I r Al: r i' .ji,.1. " I II" "irnTI ij lil llll I III I I Mill p .wuTwwarea8iuT We recently secured the local agency for COAL Bu the real Coal our fa-ninus Edson and Cassidy-"Ellington In any quantities. Ralkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. frrn'e Ruperl Fl U 'HONES CS AND 538 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllim liuin Prince KiiDt-ri VAVrolVEIi. VUTOKIA. ftHuimon IUjt, Itutmhle, Ocean Full. Alert I--, etr.. TUemlnv, l:3(i p.m. I'D YIM OIVKK. Vlt'lllliU. IIMr.t-ile. Alrrt llay. eie . FridiT midnight t , ALICE ARM. ANYOV HTKWAKT. Nta. Ufr. Port Mnipwa. Sun- 1... II .Ml o m I. :n I I I'll nr K M SMITH unit Prlncr Kunrrt. B.C. T much drkrto told to Victoria and cesttle And tarrare therkrd I',! to rleMlnttlon I Dt COAST I ' AMSHIPS I B. C. Coast Steamship Service " SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wranaell. Juneau. Skacway R.rcl) Srl9, 28. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle March 12. 23, Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Aeents For All Steamship Lines W C. Orchard, General Ajcnt, 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian Mational CVic Large ft Kaihoay Syfiem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Fniin from PRINCE RUFERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Si m.F. ami intermediate points. Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. r ANYOX cch Wednesday at 4 p.m. For STF-WART each Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnlehtly. r.isMivncit trains leaw: i-rimt. iuteut UINiaY. VlTIINKStI Y nd SATlltllAY Ht ll:30 a.m. for IMUNCT. (JLuKliE, EDMONTON, VYlNSII'KO. (II points l-Mrrn Canada. Cnlted Malcv AOEM'Y All. OCEAM STHAMMIIP LIHES (ity Ticket Office, 528 Third Ae Prime Rupert Phone 260 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton ...... 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JIST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF IURCII AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 L' CUTTINGS Per load 3-50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 . .... ..ii i. in n iiiiih mill ii r-""1' T - imjjiu ntTVTi LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 L'artnire. Warehousing, Distributing. Team or Early Ad. Copy is appreciated ana Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Mnvlntr. Local Items 4 a Tail Phone 4, Biff 4 Taxi, tf Hear the Premier Orchestra Pioneer Dance tonight. Glasses fitted uy registered lomctrist at llcilbroner's Store. op 'tf Miss E. M. Earle returned to tb-city on the Catala yesterday after noon from a business trip to described the Taku. Stikine and Atlin areas and new developments in the coast batholith, Illustrating his lecture with fifty slides. John Dore arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from 9 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUiniOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy A. Pederjien, F. Watson, and T. Walsh. cityi'W. Walsh and O. H. Balnes, Telegraph point. New Royal Hotel J. Zurelll. Prop. THE HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Hot & Cold Water: Steam Kent 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlfiinne 'JSI White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT tiie tett, and tlton. U not entirely eouvlnred that Arawnen dote everything we claim It to do. the regiiler bottle U ttftl u good u new fat. It rJ0".' 25 U '"'tlrta to "torn I?"' ,7Sc- hnnodfiMf and thout qitratrna. Ipa Jure tried Krt.4.rn Ir-e. at oiir eiwe. r r,. unnitiu aUtut.'tKl ti n.iu f .t Wenufaettired v:.. . l. . . bj i1 KeUb. Hit). ImporUn :"' Uulimmr' V.nfl lorooLo. Everybody welcome at Pioneer l ; Anniversary tonight in Moose Hall. . T). O IE ITI.Ihb DC Efl The play "The Rebellion of Vouth" will be repeated tomorrow lantern 1 night in the Rupert 'East UnttM Church at 8 pan. Adults 50c. 58 J. W. MacDonald, local tailor, who has been spending a holiday brief trip to Haysport and will saililn h srth- returner to the city tomorrow afternoon on the Catala ;on the Catala yesterday afternoon for Victoria where he will assume jirom Vancouver, his new duties as superintendent of the Vancouver island division of the Government Telegraphs. Mr. Dora! succjBsaor as district superintendent here, Oscar Landry, arrived last week from Vancouver. Galvanized Iron, Pipe tings, Belting, Etc. Fit- Pull line of new and ued Oelr. and Black Pipe and Fittings: new Rubber Belt. 1 to 13-Inch: aleo Pyramid Hair Belt, best Bncliah make, very durable; new Corrugated Iron. 6. 8 and 10 ft. aneetv almays in stock: used flat OWv. Sheets. 30-Inch ay 10 ft. Pull stack of reel Split Pulleys: Potato and Or In Becks: Barbed Wire; Wire itof.e; Canvas; Doers, Windows: Rojf-lnr Pelt: Garden ar.d Air H-se; Boom Central Hotel lM)i:it NEW MANAOr.MENT Steam Heated: Trnvrtlers' Kamnlr Ituoin: Hot and Cold Wnler Iree llu MeeU All Tralne and ItmtU Rates $1.00 and Vp M'ECIAf. 'MONTIII.V i:.Tl.S C. R. UIQGART & A. DONALD I"roprIetori PHONE 51 Central L. Huson. Road Camp; S. Veg-sand and E. Gjelslen, Vancouver; A. E. Roberts. Prince George, A. K. McDonald, city. - r a . L. W. Hogan. manager Chatham Sound packing operations. ."- ' Chains: Merchandise and Equipment Dance March 10. ' of aU descriptions. Bnqulr es solicited, j It well Bi Vancouver. DC. It.. C. JI NK to. i I HOTEL ARRIVALS i. ; Moosaheart Bridge, Dance, Friday, March Moose April 4. The Final "HUILD n. c Whist 21.' of th Packing Co.'s cannery at Humpback Ba-yj Porch - er uund. arrived in trie city on the Catala . yescdsT afternoon from Vancouver.' Booh work will be commenced at the cannery pre paratory to the coming season's . M ANNOUXCEMKNTS v Pioneers' Bridge, . Whist and Biles' baseball dance. Elks' Home, Friday, March 14. Pythian Sisters TS at Mrs Shenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West, Monday, March 17. St. Patrick's Day concert. Moose Hall, March 17. and Whist Drive and Dance, First United Church Easter Sate April 10. ' Catholic "Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. J ? i Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 3. ill It's going to take a little time to gc over the letters and study ee'tli one properly. We akked. ycrakniw: fat letters on Pafle Mlk SHooti Wt Royal ainfariia and ' we' W it blhdrhb'cr J. O. Mollard, E. Warren, and a fbf replies.' The"letters arMoot! and D. Stelfan, city; Tom S. Hart,: our sincere appreciation goes out Spruce Lake. to every writer. Our remaining part to see that every letter Is care fully considered and that Is being done. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, 1J.C. t March 10, 1930. Monday THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIREE The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AN I) REFINERS h:itctr of Gold; Silver; Copper, Lcatf and Zinc Ores . -In of 1 Gold, Silver, Copper, Pis Lead and Zinc ' TADANAC, TRAIL . 9 eiena Kwinsmn s Toilet Preparations ni 1 are now featuring a complete line of scientific V . ic Beauty Treatments for every type of skin. Literature on request. (tames I; yw Pioneer tOrttceyss THIRD AVE. f, SIX in ST. TE.LEPHONr.S 8't20C Threfc Graduate Pharmacists Mrs. W. A. King, who has been a visitor in.Jthe;city for the past two wcekt willreturn on Wednesday morning's train .to her home at. Terrace. Mort H. Craig sailed last night on the Prince Charles for Victoria where he will attend the funeral of Mrs. Crate whose body Is being brought west from St. JoseDh. Mis souri, where she died last Saturday morning, by her daughter Mrs. D. D. McTavUh. F. W. Hart will be missed tonight at the Prince. Rupert Pioneers' As soclation celebration of the tewn-tleth anniversary of the city's incorporation. Mr. Hart is a patien: In the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he was admitted 'ast eete. He ). reported to be pro-greasing favoraWy.; Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for this district, addressed a meeting of the British Columbia Chamber of Mine. Liver-in Vancouver . " Thrat yart ago, Vtymwr, Vit hmu Ayieii at lit hotel adrtud me to uu Knec&n SaUt tor a bad Wur and emfipatia. 1 can tay I never harm had anything that gam m almt intant rtlief beon. and I therefore got my ehemUt to order Knuchenfor m i Win ho leu than 40 or 60 familut hate tiled it by my periuatim. Uott other remedia on the market lean a bad effect in many way, but I tan lately tay I kattn t been iwU in many rean tine I have taken -Mn. Knurhrn 8lti U. obUlnble t dnia and deprtmeDt (tortt la Canada at 76e. a bottle. A bottta contalna enough to lait tor 4 or mootht good health lor baU-a-ctot a dsy. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Krurhea try it now at oar uim. We have dbtriboted a mat II r for rou to prove our dalra for roanwH. PMkiS!' "iht tot lt Bew " wet Vhlj xfonkt, of onr rrtilar TSe. bottle together with a nparato trial bottle- fiakleot foriSoEt One weak. Ilr. k k..u "... .VT? Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone C86. 7-room house, 2 lots, 5th Ave. East, $500.00 handles, balance over 10 years. Helgcrson. 58 Walter Hume sailed last -night : on the, Prince .Charles for, Vancou ver enroute to , Kelowna where he will visit with his family. Harold McEwen, C.N.R. division freight agent, sailed last night on the Prince Charles for a brief trip to Ocean Falls on company busi ncss. Dr. D. J. McDonald of Klnclolth was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning north after a brief .trip to Vancouver. He was accompanied by his two sons. PAIDocker of the Forest Branch service, who arrived In the city on the Prince Charles on Saturday from Ocean Falls, sailed that ev enlng on the Prince John for Port Clements. The appeal of the crown against a police court dismissal of A. Rich mond by Magistrate McClymont on a Game Act charge has been adjourned until tomorrow in Coun ty Court. Joseph Arseneau of Premier wa; a passenger aboard .the Catala la?' evening returning, north after holiday visit to Vancouver. He 1? the father of George C. Arseneau of this city. Dr. J. P. Cade returned to th"- -.ity on the Catala yesterday after noon from a trip south, having seen called to Mission City near Vancouver on account of the 111 ness of his parents. William J. Sweeney of Smlthers who has been on a trip to Van couver, arrived in the city from the south on the Catala yesterday aftern-rfm arid proceeded by this morning's train to the Interior. W. J. Larkworthy, well known 'Tew Haaelton merchant, arrived in he ctty on yesterday afternoon's rain from the Interior and sailed ast naht on the Prince Charlei 'or a business trip to Vancouver. T.-D. Pattullo has inquired In the gfelature as to the placing of re xrves on the Stuart Lake district wd as to cancellation of some of hese, asking, where cancellations were made, the time and reason for so doing. In answer to questions asked by T D Pattullo, Hon. N. S. Lougheed minister of public works, stated n the legislature last week that work had been done by day labor on the Summit Lake road in Fort George district during 1929. For general repairs and maintenance, $2,631 .59 was expended and for widening, gravelling and general betterments, $5,458.50. Frank Barnsley, son of the late John Barnsley and Mrs. Barnsley. formerly of this city, is to be married in Toronto the latter part of this month to Miss Carmen Mathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mathers of Vancouver. Mr. Barnaley formerly lived here with his parents and attended the schools of the city. Many social iunotlons are being held in Van couver in honor of Miss Mathers prior to her departure for the East. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the south wtth a fair-sized passenger list and sailed at 8 pm. for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail south at 1.30 p.m. Next week, the steamer Camosun will take over the' run of the Catala while the latter vessel is withdrawn from service for ,t.vo or threw keews to undergo an nual overhaul at Vancouver. PRINCE RUPERT Finnish and Steam Baths a'hd'ftlassageTrcatrnehts' Excellent for Colds and Rheumatism Open 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Cor. Second Ave. & Sixth St. Phone, Black 7C4 Ladles' Days Thursdays and Fridays Lady Attendant Fisheries patrol steamer Malas- plna, Capt. Redford, came into port at noon today from sea for shelter. In answer to questions by G. S. Pearson, Liberal member for Na-paimo, Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney general stated In' 'ih'e' ; legislature last week that seventeen temporary game -wardens were appoint ed during the year 1929. Among these were F. F. Montleth of Hud son Hope and M. Dayton of Dome Creek. Robert S. Wood, William Murray and Percy Tinker of Prince Rupert have been appointed provincial election commissioners for this rid ing, the B. C. Gazette announces. George Dover of Terrace has received a similar appointment in Skeena riding and M. McF. Fraser of Scott Cove in Mackenzie elec-foral district. In answer to questions by CoL Lister, Conservative member for! Creston, Hon. W. C. Shelly, min ster of finance, announced in the Legislature that the Bureau of In formation paid $195.85 In 1927 and 1923 for magic lantern slides made Dn behalf of A. M. Manson. former ittomey general. Mr. Manson's travelling expenses when attorney-general were also the subject of x number of questions and Hearing of case of O. Skog, who s. charged by the fisheries department with illegally fishing for her ring In Pear Harbor, was started this morning In provincial pollst court berore stipendiary Magistrate H. F. McLeod. Some evidence was heard before noon recess and he hearing continuing this afternoon. E. F. Jones is prosecuting .or the fisheries department while Milton Gonzales Is counsel for Skog. Malt Schedule For the East Mdns., Weds., & Sats. 10:30 am. From the East Suns., Tues. ii Thurs. 3:30 pm. For Vancouver Buays( 4:30 p.m. , f ri "i ,r.... , , Thursdays Fridays Mar. 12 23 r- Hi! ' made with T3o?d&tPi .ST.fHARIFS MILK Cream Soups and Chowders ore vastly improved by the addition of St. Charles evaporated milk. Its double richness enhances their flavor, increases their food value. Try it in the tested soup recipes given in the St. Charles cook book sent free on request. 12:30 pjn; Tiia BoasBM Co. LnnTcs.DepC A. lloroer ArcaJe Bid., Vancouver Pitas $end mifrtt St. Charlet Rettp Doo. p.m. 11 p.m. p.m. ; ront Vancouver Sundays 4 pjn. Wednesdays 10:30 am. Fridays p.m. Saturdays 10:30 p.m. Mar. 19 and 29 am. For Stewart and Premier-Sundays ...7 p.m. Wednesdays 3 pm. Saturdays ....3 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Sundays 8 pm. Tuesdays 11:30 am. Thursdays 8 pm. To Naas River and Port Simpson-Sundays , .7 pm. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesdays 11.30 am. To Queen Charlottes March 8 and 22 am. From Queen Charlottes March 6 and 20 ;. am. For Alaska- March 19 and 29 9 pm. From Alaska-March 12 and23 pm. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays 41 pm. Wednesdays A :...-,3 pm. .'rem Anyox and Alice Arm , Tuesdays 11:30 am. Thursdays .'. ...8 pm. William Ware, manager of the .ur department of the Hudson's Bay Co- who has been on one of his periodical visits to this district on company business, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazelton and sailed last night on the Prince Charles for Vancouver. V" A Beautiful TEA CADDY VXTITII an exquisite sweet pea deslftn ,T lithographed in many delicate colors, the new 1928 airtight tea caddy It extremely attractive, It Is packed ' with one pound of the famous fragrant Malkln'a nest blend. The tunpi Is limited. ORDER YOURS NOWI Sold at all Grocery Stores TNI W. N. MALKIN CO.. LTD. Contninlng ljb. net " MALKINIS BEST TEA VANCOUVIR, a. C Advertise in "The Daily News"