aapeftotendcBt; M. A B'. I vision ensneer, and F jreadmasur, were anv,r 'oifieiaia retoraing to .yectecday afternoon , trips to the intn : 1 I I Dr Alexander X.KY SERVICE PHONE K5 DESXER BIXKK DENTIST t YOU can help THE CANADIAN WHEAT GROWER and lay a firm foundation for your own prosperity Tlie Wheat Crop is the greatest factor in Canada's wealth. The present depression affecting our Canadian Wheat Growers is of national importance to every one of lis. All good M of us can do his part in bringing it back by helping to reduce lithe surplus wheat crop. EAT TWO SHR EDDED HEAT BISCUITS EACH DAY 9,000,000 Canadians can help materially to dispose Of 6,800,000 bushels of wheat each year this easy, healthful way Shredded Wheat is made of Whole Wheat nothing added, nothing taken away. It is a nourishing, body-building food. Ounce for ounce it is the most economical food you can buy delicious and wholesome for anybody, any time. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd Niagara Falls, Canada The largest user of exclusively Canadian Wheat among Cereal Manufacturers of tht world 3 MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIANS OF CANADIAN WHEAT ONLY "bpI