PAGE FOtTH THE DAILY NEW9. ' I' id! II, 14 1 tint y SENATORS displaced: Philadelphia Athletics Top in American; Cincinnati Winning Streak Ends NEW YORK, JUy 14: In the National League yesterday, New York Giants snapped the winning streak of the Cincinnati Reds at seven games. In the American1 League, Detroit Tigers dropped Washing to second place In the league standing by winning a close contest from the Senators. Philaelphia Athletics had two big innings, scoring five in the. first inning and four in the third, to win ah easy victory over St. Louis Browns. Yesterday's scores: ", National League PittsbttTg 1, Brooklyn 0. Chicago 1-0, Boston 2-3. Cincinnati 1, New York 2. American League Boston 3, Cleveland 11. Philadelphia 12, St. Louis 1. New1 YorkCT, Cfilcago 6. Washington 4, Detroit 5. SATURDAY SCORES National League Brooklyn 10, New York 4. Cincinnati 9-6, Philadelphia 5-Chicago 3, Boston 7. St. Louis 2, Pittsburg 3. American League Washington 2-7, Detroit 3-3. Boston 3, Cleveland 2. Philadelphia 15, St. Louis 7. New York 6-11, Chicago 11-7. 1. Baseball Standings ' National League :., ., ) .". U Brooklyn 46 30 Chicago 45 36 New York 43 36 St. Louis .40 37 Boston .....39 39 Pittsburg 37 41 Cinclnftatl 33 45 Philadelphia ....J28 47 American League W. L. Philadelphia .56 29 Washington , ...53 28 New York 46 33 Cleveland 40 4J Detroit 39 47 Chicago 31 48 St Louis 22 51 Boston 31 50 BASEBALL POSTPONED Pet. .605 556 .544 519 500 .474 .423 .373 Pet. .659 .582 .488 .453 .392 .385 .383 The Prince Rupert Baseball Association advertised another game for Sunday afternoon but, for some mysterious reason. It was not played and such people as climbed the Acropolis Hill to see it were disappointed. Some of the fans are wondering why the association should advertise Sunday games if It Is not intended to play them. Directors of B.C. Packers Visit Here George E. Kldd, J. P. D. Malkln and Stanley Burke, prominent Vancouver businessmen and directors of the B. C. Packers Co., arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from the south. They are here on a visit of inspection to the company's canneries in this DOROTHY ALEXANDER COMING TOMORROW The big American liner Dorothy Alexander will, make a special call here, being due between 7 and 8. o'clock tomorrow morning, with a special party of 11 Boston people, headed by" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Homblower, who have been on a trip to Alaska and who will proceed from here in a special car attached to the regular train to Jasper Park. It will be the first call the Dorothy Alexander, 'one of the largest ships operating in the Alaska trade, has ever made here. Ray Fisher, who was a pitcher for the Yankees 15 years ago, has been coaching the baseball teams at the ,JUr Un: years. f Michigan for the. past . i 1 ; BOBBY JONES WINS UNITED STATES OfEN MINNEAPOLIS. Julv 14: i Under a broiling sun, Bobby Return to Jones on Sitturdajr wort the United States open gdlf cham- plonshlp, scoring 287 for the 72 holes, SCIENTIFIC PARTYHERE Philadelphia Men to Seek Specimen of Every living Thing on the Queen Charlottes Members of an expedition of the Academy of Natural Scienee at Philadelphia, who have been arriving here from the east during the past few days, will sail on the Prince Charles tonight for the Queen Charlotte Islands, their mission being to collect a specimen of every living thing possible on the islands. The party, numbering some six persons, Includes Wharton A. Huder, assistant curator of birds arid mammals of the Academy; Harry S. Drinker Jr., prominent barrister and clubman of Philadelphia; fils son, Harry S. Drinker 3rd., student of St. George's School, Rhode Island; Edward Woolmali, vice-president of the American Forestry Association and prominent alumnus of the University of Penn sylvania, and Frank W. Wood, taxidermist of the Academy. The party will remain on the Queen Charlotte Islands until Aug ust 22 and will then proceed to the Prince George district. Yukon Hard Hit By Silvef Slump Charles Settlemier and EmU For-' rest Here This Morning on Way North The Yukon Territory mining ar eas have been hard hit by the depression in the sliver niarket, it was stated this morning by Charles R. Settlemier, well known Keno Hill mining man and former Dawson ' , newspaper publisher, who was in ,03 A 1 .1.. 4 V. Ti T 1 .1.1. uie cuy uu uie riuiucu ujuuc una morning returning north after a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Going north with Mr. Settlemier was Emll Forrest of Mayo. ' They spent their time while here In looking up old Yukon friends. FISH S ALES Summary American 180500 pounds, 10.5c and 6c to 11.4c and 6c. Canadian 10c and 6c to 10.6c and 6c. American Doric 32,000, Cold Storage, 10.6c and ,6c- . Sunset, 30;000, Atlih, 11c 'and 6c. Ilene, 35,000, Pacific, 105c and 6c. Sentinel, 19,000, Booth, 105c and 6c. Tatoosh, 7,000, Cold Storage, 11c and 6c. Defence, 13500, and Condor, 8,000 Cold Storage, 11.4c and 6c. 6c. Glacier, 14,000, Booth, 11.2c and Arcade, 8,000, Booth, 11c and 6c. Delight, 9,000, Col Storage, 11.3c and 6c. Maria, 5,000, Rpyal, 11c and 6c. Canadian Ternen, 10,500, Cold Storage, 10.1c and 6c. Relief, 13,500, Pacific, 105c and 6c. Atll, 14,000, Cold Storage, 10.3c and 6c. Cape Swain, 14,000, Booth, 10c and 0c. Nuba, 4,500, Royal, 10c and 6cJ!f Capella, 20,000, Cdld Storage, 'fi)c and 6c. Oslo, 15,000, Cdld Storage, 10.6c and 6c. Toodle, 5,000, Atlin, 10c and 6c. Cape Spear, 10,000, Royal, 10.1c and 6c. The Canadlens hockey club, known as the "Flying Frenchmen," is composed of Morenz and Jollat, who are Swiss, Wasnle and Halns- worh, Germans, Burkf aiJIrlsTi-mah und'ManTha an.llalini ? CRICKET IS " REVIVED IN THIS TOYN Number of Prospective Players Out Oh Saturday and Match Competitions to lie Played About a dozen cricket fans turned up for practice at the Acropolis HIII grounds on Saturday afternoon1 and, In the evening, there were even more as weather conditions were of the best. The resumption of cricket play in Prince Rupert is be ing sponsored by A. J. Croxford. It Is expected to have match competitions before long as a keen inter est is being manifested in the sport. LIBERAL ELECTION LEAD 4 MAY MOUNT UP TO 1000 (Continued from pacre one) gain the lead in the city although there is considerable difference of views as to Just how much that leadf Murrsiy, participated in annuai may amount to. The tote In the last federal election was 1099 for Brady anti 1024 for Stork. Other PoUing Places Anyox Beach, which gave Mr. Brady a majority of 15 in 1926, is counted upon to at least break even this time while there is good reason to believe that Mr. Hanson will In crease the lead of 12 which the Liberal had four years ago at Anyox Mine. The two Anyox polls are be-inc relied unon to crive Mr. Hanson a tidy margin over his opponent. Bella Coola, which voted 102 td 39 for Mr. Brady in the last contest, will turn about face to the Liberal side on July 28, reports received at campaign headquarters declare. The worst the Liberals expect there is an even brak and they are counting on even better than that. Hagensborg, where the Conservatives had a lead of 17 in 1926, will also swing back to the Liberal side, it is said. Workers at Ocean Falls are assuring the Liberal candidate a lead of at least 100 there this time instead of an adverse majority of 62 in 1926. The desire to safeguard the Australian treaty, which means so much to the pulp and paper business, is apparently the big factor at Ocean Falls this year. Smlthers, which gave Mr. Stork a margin of 110 in 1926, Is expected to do even better than that for Mr. Hanson who for years has been the backbone of the timber industry, the mainstay of the central Inter ior. Burns Lake will also go strong Liberal again. Stewart, which gave Mr. Stork a lead of eight in 1926, Is expected to break about even again. The Liberal lead at Premier Mine will be maintained. At Alice Arm the liberals expect to convert the 12 against them last time into their favor again. Speaking generally, the. Liberals expect to increase their majority further by substantial leads in the central interior, where Mr. Hanson is so well known and popular, on the Queen Charlotte Islands, which are traditionally Liberal, and am ong the fishermen at the cannery- points where the Howe salmon fishing regulations are still fresh in memory. About the only places of impor tance where the Liberals concede the Conservatives any kind of a show at all are Hazelton, Telkwa and Terrace. Owing to the analysis of the si tuation, the Liberals are counting Mr. Hanson's majority to be any where In the higher hundreds if not in excess of one thousand. WAS KILLED INTRAFFIC Robert Bell, Aged 26, Is Victim of IlK-and-Ilun Driver In North Vancouver VANCOUVER, July 14: Robert Bell, aged 26, died yesterday' as a result of Injuries sustained on the North Shore when he was struck by an alleged hit-and-run driver. A companion, Miss Reno Rivers, was severely injured. THE WEATHER rinOei Rupert Overcast, south wind J"' temperature, 54, light ravaged centering on Sprlngwater were severe. In the district bounded by Humbolt, Tisdale, Padderock- wood, St. Walberg and North Bat-tleford, crop conditions are- excellent. Weather has been showery with lots of sunshine and grains have made wonderful progress. Growth is a little ahead of last year while prospects at present point to the best crop in years, The same cannot be said for conditions alone the C'ralk subdivision as all grain Is stunted and suffering from lack Ethel Lyle, Jack Altken, Mil dred Farrow, Ruby Newsome, Lena Miller, Patricia Huble, W. R. Dib ble, and Ernestine Stonehouse. pupils of Mrs. T. Hughes, were suc cessful at Toronto Conservatory of Music piano examinations, which were held here .last month by Vle-go Kihl. The Fort George Ladies' Liberal ui muuHira. , .j.uii .... .... In Central Alberta hot weatherM ?WJLSSSWi followed bv heaw showers have lm- mm" ot lue proved growing conditions considerably in the Steeler-Oven-Drum- heller subdivisions. Around Three Hills weather has been dry and warm and more moisture is required. Southern Alberta has been dry and warm and requires rain. Along the lines east of Emonton where blowing was experienced, resown train has made rapid progress but crops at present are from 10 days to two weeks later than those of a year ago The Peace River territory has had, it anything, too much. moisture in the past week and plenty of sun shine is now badly needed as crops are growing lush but are fully 10 days later than those of las.t year, No damage from any sourccis - - .re- t - Light cattle receipts at western stockyards have been responsible for a strengthening of the butcher cattle market and prices have advanced from 50 cents to $1.00 per 100 on butcher cows and heifers. This advance may Indicate growers to ship more grosser cattle next week. If this occurs prices will b hammered lower. The hog market still remains steady and light butcher and feeder hogs are selling at a premium over the price quoted for bacons. The local baseball team Journey ed to Quesnel last Sunday and took a team there into camp by i score of 8 to 5. P. E. Doncaster, district engi neer for the federal department of public works, passed through Prince George last week and pro ceeded west to lay out extensive improvements which are to be made in the water routes In this reetlon of the province with a view to securing greater advantage of them in the transport of goods. Lewis Hughes is paying a visit here with his sons, William. Thomas and Charles Hughes. While here he is looking into the possi bilities of immigration into this district from Wales. Fort George Community Hall. dance Mrs. B. M. Macdonald was married on Wednesday to James Baker. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Peter Connal and the attendants were Miss Ethel Goodell and Henry Waldor. The Prince Oeorge Band Is giv ing weekly concerts' each Tuesday evening during the summer in front of the. City Hall. pr. and Mrs. T. C. Holmes, after a visit here as the guests of Mr, and Mra: E. F. Little, have returned to tjicir home In Burns Lake. li John ..Jsiclnnls spoke- on THurs- . - ii r im ! i j, Dim Ray. number seven, wins fourth race at Jamaica, N.Y., race track, on 19th day of meet, by proverbial nose gin Over loses rider and comes third. Orange Ladies Annual Church Parade Is Held Some 25 members of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association, un der Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. J. R. church parade last night from the Metre-pore Hall to First Presbyter-Ian Church. An appropriate serrnon was delivered to the ladles-by Rev. Dr. R. M. Stevenson and the choir, under leadership of John E. Davey, sang suitable music,. Ocean Falls Man Marries In South Miss ..Linnea Lanstrom Bride Donald Jary at Vancouver '.. f. : Ceremony of Last , Monday evening in Vancouver at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. R. O. MacBeth, the marriage took place of Miss Llnnea J? L. Danstrom and Donald Jary of Ocean Falls. Miss Ruth C. Lanstrom1 and John E. Bruin were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Jar& will reside4n Vancouver. RAIN WOULD- BE WELCOME SOt-lN WHEAT GKOWIN'd (continued from pace 1) in the south, and Waterous in the west, rainfaH varied from slight showers to heavy downpours and centering on Bbenezer hail damage was severe, some sections being totally hailed out. From Waterous west to Blggar, rain fell but mere moisture is needed and from Blerar west throueh the Dodstand territory heavy storms with hall NORTHERN B. C. NEWS PRINCE GEORGE The Princess Theatre was tilled to thedOQrs on Wednesday evening when John A. Fraser, Conservative candidate for Cariboo, and Hon. H. H. Stevens of Vancouver received an attentive hearing at a campaign meeting. In the afternoon a ladies' reception was held for Mr. Stevens. The plane "City of Prince George Is belnj,- used by both candidates for Cariboo in the federal election contest in travelling to and from the Peace River Members of the New Outlook Peace River expedition, here Saturday afternoon, were taken during their stay on a drive to Six Mile Lake. ball league defeated the Office Ex- eelsters by a score of 8 to 3 in the ; nd Mrs- Henn Kkf nam a that Via a rtAn Til a VtxH Lake, became ' ,' ueiFk qii vises aw wws v here so far this season. j Frederick Monk: Mrs. James Mm. Weather has been quite sum-'Mlss Queente M mery here of late, the highest groom, was bru: thermometer rdirig of the week Lura Rdley having been 76 above on Twsday. Betty Ba! .groomsman wa i SMITHERS Several local families have moved out to their summer homes at Lake Kathlyn for the season. Fine weather is now preraOtng in the district. J. P. Downey and crew of men are engaged in marine the munici Marco Barone, Italian scholar. who left Reme-13 years ago to walk around the globe, arrived here recently and gave a letter m CNetlTi theatre. From here he went to Ha- eltoh whene he will proceed to Alaska where he plaits to tptadito winter" ' f '- l The annual Anglican Church feunday School picnic was held on Thursday at Trout Greek, mny children and parents going out in ears to enjoy the outing. Liberal committee rooms wnr opened on Main Street here last wees, wext wdnesday Senator J. II. King and A. M. Manson K.C. will address a campaign meeting and Olof Hanson, Liberal candidate for Skeena. is expected In town within a few days. Anglers at Lake Kathlyn are meeting with splendid success these days and several large specimens of KamlooDs trout wlfh i i m - . - ,i , which niiiuii the li itt lake ih k h was urn seeded paajia during i . . 'recent. LTT El"" ported and prospects are bright M day riRM at Willdw Riven In the years. have a first class yield. , ,.' J interests of H. a. Perry. ""Liberal "MkTO- wnaioaw ior uariDoo. in ine iea. Rmlthers eral electloa Last night Frank th Mm, merchants k- .."A.1?1" are navin Leslie J. Martin of Vancouver, district manager for the Hortie Oil Distributors Ltd., was a visitor here last week on one of his periodical tours of Inspection. BURNS LAKE Work belrig lnstltutprf i 4u. dUtrlct by the federal .! The Printe Georp. Women", of public works Includes pVtZ Conservative Association lhs ee- of a new pile bent, wfiarf IS in ted officers as -follows: president, ; Lake, lahding wharf on NadhT : River, improvi : ; - , ! putting of Fra.r Ubi i nraveiass snap- impnva the TatehlTaki, J clearing- log )m. : & Mrs. Al Johnson; vice-president, the upik-: :.c( Mrs. W. Peters; secreUry-treas-, Lak uerer, Mrs. H. M. Blhs. f I A preuy wedti:: On Manttav ererrtae the Plrrti8. Paur chur Pauline Pichi- iner or uie gro liam McKenzi' nuptials Follow:: - j reception danr Hon. H. H. Stevens of Vancouver Decker Lake O:: addressed a successful and well at- the happy coup tended public meeting here on, moon trip to !': Tuesday night in the Conservative whirh they w: interest. He dealth chiefly with Lake the issues of unemployment and -it Plant Wild Cats of the ON soft- nins when M v..-. l trade treaties. ( Miss Margaret K-uk N has been in char,-'- !i Holt Spence Davies, a recent ar- ol. T-b Hosmn: fn; to rirai irom Prince ueorge, under arrest here on fslee pretences charges. On the strength of a ficti tious statement that he was the owner of a rich mine in the Ingen-fka country, Davies Is alleged to have made a number of small loans from local people and to have left the McRae Hotel here witheat the formality f paying for his kxifing. three manths h i her successor is iw mond Hay, R.N v C. F. M. Plant;. dTssed a pub!i' r. Thertadjr nigh' C. Brady, Com" for re-election n A farewell p" Wednesday evci Mr. and Mrs A Einar aod 01 pal hall to its new legation at the aar,ufl wh0 :u kentre of the comer lots now used. NewroundUnc1 The building Is being moved back from the street Mm on piling in order to make room for a lawn in front. II ...if Ill i:.-.H LI :i -:c CI u r-l rived from 8cn'.:.,:. I.a duate of Dunrif " and for a numb-: nurs In Vlensm: s ,11 AUSTRALIA BUYS MUCH OF CANA1 WINDSOR. ! new Australlur. marked effect up aian Industrie!; 8. MlUiken. In sales of the Fot of Canada, Llm returned to the r tario, plant af tour of the Anti urged Canadian become more pon Australian Although on the world, Au1 are more Intlm; more interests r- rtmllaritl'!' tha1' i geographically Mlliken declar "Furthermore A an excellent cu; ' 'minion. For the jyear ending M; purchased appr"- 000 worth of cnn. return for whi' b i ed a substantial Han proucts indirectly a further Australian goods ' with Great BrUm) v I- poses- 1 IS THIS A NECK' J Ference Holuban ii . . naflK'l hub cnampion ' led "Holuban F 'J ua nauve longur urlng 25 inches a! i"ia