ray. October 25, 1919. gaturda a BEEGHAMS PILLS Constipation is the arch-enemy of health. Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dys sia. Beecham’s Pi Is have been a world-favorite jaxative for over sixty years. They gostraight to the cause of many ills and remove it. They act Contain no romptly, pleasantly and surely, h i These time-tested pills, abit-forming drug. ’ strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and Relieve Constipation Worth a Guinea a Box ly by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, Pronared cvzhere in Canada and U.S, America, in bones, 45 conte. "Just Arrived» Fresh.and Crisp CHRISTIE'S” MARVEN’S st. ice Wafers Cocoanut Bar anut Bar Cocoanut Fingers anut Brittle Fluted Vanilla Swiss Choeolate Ginger Wafers Fig Bat Social Tea Ginger Nut Fig Bar Ieed Animal Fancy Wine Creams Peach Bar Ginger Bar Honey Fingers \pricot Wafers Lemon Snaps Royal Milk Luheh Rusks Sultanas Arrowroot sst. Fruit Sandwich hy sst. Biscuits \ \ ent Apple Blossom herry Rings Chocolate Drops Ne Popular Mixed Wafers Sultanas Snaps Special st. Marshmallow illow Fingers \pple Blossom Honey Fingers Ms COW = Canadian Afternoon Tea SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Christie's Assorted Tins, per tin......... .... $2.00 Christie’s Sodas; per titt.................06: 65 Rimsay’s Sodas, cartons ............... 3 for 1.00 School Cakes, per Ib. ........... wwnmmeaie ka ae Christie's Biscuits in packages:---Arrowreot, ? Graham Wafer, Water W ater,and Social Tee, 000 SE ton on 5 hn oc Fe veo a? 25 ‘ LIMITED Electric: Eigineers and Contractors y a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons, Toasters, and Fixtures. nates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal. Gasolina. Engines for troliing j Callie Perfection Motore. Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Piug lug that was ehosen for the Transatlantic flights “ur service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switeh boards, Conduit, Cable, Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Fst he Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while Your ballery is being eharged, we have one at your disposal.. Third Avenue (opposite Post O‘fice) PHONE 125 Parkin & Ward Electric Co. a —oe See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line ort § ae Co.’s Lumber . C. Mill’s Fir Cement Plaster Shingles Laths McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Ru ‘Lime bik Albert & —— VURWER CLUB iS ORGANIZED HERE Miss Poberta Sully is Appointed | President of New Organization. Last eve th h ning at the Baptist a supper and social pro era i to the ppeople of Rupert nection organization of the Young People’s Corner Club This club will be conducted on | Similar lines to the well known |Corner Club for. girls in Vaneou- ver under the direction of Mrs. Neth, only the one here is for all young folks under sixteen. given young Prinee with the in con Miss Roberta Sully, who re. cently came back to Prinee Ru- pert after visiting her home in Vancouver for some months, was appointed president of the eciub. Miss Sully has been a Gorner Club girl with Mrs. Neth in Vancouver } for several yearns and her experi- ence in the organizing of the club j here will be invaluable.” MANY ENTERTAINED BY MR. AND MRS, PATMORE Enjcyabie Dance Given at Their Home on Borden Street Last Night. \ delightful dance was given last night by Mr. and Mrs. Pat- more at their home on Borden St /Two tables of bridge were pro- vided for those who enjoyed that more exciting occupation. \ buffet supper was served shortly before midnight and soon after wards « the» - guests. dispersed. ‘Among those. present. were Col hand Mrs. MeMordie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stork, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H Nelson, Mr. and Mra. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Mechennan, Mayor and Mrs. McClymont, Mr. and Mrs. Schellenberg, Mr. and Mrs Clements, American Consul and Mrs. Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Ritchie, Mr Crewe and Miss Cheston, H. F. Pullen, H. Ward, Mr: and Mrs W.S. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ritt, Dr. and Mrs. Kergin, Mrs. D. DID NOT KNOW THAT THE’ WAR WAS OVER (Special vie 3G. T. P. Telegraphs.) AUCKLAND, N. Z., October 24.— \ landing party from the Iron Duke with Sir John Jellicoe on hoard, was met with revolvers at Christmas Island. The people on 1e islands did not know the war and took the landing party for Germans, Was over WRIGLEY DIRECTORY REPRESENTATIVE HERE Frank H. Horn, secretary of the Wrigley Directories, Ltd., arnived in town Thursday and spending a couple of weeks here in the interests of his.company. He will make a thorough business census of the city. Mr. Horne has stopped off at every point along the line of the Grand Trunk Paeific and the new directory will contain full infor- mation in regard to each point. proposes BUYING-HORSES FOR ALICE ARM MINE J. M. Monvrison left for Hazel. ton this morning on a horse buy- ing trip. rhe» animals will be placed on the ore packing job from the La Rose Mine at Alice Arm to the Dotly Varden Railway. There are already about twent tons awaiting shipment. The La Rose mine is operated by Wim. Craw ford, J. M. Morrison YTand Miles Donald, with whom is associated Drm W. T. Kergin of this city. FULTON KNOCKS OUT GORDON” COGHILL (Special via O T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Oct. 25. Fred Ful- ton, the American heavyweight, knocked out Gordon Coghill, of Australia in the third round of what was to have been a twenty- round bout J.D. Meenach, who has bonded started operations § on - j ice Arm, 18 Musketeer mine at Alice in the city on his way to Seattle to make plans for further opera- and tions on his mine. He will re- THRE DAILY NEW: STEEL MILLS AT PITTSBURG ALL OPERATING Cutput is From 15 to 20 per cent Normal, Says J. L. Multen, Who Has Returned From There. Pittsburg is the fighting eentre of the big steel strike and J. L. Mullen, president of the Prince Rupert Drydock & Engineering Co., who just arrived from there, says that the steel output in that distriet has been within fifteen to twenty per cent normal. None of the mills in that distriet have closed. The mill of the Cambia Steel Co. at Johnstown has closed however and also some of the mills at Youngstown. Expressing his opinion regard. ing the progress of the fight, Mr. Mullen said that Judge Gary made a great mistake in not meeting Samuel Gompers and his com. \utocratic action of that would not sueceed in these nutlee, ind days By doing so he-lost the syiipathy of the Ameriean people. The United States Steel Cor- porationgwas not -big@er than the people as represented by the Gov. ernment, Aside from the unrest Mr. Mul- len said business in the States was good. The mills and faetories were all loaded with orders and there was every sign of pros- perity. Discussing the railway ques- tion, Mr. Mullen-said he expected the Government would turn the railways back to the former own- ers in a good healthy condition. They had come to recognize that them as cheaply as a private con- cern. Mr. Mullen’s firm, the Jno. L. Mullen Construction Co., at Pitts- burg, manufactures construction steel and is very busy at present as the building trades are all busy. Jas. Dell, of Hyder, is in the city. Parser rrers- E. H. SHOCKLEY | GENERAL CONTRACTOR . Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish dumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's handwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 2 bu the Government could not operate cient, money. 310 Granvilie Street The Original Light Welght; Portable, Gasoline Operated Drag Saw and Power Plant. Frequentiy imitatedeNever Equatied. 9 The “WHE MacGiv®GOR” is guaranteed, under Ffhormab.conditions to cut®ten times as much. woedens , two men by hand... Ht is simple, strong, lieht and effi It saves time and labor, It can be employed to its engine capacity to run anything on the camp, farm or ranch. s folder for the asking if you mention this “paper. WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO, Vancouver, B.C, VOUTTVONOTUNESUPUQEOMENDDevEPDEN EY corde sO sugaaneneneaeacsoncennennansnsereaeseeoveeseotesveunaneate Page 3 ~ co UNPOREDEDEOREELLANGOVOROATLLOUOUR IOSERDENOOOEDORSONSESEANOOMEAENOOROEOTeeneaeereneretenyT consequently it saves We sia Full descriptive Low Cost < 7, High Service, DUUUEEUOUOUDEOOUOROODOEOORIOOOUIED “er i Ormes Limited 2 We have a Kodak ||_ - to suit your special requirements. Full range from Vest Pocket to Post Card size. Everything i2 Kodak Supplies ‘ Phones 82 and-200 - Store P.O, Box_ 1680 a 3rd Averne and 6th Street if ROYAL Pool ‘Réom moved to 721 ‘Third ‘Ave.. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN, PELLICANO INDIVID IS THE MARK OF SUC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND IS SHOWNIN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can obtain Individu- ality and distinction in the. SHOES AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by examining our stock. McARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. UALITY! i. Georgetown PHONES 130 ang 423. Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Consult Us. Lumber (oe. | * P. 0. BOX 1632 ee CEDAR~ We sell Frisbie: Engines Complete and ready to install, accessible in a few. seconds. An opening directly - etpuction effects a gain of . tu rn normh in @ week or 80. Frisbie Motore give jong, uninterrupted service with practically no repaiaseexcept cocasional grinding of waives. Valves in cages; throughout, every part designed for hard work. into combustion chambers. Ne pockets or Serevices te gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- 7 15'to 20 per,cent. more power than ie possible with & or T-Head designe. intake and: exhaust manifolds are cast integral with “the cylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large valves invure full ‘Teharge on the intake and @ complete, clean exhaust. 4 to @ CYLINDERG—56 to 756 HORSEPOWER the friendly motor ——_—- — muscle” construction Overhead vaives, 10 ,, 16. ,, 2, 5 Horse Power, —_ -_—_ $450 ? ”? » $1400