TSiTm iTi rT mfc 8Tia7Han - iii i m mm, mm m i i m tr wmm m mm nnn m 1 II nn.i MlfWiiih 'ft i IHMI1 n JTTfl ITWfl 1 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, July lf ,S3j " V ? V VTtTTV f V MT f Y t"? ' W T'W f H VvTVTTYTTYYT VV MODERN "BOTTLE BABIES" ARE CERTAINLY LUCKY ! Scientists of every land have been seeking and experimenting to find a milk for "bottle babies" that would give these precious future citizens as good a start in the world as falls to the lot of their cousins who PBODUCBO IN CANADA I begin life on mother s milk. They have tried every kind of milk, in every modification, endeavouring to find the closest possible match for the perfect digestibility of mother's milk. And now, at last, they say they have found a uonderful match even the frailest premature babies thrive upon it Stcrtlt of Ftrftct ITuio Difttibility This remarkable milk is unsweetened evaporated milk, which, as you doubt less know, is simply pure whole milk with part of the natural water removed, and nothing added. It L sealed in airtight cans and sterilized so nothing can anect its purity. Two things happen to this milk which, scientists say, explain the fact that it is so much easier to digest than cow's milk in any other form. First, there is the heat of sterilization, which alters the casein so that very fine soft curds are formed, almost identical with those formed by mother's milk, while ordinary milk forms tough, solid curds, very indigestible. The second beneficial change in unsweetened evaporated milk comes from the process called "homocenization". This process breaks up each fat globule into a thousand infinitely tiny ones, as fine as those in mother's milk. This abo helps the baby's delicate stomach to digest its food more perfectly. Contain Nttded Vitamin Unsweetened evaporated milk is fully equal from every n&dn nutritional standpoint, to the best bottled milk. It contains all the vitamins that anv milk is depended on to supply. Even breast-fed babies nowadays are given orange juice and cod-liver oil the only supplements needed with evaporated milk. This milk is a splendid source of the minerals necessary to the building of sturdy bones and strong regular teeth. Safety ta another advantage. Sterilization destroys all bacteria, and the baby simply can t acquire any of those milk-borne infections that upset so many bottle-fed babies. Naturally, it is advisable to use the best evaporated milk that can be had. The most widely known brand is Carnation, the milk from" contented cows". The care with which this milk is guarded at every step, from dairy farm to final sealing and sterilizing, is a guaranty to the mother that her baby will have the purest and best of milk. The Carnation Baby-Feeding Chart contains valuable information on this interesting subject. Please write for it, but remember that only your own physician should prescribe a formula for your baby. I should also like to send a copy of my cook book, "My Hundred favorite Recipes". Both publications are free, and you may obtain them by writing to Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street. Vancouver. B.C. ire mem iner Carnation Milk is the perfect milk for baby's bottle because it is' unsweetened, evaporated milk of highest quality pure, safe, nourishing-, and more digestible than milk in any other form, The Safeguarded MW "from Contented Cows" s ETTLERS W4&r Guard your I m x. s m r t -J a m ?v dlash Jim! Wood is the settler's winter harvest. When his own land is cleared he may still obtain employment in the neighbouring forest. By care with fire, the wise settler protects his own living. Issued by authority of Honourable Charles Stewart, "Minister of the Interior, mount romiT riKtt Racing to Gloucester Mass . with record cargo, of mackerel, schooner Alice Mildred struck a ledge and sank off Poeabett Cape Cod. Crew were saved. ENGINEERS TO GATHER Professional Body Will Hold Convention Here, Starting Coming Saturday Commencing-on the coming Saturday and continuing to the fol-'owlng Monday and Tuesday, the Northern British Columbia branch if the Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia will hold its annual convention in Prince Rupert with engineers from ,11 parts of the district in attendance. An interesting program has 3een arranged for the occasion and jne feature will be a gasboat trip for the visiting engineers to Falls River where the large power de-elopment of the Power Corporation of Canada will be inspected, ncidentally, the Power Corporation if Canada will be host at a luncheon for the visiting engineers. In addition to the district engineers, there will be in attendance at he convention W. R. Bonnycastle jnd E, A. Wheatley, president and secretary respectively of the Association of Professional Engineers from Vancouver. A committee including W. K. Owyer, Dr. Joseph T. Mandy and J. J. Little Is colloboratlng with H. A. McLean, local chairman, in connection with the making of arrangements for this important professional meeting. With a good-sized list of passengers Including a number of tourists CN-R steamer Prince Charles, Capt. McKay, arrived in port on time at 11.30 tills morning from Vancouver and will sail this evening for Stwart, Anyox and Massett Inlet points. Everybody Snows THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS IS THE BEST. WE OFFER THESE SPECIALS FOR YOUR BENEFIT. White Sugar 15 lbs SI Evaporated Milk All brands Q-f 9 tins V Empress Red Currant Jam- 4's, per tin Singapore Pineapple 9 .tins ..... Pitted; DalesFyh s,tock 25C 2 lbs,...,... f...v.,l King, Oscar Sardines t per tin Ashcrp(t Ketchup per 26-oz. bottle Stroh's' Malt Syrup Hop . Flavored, per tin .trrv.... Oold'.Dust Mediumfie 2 pKgs. : .... Del Monte Apricots 1 per tin 50c SI 15c 25c 85c ,25c 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving every boat at reasonable prices. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE lk AND 84 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert July li, 1910 F. O. Dawson, chairman ot the fair committee of the Board of Trade, reported to the board last night that preliminary arrangements had been made for the holding of the first exhibition In Prince Rupert. It is estimated that the cost of staging the fair will be $5,000. - The' postal department Is considering giving mail contracts to the new Grand Trunk Pacific steamers. Prince George and Prince Rupert, M. M. Stephens, secretary of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, is advised by the Postmaster General. . i, Auto Mechanics NowOrganized Officers Electa at Successful Pic- nic Saturday Afternoon at Salt Lake The autajnochanlps' picnic held SaturdarAttftVoM at the Salt Lake wrfa greatStuccess. a fine Umftbein$lfi0($g3 all,present. Transportation was provided by J. Armstrong and F. Rousell with their power boats. Games were played and refreshments were served. v A business session was held during, the picnic and problems of im portance to the members discussed. A committee of three was appointed Jto meet the garage proprietors and discuss with them matters pertaining to working conditions, etc. The members are SUCCEED IN MUSIC TESTS M.iny Local Pupils Won Honors in Toronto Conservatory Examinations fairly conservative in their claims j Academy. and expect to have the acquiesence of their employers as well as the public generally to assist them , In carrying out of the provisions and. rules of the new association. F Rousell, prpvlncial treasurer, of n Mic aaouviawuii, (to t lev jjiai- , dent of the locl branch with William Hawea-ai-secxaiary-treasurer. The following is a list of candidates in the recent exam-natloni held by the Toronto Conservatory of Music in Prince Rupert. The names are arranged in order1 of merit. PIANO Junior Honors Maclean, Jean B. Pass Stiles, Marybelle. , Primary Honors Hamblln Eileen F Wilkinson, Edith. Pass Brady, Kathleen; Bert, Lea B.; Moofehouse, Ethel (equal). Primary School Pass Casey, Clare E. Elementary Honors Duncan, Rosemary; , Ja-bour, Lorraine; Nishikaze, Chlea E. (equal). Pass Steagil, Phedyla; Cox. Rosey; Bush, Doorthy K.; Kenney, Marjorie A. (equal); Wood, Ruth-ana; Green, Helen; Manson, John R.; Elklns, Robert; Baker, Katharine E. Elementary School Pass Green, Joy. Introductory Honors Beveridge, Helen F. Pass Cameron, Russell; Connon, were! Yvonne; Luth, Blorg; McKenzle, Hugh (equal); Inglls, Elizabeth. j Introductory School Pass Philllpson. Charlotte. i Prince Rupert, B.C. St. Joseph's PIANO Junior Honors Balagno, Marie. Primary School Pass-rGlllles, Edna. Elementary Honors Moore, Mary E. Pas Blaliv. Antoinette; Gullck, Meetings will be held on the first . Margaret S. (equal) Tuesday of every month. introductory The assodatten expressed gratl-l Honors Sherwoodi mtbaitl. '"""V ,k " B AT ! Beattie. Margaret; Macdonald, Hon by the newspapers of the city. San Diego Yacht In Port Saturday From Trip North After a two and a half weeks' cruise north of here as far as Skag-way, the palatial" San Diego power yacht Norab, wfth Baron Long, millionaire hotel man and summer re sort owner, anijarty of friends onH board, arrived in port at 3 o cloctc Saturday afternoon and Is leaving this afternoon to cruise to Stewart and the Portland Canal before returning south', Mr; Long stated on Saturday ah ternoon. that this wasie first polnfJJn the ciurse 'dfgtlwhole crulsertJiat real summerjlSSWher had been encountered'' 'The fine weather tempted the party to dally here even longer. PLANE FROM NORTH With a party of six passengers in Mary (equal); Cameron, Maizle, Tamkln, Jean (equal); Hunt, Mildred; Oullck, Jim; Moore, Frances (equal); Letourneau, Andre; Mel-llsh, Gladys (equal). THEORY . r Junior Harmony, History Honors Palmer, Gwendolyn. Harmony Honors O'Brien, Mary; Wesch, Rose. 1 - , Primary 1 Firs Class. Honors McDonald, Ruth; Desjardins, Cecilia; Hunter, Nina. , . Honors McCaffery, Helen. Elementary First Class, Honors Stiles, Mary-bellefWllkfrtspn, Edith; Sturgeon, Elizabeth. M Ruth; MocLean, HonorgfeNSUon, QrijXrfflsc Jean; Bradyr Gwendolyn; Qullck, Margaret. Pass Balagno, Marie; Blain, An tolnette; Moore, Mary E. CNJl. steamer Prince Oeorge, adldtlon to the pilot, the Alaska- Capt. Neil . McLean, returned to Washington AltwaVs seaplane port at 8.30 this morning from "Skagway" arrived at 5 o'clock yes-j Skagway and other Alaska points! terday afternoon from Ketchikan and will sail at 4 o'clock this af- and. after a stay of two hours, took ternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell off at 7 p.m. on its return north, j River and Vancouver. 1 E3 (olden Voiced Dennis King n A Glorious Musical Romance i 'The Vagabond King' Song Cartoons "The Prisoner's Song" , Paramount Sound News Monday & Tuesday Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m. Admission, 20c & 6. The Consolidated Mining, and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, 8melting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AM) REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, -Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL i With Jeanette MacDonald i All Talklnr and Singing All In Techtflcblor EVERYBODY SEES the not ravages HIHkPvfHHMB LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage I' Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. iDr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE niONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST of the Forest Fire, but everybody realizes that seventy per cent, of our fires in 1929 were preventable; in other words, they were due simply to carelessness. Pressure of public eliminate opinion carelessness has tions, but carelessness in gone other with - fire amazingly ' prevalent. LUMBE far to still Prevent Forest Fires You Can Help! I HRITISII COLUMMA FOREST SERVICE R i KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties E(Jc Grain Hoat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shiplap, Boards; Doors, 'Windows, Dimensions and Timbers Shingles, Etc. Odd, lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, BC TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR - SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL Buy the real Coal our f mom F.dson and Caxsldr Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay Grain and Robin Hood Flour Prince Rupert Feed Co 1MIONES 58 AND 558