mm Friday, October 17, PAGE FOUTt THE DAILY NEWS 1830 Sport News SPORT CHAT The series ol boxing smokers ' which is to be held at the Empress Social Club and which was started Wednesday night will certainly be 1 appreciated by Ideal boxing fans if CANADIAN GRADE NINE WINS GAME Caught Up to Two Other Teams In High School League the program offefed on the opening In the Hign school inter-class evening is to b$ any criterion of fixture Thursday the Grade what may was a good card Nlne team brought itself abreast of of six bouts in which plenty of the other two te&m8 by defeating blood ahd thunder as well as exhl- the Matric-Commercials three to bitions of boxing skill were given. nothmg. Each team has now two It was only to be regretted that so pota to its credit, many counter - attractions kept ( Wlth w1nd ln theIr favor) the many fans away who otherwise , freshmen were, soon hammering at would have been on hand. With the , the njor goai. They showed the creditable start that has been made prettlest combination they have in the series, a much larger crowd been able to achieVe to date. The may be expected when card is staged. the next When champions fight, New York's electric light bill Jumps, New ball passed rapidly along the forward line with Hill and Welle taking a larger part in the play by virtue of keeping more forward' than usual. The first score came at the xwk tAiisou company c. w.u end Qf a fM wt of eombma-tlon the Public Service Commission re-jthat WM compieted by a, .splendid cently. The commission was hear- from Crosg to Marshall who tag the company's request for a The were stlrred change in rate schedules. The ra- to more OIom Vance and dio's the reason "and maybe the. y meet attack electric refrigerator" Corporation ; anJ Thurber WRg aggre88lve m foU. Counsel Arthur J HUly remarked. eacn QnM Nlne and On the night of the Dempsey-Tun- Jt mt0 a wntor attack ney fight in Chicago in 1927 con-,aced klckg to his forward sumption of electric ty in New York Une who WNe worklng tohn rose llo.uuu kuuwhu iiuuia auuvc normal, the electric company's chart showed. When Sharkey and Schmellng fought in New York last June the consumption jumped 47,-000 kilowatt hours above normal. BOXING CHALLENG E Editor, Dally News I wish to challenge Nina Ourvich of this city to a six three-minute round fight at "catchweights," the very well. Bremner was handling his wing capably and getting the ball centered promptly. Dominate was In every move showing some neat foot work. Thomas and Clark in the middle of the line were ii complete co-operation playing really clever football. McKinley was right on the ball all the time and responsible for many well-placed passes. Half-backs McMeekln, Mor rison and Comadlna were right on bout to take place asLsopn as it can the otf follchg up the line and hp ; nrranaed. arranged. ikewlttt 15P tt " well supplied. w.. It v 'was Merchants' Free Drawing The following is a partial list of merchants who are giving free coupons with every purchase of ,25c and. over during Prosperity jspenty Week. Don't fail to ask for Benson's Studio. Arctic Studio. your coupons. La Casse Bakery. Electric Window Bakery,. Rupert Bakery. , 1 . t Chriss Mill Bakery. r " Burns & Co. S ' . Bulkley Market. , -" Frlzzell's Market. Selvig Meat Market. West's Butcherteria. Brown's Cigar Store. Grotto Cigar, Store. Miller's Cigar Store. McCutcheon'i Drug Store. Ormes Drug Store. , ' Rupert Pharmacy( ' ' Dawes Furniture State.' " . Barrie's Ftarniture Stare, t L A. McKensle FUrnltUre SttffV" Geo. D. Tite Ltd. O. M. Hunt Furniture. Bush's Qrocerteria. Cash & Carry Grocery. Linzey & Da vies, Mussallem Grocery. Hanna Grocery. Johnstone Grocery. Munro Bros. Phillips Grocery. Watts' Grocery. Q St S Grocery. Oordon's Hardware. Kaien Hardware. Thompson '8 Hardware. O. K. Barber Shop. Capitol Barber Shop. Geo. Arseneau. Adme Importers. Bryant & Greer Ltd. B. C. Clothiers. Klikpatricks. .stere King. ' Annette's Ladies Wear. Demers. Frww & Payne. Dollar Store. Jabour Bros. Dry Oonda & Novelty Store. II. S. Wallace Co. Mrs. H. S. Parker. . Federal News Stand. Sneddon's Nfm Stand, , 'MoIBrd. , flvm, Olaii.& Latu LUi , Retal :V -'1' amly 3koi Store. . peo. Hlli McLeod & Son. 38 TaxiE. Large, OfTajrt;: , 13 TaxL W Taxi; 78 TaxL J. aiaggard Taxi. Capitol Theatre. Commodore Cafe. Zenith Cafe. Boston Cafe. Bulgers Jewellery Store. Northern B. c. Power Co. A. E. Ireland Optician. SilversMe Bros. Jack Selvig. Wrathall Photo Finishing. T. Ballinger. PROgPEKMTYQs: Oct. ii-r8VV WEEK Let's Go! Buy Canadian Made Goods C. C. M. Bicycles and Tricycles Canadian Made Pottery Fine China and Kitchenwaro TOM BALLINGER Third Ave. W. Phone Blue G25 To avoid being late at the studio where thry will appear in a series of talking comedies, and probably getting fired, these Chimps are going to make the trip by air. iggressive rather than a safe game, j Eby was more effective than ever before; he moved forward to meet the ball and if it got by him he followed back working hard to retrieve it. Blake and Dairies played their usual strong game. Walters at right fullback position showed up to the oest advantage of. the season. He was always sure and many a senior ush foundered when, it reached lim. Suehiro in goal was not found anting whenever the need came. In the second half the seniors The annual bazaar of the Moose Lodge and the Women of Moose-heart Legiop was opened yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by Acting Mayor Theo Collart. Mr. Collart, in his remarks, drew attention to the bask work cf the lodge and chapter being the care and welfare of chil dren and especially dependent children. A bazaar of this kind put on by an organisation whose first object was the protection and education of those unfortunate and helpless little ones, deserved the support of Prince Rupert, citizens. The interesting games and stalls were wen iaia out ana snouia tmaKe.ior :f. rajuyauic CTciuiinmeiiL, sal a ins Hh Worship, nftlfcr sinking the pllfln one on Uie pee wee golf course. The bazaar activities will continue today and conclude with a dance this evening at which the drawing for all grand prizes will take place. According to the Forest Drench FORBANK 4&, tUAiyrfuiiiiLjit Aiiiiyi "1:v.,'jHLw to Succeed A. H.TSrsonJn Charge JiV of IlcrekwM alontrcaljPrahch ; F. A. MacCallum, manager of the ; Prince Georjie branch of the Bank I tt X f ni t run 1 9r ttAVArnt von rc la ;ontlnued to although press theyc prince to tak(J 3id not have as favorable a wind. ch htadxf NIn,C ? ? cession to A. H. Car, who has n tot half. Ross (replacing Coma- been moted to the post of an Una) was highly effective, play tag wHh neadoarters ln a splendid half-back game, rushing , Vanuver chan wlll bec0me or.vard to meet the ball and paw- 'MecUve wlthln thc course of the ing sure.y Wnen i Bo u. xuc nffxt few wcekS uuwc. wc.c MwwifH Mr. MacCallum'f ucicy "WVJ; prince QeoTge j, tl ittaekh ame. They, too, fre- maRa5er " of the , "",u(ntiv mnvpd barkward on their Thanking you. Mr. Editor: for pSdlng to think why they did ouZTlZt,7JLTZ Altat- glving space for this challenge. .. score, .The .explanation Phb lw,t, Qd ir. ; " M. F. DOCHERTY. is that the Nmes were playing an (nfri whlrh hp rarftlv failed . to ....... ... , .lake. These maneouvres . netted . Lhe younger team' two rnpre well-earned goals both from the toe of Walter Cross. The senior team played hard right to trie end of the game, during the latter part of m T .vards were quick to take ,advan- ni 111 J A lessor at pvyctas- tage, especially Marshall who was vJllUjJ TYllIUUWo lble to lie well forward. Cross and i in i f 1 S!!! Are Judged By ball out to him and then rushed , o , v forward a to receive the return to' 4 OutsideMen Citv shon window centered In the window dressing OTmpctfUoitt in connection with ths observant of Canadian Prosperity Week were judged yesterday by Mlttt Bald of viucn vance wsuj ngtewoiuiy lur inntrot r.,nriu t' and well-placed clearing vigorous torJa and L H 0, Van-kicks and Clark and Thomas for The d9Clri0IW,0I the Judges heir energetic attempts to score. were sealed in an envelope and thc Wnech in goal played a very clfever announcement ot wlnners wl vine especially m nis imnaiing ui the dangerous corner kicks sent in iy Wingham and Marshall. Matric-Commercials Sttnech; Acting Mayor Makes Remarks Bespeaks Public Support For Moose Bazaar ba made next Monday night at the Capitol Theatre at the same time as the drawings will be made for lueky tickets issued by. merchants ance, Unger; Thurber (captain), to their customer! during the week. Morrison, Comadlna, Ross; McKm- : ( " ey, Thomas, Clark, Dominate, Mc- j , ,,. . ' m h" wrd J- afcekin. Bremner. fT, that a daughter in Montreal, who Grade Nine Suehiro; Walterr, has been ill for some time, has Oavies; BlaKe, Bridden, $by, Arney; taken a turn for rthc worse. Marshall, Hill, Cross, Welle, Wing. i - !HB.-,.-' . -, , . . T, ' TOO LATE CLASSIFY Ii&etti and Erlckaon handled 10, he lines capably. ' ' M-rpft-Mr nnni.nH i MAID Wanted-Mr. S. P. McMor die. (tf)i i our a in ib ran turn ivtmmrmm i The New Vogue in Rings Social usage has decreed thc revival of the interchange of rings between engaged couples. The modern woman gives her hu?band-tob a ring set jWlthth stone of the month in, wtdch the engagement was made or a signet ring engraved w)th the date. We-hare1 suitable prices from rings at t f (Jewellers THE STOHE WITH THE CL0CI aBJO'saiiB'tar tn iibx mmnimx of the Department of Agriculture, 1 - ! .I17,62 .beaVer the Da"y New "Want Ads" bring United " ' States. nn,-i, r..u. no; www To Women, , Everywhere in Canada Department of Trade and Commerce , OTTAWA j CANADA!'" t - ',. , : !'-?J .i.tfl-y t' i-V October 11th, 1 930. it Protect Your Breadwinner's J oh I Are you one of those whose lot in life consists in looking after the home? If so, unless you happen to be among the fortunate ones who have means of their own, you are dependant upon some one husband, father, brother, sister, son, daughter fo provideyou every week with the money you must have to pay the grocer, the butcher, the baker, the milkman, the druggist, the dry goods metchant, and all the other dealers for the things you have to order from day to day. It would be a terrible thing, wouldn't it, if next week your house allow ance were suddenly to be shut offl Yet that is what might happen if your breadwinner were unexpectedly to lose his business, or his job! Are you doing everything you could do everything you should do to spare yourself a misfortune of that kind? Your breadwinner, may be a professional man, or he may be in business as a merchant, or as a farmer. If so, he wants customers, more and more of them the kind who pay their bills regularly in cash. Isn't there something you might be doing to help those customers, so that they in turn could do more business with him? Some of them are probably growing or making things, of the kind you have to order from day to day. So long as such things find a buyer, their jobs are secure. But if they should fail to find a buyer, for no better reason perhaps than that you and other women thoughtlessly allow yourselves to be sold articles that have been imported, they lose their jobs, in which event your breadwinner loses them as customers. And naturally you don't want that to happen! Or perhaps your breadwinner is himself an employee. If he is, the safety of his job depends upon there being plenty of people, who are steadily employed at good wages, to whom his employer can cater. Obviously there will be more of such people, the more you and your friends see to j7 that tor your daily needs you buy things that have been produced right here in Canada. Because when you forget and buy an article that has been made in some other country, you are depriving some one of a job in this country. t. Other wpmen, everywhere in Canada,'are being urged to protect the job of your breadwinner by always giving a Canadian made article preference over one that has been imported. Won't you do the same for their breadwinners, and incidentally make your own income that much moreu secure? . , ' i ; Very sincerely yours, 'ASF'.'-" mV-., 'jib ii; tub as -'--. ' . i: mW Minister of Trade and Commerce. Qotoooouooauoooooapoooooouooaoooooouaooo6oooouoooouoooooooooooooooooaocKood MoioaoooooooMooijooooiWoooooooooooooooooooowooooaoooaoooooooooooooooooooooooeop ( -Mi SAFETY'S TEN COMMANDMENTS First: Thou shalt have no othor-thoughts but thy work., -f. Second: Thou shalt take no unnecessary risks, npr try '" ' to show off, nor play practical jokes, for by this cardUfcs h ness thou mayst do injury which will haw effect unto thru : . third, and fourth generations to follow, Third: Thou shalt not swear norlosk thv tntrmm- whnn things do not go just right. Fourth : Remember thou art not the only one on thc job" and that lives of others are just as important as, thine own. Fifth: Honor thy job and thyself that thy days mav be long in employment. Sixth: Thou shalt not clean machinery when it is in motion. 1 Seventh : Thp.u shalt not watch thy ncighbor'aKvprk, but' attend to thine own. - ; Eighth: Thou shalt npt let the sleovos of thy shirt hanir loose, nor the flaps of thy coat to be unbuttoned, as thoy may get caught m machinery and thereby do b great bocl-ily harm. , Ninth : Thou shalt not throw matches nor greasy wasto on the floor, nor scatter oil around thirls. fina .., ' .worker is a clumsy worker and a cluiAvtfRft is' a nieiS1 1 ace to his f ellpw workors. Tenth: Thpu shalt not intnrfrro uu fi, u,.,;fnt,na the dynamos, npr the belts, nor the cables, nor tho engines, nor anything else thou art told is dangerous."' If you want anything, try a classified ad.