I N t&er OvangQ Pekoe is ha!2 so sfcil&iily blended reran V . VU'UI ID. STEAMSHIPS - - m - 'Fresh from the gardens1 CANADIAN 4vT i Oct. HH8xV" FREE! FREE! let's Co I FREE! A Bottle of "Evening In Paris" Perfume with each box of Face Powder, Bourjois Q4 A A Both for $.VU vmes Ltd. ' CTig Pioneer DrttgfjZsts Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists CANADIAN PROSPERITY WEEK October Uth to 18th Lets Go! NEILSON'S f Home Made Chocolates l .k' rn tifci linirvn linv ASrtj'FOR FKijR PltO'EKITV WKt , " p'rizeV to the Value, of S175.00 S175.no V feK COUPONS Cash .11.. '', '' II ' .. L f J- ! Drown s tomecnonery Third Avenue West Next to Capitol Theatre ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing" frum Prince Rupert I'nr VAXf'Ot VKIt, VUTOUIA, llutrdale. Mrrt lUy. fir. Tncdjy. S.SO p.m. IW VIM t IK.It. MriOUU. Il.iisdsl. IU. rtr. . Friday luUiiiigkt lor ,11.1(1: HM, NYOX. siEtttK'l. Nuu Ithrr. I'ort Simpson, Sun-din, k.ik) p.m. I'M :iiJ ,mu It. SI. HMITII .Uent frlnce Kiiprrt, ItC llirouh ticket .ld to V.cioru and Seattle and baggage rlivrkid through to destination. 3 B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT I To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skatway October 1, 11, 22. lo Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-September 21, October 5, IS, 20. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines V. C. Orchard, General Agent, Srd Ave, Prince Rupert, PhoneSI. COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.25 iMINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty "HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 -PROSPERITY WEEK SPECIAL "TSDScBuiit on Boys' Sweaters Six Only Men's Blue Chinchilla Oyer- 21.00 coats. Regular price, $27.60. Special to Win a Prke Kvcry Customer Gets a Chance FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE . JSteve King $100.00 50.00 25.00 Local Items Classes fitted by registered. ,bptometriaIIbrones storey I CP.lt. steamer Princess Maryi leapt. Fenton, Is reported due at! 9.30 tonight from the south. Mrs. S. ' A. Nickerson, who hai been on a trip to the interior, returnee to the city on yesterday af-trnoon's train f? it f ; Conductor W. D. Moxley arrived in town on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithers to spend a day with his family here. He will return to the interior tomorrow to resume his run between Smithers and Prince George. Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic for the Canadian National Railways, came in from Prince George on yesterday after noon's train frqm Prince George with C. E. Brooks, chief of motive power, Montreal, and party. Ladles We wish to thank yok for your ready response to our re-l duction on "Ringlette Permanent Waves." but we believe there are other ladles that would take ad knew It holds good until Nov. 1 Ail waves guaranteed, Mr. ArV'Nel- torUnvtth 10 yers experience in charge of Permanent Waving, also expert in Hair Bobbing and Defining. Nelson's Beauty Parlor, 311 3rd St. Phone Blue 561. 241 October 24. Varden's Corteert October 30. RQyal Purple'Bggj;nd WhUt Series, next gamev October 20. United Church Hallowe'en tea Oct. 30. Hill 60 Bridge and Dance October 31. Eagles' Smoker November 4. Catholic Basaar Nev. 5 and 6. Leif Eriekson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Moose Whist Drive and Danos November 7. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November 13. Gyro Hoedown November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov; 20. Anglican W. A. Blzaar Dec. 2. A DMly News want-ad will riniy remits. t go wmie for. THE .HOLIDAYS! FlOW lcnant to co 11 the old folks at home this year . . ilouhly ao to hen Canadian National IkmiVs your passage aiul arranges all transports. tlon details for you. Chuko .accuin Courteous, uumlallon, efficient service. Moderate cost. Canadian National Low Rafl Fares lo'Scaboard R. V. McNAl'GHTON District Passcnter Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. W.tS Was Constipated, Bilious, Tired. Now Years of Misery Ended ,bv 'TRUIWIVES" "Was always con-stipe ted, b '. 1 1 o u , tired. 0t of ort. Sine taking 'Frult-a-ttve' reel Uk nw womtn. perfeat health. Coitlptkji tl) fffDt." Muriel Mcllendry, Montrl Hqtin ot man and women write years-old ooratlpatlon and Uver trouble ended overnight with "fruit-artlvee" Biliouwesii, Indigent loo, heartburn, gat vanUh like magic. KldDey and bladder tils, pain In back fade away quick. Nerve quiet, aound iltny once. Rheumatism. nevnlJla, negrltlfl. tick headache decamp In hurry. Complexion clear. Ten of nature' greatest remedies combined In handy tablet. Marvelou dlovery by famous Canadian doctor Speedy result amaze all Quit betnc Mek. Ured, week. Oct "Frult-ft-tlvw" from drugftet today. Under new government arrange ments we are selling to Canadians advantage, at Curzan's. 243 Curzan's have" Canadian-mad men's wear made ,bv Canadian vantage of our reductions if theyf under New 'National policy condl 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Baaaar, October 1Q. 17. Badiribiion Dnce, I.OD.E. Hall rv - . Moose Whist Drive, and Dana tlons.to Itolqn iwage workers ad vantge. 24? W. A. Wilson, who arrived In th city a few days ago from Allc Arm where he formerly conducted a butcher shop, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancou ver, accompanied by his family. At the meeting of the Rotary Club yesterday it was announced that the treasurer was not quite readv to report on the result of the So- cetwlrcus and dance but anp week all would be ready for a full reppiajid-discussion. It is under stood that the total proceeds was something like: $3,400 and. that the club hopes to have close to $3,000 to hand dyer the the gymnasium com mittee, MI BEAUTY SH0PPE Offer? air attractive price on . , I, PERMANENT WAVES RINGLETTE OR I ' NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone 655 If you cannot be home .this (Jjrisjnias with . Motherj and Dad, what would please litem more ' than Your Photograph Tomorrow Is the lat opportunity you will have on Prosperity Week prizes Benson Studio Third Ave. Phone 42C Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired t . Platinr Work Done f LEO CONTOLI 320 Sixth St. MaU Orders A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special! low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest ouallty and latest patterns. Come In and see us today before it is too late. SUITS-Speclal order complete and finished in three days. See Ling the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone G19 i plnnerware, china, (rockery. ! glassware. Ilcilbroner's Store. J. C. K. Sly q Smithrs ar- rived in the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. . a. A. Woodland, loaallaerit'of!'' the Imperial Oil Co., salted last;., njfht on the Prince George for a; bairyjss trip.o Vancouver. Hovlncial Cotuiuble CO. Sharpe transferred from here to Queen Charlotte City, will sail on tha Prince William next Monday night' for the Islands, accompanied ' by Mrs. Sharpe and famiy. ! Col. J. M. Roltton, who arrived In the 'city Wednesday night on, the Prince William from the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailed last night, on the Prince George for Vancou ver. I E. H. Shockley, who has been! paying a visit of inspection to progress of construction of the new liquor vendor's store h-re and Ihu hospital building at Hazelton. sa',1- d by the Prince George last night 3ii his return to Vancouver. We Do Your Permanent Wave With the ' ' ' FREDERICS MACHINE ;,Tlic result Is not only beautiful, but lasting All Our Work Is Guaranteed 'is 'pkfWnne Bsauty Shop Uh St, Phone 301 or GreenW The Regal Shop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery & Papeteries, Artcraft Crepe rapcr British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone Red 442 Mussallem's Market Stewing Beef 9rP 2 lbs. Pot Roast Beef 25C Ait? per lb Si"lbTiIJ7 28c Sirloin Steak per lb. Round Steak . 3Qc Lamb Chqpfe 5 5C O 1US. t Loin Pork ; A lbs. .... T-Bone Roast-r per lb Rump Roast-i - Q5ltT pel' lb. - ..r: f, BoUfnUeer-"13'" 2 lbs. Shoulder Pork J ' P 5 lbs Mussallem's Meat Market r hones 13 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. POE THREE -'M'ri Skin Covered With Eczema- ' Slow Clear and Healthy Marvellous HeaHng by Well Ttlnown Remedy There it nothing sq simple in its origin and afterwards so difficult to get rid of as akin disease. On the first sign of irritation, roughness, or ernptioa, anoint the place with Zaav Bttk. This herbal ointment will speedily banish all trouble. When the skin is already aflame with eezem4, or poisoned. or ateuV ,ZavBuk is the one external application powerful enough to get to the root of the disease. It quickly replace unhealthy tissue by new clear skia. Ton will be astounded at the quiek soothing and healing of Zam-Buk. MEDICAL TREATMENT BRINGS NO RELIEF "My daushter face nd neck were covered with a mas of sores, which our doctor diagnosed ss eczema, lis prescribed treatment which we tried for two month without reUef. Tha poor child's face had to be swathed In bandage and' she was, confined to the house. I wax uliotlt to call In a kin' spectBlhrt- wltrn I heard how Zam-Buk had ht-ninl many sufferer from this dreud di sr so I purchased a SOX of cM?!mn! und tablet of soup. After a few days tp-atnu.-nt there wus a great Improvement : day by day the sores, dlsitppt'ured and within a month my daughter's face was entirely cleared of any slxn of the terrible tjlaeaase, . without a singly scar. I can't say too much of the wonderful healing power of Znm-Buk." Mrs. 1L A., Toronto, (Slit. IP YOU have a sore inflamed or Matehy skin, or suffer from salt rheum, scalp troubles, poisoned wounda, or piles, you will find Zam-Buk quickly soothing and healing. It is also a marvellous first-aid for euts, burns, etc. Zam-Buk Ointment 50c. box, Zam Buk Medicinal &'ap 25. eak. you cannot beat! The refreshing and pleasing flavor of these beers is indicative of their popularity and wholesomencss. Being rich in the food elements of choicest barley malt combined with the tonic properties of golden hops, these beers are of reliable quality, too. Ask for either one of the beers listed below. They arc properly brewed and aged . . . absolutely pure. At mil Corrrnnml Liquor 5farn mmJ Brrr Parian, .PB.LSENE.R LAG HBP .PUCENBX EXPORT BLUE KBCBCN EXSX)T Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. f rl t ' .CANADIAN PROSPERITY WEEK OCTOBER 11th to 8th LET S GO 1 ' Leatherette Raincoats, Reg. $14.50 Special $7.95 ASK FOR FREE FRIZE COUPONS ACME IMPORTERS THIRD AVENUE WEST DEMAND TELErilONL 35!) "Rupert Bran4w "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. TIUNCE RUPERT, B.C. Si ' S3 V . 1