1919. " ». pemmeme . 1 | ee = THE DAILY News Page & + ad LO ' : a H —— ——— Cee ee i GISTER NO —— i eR NO VOTE 4 is n Property Owners Must See : City Clerk and Put Name On List. 7 do not register, may , ye? hat . ae | | d \ » wishing to vote iene cipal elections and who th , pogistered property own- e j d call on the city clerk j road tax or make a No ‘eration that he or she has aie ' ' ” . , % ) other taxes This has to be ce each year The list closes : last day of the month and a wor that it will be too late. +6) P ne requisite is that all ; ng heath pe British sub- N Monday the Victo n | r r the full age of twenty- ry Loa nr or that they have been 1919 opens. f the city since January ent year and that a in some way to heey ibe On Monday a keen, eager army Ye ere, mntepayers, oP Heeeen goes over the. top on. the. drive to “a Financial Victory. owt have the necessary License Holders. : are not called e road tax, Any raving at least &5 n the voters’ list hat he or she is others without the pay id tax. The decla made before mid pay It is your country, Canada, that asks you to buy Victory Bonds. See that you do it! 0 her 34, holders not otherwise Axe ust pay their road title them to vote and During the darkest days Canada did not falter— their declaration by Octo erty holders or rate an agreement for ike their declarations ip to 5 o'clock of No i eee wal She carried on to Victory! sho own property tle and are also as i city books arg auto- tiealiv placed on* the voters’ The same requirements em as for license tax-payers and if ny donut as to their re- eing fulfiled they challenge at the » > -— You know the.need for this Loan. You know the fulfilment: of: Can- ada’s obligations depends) upon its success. mt aeeF _nneeneneeetio Exemptions. tions from the road ws d efficient members British Columbia nilitia foree of You know the continued prosperity of Canada is at stake. es der 21 and over \ssessed whners of prop- 2397 within the municipality. Assessed] owners of prop- nden the last agreement of last assignee of said ho have paid current d whe take and the cily clerk a aration to this ef- You know the eyes of the world are on Canada m3 Let us again astonish the world. / exemptions the vises do net provide = > Unite. Canada! s taxes are paid, te who is under are not called on pay the id tax, but they ean- not s they do so or pay ither way, Clean up! BCCATCHES © ee ay OF WHALES Finish the Job! ; Owing 40 Good Weather Opera- ‘ tions are Continuing Later | ? e i = > Than Usual. + TOR “200. 34 ‘haliv £ elas wt ashi aa Let it also be said of us that we ' i os ne . saan for'e onort ie lat‘ eae made a tremendous success of the ngs ide : co i. n Mie larpooned, Last Ee \ Out of a.” Whalers operating : See ha Kyuquot station took . F " £ * Unparalleled for have ie he year and they HM Lions metected te continue ' . Neathe nul a break in the * erage ariy jy Ble eke : port Conditi,, Vhe. skippers nth it was ex. ason would have tier would han ea te “Every Dollar Spent in Canada” Win > Filio a ' “uarters at Point ot Oierated oe Whalers whieh “% j have been. the Alaska coast Po r Weeks way on the Sound two : eye . *P, have fom, 4l vessels, how. : Wantity op" ‘he weather and O the earls Mammals far ahead Wh Part of the se ———— *n the : eason. Mary : arp: went to sea ' & i the , = ’ es : ; : : ‘ hal xtremely ners, ele oe : A whist dri , were won by Mrs.' enjoyable danee, Harvey's orches- I mig, “he, Ty Sad and the| Hig catches have bgen made at) (he cateh and We (iar Thos. Priest, while tra supplying the music, oe Ul the .: ‘® Conditions|the Queen Charlotte stations at 'he end of the month may see | - Gans hes ) res «went to —— ee © *nd o ’ : the e | , ? — a : vba thas oad o—_ when/|!tose Hanbor and Naden Harbor,| the first of th ut none 1 rd A. RA, Phillips. 5 tarted ba ed and the: but it is expeeted that the Kyu iurnine to port to pay & Pe 3 by a very . rome inshore,’ quot station will again lead in|crews and te Up for < shah Weoput. ‘ato our printing see al The News Print Shop.