Tomorrow's Tides Tuesday, July 15, 1930 Hicb 354 a.m. 18.7 ft. 16.45 p.m. 18.1ft. Low 109 a.rn. 3.9 It. 2250 p.m. 7.7 It. Vol XXI . No. 163. J W deB. Farrls K.C, former at-t "tnt y-generaj of British Col urn -in t and T. O. Pattullo ML-A, lead- ( the Liberal opposition in the C; ::.-u Columbia Legislature, will b. the principal speakers at a Llb-;..: campaign meeting in support ! oiof Hanson, candidate for fed- :m: honors, which will be- held In Pi ik o Rupert on Monday evening i f next week. ' A M Manson K.C., MI..A. for oinih.K-a. will be here on" July 26, tin Saturday before election day. 1 i sc the Liberal campaign. It v ,tlj expected that Senator J. 31 Kjhk would have been here but id was received here today that i h id been called to Vancouver J i "in the central interior where he in i" en etigaad with Mr. Msftson in ' mpatanlng. VANCOUVER WHEAT Vancouver, July 14: Wheat u quoted on the local exchange ''! inurnlng at 91Vc. i.i h savored of an effort to nee the electorate. ' I KaIUiia itii HahmaU's OI. wvue rc tiiat ivii . uciuiciiVB sv- i Liberal Election Lead May Mount Up to 1000 Party Workers Assert Canvass of Riding Indicates Gains' in Many Polling Divisions Central Interior, Salmon Canneries and Islands Expected to Help Liberal federal election campaign workers manifest an enthusiasm and confidence in the present contest that has nt been .matched for many campaigns past They are not Worrying about their candidate, Olof Hanson, not being i-bvied. Their speculation, indeed, is more on the question a.- m how large his majority may be. Reports coming into campaign headquarters from points of major as well as ruior polling importance in the vast riding are hearten-ir l indeed. Some of these reports are so brilliant that they Omlght almost be called extrava- LIBERAL MEETING FarrU and Pattullo to Be Principal Speakers at Rally Next Monday igant. A sane canvass of the situation, however, Instils great hopes I In party hearts. More or less impar tial judges of the situation plainly foresee a Hanson victory tn we of fing In spite of the fact that the Conserve tires have by no meant, as yet, given up hope. The tendency of prognostic tors, there is no doubt about It, today is distinctly Hanson- wards. Theenfr!l feeting"f the public has in this regard had a complete revulsion since the earlier days of the campaign. That tiie Hanson boom will gain even great er strength in the two weeks Intervening between today and election date Is the confident belief of Liberal workers generally. The Liberals are able by canvass of the polling divisions to show where they are going to be able to overcome and outstrip the lead of 31 rhich J. C. Brady, the Oanser- vatlve candidate for re-election, had in 1926 to squeese in ahead of Fred Stork, the Liberal candidate in that contest. Prince Rupert, which gave Mr. Brady a lead of 75 four years ao, is admittedly fair fighting ground this year. Campaign .workers know definitely of many votes that are fotng to move from the Conservative column then to the Liberal side now. They are willing to concede few if any that may be moving In the" opposite direction It is their opinion that Mr. Hanson will re-( Continued on Pae 4J Premier Criticizes Tactics Of Bennett In Addressing Immense Meetings In Home Constituency i:u1 PRINCE ALBERT, July 14 : A rapid swing in his own -uiuency culminating in a umoo ...vw-.t, . 1 h i it made Saturday one oi me ousium- uo um. has spent thus far in his federal election campaign. A the first meeting of the day at Rasthern, the Premier :jX?,,,v. f nnrtnin tactics which he saia n-.n. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, had been employ- 'i.j in the campaign. He said that Air. xiennun. ng around making promises to the electors a bridge 1 " ana some other public woricso 1 !"tc A candidate euld be dls- Imipr Klne referred to the budget. n iiified in an A)tinn ramnaicn. "Wa have transferred something ls i ted the Premier, if he gave I like two hundred million dollars i" - s at denies or did anything I worth of purchasing power from the ,th,4 ctotAc tn rirnat Britain," he lit W lV4 UVWWm declared. Canada had held out its hand to Great Britain hi th budget t"'u is of- a character to disqualify and he believed there his whole party.'Uhe Premier said, practical response from the i Motner ! he had stawa Previously was confident, however, that. Country. ifn the proper time came, the , that "England 1 mmm The Libera! Candidate Ofcf Hanson . pronun nt iambi, r operator oT central mTettof. The Conservative CanfliHate C. .Brad?! fornicr High Srtioo) principal and member of the last House of Commons. Local Fisherman i Britannia Co. Dies In Portland Drops Alice Eric Gundersoii, i iwrll 'known Prince Rupert' fWhermdrhedledl bn Julv 5 In Portland. Ore., where he jjiiiblo'Arm Holdings nt in January for treatment. Ills city, the Britannia Mining Co. has demise followe dupon an operation, dropped its option on the Dolly Burial took place in Vancouver on Varden and Wolf mineral proper- mork.u'July 11. " Alice Arm, ine company is u''lle of Canada would deal with mitiea us 10 w g b u,vu r fhe ;. Mr, aundorson. who was sUll In possession of the Torlc mine tlif ODDositlnn lnadpr on the same basis wun nrr I of . and H a ntVm n huL nwlnp tn the unfavorable' state that 35 years age his father, of the metal market, has closed ti of election results based on the bargaining spirit P"Tt ,n one brother and a sister In the Old down on operations on that pro-observations he had made thus far Mr. Bennett was tne ngn v rmmtrv while four brothers live in perty after having engaged In ex- on the campaign tour. which to meet a i country w..... Alaska. . tensive development work thereon. i" the meeting In this city. Pre-. done so mucn ior . According to word received in the NORTHERN AND CENTRAL' BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY JULY 14, 1930 NOMINEES TO DATE Manv Candidates in Field For British Colombia Seats In Coming Federal Election Following Is an unofficial and incomplete list of nominations to date for British Columbia seats In the forthcoming federal election: Cariboo re, 814) Harry O. Perry (L.); J. A. Fraser (C). Comcx-AIberni Hnd, 1.476) Thomas Oraham (C); A. W. Neill (Ind.). Fraser Valley fc, 2100) Q. O. McGeer (L.); H. J. Barber (C). Kootenay East (L, 275) J. F. Gulmont L.); M. O. McLean (C). Kootenay- West C 990) D. D. McLean (L.); W. K. Esling (C). Nanalmo (C. 5390)-C. H. O'Hal-leran (L.); 'C. H. Dickie (C). New Westminster C, 2240) W. O. McQuarrie (C). Skeena C, 321) Olof Hanson L.i; J. Cf Brady (CV. Vancouver Burrard (C, 3,465) R. J. Hamilton (C.) ; W. F. Hanbury L.; E. C. Appleby (Dry) ; ..Warner Loat (Ind.);vC.t M. Wood worth Ind.K , Vancouver North' C 692) A. E. Munn (L.); 'MaJ.-Oen. A. D. Mc- Rae (C). - - Vanconrcr-: Centrei ami 855 Hon. H. H. Stevens (C); Hon. Ian Mackenzie (L.). Vancouver South (C, 4789) Leon Ladner (C.) ; Angus Mclnnls (Labor). Yale (C. 3,887) W. O. Wllkins (L.); Orote SUrllng (C). Victoria C, 92, by-elecUon, 1928) 'D'Arcy Plunkett (C); Stuart Henderson (L.). C. stands for Conservative-and L. for Liberal. The majority of the successful candidate in the last election Is shown in parenthesis. The asterisk shows the member of the last parliament. Vancouver Youth Steward on Boat, Dies at Wrangell Harold Keith Dewar Chatwin. steward on the steamer Prince Henry, who was taken seriously ill while engaged in his duties aboard the ship on its last trip north and taken off the steamer at Wrangell to enter hospital where he underwent an operation, died there last week. The body was aboard the steamer Prince George today bound for the home in Vancouver where interment will be made. The dead youth was a son of Mrs. A. G. Chat-win of Vancouver. JOCK DUNN HAS DIED Well Known Pioneer Boy of This City Passed Away In San Francisco on Saturday Pioneers of this city wjll be shocked to learn of the death which took place on Saturday In San Francisco of' Arnold Browning (Jock) Dunn, youngest son of. the late Mr. an Mrs. Thomas Dunn, early residents of. Prince Rupert. He had been ill only a short time, The late Arnold Dunn, who was about 34 years of age. attended school In Prince Rupert In the, early days, having lived here for, several -years with his family. The family moved to San Francisco about 16 years ago and three broth- j ers and four sisters all live there with the exception of one brother, Hugh Dunn, who resides In Van-' couver. I verely hit by hall. Wheat is rapidly heading out and some districts report the percentage headed varies from 50 to almost 100. Practically aU points In this province were visited by generous rains and, where the severity of the predpl- taUon in the form of hall did no damage, crop prospects remain ex cellent and with the exception of reports of rust along the Oladstone- Rossbum sublvisions no damage Is recorded. The Swan River Valley liag'not lucBTTcWftbTef tlons for many years. The straw of wheat, rye, oats and barley Is strong and clean although wheat heads are not exceptionally long. Pastures are excellent and haying has commence in Saskatchewan Vol. 1. BOSTON GRILL LARGE CAIUKET SpecUl Dinner Thursday and Saturday! Danctnf Kmy Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance IlaR tor litre Accommodation for Private Partiei PHONE 4S7 PRICE FIVE CENTS ARMlrt MPROVEaCROP PROSPECTS BIG MAJORITY FOR HANSON 'IS EXPECTED R Would be Welcome Now in Wheat Growing Districts of Prairies Peace River Has Had, If Anything, Too Much Rain; Situation Is Much Better In Many Places WINNIPEG, July 14: Extremely hot weather, with some scattered showers and severe electrical storms, characterized the weather in the crop- growing districts of Western Canada last week. Cutworm nuisance has abated but a few points report the presence of rust while other districts have suffered hail damage varying from only slight to as high as 100. In Manitoba warm weather in the early part of the week was followed by damaging storms and high winds. The wind did more damage than the haU as telephone poles, shelterQ . bells and buildings were partially: destroyed while the districts centering on Birch River and Imme diately west of Brandon were se ONLY TWO CANDIDATES Olof Hanson and J. C. Brady Contest Skeena Riding at Coming Election Monday, July 14, 1930 to As was expected, there were only two candidates named when nominations for Skeena riding in the forthcoming federal election closed at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The can didates are James Charles Brady, Liberal. Polling will take place on July 28 with an advance poU for a few eve nings preceding election day for certain classes of workers whose duties will take them away from along the Weyburn-Avonlea-Cen-'noe on eiecuon aay tral Butte River-Hurst-Gravell-, bourg subdivisions crops are In! need of rain as the recent hot weather has robbed the soil of av-allabe moisture and if grain is to head normally rain In the near future is a necessity. In a few districts adjacent to the aforementioned subdivisions, wheat is turning white at the tip due to drought and heat and straw Is short. Along the Que'Appelle sub- DROWNED INS0UTH Two Lives Lost Over Week-End In Bathing Fatalities In Vancouver VANCOUVER, July 14: Leslie T.TXTinX1 Sweet. local yuth-was drowned on j, division , , black rust is evident In the : K,K, f while bathing at rye and quality of berry will lowered considerably in the districts bound by Canora In the north, Russell in the east, Melville (Continued on page four.) be Saturday night lan, SeatUe police officer, was Irowned'on Sunday morning at West Vancouver. Both bodies were recovered The Political Corner No. 28. The Canadian Dollar Mr. Stevens in his North Vancouver speech last week painted his usual deplorable picture of Canada's ruin and among other false statements he said that Canadian currency as a reault of Liberal rule was depreciated in the "United States. It is painful and calls for an expression of the most boundless energy to follow in Uie wake of these Tory politicians and nail down tightly their lies as fast as they are uttered. If It continue he Liberal nail keg will soon be exhausted. Let the Financial Post of Toronto condemn Mr. Stevens. In a recent issue it said: "Since June 5 the Canadian dollar, In terms of New York fundi, "has displayed greater and more continued strength than at any "time during th$ past year and has been quoted at par, or more "recently, a premium up to 3P cents per $100." Mr. Stevens is the last man who should make a mistake of this description for when he and his Tory friends felt office In 19J1 they had dragged Canada's finances Into such a mess that the Americans were paying only 82 cents for a Canadian dollar. Most of us who .visited SeatUe about that time have bitter recollections Df the manner lh which our Canadian bills were sneered at and discounted by the hotels and the banks. Today the Canadian dollar is worth more than the dollar of. the United States right on Wall Street. But what Is one little lie, more or less to "Our Harry?" He Is so smooth; he puts them right over the plate, and such twlstersl