mi PAGE TWO THE D'AILY NBWS Friday October 17, i930 The Daily News FRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION wjrggn. Thursday, October 16, 1930 Reliability atid economfj. are Mdimf features BRITISH LAtiQU GOVERNMENT There is a tendency among a number of people in Prince Rupert to belittle the work -of the MacDonald Government in Britain and to use it as an argument against any labor mqtemente in this country. While we do not favor class legislation or class representation in a general way, there is much to- be said in favor of the present government although, looking from ihis distance, they seem likely to do-down to defeat at an election that may possibly be held soon. It is likely now that, the British Conservatives have thrown in their lot with the protectionists the Liberals of that country may ally themselves more definitely with labor and keep them in power to prevent the possible success of the Tories. The outstanding feature of the success of the Labor Government has been in its foreign policy. It has. stood firm in regard to post war settlements, done much to pa cify Egypt, and above everything has successfully nego tiated a tripartite treaty with the united btates and Japan with a view to naval reductions.: ' In domestic affairs. the: Maci)onald Government lias legislated in the interests of widows, extended the benef its'j of unemployment insurance, dealt with such matters as, housing, drainage, public works, workmen's compensa-: tion and other matters and is claiming particular credit for its Coal Mines Act which shortened the hours of miners, set up machinery for national wage negotiation and laid the foundation for a thorough reorganization of the industry. It insures improvement in the condition of the miners and gives promise for better things in the industry generally. The government has also taken important steps in efforts to find foreign markets, especially for those commodities which will provide more employment at home. . i , The chief charge against the government is that unem ployment has doubled sinco it came into power. BRITISH WOMAN WINS y- After all the attempts to break the record for across America flights it remained fora British woman to do it over all the Americans who have preceded her. Mrs. Keith Miller made the flight yesterday jn less than; two! hours over the day. pon't rely too much on the tariff, buy goods at home and keep the pot boiling. ; TEN COMMANDMENTS FOIt HUSBANDS Thou shalt not nag thy wife. Thou shalt take no notice of any other woman if she be pretty neither shalt thou" praise her, that thy wedded felicity be continued and that thou mayest dwell happily hi the bonds of holy matrimony. Thou shalt not swear or use any other unseemly language in the presence of thy wife. Remember that thou mayest consider thyself the head of the household but that thy wife is really the predomin ant partner and that she will have the last word in any argument that may arise between thee. Honor thy wife and pretend to honor her relatives that thy days may be long and without recriminations. Thou shalt not leave thv clothes lvintr around the room Thou shalt be careful to avoid even the appearance of inrting wun my neignDors. Thou shalt not make unseemly comments about the food or the service of the home and above all thou must not: make comparisons of.any Jcind to the detriment of thy wife. ' . 'V. . , inuu anan nuu turn yn uiu l ituiu 10 louu iiiusic wnen my wife wishes to talk for a woman must have her say and the wise husband will play the part of listener. Thou shalt not be jealous of thy wife or annoyed it she enjoys the company of other men, remembering thine own limitations and picture to thyself how tired any w6-man must be to live with thee all the time. OCTOBER 11 Merchants' Free Drawing Coupons Given Away With' Every Purchase of 25 c and Over On' STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES ' jjfMAJESTIC RADIOS ana PRINTING SUPPLIES Purchaved During PROSPERITY WEEK Rose, Cowan & Latta Limited 3rd Avenue - Prince Rupert 1 ft lit n. NEWHAZELTON I Enroute back to San Francisco after a trip to Washington, D.O., I Mr. and Mrs. B6rden were motor ,car visitors here last week. ! Dr. H. C. Wrlnch, M. L. Aitfff, Skeena, returned to Hazelttfrf'Mi 1 Wednesday night from a 1 trip! to Terrace ana usk. Boy Ouss Is a patient In the Hazelton Hospital suffering from btrrhs sustained as a result of filling? a gas l'anfp with the" aid of a lghtei ga"s lantetrt. The Skeena District Conservative Association, at Its annual meetlnj? here last week, elected officers as follows: president, O. T, Sundal, "Tin? Ca.nadia.y Car" Enthusiastic letters about the Ford car arrive faily frdiri etery part of the worhb The follow ihg is typical of a great liiiniber m received. "Just a word regarding our experience with the Model A Ford. "In the first twelve' months it was driven more than twcnyfour thousand miles over atl kinds of roads and in all kinds of wealfier, from the nearly Impassable roads we had in the spring through-the burning summer heat- Also through the heaviest of rainstorms where many ears were dead ami had to sit on the roadside until they were dried out aujl puljeif and through deep snow ,.. Thc valves were ground at twenty thousand 'mile -and apparently the car was running perfectly at that time, hut some of the service men thought it would he advisable to grind them. Inspec tion of the motor at that time showed it to he in perfect condition. "The only replacement expense we had was 75c for a shock-absorber link and 50c for a new ruhher for the" windshield wiper. "The car has given' nh' afcragQ belter than twenty-four miles to the gallon of gas. We are well pleased with the performance of' the Model A Ford car and believe it is the most economical car on the marKct.' Thousands of other Ford Owners report the same satisfactory servicp Terrace; flftt vlcetpre'sldeht, W. o'Kem, Bmitnersj second vlce-pre sldent, Mrs. Charles DooJlttle, Smlfhers; third vice-president, Mrs. George Dungate, Hazelton; secreiary-ireasurer., win KODinson. Terrace. : camp, on of the 39 ew Ford and unusual economy of operation and up-kcep. In comfort, safety, speed, power, beauty, reliability, and long life in everything that goes to make vt good automobile the new Ford is a value far above the price yoii pay. " Because of this value, the new.-. Ford is outselling every other car in l) Canada)) TMargdand increasing margin In some sections, between 50 and 70 of all cars sold are Model A Fords. That'ssomcthing to remember. FOftD MOTOIt COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED the highway gaj (ijfg Completed s ndw snut down. nl C. W. Dawsorr is enjoying a vacation hi the south and reports that he' Is having a splendid time. Albert Mercer returned at tho first of the week from a motor trip' td Prince George". He will be leaving in a week or so- for his trapping grounds on the south fork of the Copper River where he Mail Schedule for the East Monday, Wednesday and Sat- "'OKMy 10.30 ajn. FTCm the East '''SOndily, Tuesday " and Thursday tin 1 nil t .1 ...O'pln. t'fif'VitnVo'uvcrtu 'ttWaT. 130 pM Sundays 9 p.m. Thursday 9 p.m. Friday v 11 pjn. October 5, 15, and 20 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday j 4 p.m Wednesday 10.30 pan. Friday pjn. Saturday 10J0 a.m. October 11 and 22. will spend couple of months and. For Anyox and Alice Arm possibly, longer, ' Sunday 7 p.m. Tut Nsw Fod Tiutr-wixnow Foiuot Sidak Low? Ford Vriecs There It a Ford tar for ererf need and pur' pote at an unutually low ptlt. Appointment! and uphohtrrr are In keeping uttK Iti me-thanltal excellence. You may thoott from a rarlety of Leautlul body colon. IloaJftrr. , $320 ThtHon . . $530 Tiulor Soilan S93 Coujxj , , 595 Sport Conpe 630 THiW-wlmlow ForJor SIn . . . 720 Sjn i lal lie Imxo IUhUch Do Liixo Roatlklrr De Luxe Gupe , . . Ic Luxe I'hiclon , Convertible CaLrloIrt Town Sedan . . . .t ' .r. wpQnww- 3 pm, From Anyox and Alice Arm Tue8day 11.30 a.m. Thursday ... 8 pJ1,, For Naaj lliver and Port Simpson Sunday 7 p nii From Naan Ulver and Fort Simpson Tuesday, . . ju0 a.m. For Xortli' Qneen' charlottcs ' Saturdays a.m. From North Queen Charlottes-Sundays p.m. For Alaska-October 1, 11, and 22. From Alaska Oct. S. IK nnr Off For South Queen Charlottes . inaays 7 p.m, From South Queen Charlotte Thursdays a.m, SaturtJaf ZJi.:.tm. 1625 635 "730 750 793 All prlttt I. o. h. Eait irindior, Ontario, tiumpert, ipare lire and taxe$ extra. Eaiy time paymenti tan he arranged through your Ford dealer. C. It. TItAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pan. For fiast Mondays, Wednesdays arid SatuTda'ys, 11:30 ai.m. TELEPHONE 657 vALentin tiAtar ro skeena nnAisn Creitmcti? Butter & Cottage Cheese And crtKAiri nAitV Early Delivery Throuiuout the City