1 - .1 T- ieu. r.M-v menr of ; buying m It ha freer have a !'e;;H v Up UP1.! littlt mure be dpvriiipf-( The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited,' Third Avenue H. FUL-J-;?aMDK-WUer SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all otter parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid io advance, per year 6.00 By mall to all otfwr countries, per year 7-50 , By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, j paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for 1.00 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month 50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance S6.G0! 10: oi me in the north country. ill make for the comfort and enjoy- . : l - i li iU 1 BY EDWIN A NOLAN Director of Heme Serriee, General Elttrk Befrigeraboo Department 'TIIRRF. meals a day! A thousand taesls a year! It'a a never-ending problem for housewife and me tfcer. But there are innumerable sbort eats in ashing the jrohjwoi. Every hiwaewiVer kaews that it is ta actual eealdag of bmoJs which la Bsftat eoaihiiag. She can doeble up on this time-eoiuuming process br plaania bmu for two or three days sbsad sad by eeokiag in quantities suiScieat to form the f Mmdatioa for two or mere nteala if she has proper f aeWtite far keep. 1b food, tiers is how tbe plan works out: (1) Easusji pstatees are boiled to jnaih for dinner and to serve creamed er au gratin the next day. (2) Eneurh apinaeh h eoeked O .that there ean br a cream of spinaeb ssup for another meal and, spinach aad egg aa gratia for sup-; per or luncheon. (3) A whole bam is boiled, cooled sod put in the electric refrigerator and at dinner time it it given the final hlf-bonr ronstmg and served hot; the remainder being made into ham and macaroni eaaierate for anotstr dinner, and devihed baa sandwiches for hiBeb- (4) Twice aa maav asalea will be needed te serve with r at Sport News VANCOUVER ! TAKES THIRD ! GAME BY 6-3; Visitors Win Five In nine Encounter Defore Good Crowd of Fans Last Eveninr Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Kga! notices, each insertion, per agate Hine .IB j rflfc HfiTTIAl Mil rwar. rwr inrtiAn. nr Hjia . .2&i XlUll li.Ld UULiPl DAILY EDITION BACK TO NORMAL Saturday. Sept. . 19M Dow me and Cross Each Collected Tiuase lilts; AIx Miteheil Played Well at Second V. A. C.'s went into the lead The fair is over and after tonight the city will be back to j afgLiast Rnpert wnen normal. For two weeks past there has been a busy time j they came out on the long end of a among merchants and others and when the busy time is 6-3 score in hut night's twilight fix-over they will feel the change very considerably. During) tunt.op to 6:30estuy afternoon thP ftast wet-lr nr r.wn lrwnl nennle hnv Hnno lirtlo hiivino-!" loosec tne game wousa because much of the time the stores ware busy. Now the regular fall business will commence. Everyone will be preparing for the cooler weather, the heavier clothes, and then wiU be preparatiortSjfot,- the fengra evenings. New pieces tf furmtiiw wiU be jnaguired. rsatuos will be instal- wiw singles in as many tunes a bat. Akut Mitchell played a nice game at second (or the locals Ar- First Inaing ing thrown out. Papke to Jacobsen Harold struck out. No runs, one hit no errors Third Inning V A. C-Hall hit a home run through the fene past the score board. Lewis went out Harold, making a niae stop and throwing hup out. Aiceneav eaught Perkins' fir right by the fence. Cole singled and stale second. Straight fanned. One nan. two hits, no errors. Prince Rupert r Straight teak WendtCs grofndrand baat him fe first. W. Mitchell went to second whan Jacobean threw wild to first. Mitchell scored on Downie's triple to right. Leblfek went out Straight! to Lrojg Lambie struck out. One tbj, one hit, one error. Fourth Inning V. A. C. McKissock was hit by a pitched ball. He went to second as Wendle dm out Papfce at first. Jross singled to right. McKissock scoring. Ores went to second on the :hrow-in. Aim fltehell caught Jac--bsen's fly. BaU filed out to Howe. Jne run. one hit, bo errors. Prince Rupert Howe filed out to Jacobsen. Arsenaau went out on a rounder to 8tralght A Mitchell doubled over first Harold walked. be raned out. but about that Ume Wendle popped oat to Hall. No runs. Old Sol decided to come back on j one hit. no errors. duty. so it was decided to play the Fifth Inning game after aU. The game get under way shortly after 6 o'clock with a good crowd in attendance, considering the circumstances. Playing con ditions were - not of toe best. ' filings wiu w uruugni ueiure uit: i e?er, as the air was chilly Vanoou- tempt them into investing. I ver got off to a good start m the j first inning with Jack Kelson in the I box for the locals. They collected a nlav amainat Tkair hava atnnA rnnce unpen ui tne second ana ai- v fw v w&mu'uvi w v j wwva ; . . V. A. C Cnemtki pitching. Lewis went out A. Mrtaueil to W. Mitchell. Perkins drove eht over second that! A. Mitchell got and threw ban out. Cole walked and .was out stealing. No runs, no hits, no errors. j Prince Rupert BUI Mitchell went j to third when Straight threw wild I :o first on his roller Downle hit! 11 ASbLJ ALL Ij Aiuhb three runs on three bits and an er- I down third base one for a double. It e i ; :"on to the local baseball Dlavers to'" UU went on the mound for was Ins third hR of the game and sum m nccamo III UK Km. IVT when Papkc threw out Chen- . M:Mirv j k.. !-.- wwai unr ran in even ox ur uuve scored :uu wi w and shown rt : ar nme that, given a ! ianlng8 te pttched iOSkiatn f ' 10 more practice, there COUkl ( d the fifth inning and got by nice- oosen to ( int. Laatlue went out Jac- Totals . Croas. Howe struck out but tiiat might easily travel in the iy. only facing three batters. Harold asas safe when Periun missed the e crack teams there. More oreci-' Straight pitched for the winners , ball AcaenwMi struck out Two runs. don in the fiekT and mow hattincr akill sm tn ho fbp " W thpaw slants had some tone hit. two msi irroatiMt iummIii , of U local boys badly pusaied. j The game was called on account t- . f . , , , , The game was featured by Hall's of darkness at the end of the fifth. The viartmg ball players have proved themselves regular ; homer m the third Dosmie coiiec- cox scobe leiiows. They have not disputed the decisions given br local umpires, even though tney might not alwaVs have been i quite according to HoyTe. They have taken a beating with j splendid spirit. We hope the Vancouver boys wiU return i next year for another series. LATE CANON MARSH j What may be looked upon by some as a sad event, took place this week when Rev. Canon Marsh of Terrace, well! known throughout the north, was removed by death. Fori seweral years it was apparent that the veteran clergyman J could not live long. The privations of his misaonary work . had brought about a physical condition whicn is the end : proved fatal He lived a great life and fought the dread reaper to the last like a good soldier of the Cross. j To the Canon the passing would not be a particularly sad j thing. It was just a step forward. At one time young Par-j son Marsh was looked upon as the strongest man in the north. As he lost his physical strength he gained in spir-i itual power. It seemed then but a natural transition to' pass from this physical plane to the spiritual world. j Many will look back and remember the help they re-, ceived by tvord or in kind from the missionary parson. Hisi A Few Short Cuts To 3 Meals a Day COLEMAN HALL Playing manager of Vancouver team, who hit a home run in yesterday's game Humanity was wnat appealed to them, perhaps more than i his spirituality. His death removes one more of those in-1 tad a triple, a double and a sinaie trepid missionaries who have changed the whole condition ! ta tnm nes up whu Cnm "n0 nw v. a. c ;Papke 2b 3 j Cross lb 3 i Jacobsen as 2 ;KaU 3b .... 3 Lewis ef 3 Puntins e i Cole If. ... a Straight p 3 McKissock rf - t Totals P R. Wendle at. W Mitchell c iDownie lb, e. Nelson p LobUck p. Chenoski p. . T imbie ef. Howe rf. AnwBeau If. . A Mitchell b liiaroid 3b. a. c Prince Rupert Summary Two me. A Mitchell, three New home run. Hall: Lewis Cole: left on ABR XPOAE n i ABR . a lb. a 3 0 runs off LobUck in 3) bits, no runs off inning : struck out by Lobliek (It. Straight (); York W. MMehell. fleeaa ntiam I Reaoklm ha . baked. TborselVT Cm4BM"l "Hjlf based a pales wi th cueUrd sauce make a denelous deeeert, or Oiey assy be rekeated and served with cream. (6) Soft enttaid are made in larger quantities bseaase tbey bare many uses and tbey keep well in tsgbtly-eovtrvd Jars. Wha neb prepaiutioM made and uVe food tueked safely away in ths electric rtfrigeratsr, assuring proper pretervatlea, most ef tits work is dene fer the day. In as short s thne as 20 or M minutes it is possible to have dinner on the centre He went to second on a wild pitch. Papke went out Wendle to S If 7 H PO A 16 1 1 i 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 t 1 1 0 3-4 hit. Dow- P.R. n : double phw. A. Mitchell to W. Mtichell: 3 hiU (1 mas off seneau made a nice catch of Per-, Nelson in one inning. hits. low smash to the left field fence and Papke made a fine catch on Arsenaau's fly In the second. hH.Dow- VJLC. 4i. V A. C Paoke struck out Crass! balls off NaJson lit, Crliannalrl to one i base on! hit a long fly to centre that Lambie Iwtraight 1); wild nstch. LablsflU M. I should have got but it went tor a hit by pitcher. McKtaasek by Lob-i triple Jacobsen walked Hall struck Ho Howp;,psing pjlgitar; fejaan; out. Lewis up. Mitchell threw hum i time of game. U mm.: nsnpiras. O. to Nelson and Cross scored. Lewis' Mitchell and Mensws. hit s Texas Leaguer to centre Jac- This artarnooo the tan ma wHl obsen scoring. Lewis stole second book up In the fourth encounter ; and Perkins walked Cole singled!! Bill Rtfhtrrtsan. late of the through short. Lewis scoring Hal 1 New York fManu. an the slab for , Straight fouled out to Harold. Three Prmce Rupert, and HaJ Straight , , runs, three hits, one error. j doing mound duty for the visitor, i Prince Rupert Wendle struck1 Tontorrow afternoon at S:90 the) , out W Mitchell went out Hail to' final game will be plajwd. whan Bill i Dovnie hit to riant for one base. ' will be on the mound. LobUck batting for Nelson filed out to Straight. No runs, one hit. no errors Second Inning Baseball Standings v a c -LobUck pitching for Bu-1 National League pert Dovmle catching and W, Mil-' W. L. chell at first. McKissock singled to 1 Chicago .7? doable play. A Mitchell to W. MIU I Cincinnati chell It was a nice catch at first. Philadelphia One run. two hits, no errors. Prince Rupert LamMe singled Howe was bit by a pitched ball. Ar- 8t ssneau filed out Papke making a PMadetphla spectacular catch. A Mitchell was i Washington safe on a fielder's choice. Howe be- ! New York Cleveland Detroit St Louis Chicago Boston . 48 Vf. M M n TS m S3 r ...-44 at Vmerican League 4 M M 63 70 81 at 88 Pet. m Ml Alt m Pet .en JSM Ml 59S to at 3:M. The Van- is stsvytng over la or- j Get Rupert another oppor- pajrs. IT'S WISE TO CURZ0MS! MEN'S Wl EAR SHIRTS OF ALL K!NDS UNDERWEAR SOCKS. DRESS SOX, WORK SOX iwiTTc Awn r.invRQ of ah vmm MADE OF LEATHER, WOOL & CANVAS PANTS, OVERALLS, BREECHES, TROUSERS BRACES, GARTERS, ARM BANDS COLLARS, NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS BLANKETS, TOWELS AT THE GRATT0N BUILDING 2ND AVE NEXT POST OFFICE CURZON'S TWO MORE BALL GAMES isouwjr Print Rupert this afternoon at 4 o'clock and the tunny to mak ood against them, and the loci: lads say they think they can bentt them again Bill Riehardson is to pitch for Pnnc Rupert today He is the man who was with the New York Oiants this spring Downle is catching. IWehardMn to Fileh For Prince 9trafahti huefcng for Vaasouver Kupert Today and Lambie ; and penhni eatchtng Temorrow I TWtom. for the final same of I the series. Lambie wtll be on the Prince Rupert people will have mound and. doubtless, there will be the opportunity of watohhw two BMord crowd out to watch aftar the Ad. notni aabit. It SINCE January, 1929, Chevrolet has produced and sold over 24)00,000 six-cylinder automobile nearly Gte times as many as any manufacturer of sixes has ever built in an equal length of time. Such record-breaking public prefer . ence shows how buyers of Inw.priecd cars are demanding the advantages of slxtylinder design. Three 2,000,000 people decided on Chevrolet largely because of the following farts t A six cylinder engine is smoother, quieter, more flexible free from annoying vibration requires less gear-ehifting. And Chevrolet gives you a dependable, 50 horsepower, six-cylinder power plant! n Jpr m . . vis tu cm . .... jo Tkt CW ...... 70 (ta m U Himiw4) 11! Phone it IT'S BETTE f Oeorge Mitchell it:. : train lor a holiday .r take him to Edmoruuj' to the cuy by Vaacov lrtangle route. The DaBy Kevt can RaukOffiee News 6 t Onuftie &U Vancou Karl AndersDi -m . .... ... i r rvan m n i nore bass ball gnaws, of the Van- wn um am w me nsnors wMfier . " T series, -to. one Inthewoek. T"r"". SmtthecaSDrue Store en, BJC. 4 R. W. Efley. Terrac CHOOSE A SIX 2,000.000 Six-Cyliiider Clievrolets now on the road Chevrolet it the lowest. priced Six vhich offers you a rugged full-length chojwis with modorn seniLeUiptk spring suspension big bodies with form-fitting seats the style and lux ury advantages of Body by fisher. The Chevrolet Six is priced as low as 63S, at the factory. And you will find it costs no more for operation or upkeep than any other car of comparable quality on the road. You may purchase through the GMAC, General Motors' own deferred payment plan. The General Motors Owner Service Policy will safeguard your Investment. See us today. C-JUCD tOADSTES - MIA ETON 8 i;:trs Tfr dm SUmj . f(l$ Mm , . KAIEN MOTORS, LIMITED SJf 'fit CHCVItOLCT and BUICK DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. R BECAUSE I T VS C A N A D i i