page f&o.. Daily NeWs PRINCE nUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. P.ULLEN - - - iIanaginrEdior:', i ri...,in .w SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid in advance, per year By. mail to all other countries, per year Transient advertising on front page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations OAILY EDITION 2.80 .23 1.40 .02 .15 Monday, Jlily 14, 1930 1JQTII GOOD MEN Pretty well everyone will agree, that both of .he candidates now before the electors of Skeena constituency asking to be elected are good men. Either one would be useful at Ottawa. Either would do his best to serve the people he might represent. A)J these things may be taken for granted. Why then should there be a difference of opinion? For very good reasons. In the first place it is generally conceded that the Liberals will be returned to power and it would be a decided advantage to Prince Rupert to have a man there who is in sympathy with the government and who will approach them as a political friend instead of a political enemy. That is one of the outstanding reasons for electing Olof Hanson. A second reason is because of the inherent differences between the two men. Mr. Brady is somewhat of an orator I illW Mil and delights to make speeches on every possible occasion. IVIr. Hanson does not like public speaking. He is a businessman who has been in the habit of going after things in a businesslike way, using business arguments rather than the reasons of the demagogue and getting what he goes after. In temperament the two men are as far anart as :the poles. -Mr; 'Brdttyls'tif the 'distinctly ptfetlc type? given is no; particular about language as 'long - as it gets fiim what he goes after. . ; There is a third reason why Olof Hanson should be . 6.00 chosen instead of Mr. Brady. He is a supporter of the Lib- 7-! eral party, devoted to Liberal principles, the principles of Or four months for .Vi . .'.V:'. . . . . ; : 1.00 ! supports the, grandson of the great man who smashed the; w . 1- . si 1 j - Month' V; '' ""i "l .' " wITni-V familu nmnaot in Antow'n W haKmmr. in Afn nlmv.n! For lesser period, paid In advance, per City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 King as one of the leaders of a great democratic move ment which has been gradually enveloping the world and which has for its ultimate' aim the making of political conditions such that there shall be no poverty, no men out of work, no group of men lording it over their fellows, no excess of luxury on the one side and poverty on the other. On the other hand Mr. Brady has thrown in his lot with a party that has always held out for the divine right of kings and of the aristocracy to rule the world, ignoring the rights of the individual commoner except insofar as he is a cog in the great wheel that turns for the benefit of the machine above. There probably are other reasons for the .support of Olof Hanson but these are the outstanding ones, and we submit them for consideration. Man in the Moon Both sides are looking forward to the 28th because they both expect to win but one will be disappointed. Politicians are people who see things on the bias. Tories are said to be minor prophets. They see through a glass darkly. Everything looks blue to them. The only silver lining is the ! Jack Jack Well, Well, no no chicken chicken with with a rather forlorn hope that they may mother could have ever gotten so 'again achieve power. tough. Jake say$ the end of the world is at hand. It will arrive when Mr. Bennett succeeds in blasting his1 way to foreign markets. Now that ita definitely settled that both of the local candidates will have a good majority over the! other, why go on with the election? ; Jack I ate in the new cafe last night. Jim What did you eat? Jack Incubator chicken. Jim How did you know it was incubator chicken? Last Week in The Daily - fr';l J' ifonday; July 14, "was 'With Every tMnft JS&fefefc GvBmmm.t Pap; 1 1. 1 .v iUyr q fJAN6 I SHIP TOILS- mi,- . '..jj, 1 ' TWAT Wilt ,v. .Jr- mmsmz mi n mmm Montreal Heu Hon'. R. B. Bennett has two stories to tell. He denounces the Canadian Government Mercantile Marine; he objeeto the development of the nation's ports; he objects to thb Australian treaty an jt he eafwotr to get support from a city that lias aspirations tq become a great seaport. He- would erect a ring fence of tariffs that would tend to destroy tra'de with other countries. After denouncing most of the work of th wicked Grits he promises government-pap to- the provinces in the form bf subsiles and highways, and on being asked where he, will get the money, replies: "By taxation." 1 i' I ) 1 V pmgn final Closing to take place next Saturday, at 10 p.m. when votes will be counted in Daily News Office THEREUS ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT FOR CANDIDATES TO MAKE A FINAL , v ROUNDUP AND TURN IN THEIR BALLOTS Th coming week is the last for the candidates to make their final round-up in the Daily Neufs campaigrifT.Heg'cJiasmg takes place sharp at 10 p.m. when thvotes will be counted. The names of the judges will be announced before the closeand they will bheck up all votes and make the final, award .'.' Following the counting of the vote the drawing will take place for the gold watch Which is being donated to some subscriber who pays his subscription through the candidates during the campaign. All .candidates are asked to check up their standing with the campaign manager on Saturday, after which no information will be given out until the final count. The standing of the candidates follows: JAMES BREMNER, Independent, 40,000 votes 'MISS ALICE KEftGtN, Alice Arm, fc.Cjliiberal .25,750 votes MISS CONNIE THORNE, Independent . J..: 14,500 votes MISS OLIVE VAN COOTEN, Independent 9,250 votes MISS BEULAH McKINLEY, Independent 7,750 votes MISS JULIA THOMAS, Independent .1 .. 6,250 votes , MISS MAY MURRAY, Conservative .......lL... 4,000 votes. miss nancy Howard, :consiBTOWvW"r'!!i:"?r. 3,750 votes MISS CHERRIE CAMPBELL, Stewart, B.C., Liberal 1,000 votes MISS MARY ROBERTSON, Liberal 1,000 votes MRS. KElLBACK, Independent 1000 votes . i ' lilll:'. I I ..:(; I'i'il .iinil I GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY FREE ! To Some Person Subscribing to the Daily News During the Present Campaign Those who subscribe to the Daily News during the present campaign have an opportunity of winning a solid 14-carat Wal-tham Watch, 17-jowelled, purchased by the Daily News from R W. Cameron. This is a present to one of those who subscribe in ad-dition to the valuable prizes given to the candidates. The watch is a splendid one, guaranteed by the makers, and will be on view m Cameron's window in the next few davs The campaign receipt for a subscription Ho the Now on the watch. Be sure you keep your receipt. Mill" il The Pric Victor Radio Witn Electrola fa I Large Chest of Sterling Silver Tableware .... $375.00 $'200.00 Sterling Silver Toilet and Manicure Set . ' $JQ4 75 Fine 97-Piece Dinner Set c-'erkrw