17 W0 October. TI1E DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE amy time you're hungry, enjoy Kcllogg's Corn Flakes and milk or cream. For breakfast, for lnncli, for supper for a lalo Fiiatk. Tliey'rc great . . . between, meals and at any meal J9K jtm a j a u . - s jtw UN FLAKES Ultra delirium tcilh fruitt or honrf tdded. Made hy Krlluggln Istmlon, Onl. HI' M o I 1 'KOS are not only affected by well dressed i. but arc generally accepted today as being ' iui general occasion i. Mtirquit is an iu: inod' l by Leckfc A custom built fine , , t tve ty ntwrn of it quality, well trtaa4e and lit to H--iii!,h Colutnbin craftsmen. ri MMCM BOTTItP & 60NrttO,iY PHOOOtl l juTV 1 vnft vAMaoja n "TRY Nli' I'OMK HTf , V U ,..,-V..'!-'l. '-Ha S !IiJrU BKST PROCURABLE stoiUKO tl rhtirMtMa'.a r Mlvt.t altaiivtl fi"0 M0n Tl Original Lt,fl lok for it at h. VtoaWa dU inaiat on i J . rtisemr-iit is not published or displayed by the i iM Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. B E B "aMMafOTraaflra..KaafaafHaafaaf MO. P AT ALL GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORES ' "!nf is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control,, Hoard or by the Government . . . .. of .British Columbia Fallacy of Communists In This Country Set Forth By Writer In Organ of Canadian Labor Group It would seem to be a primitive con- i ception of history from which springs the idea that the military i tactics of the paladins,, whg Jed 8' ifew hundrr-d trJbesmlepRnndi gethcr by ties of common blood, and who If they did not win were usual' v ; lauhteredu ftt) the appropriate tactics far modern -struggles between great masses of men, often , divided by race, language and creed Human Intelligence being what It Is, and modern conditions wha they are, the labor general's prot lem of preserving the unity of hi forces, of getting them to under take common action, Is a vast! more complicated problem of leadership than that of the tribal chief who led his blood relatives to war. No union vests the power of life and death in Its headman, a power possessed by Indian war chiefs and the war leaders bf ancient Greece while, they were on tt)e wa.r.-path, though In council they raigMt have to Jlaten.to insults. Vlj , ,' - ' -Social F.volutlori There Is no martfc in organization tper " any jovire Ihw i la the "manifestoes' which- theCommun Ists fcwte so fftc.ut.wfctv-.as if itwy were memsjes from heaven endowed with the twer of suddenly cor. vcrt'ig the workers to o fi'.ll n;i derst indlng o' the need .'f s:.:i:i: revolution. That Is to say. organi ntlon and education are b-th ikc essarv proe-3Scs of social c v!uti and since neither of the proct-s-ses c .n be completed In a d;iy- uv more than a youth can accomplish the I tologlcul evolution of becoming an alult In a day -they call for the exercise 01 tact ann pauenc? uaUl,kes.n wftieh jh hlfirfthy.flt tc ( taarn nitt Party .st Cuaada i, aotaiily clflcttt M. n., ' Whether in Its therAVrtV erW' j non as a nctcniutc cspii.iii n ietal development, or hi Its practical expression aa a political p.irty. so- clallsm Is a natural product which j must pass through the ohaiKs cf !n-, fancy and youth In order to attain :a mature development. This is a .necessary law of the evolution of anything in the natural or social iworkl. But In other countries us jwell as Canada the.cnthur'.asts of new movements have lost sight of thil. law. In the development of scientific, or fact-founded, social Ism notably, en'Jiusiasts In the car-; ly sw'.to-i nj.vc bu.vh j cxclu-.lveTiesa. a superior virtue, a-Uiw4i they pdssessed special vis ion and a monopoly of wisdom giv-1 init them the rtght to treat as her-; etics all who do not see eye to eye with them. This lofty conceit in tm , case of the CoxnraunUts is Joined i with a nchulaw: roTimtlclsni and1 fanatical fcrvUr which give to th-: i idea of the social revolution the narrow, and incooip:ote charade. xan be rJtiSxfy wctf In a day; or so by a general strike, or u p "li-; Ucal uphcavol of a fraptlon of the , pewpic. j ,. Ted Uf Russia i ; , TWliope oi a tr.tivlorwaon of aplUllKn into 3-Hausuby a su'l-1 den and violent sti'oite h! barn -ltd ; by the swift riao the Jiltrtntnrsh'p ; of the T'tfetartat m Kuala. Bat It, i is necessary to rrcopnlw tint Use: seizure of political poer by the j Communist Party in Bussi-i was lw)n to the pocuHnr conditions in i itvnt countiy. an advrnturi! ve; fiirfp nf fro'i ,thec' nmrsr. of mil ; jit leal power by organised workers' i in countries like uan i-l i. noasessirtR political de nocrucy an.l a Urn?. I well - organized and intelligent i bourncols class. in nnmti p.an1billsmMwH3' t.r1v a! small Island hi att anfelAtftBdkl' regime. An autocratic (cjr. and I landlords for the most pan-'conMol-! led the poetical power. RuSslc. hud not experienced a rell:-.inHj rtcr-1 matlon or bourge'ils nolltieal rovo- lutlon. The mass cf the ixopk-wv , Illiterate and steeped In superstition. 1 ' ' . !''' Whim -the corrttM oiirlst trivia collapsed, Kjwrrrslul, '; repseht(tar. the bourgeois class, attcmptea to appropriate the political povor. Dut neither capitalists pronrr. nor small business men and traders, had any real training In political method; . quite unlike the capitalists and! middle classes of. say, Ensland, who since the business revolution under Cromwell have been exercising po-! lltlcal power and who. if sometimes j divided by divergent tnt rests, nave learned to unite their forces in op- !', " ll! II aire on position to efforts of' the working masses to. ameliorate ttypdr lot. Kcrcnsky Was Acak The Kerensky government was weak andcoimpetern.tcjcause'the Russian bourgeoisie lacked unity and political experience; because the middle clais as such was an insignificant proportion of the total population. The small but well-or- j ' ganlzed and well-dLsclplincd Com- munist party overthrew Kerensky j and seized the political power. The special circumstances favored the Communists. On the one hand, their slogan "The Land for the Peasants," had an appeal that it could not have In Canada where the farmers already own their lands nominally at any rate. On the other hand, the soldiers who with inade quate arm? and food had; opposed the well-erjulpped and welWed legions of Germany, were ready to turn their .angef vj&ainst both feudal nobility and bourgeoisie, btj-i t , ' --WARl NG PEN NSYLWSuM IANS fOX TROT 22492 JOHNNy MARVIN VOCAL 22502 Of1f$3fum$ MELLOW MOUNTAIN MOON" hCU.YWOQD.HlLL BILLY ORCHESTRA FOXTROT 22503 THE KISS WALTZ GEORGE OLSCN and HIS MUSIC WALTZ 27462 JESSE CRAWFORD ORGAN 22510 CONFESSIN'THAT ILOVEYOIT RUDY VALLEEaWWi CONNECTICUT YANKEES lAt Any Victor Dealer j MACHINE COMrANYf OF CANADA IIMITED 1 1ViaORtAlK40 wviit Montreal I I McRae I OS. Records, Vlctrolas, Microsynclironous Victor-Radio WARNING Do not it iniilxl bf Imiuriofu. Your own and baby'i htilrh ar too Important. Thtra U no MibitituM for thl (mom ionic food txvua. It rim you rrwnrfth and lupplios in abundrnc dio nour Itjimtnl feu Bd. iving both were responsible for "e failure to provide proper army (ulpmcnt and supplies. These were fnctor3, favorable to the Commun-;-,!, -which ,were peculiar to Riw-ii-t. ' The Soviet concfuest of political iwcr constituted a social revolution in the proper sense of the word, since it was accompanied by transformation cf the economic i3fl of society, the transfer of own-ih'ip of piotierty from a ruling lass to a previously subject class. 'Jut it did not establish socialism; ' only prepared the way for the mftructlon of the economic foun-iti m of :jociallsni. In Russia a dictatorship has been "cessary. and in the circumstances would bo Idle to dispute that It r, iu.xtlfiaMon. It dnei not. how-vcr, follow that Uie Rasslan exner-ncc must inevitably be duplicated .) other countries, in which politl-xl democracy has been long estab-hed and In which it Is nosslble for he wdikcrs by organizing a party of h"ir own to secure control of the ' -olltlcal powrr. Normal Troccsscs ihe normil processes of social .run'-fonnatton are evolution and' 'olutum. liy cvoluUon, we moan he transformation trnt takes place Trom day to day, almost ltnpercep- ible. but continuous and inerit-SjIc; by revolution we mean the ncUidln and critical phase of volr.tlon. the culminating phase hen the economic foundation, or i-operty base, of siciety being hanged, the whob political, iuri-i -al and ethical superstructure tlso undergoes a radical transf'r-iti n. Rebellion and individual ; lcncc may also contribute to lnn?es In the social emmos, but :iey arc nit narmal processes of ocial physiology, but rather, of so-lay "itholmry -fUseafr. The exhortation of Marx, "Work-of all Countries. Unite." sharply contrast with the modern policy f 'he c,nm-run',t.'i tf wwln? Rperis f discard where they cannot divide and mln do"1' nt -nvl"jige a scclv revolution effected by any maeic formula of communism, but rather , i i.in-,03 the scientific view that oclallsm canot he chl-ved until t becomes a vivid Ideal in the minds f the workers by virtue of a clear perception of their class Interest and the strength of organization for political action as well as for struggles on the economic f'"H " ,n give them. This Is the task of education, aided by organisation, and such education and organisation lust for a long time ti "ime at any ito have a more practical purpose than the inculcation rf a belief in a iv:id doctrinaire philosophy. i Choir Reorganized With 25 Members II. N, Itrocklesby Is New Choir Master at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral With 25 vocalists enrolled and vera! on the waiting list, the holr of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral has been reorganized. II. N. Drocklesby Is the new choir master, i The folluv. iiik is the scale of charges made for readlnit notices: Marriage and engagement announcements $2. hiime Birth Notices ftOc. Funeral Notices $1. flards of Thanks, $2. Funrral Flowers 10c per JVursing baby unnh delicious UvalUne T5ECAUS8 Ovaltine it so ricKIjIlIie vitantinsf LJ and food elements essential to health, it'isfthel-J nnest known beverage for the nursing perbd. Doctors the' world over strongly recommend it .Secause it ensures a rich milk supply and protects the health of the mother against overstrain. Ovaltine is scientifically made from ripe barley malt, fresh milk and eggs. It is easily digested and quickly assimilated. It is super-nourishment correctly balanced ... in a most delicious form. You will like it either hot or cold. TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY At ill food Mom In 50c 71c, f 1.2) and fpKul (amilr-M M-50 una; alao aarvad hot or eaad at aoda (ouwaina. Twenty Years Ago In I'rinre Kuvrt October 17, 1310 this morninT's meeting of the lic ence committee between Mayor Fred Stoi the clvirman. and "oi l nh ;l:nci- J.- E. Merryfield. Al-'h-)'i ;h Mr M-rryficId refused to 'ot?. cntriidins! th-.t businois hould not hi transacted until Aid. V. W. Smith Ihc th'nl covamission-cr, returned from a trii south, the No Job Says "No" to "Cater- lar Power 135 mayor ruled that with Mr. Merry-field there was a quorum and, with his vote granted licinces to Corley & Burgess and A. J. Prudhomme. j C. V. Dake, a printer who arrived in the city only a Tew days ago. Btralncd relations developed at,wa found poisoned in his locked Ing. He committed suicide. The city engineer's department Is removing the p. C. Tie & Lumber Co 's boilers from the Seal Cove site to the new location at Cow Day. Thi.' boilers are to be used In a H)W( r plant to be established by the city. Just watch the chain grow taught as the "Caterpillar" says "Come alrng" to (I-.tu i 'l ton! ... heavy machinery, gigantic loirs or anything th it nc 'il.s 'ncviii!; in le iiiiu- and .it lower v si I'.'.; tin t !iet ry that tlv track type triM-tur w-ii' the 'viyjy t.r.i.li- ::ark i-; tin- logical po'ver It's a fact! Thousands of "CaterpUlars" the world over arc piovin'.r it every day S"i ini; U b.Micvin : I V'll, nf !iif ! n I li: ( bookM-lt tcfKH mn L-S Deservedly Popular The name 'Black & While' on a boHle of whisky I as absolute a guarantee as Ihe hall-mark on sifvtr. It assures thai subtle difference Inilavour endjqufliY-which distinguishes this whisky from all olhors. It guar ant.es that only the finest materials have boen used and that always everywhere the quality is Ihe same, "BLACK & WHITE" SCOTCH WHISKY 109 DISTILLED. BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND o This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ...IT JHVIJr