Page 6 G. H. Arnold Notary Public For Rent 6 room House, with bath, im Section 6 and Furwiture for Sale eens H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds Prince Rupert Ory Hock & Engineering Co. LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several section, making fees boats can te docked together on one smaili Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boi! ‘er Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, | Mines, Mills and Canneéries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. M.M.Stephens Hotary Public Coaveyancet FOR SALE New Dwelling, plastered painted, and complete with bath, range, boiler, etc, ready for occupation, on Eighth Avenne between Seal Cove and drydock, near school. PRICE $2,500.00, TERMS. Lot 10, Block 49, Sectior 7, Eighth and Seal Cove Avenues, A Dandy, $300.00 Bagn. M. M. Stepheiis Real Estale insurance Financial Agen’ to be October 23, ChittiConCarne and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557° ~/ ee ~~ Anyone May shop Anywhere she likes. #us all sometimes * lie or the same it makes a difference where thought and you go, - We have worked to accurately sup- | ’ wants at every ply your point of the jewelry busi hess Vrom collar buttons to diamonds we strive to make our store perfect. This is our invitation to you to see il, We do not ask that you buy anything, You'll find pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth and Beauty NOTICE Take notice that 1 require bills owing me to be paid on or before October 31, I wish all accounts owing by me presented to me for pay- ment before said date. H. E, MYERS. 1919. Spirella Corsetiere. ~ PUBL ANNOUNCEMENT! rhe Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd., (Economy Store Wish to inform the public thet they have purehased the whole of the stock and fixtures of S. Mussallem & (o., Lid., from the assignees and from now on will run that business in conjunction with their own. Black 257. Old customers of 8. Mus- sallem & Co., Ltd., are here- with invited to continue trading with us and we can assure them of lowest prices, hest quality and prompt service, Giive us a call, or PHONE 18 or 36 Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. Economy Store 417-419-423 Fifth Ave., E. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency ‘ DR. BAYNE Ofeg Hours-Morning 9 to 12; rnoon, 1.30 to 5.80; Satur- d-y, 9 ta 12 only. Evenin Tuesday, Wednesday and . day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT 1919, and that 250 Phe 1e Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week coal Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES ROEDERER OL OT ORL OS Cr * THE BABLY NEWS Monday Special Mexican Beans 4 lbs. for 25c Rupert Table Supply Co RHONES 211, 212 “BAL POUDRE” WAS HELD LAST NIGHT Smart Dance Given at K. of P. Hall Was One of “Peppiest” Yet. Jazz! They all agreed that it was. Last evening in the K. of P hall several of the city’s smart set gathered for a “bal poudre indeed of the fittle affairs ever held THis morning in- stead of that grdpgy feeling that generally prevails after a night'= and it was one peppiest” in this, city. dancing the pagticipants wete full of life and Happy thoughts of the night before and they were certainly fact thev’e all wondering they will be able to “jazz” dance. All the with dress. enthusiastic. In when have another evening guests ap- powdered hair and Even the gentle- bows on thei peared evening men had white slippers. Classy it was. Gray’ orchestra supplied the music arn special comment was niade on its excellence. “Brownie” was ther« with his drums and traps anc effectively put life into things An excellent repast was served a midnight and the guests made theirn way regretfully home at 2: 45. Nobody is given’ especial credit for the success of the affair as everybody was out for a goo time and got it. Dan MeDonald is in the Genera! Hospital suffering from injuries to his foot sustained at the loca! shipyards. > >. * R. E, Allen left for up-river or this morning's train. . . ’ The Prince Rupeft, being s« late, the train pulled out on tine this morning for the east. * > - W. H. Derry was an up-rive: pasbenger this morning. The International Bible Stu- dents Association will hold a ser- vice tomorrow, Sunday, in the K of P. hall at 7:30 p.m. standard time. A hearty welcome is. ex- tended to all. Good heavy ‘Renee bine only— 50e¢ per pair.—Wallace's. i8 : EMPRESS :: TONIGHT ONLY HALE HAMILTON ‘Johnny on the Spot’ ‘ iZtn Episode The Great Houdini in ‘‘The Master Mystery”’ also ~— Ford Fducational Reel Two Shows - 7.16 and 9 ‘admission 15 and 30 cents WESTHOLME _TONIGHT ONLY _ Bryant Washburn A Very gun 1 Young Man FATTY ARBUCKLE on i a “The Cook’‘ His Latest Success Admission, 35c and 15c Two Shows, 7:15 and 9. MONDAY NIGHT Fisher's Folly Girls Sixteen in Company Direet (10m long engagement in Seattle Admission 50c, 75, $1.00 & $1.25 War Tax Extra, } Local News Notes i — * TT Om me mer eres es mee { Pianos correctly tuned a. ¢ Walker Phone Blue 389. tf * > > County Court will be held be fore his honor Judge Young on November 5, > . will leave govern- ment wharf for Stewart and way points Monday morning. it Live Nora” WwW. ¢. Tanner, of Kelly Douglas Co., returned from a business trip to Stewart this morning. >. . . 4 new motor delivery car ap- peared on the city streets yester- day. The machine belongs to Brackman & Ker and the body was built by Jas. Hunter over a Ford chassis. . . . Stewart arrivals by the Prince Albert, which arnived at 5 o'clock this morning, included the fol- lowing: Hugh MeGuire, P. Benson P. Keys, G. E. Irwin and Mrs. H H. Tanner. * . * According to word received in the city there have been inter mittent falls of snow at Telkwa and vicinity lately and the last few days have been unusually cold for this early in the season. > . . Ek. M. Haynes, assistant post- office inspector, arrived from Stewart this morning and is leav- ing on the Prince Albert for Mas- sett and north Queen Charlotte points this evening. . . . A meeting of members of th: Federated Labor Party and in- tending members will be held in the 0. B. U. Hall, corner of Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street, Sunday evening, October 26, at 8 o'clock * . , * R. J. MeDonnell, of Hyder, ar- rived in the city this morning. He left again on the train for New Hazelton where he formerly conducted the Northern Hotel. H« will return to Hyder in a few days . * . No definite plans and specifica- tions have been received for the proposed new bridge across Morse Creek to Section 2. These are now at the Grand Trunk engi- neering offices at Winnipeg being prepared. > > > The most satisfactory feature about the reopening of my studio is the way in which requests are coming in for reprints of old negatives. A customer will not réorder unless his first order was satisfactory. I have over négatives on “file. Re - orders promptly filled. Write or call T. J. DAVIDSON, The Peerless Studio, Suite 22, Alder Block. P 0. box 22, 249 > > > The city police made a round of the local bakeries yestenday afternoon and found that all the loaves they weighed were from i to 7 ounces short weight for every four loaves. The by-law governing bread weights reads that short weight of 1 once or more pen pound is open to prose- cution. Proceedings t6 this end are, therefore, being instituted agains: the bakeries. Alex. Monroe, chief engineer of the Prince Rupert, is spending a holiday in Scotland. Diring his absence to the old country R. Knox, chief of the Albert, is chief on the Rupert. Mr. Davis, second engineer of the Albert, is acting chief on that boat. Mr. Cameron formerly second engineer of the Prince, Rupert, is chief on the Lorné, and Wm. BaWNlie is second on the Prince Rupert, Mr. Coch- rane is chief on the George. For, all Household. Furniture telephone 123—Barrie's Furniture House. if —_——— OAVE YOUR SIGHT YESIGHT—-The most valuable of all the senses--is the most , Meglected and the least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, cap be traced direcily to defective eyesight, HE removal of the cause will ‘often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are properly preserib- ed, they restore the vision to nor mal and, eliminate all eye strain. Fred Joudry PPractical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office 5.000 ——<——_- > naturally graceful” No longer is the obviously cor- seted figure smart; the corset must not be evident in the finished silhouette. Not easy to attain unless you place your- self inthe hands of a corsetiere with a thorough understanding of this elusive mode. From the matron of larger pro- portions to the girl of slender figure, Corsets (jossard The Original-Unequalled Front Lacing Corsets “5 will give ideal proportions without any feeli ing of restraint, and the most critical observer wil] no be able to traee your gracefulness and charm : the skill of Gossard artistry. , Our stock is complete. and you can buy a genuipe Gossard for as little as $4.00. You may be assured that our specialized corse service has anticipated your every need. H. 5. WALLACE so LTD. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. —- _—- (7 ' —~—e. = ~~ SCHOO! DAYS Be Powel ~ ARE HERE: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. — Jack morning's trip in the east. Ratchford left on this train for a_ holiday See the classified ads. on page five. + reer ecewe cere eeeeeeennennnwnn, | Among the passengers on mei train this morning was Douglas NOTICE Sutherland who is making a busi- —- ness trip. pee ae The GRAND TRUNK *eepeeeerv eeaeeee eee Pacific Railway * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY *. cee ee eeeveeeceeanane LOST on October 24 bunch of 8 | announces t that effective or 10 keys, including 2 Yales| OcTOBER and P. ©. box key. Findet SUNDAY, ZoTH VU‘ please leave at Daily News of~| at 2 a.m. fice. Reward, 251 | they wi ill re vert LO STANDARD TIME for the operation of al Trains. Auction Sale Household Furniture F For Sale SNAP For Goies one Block 43 Wednesday, ot 29 ) Ae A | At the ealidence ‘of J. A. Thompson, Esq. Seal Cove Take Bus to Emmanuel Street. at 1.30 p.m. from city Favoured with instructions, | will offer the contents of this well appointed residence at Public Auction, including Sitting Room, Dining Room, Breakfast Room, Bedroom, and Kitchen Furniture and A Splendid Williams New Scale PIANO team heat + modern x. $2,500, Term* avenue, section 5-Room wear dryd 4-Room 5, $1,760, Terme {-Reom house we * ection $1,600, Terms. avenue Starts ion Sec @ Lot th Avenur ees each, Terme McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. agents 31 d avenue Phone 1! Insurance Rentals state peal |