PAGE EIGHT ZJ THE. DAILY NEWS CLUB HEARS AREWEDDED ABOUT INDIA! LAST NIGHT Children say great You can cat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with, milk or cream but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious children always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. COAL Hujr the real Coal our fair om rdson and Cassldy-Wellington in any qoantllies. AIo ilulkley ValleT Hay!'" drain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIO.NES r.8 AND 558 WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT TAX COMFORTABLE NEW CARS CAREFUL, COURTEOUS DRIVERS Ask For Free Prize Coupons JOHN GURVICH 6lh Street 99 THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. PROSPERITY WEEK 0CT0I5ER 11th to 18th LET'S GO TAX Dr Alexander X-KAY SKIiVICC rnoNi: 575 Itl'.SNLU I1LOCK DENTIST Try a Daily News Want Ad E. If. Walker Gives Address Weekly Luncheon of Local Organization ' !- '-.- "" - Ah interesting addrcsotflndi was given yesterday afternoon be' fore the Itotary;Club bnirN. Wal Jeer Of the Capitol Theatre staff who spent a good deal of time in India Installing j for the r Northern Electric Company. He showed that much of the unrest was due to the activities of the educated classes and that. ilip chief djf flcyliy M Cpp- different standard of Justice and morals from what people in this country were accustomed. Speaking of the religions. Mr. Walker stated that the majority were Hindus of whom there were approximately 210,000,000 out of something over 300.000,000. Next came Mohammedans who were generally better educated and more alive. The Hindus were divided into caatea of which the outcastes numbered 60,000,000. The ruling class was the Brahmin priest claw, most of whom were professional men. Mr. Walker spoke of the non co-iperatlon movement and its rcli-mce on Oandhi as leader. The 'roubles in Northwest India were hlrfly 1hn result of the effort of lie British to prevent the Moham-nedan tribes from raiding the Hindus of the valleys below and living nff them. It was not :to be considered seriously. At the close Mr. Walker was thanked by President Johnston for his able address. Visitors to the club were Ed. Lip-sett, a member of the Vancouver Rotary Club, and M. II. Blott. Get pays. the Ad. reading habit. It PROSPERITY Canadian Goods Are Preferred Always Look For Them Ask Us For Canadian Goods We ilave Them Clark's Pork & Beans 9 tins Clark's Ketchup 5 bottles Gainer's Lard 5's per tin (Gainer's Lard 3 's per tin Boneless Hams 4 to 0 lbs. per lb Picnic Hams per lb. Canadian Cheoie 3 lbs. ...,..r.'..;T.'. Shaker Sait' per pkg. B. C. Sugar- 10-lb. sack Janadlan Uteutts Assorted, per lb Quaker Oats Chlnawarc 2 pkgs $1.00 95c $1.10 G5c Hand Painted Enlargements Of any Photo br SHnj-"n shot, in Oil, Water or Crayon. All work guaranteed Western Sales Company PHONE: 'CENTRAL HOTEL Tost Office Ilox 1S8 at Miss Hilda Parsons Ilcramc Bride of 32c 25c 85c 10c 55c 25c 75c 'urlty Oat Chlnawarc j J QQ The Economy Cash & Carry 'Where Hollars Have More Cents" Phone. 3G0 319 Third Ave. Frederick McDonald at Quiet Home Ceremony),. . , W& nulet Ibirt Interesting' wfetfdlng 'stcemed. First Snowfall Of Season Her Mallcln's Best Coffee Mb. Wn '. 1 Quaker tolled OaU-WlVh China, pkg. ., ...... ... Libby's Corned Ueefl's 2 tins Malkln's Best Flancy nart- lett Pears- 28 per tin .'labob Vegetable OoUp 2 tins Blue Point Oysters l's per tin Malkln's Best Spinach 2',V8, per tin Del Monte Large Prunes 2-lb. pkg Columbia Peas Size 3 per tin t wok. pjacc at 7;30 last evenwit i the home :of: the bride's pnrehts, i Rev. Charles E. Motto of Rupert East Vnlcd Church officiating, when Miss Hilda Maude Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Par sons, 1230 Seventh Avenue East, be- j :ame the bride of Frederick Gprdon M "Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs! lj. 3. McDonald 508 Fifth Avqnua East. The bride, who was given fn mar- i'.'jc by her father, wore a pretty, veddlng dress of white georgette j Jth the conventional veil and or- i me bloaanins. Her bouquet was of j vhite and pink carnations. The ikle was attended by her sitter, Mrs. I.. M. Elliott, who wore rose; ,iffetti with hat to match. The! groomsman was George R. Shenton. , The home was suitably decorated j for the occasion. After the wedding leremony, a wedding breakfast was I served tr relatives and Immediate! friends. The toast to the bride was i . )roposea by Rev. c. E. Motte, the iroom lespunding. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will re-Idc In the city. The groom ti a nember of the dry dock staff and 1 well known and popular, Having 'ived here for years with hte parents The bride has also lived hko jr, seveial years and is likew Sll-jlit Hurry Daring Nlht IJrinss Recent Cold Snap to Con-; elusion , The cold ,s,nn of the past few lays having broken up In cloudy veather last evening. Prince Ruport lad Its flr Hurry of snow of the :enson last niiiht. The- snowfall did not amount to much and did nit settle on the ground because of the wind. The barometer wis dropping this nornln and'the sky rapidly thickening up and more snow or rain was in prospect. The Prince Itunprt Trades and Labor Council last night had a large and lengthy meeting atl n,V.IAU - . U - lm 1 4 4 ' U, lUUIU.l Ul JIUJJ'Jl 1 till. matters wcrejlt. discussed., .A state-1 ment as to the proceedings will nrobably l?e Jwjurd tomorrow. Aid. S. D. Macdonald, the president.; was in the chair. j Week-End Speciais 50c 35c 45c 35c 20c 30c 15c Malkln's1 Best Oround Spices QCn 3 tins Sjunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3lb. .brick Edam Cheese i " Mb. pkg Jamnlco Hlghost Grade Molasses & per tin ibby's Sweet Relish Wtroz. Jar .) Nabob' Aprlootu3's 1' s 1 per tin1 ',..l.;iw..i..'..'.i ,81.15 50c 65c Mcintosh , nod App!es-We- QratTe : Wrapped CJO OC per box Alberta Market P. (fAMULA. Proprfetor Fifth Street. Phone 208 I o HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I'rMiri' Tin ii iv' I In all rootm You'll Laugh Until You're Hlack In the Face At M0RAN and MACK "THE TWO BLACK CROWS" In 'ANYBODY'S WAR' AN ALL TALKING MIRTH FEST A Paramount Picturq j t . . , Novelty "Harry Tdte" arid "I lodge Podge"' Central Hotel I'Mil.U NMV MAWdKMKNT Mi-mil llri.lnl. ir iir Mimh.U IIimiiIki: llnl HiMl Ciltl Wilrr triT tin- Mwl. All Ti.i'n I ! lUtek SI. '10 and Hp M-MI.U MHIIH.Y IIVII.K C. K. '.!(; AUT & A. IIONAMl l'rt,t.r4lir PHONE r.1 s loading fam- iml cold water A. J. riUIDMO.MMi; I'ro. Cor. Of Ftwmt uid Fifth SU. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. t'ri'ci I) Howvd 25C Jnvprn'-'Bs: A. A. Stewart, Usk; Sergeant and Mrs. W. J. Service kqfl 25C famlly: R' Andrews. K. M. Law-rancc, J. Andrews and Mr. ani Mrs. Arthur Wesley, city; Mr. and Mrs. T. Godfrey and MIm actimp bell, Salvas: Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Oarncr. Sunnyslde; F. A. Prince. Dlby; P. Brmtzen. Port Simpson New Royal Hotel I. 7RP-III. "ro. mi: inn 1 1. wfiimi hiiii.k H." f M Witor: 8tcfm Jlft 75c 'PKH HAY ANI) VJ' , J qyai O. A. Taylor. Mis Itlvcr; C. it Underwood, C.N.n.; It. p. McDon- aid and O. Lee, city; Mah Wlntr. 15c Anym: . 25c Boston Grill iATge Cabaret SPECIAL niNNKUS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nlfht, 0 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties fhone 457 Prlnec Itupcrt SCREEN SONG "YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAS' Admission 20e & 6Sc feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:30 Saturday Matinee al 2:30 15c & 40c Feature at 3:00 MONDAY & TUESDAY "Light of Western Stars" Merchants' Grand Drawing A Coupon with each adult ticket LIT-: UiWz&mSR mm ei mm . Friday. October y OCTOBER II-IS, FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. THREE-PIECE MOHAIR CHESTER-FIELD SUITE - SPECIAL $160.0 Other Suites at Oulstandinr Values MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 327 Third Avtnuc West Tclcp.'p -. CANADIAN PROSPERITY Wl OCTOIIKK 11 to 18 LET'S GO 25 Off All Goods-Coats, Neckpkcs Finest Quality, Latest and Mod Exclusive Styles in Fur Garments G0LDBL00M THE OLD HELIABLE WHAflfrlfEST! DO YOU ItECEIVE O.N YOUIt SAVINfSS? 0 Per Cent Compound Interest Is Paid lh YOKKSIIIRK SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION SEE US t McCAPFERY, GIHHONS & COLLART, LTD.