f i PAGE FOUR 111?: daily s&m Friday Mad Bad Cold Tickling in Throat Coughed AH Day Mrs. N. MeAlliater, Beaver Lake, B.O, writes: "Senw time iIhtj a Terr bad ooM, and the tickling 1ft my throat caossd ma to eougfc tl day, and It scented to get worse at uiglt, and I beeai.ic quite weak la. time. "1, decided to try WHEN ITS SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES Vocal Bud and Joe Billing iMOOSS YOU'VE GOT THAT THING, Fox Trot Leo ReUman and h)H Hit Orchestra J Vocal Maurice Chevallet 22294 r t iv.r.--. v. vi( Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and, the first half bottle gaT aia relief aafd wheti I had fiaiihed it my (sags. wa all (One.' Prter 35c a bottle; larpe family aize 60&, at all druggiata and .dealer Put up in a yellow wrapper) tiro ,Iina trees- th trad mark; maaofatv tured only by The T. Milbunt QjLti, Toronto, Out -42 rsaBaaaTV aaaa m I J , NOW ' 65 Bring Jn a Used Victor Record for ieach new one and get them for 55 MY ROUGH AND ROWDY WAYS Vocal Jlmmle Rodger 22320 1 1 At Any Victor Deafer Victor TaJUng- Machine Cmofaf w.v.c a 1 V McRaeBtos. ' n!Sor4s Vlctrolas, Orthophontc U , i a k'ietor ifadid Ketelttrt. Sport Chat . I i to fight In'B&lln as bantamweight against the former amateur and professional flyweight champion of Germany, Harry Stein, The latter weighs a f ev pounds more but, the American should be able to. pi eel that.brouse he belongs to . the ranks 'Cf the most experienced champiens of the ring. Oenaro is now 39 years old and has been box lag for 15 years, having won the amateur championship at the Olympic Games In Antwerp in 1920. In 1923 he had already received the blgest title aj amateur which he .never lost. Meantime, he has been boxing for six weeks against the t Frenchman, Ptadner, whom he de cldediy defeated, Oenaro Is travel ling in Europe with his family. At a meeting held recently by Ithe. executive of the Legion Athletic uiud oi uiace tray, njs., it was ae elded to secure the services of Cap nun josepn tiopuns, oi uardiir,' Wales, as coach of the rugby foot ball team for the coming season Captain Hopkins played for several years on the Cardiff rugby team, which won the championship of Wales for three consecutive years. He Is well known as a football authority, his opinion being often sought by the leading sporting Journals of the Old Country. The Legion Ouards intend bringing sev eral outside teams t6 Canada this year and are promoting a plan to bring a team from Wales. The Glace Bay club will also make an effort to have the Japanese rugby team, arriving at Vancouver October 2 to begin a Dominion tour, appear there, also. GROTTO IS WINNER Tosk Scant Lead Over Elks in. First Match Last Night of Billiard League Play-off In the first session of the Billiard League team play-off last night for the city championship, Grotto. winner of the first half, took a lead of 27 points over the Elks, the aggregate scpre being 1129 to 1102. Several of the games were quite close and considerable Interest was manifested in the play. The second and final session will be played on Tuesday night next, total points on the two events to decide the winner of the championship. The Individual scores last night were as follows: W. J. Nelson (Grotto), 220; C. P. Balagno (Elks), 250. Don Brown, 250; A. A. Easson, 189. George Waugh, 250; A. Donald, 163, James Andrews, 218; Wllliarn Mltchelf,. 250. J. Hllfman, 191; W. E. Wllllscroft; 250. ' ' I' WHIST LEAGUE LAST EVENING Elevator, Grotto, Lief Erikson, Moose and Seal Cove Winners Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League results last night were as follows : Elevator 5, Canadian Legion 4. I.O.O.F. 2, Grotto 7. St. Andrews 4, Lelf Erlkson 5. Dry Dock 3, Moose 6. Six Musketeers 4, Seal Cpye-'s. Dybhavrt Cup r W. L.Pts. Grotto x: 13 I. O. O. F .. .12 Lelf Erlkson io Dry Dock 9 Moose 9 six musketeers 8 BtndroftS&iV.- ...:. ' T CaniaiarLeclon. fc. 7 5cI Cc'jli 6 . Newton. Cup Lelf Erlkson Orotto ...... '6 6 Six Musketeers I....... 5 5 i. o. o. f 4 Dry Dock 4 Canadian Legion 4 Moose 4 Seal Cove 3 Elevator 2 St. Andrews 1 4 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 W L.Pts. 7 1 7 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 8 7- HOOP PLAY WAS CLOSE "A real boxing match will take i riayeis' Club and; Three-Two Tie place in Berlin Sport Palace," says In Senior League; High School ship of the lotal basketball leagues were played last evening before aj large crowd of spectators. Both james were very interesting" and fast and the 'fans were highly exalted during both. The teams were very evenly matched. The High trated for a few minutes and both teams relied on long shots. Three two Taxi obtained a slight lead of 19-24. The Players' Club called time Three. Two Taxi called time Dlngwell and Wendle scored on HOCKEY SCORES R I ' B Coast Lcatuel SeattlcO, Pbrtland- rP National League Pittsburgh 2, Canadlens 2. Ottawa 1, N. Y. Americans 2. Boston. 2, Chicago 3. CONSTABLES BITTEN According to official figures, eighty-one constables were bitten in the Metropolitan area by dogs last year. The Ideal constable; would be one without fear or fla- i vor. London Humorist. ( 1 AINEDllLbs.in8Wks And a Boy Friend." wrltaa Suua Salino. Thoaaandt aj saw Ironliad Yaaat adda S ta IS lb. U 1 waaka. Skin dun lik mafic Conatiaatloa, anM, Md. (M plMMai Iconized Taa.t tablets from drutflat todaf. .1 the Deslla Jilustrated NawaFranU . neat Big Four- . . ; ... ... j kio Genarcs flyweight champion, is ' ;the first -professional- boxer ta-tte-1'' "The-first games orthe two-game ttnm1B'c nrinfir :fend his own title in Berlin. He islferies to decide the city champion- If Uliltll 5 uUHciy Tea Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon Br United Church Ladies at Home of .Airs. P. C. Miller rf t k .i,. JL A successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday after- r mram of o, nnintc ,.r,(n, wLa rr The . r; .r : :: :s notn t the home of mm. p. c. uu- 30-36. senior match resulted tn a tie between the Players' Club and Three Two Taxi. This tie waa not played off because the city championship is to be decided by the total points of the two-game ier. Eighth Avenue West, under thp auspices of the Women's Mission ary Society of First United Church Mrs. Miner was general convener and others in charge were: ries. The final games are to be o-..,Uj. , Played on next Tuesday evening. "V"" Tl, 7Z The Sinlor games was anybody's V;i:r; : 'CIJ . er team was able to hold a lead more than a few minutes, each scoring alternately. The game was furious and fast with good eom- hlngtlnn. nlnvorf hv KntVi foama Home Crjofcina Mrs. D. bane and Mrs. J. S. Irvttte. Mrs. T. J. Stienton was cashier. ' During the alUrneon there was an enjoyable program which included vocal solos by Mrs. Forrest ru wv.. :.. u.. -. , 1 , , rhe fans were loudly encouraging , V . k Mrs. ,u by Klelback. ihe team, and were 'always In doabt jettons ' as to who would win. The first . " aalf ended with the score tied at ! n!intl miHil o aii UUUUl VUUtlUAl The second half was even faster hzn the first with each team' :trivlng to obtain a lead. The de Holds Meeting fenses of both teams were unpene- u-orkinr Conditions at Fall, River Co-operative Store and Hospital Among Matters Discussed out-ana rrizzeurepiaceaHeimron-: Tne regular (ortnightly meetlnf er. Further attempts were made to of th phtm mt Trart- r i . score but without result, the play;bor Coumll held last n, M developing into a quick, snappy WUJ a good attendance of combination game. The Players' delegates with Aid. S. D. Macdon-Club seemed to have a slight ad- aWi the pre8,dent, ln the chair, vantage in this form of play and working conditions at Falls River was able to make the score -24.iwhere the Northern B. C. Power is estaDiisninz a new- house were discussed and S. P. McMordle (CD ..12 2657 R. Young (CL) 10 219 F. G. Pyle (CL) 10, 3441 M. Andrews (CL) 23 4801 A. Murray (CL) 15 3122 A. Donald (E) 11 2168 1. II. Pillsbury (CD ....2 380 O, Howe (O) 1 118 it" was l0u, maKing n j-m. wiui oniyi,eft tne presldent t0 g0 rur aiSiiifaP. t looked as if llnt0 matter and report bac Three Two Ta$l would emerge the . the council mner8. ine nayers uuo siagea Charles Lord, secreting! ,W 'fcHeV 1 wall rtiVAH Mll anH frrvem en 1 . . ' . . " y'"';,J iNortnern B. C. Salmon Fishermen's ed on Smiths With pass. only 15AMoelatlonf told councU Qf seconds to play, Cross, jumping.! was M made tQ J tapped the ball to Mitchell who taMsn a C0.0peraUve store ! 0151 5rl1bores-'Prince Rupert. Next Sur,daM)lhere ing. rThe) ball m dropped through the (-A be a mMtln. of trJi h99p.as.the WhUUe sounded forlnf rta. i.h-- .LlS"?"n teresting reaa,ns readings fullVtlme 'Wthkhe score 28-26. The f 'ZZ : "".VrT "rl! o of the proceedings, many specutojs are looking for-! Hospita, matter- PHfio given ward Wthe final game that is to be played on Tuesday evening next. The Individual scores were: Players Club V. Meaghers, 3; A. Cross, 8; A. Mitchell, 12; Doug Frizzell; E. Smith, 2; H. Hellbroner, 1; total 26. Three Two Taxi E. Ratchford, 8; E. Dlngwell, 9; D. Gurvlch, 2; B. Wendle, 3; s. Gurvlch, 4; total, 26. A a general discussion. Off Iclals of the Bakers' UriT8n"fe-ported that progress was being made to sign up with the various bakeries of the city. Billiard Averages iniermeouaie ,10. P. Tinker (CD 23 5446 The w Intermediate game was well.M. M. McLaxhlan (O) n 3962 played and good combination was t w Rpnlt , . , .,aa shown at times. Both teams werelw Mit.hn p v em. playing rather roughly but they A, jseon (E) '.. Z'Z'm 5532 were not able to take advantage of j. Andrews (O) 23 5322 the free throws that were allowed. w. Lamme (E) 3 691 Out of a possible 23, only two points C. Balagno (E) 5736 were ' scored. d. Brown (O) 17 3900 At half time the score was 12-12 W. E. Wllllscroft (E) .18 4116 but, during the second half, High:F SteDhens (E) 22 49B7 School took the lead which theyW. J. Nelson (G) 25 5660 gradually Increased until the endij. Hillman 0) 20 4524 with the score 30-38 in their favor, la Waueh (G) 21 4687 waiter Johnstone was high scorer of the game with 12 points. The High School will have a slight advantage for the second game when tng'Fonr wiH have to overcome their lead of six points to win the championship. The Individual scores were: High School W. : Johnstone 12; D. Morrison, 4; S. 8tyies, 10; R., Irvine. 10; Smlthwaltof: K. Naka-moto; total, 36. Big Four E. Smlthi 5; Jack Mc- Nulty. 10; A. Cross, 6; B. Stalker, EMULSIFICATION 237 233 213 232 231 231 230 229 229 228 227 226 226 223 221 21f 215 208 197 190 118 After having, attended the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Cpli umbla ln Terrace, L. B. Warnei, rtiiVilleliAi rf tViA TntsiMB ira... 2; S. Currle; D. Stalker, 7; total 30.11 ZIZ 2 w Pinw h--,i. iifi.i Pnnent n municipal and Board ... a-.umi.ici inauc ...a imiiui ap- Tpaf,B nffn,r, nt nm,tv, . pearance as a referee and handled i rived L Vir.r: in the . " """J"- the senior game very satisfactorily. ! W. Mitchell rcfereed the lntermed-1 late game. Sonny Hanson was scorekeeper and J. Smith, city on yesterday af ternoon's train for a brief visit. TUST as cmuliincalion oi the butter-fat in milk t one of our most easi! foods, so emulsifies tion ionimprovesVl improve the. taste and digestibility of the pure cod-liver oil in SCOTTS EMULSION It's the reason that millions of children and grownups prefer it to all other forms of cod-liver oiL Be sure the cod-liver oil you use fi emulsified that It'i Scoff's Emulsion. Scott Si Anwna, Toronto, oat. SO-1 Across Canada and Back - - W r , rs ' 1 " . I ' ill T igMn ttt 'Ytl"'t - fTiiii ill r r T T r 1 1 - . , A three week tour of Canada by Canadian Tacifli' tram d lore from Montreal and Toronto to ictona and return by two routes touching at the major cities and beauty ipota of the centre and weat i n"? w a",n Mln' brught to the attention n or Canadians and others by an announcement re-5?nt,Ji,?.u?J1 by D'n Smcialr Laird of Mae-Donald Colkige, who (or the laat aix years has personally conducted these tours. The-outward run takes In the northern ahore of Lakes Huron and Superior to Port Arthur and pastes thence through ww P!' netinZ-U(Te Jw- ClKry. Banff. vilT i "on, Vancouver and I Ictona. A hundred milat of this trip between Banff I Lief Erikson Ladies' Club Has Meeting nst, mere oetng a dance. Members are fancy work for the annual bazaar Singing was enjoyed and some In were heard. At licious refreshments were served. de PRINCE GEORGE In the event of the road not being told, Premier 8. T. Tobnie gave the definite promise that the Pacific i Great Eastern Railway would be j compieiea into rrince oeorge next year, according to Dr. R. W. Aiwa rd, president of the local Board of Trade, who was one of the members of a delegation which was sent from here to Victoria to interview the provincial government on matters affecting this place. A dosen members of the loeal badminton club vtylted Quessel last weeK-end. They wrre beaten badly by the Quesnel players, winning bat pne. event out of eight. The provincial government wttl be unable to give financial assistance to the building of a new fair building here for the time bernc at 'teast. a delegation from hr fwhieh visited Viotorta recently was informed. Weather here during the past week has been much milder, the lowest themometer reading having been 24 above last Saturday. Mail Schedule For the East ' MOns.. Weds. & Sata. 10:30 am From the VmC Suns., Tuw. i Tiuira.- 3:30 nin For Vancouver 1 Sundays .Lf. a.p.m. and Windermere Is by automobfle ttirwi ' ion.-the moat magnificent scenery in the w.,r Rf. in the ramoua mountain railway j(iur . t. ij .nH Kw 4a.l...M mi : . . - From the latter dt by Great Lakes stoairjK,, Tort McNicoll which pra. tiially cn !3 t :.t t continental journey. .iirvjr ui ktiio mnu oi means n!fr;ir. is thus assured. Numerous stops an; t:.a !. rring in me many noteo tieauty ;.,. . ti; al . uiienineDiau larms, lorestry sua', fit. centres of population and provincial ta tuj. PACIFIC GKEAT E.ASTEKN TO HE Forks and tun, PEACE HIVEIl ROAD. , the Skeena Rim telegraph trail (Continued from psaje one) ' j timaied nutter. - , theropost'd a: ft;! :..;r.il constructed portion of the P.O.K. . ltcus-ed by :,nn shell as well as the mtanaiaMrrif thm mil. 1 represeniatives of :h.; fical wav into the rvar Pnr ihi. ro. eminent and th sf f " mo-iuiiy meeung oi tne imi -. k. .u v.. .states .on rum. til Wltson Ladles' Club was held yet-!ert. to do anvthlM to th .rrwlll 'tmersr V i T rrt M I ar U Si Situation unUi the Interests partlcl- vn,.rr..R: bci Mrs. K Llndseth. Eighth Avenue a MtlM n the m,. v, ,lnUrestif A iiefr.a Kin - r i larpe atten-1 nnrtunitv .wa 1 vantaKes ttH;ou!W f(.ii:ef working on Xo Tqtan fu t pr-sed r w-gtoa suggestion that that the the -o.rn. govern , ment should complete the railway ' acJvW'noJ( n as far as Prln rw-o - MtOTiiM mninj e . ir ..M.M..Muigs , niaunfi'-v. t- the adoption of the poj. route ft3A'MMtr portlO! ' Into the Peac the premier aald haj ". did not consider any such precaution necessary as there wis not the slightest doubt in his iafhd but that the P.O.E. route will be attopn ted for the entrance into the Peace and that the extension will run from Prince George. Pointed Question Local Item MIstfErma Brooke who ti In charge of Rii-hmond' here, sailed !ast muht on I Prince Qeorgc for Victoria Premier Tolmle was asked mint. I - edly what hit government proposed 1 Junn Bovd a( ',mg Jnspf to do in the event of the f.uUM r fisheries- for District Nn t the nrasettt rvrmnert nt makinir ' last nlffht on the prinrf C sale of the P.OJ!. His nnlv tn this for a trip to Vanrouvpr s was the government had alterna-' cial business tive propoask lor the purchase of the railway and for its extension O. P. R. steamer Prinoes into the Peace He was nrri tnr. Cant. fl. K Orav. 1. due to at ther and asked what the policy of port at 5 o'clock this a the government would be if the al- from Vancouver .md wayp ternative proposals came to noth-! will sail later in lu evemm lng. To this his reply was the ques- ! return south. Uon was travelling fa.t but he haH no healtatktn in naaiirins khm 4u. I At a sheriff sale Mi ! " a w , " , gatton that ln sueii an event it day afternoon n bhill WOUld be the nollev nf the anvarn. made bv Louis H"1. vi'nni mnt to com Die te the P.O.R as far lnlc Rossi, a ( ievmlrt as Prince nenrva lu'hl-h was new l.i'-t fall. H Members of the delegation took fin by Chlpman s Wells w advantage of the opportunity presented to Impress the premier with we taet that the completion of the railway as far as Prince George would result ln the development of one of the largest agricultural areas ln the province. Premier Tolmle said he was ln agreement with this view and Intimated an attempt would be made to promote settlement ln the area which should easily support a creamery. Premier Tolmle switched the conversation from the P.OJS. to the provincial, highway through British Columbia and the Yukon to give Alaska motor connection with Tuesdays ia:30,p.m. tho United States. The premier Is 9 P m' very much wedded 10 tn, Project PHrta ?5 '-m "ll P-- and was anxious to learn how It Mar onrt war. 14 ana AS .. p.ni. stmek fhe nmln nf th.f!lM. makes mUk 1 Fsunnavs'!,VCr" n. They gave the proposal their isily digested 1 wkW-TZZZZftii a, Sm,lble88,n Provlded tne M nn 4 rk-&m !C!. ?! i Mar. 19 and 29 ZL.. :. .:. ain. Tolmls's mind that the highway For Stewart and Premier wlll pass through this city but It Sundays 7 pm (developed there was a difference Wedncsdayt- "Z.'.'.2 pm. ;of opinion between the premier and Saturdays 3 p, Ion F p Burden as to what route From Stewart anfl Prcmlrr jthe highway should follow from Sundays 8 pan. Prince George north. Premier Tol- Tuesdays 11:30 a.m. mle at present favors following the Thursdays 8 pm existing highway as far as Jlarel- 7 'ton and going north from this There Is oftij one way to reach along the old telegraph trail. Mr. the p, nle of Northern B.C. That Burden favors building the hlgh-is through the Dally NeWs.; .wayv fromf Summit Lake to Finlay SUITS! sun ;uits 'Ve MADE TO ORDEI Culllnir. Workmnn."hlp All Guarsnlrfi' .-n STEAM VLKAW PliESSEII Detlvir to Any Tart City. Linff, the Taflc Phone R4K Dr Alexande DENTIST