The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMIHA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor, , gUpCRi PTIjl ATES hy mallTtb alf other parts of British Columbia, the Biitish Em pire &hd United States, paid In advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 By mail to all parts of Noithern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate tine IB Contract rates on application. ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone .........98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION IS WINNER IN CONTEST TnulcM display dnrUsliw. mr mh, p Inxrtion 1.40: "J" 'Vfmcr, outthslrtotoratlon Ur four months for , i.uu The following essay by Ross won second prize $5, presentpd by the Dally News, in the Prosperity Week contest: "Prosperity Week" Is here at last! Thousands of dollars are being spent hi advertising it. In every cuy, town ana vniage in Canada my I but UP t0 dat 6ne alone on in vtM0f Wednesday. October 22. 1930 ignorance of the fact. We have a STANDARDS FOU HOSPITALS Some discussion has taken place in regard to a recent ing taDie, x-ray equipment anu sterilizing instruments i -wuu U1 mi me weu- hflv-P VAPn instnllPf nnrl nn nrrlflr is nmr hflinrr nlnpprl fnv i nave kePl thelr money out of a new fracture table and the question of better Fighting is under consideration. The requirements of any hospital to enable it to secure minimum standard ratine follow: 1. That physicians and surgeons privileged to practice "1 tp"t anft J? g iTswe work. We have 'j. Y men yet to dis- it. 1. v. j j !. x m the hospital be organized as a definite group or staff. that we have tne m;ney u it Such organization has nothing to do with the question as were in circulation, the natural re-to whether (he hospital is "open" or "closed," nor need it purees, needing money to develop affect the various existing types of staff organization. them- and a race of PP'e wlse The word staff is here defined as the group of doctors who f""1".?.. !very In . in tuc iiuapitat iiikiuBtvc ui an Kiuupa sum ds uie Xn Canada we.often hear men -regular stan, tne visiting stair ana tne "associate staff." 2. That membership upon the staff be restricted to physicians and surgeons who are (a) competent in their respective fields and jb) worthy in character and in matters of professional ethics; that in this latter connection the practice of the division of fees, under any guise whatever, be prohibited. 3. 1 hat the staff initiate and, with the approval of the governing board of the hospital, adopt rules, regulations, aim policies governing tne proiessionai worn oi tne nos-pital; that these rules, regulations and policies specifically provide : (a) That staff meetings be held at least dnee each month. (In large hospitals the departments may choose to rqcet separately.) (b) That the staff review and analyze at regular intervals the clinical experience of the staff in the various 'departments of the hospital, such as medicine, surgery and obstetrics; the clinical records of patients, free and pay, to be the basis for such review and analyses. 4. That accurate and complete case records be written for all patients and filed in an accessible manner in the hbspital, a complete case record being one. except in an emergency, which includes the personal history, the phy sical examination, wth clinical, pathological, and x-ray fjhdings when indicated ; the working diagnosis; the treatment, medical and surgical; the medical progress; the condition on discharge with final diagnosis, and, in case of tjeath, the autopsy findings when available. 15. That clinical laboratory facilities be available for the study, diagnosis, and treatment of patients, these facilities to include at least chemical, bacteriological, serq-jpical, histological, radiographic and fluroscopic service ifi charge of trained technicians. RIVAL POLICIES Tho British Labor Government laid before the Imperial Conference a scheme for bulk purchase of wheat from Canada. This is a socialistic scheme inherited from the time of the great war. The Canadian Premier refused to acquiesce in this scheme and in place of it suv'srested a scheme for Empire protection against the rest of the world. This is a scheme which is the very antithesis of socialism. The Bennett scheme is likely to be agreed to by all tho Dominions but not by the British Government. But the MacDonald Government is likely to go down before it at the electiqn which may come soon. Then the Bennett scheme very possibly may go into force. .MAI)A VITALLY INTERESTED n Canada:iWJtUy'fnteV4ted in the outcome of the Old Country contest. The election will affect her more closely than' any political fight Sincb'the days of Confederation. It is even possible that Canadian speakers may go to Britain to explain the scheme and urge its adoption, although such action would be resented by many as boing ah unwarranted interference. The Bennett proposal seems to have put into the shade for the present the alternative of bulk purchase, partly because the Canadian Government is opposed to the latter and partly because most pf the large newspapers of Great Britain are controlled by men who favor protection. circulation, promoting hard times. The present Prosperity Week campaign has been originated to entourage people to buy Canadian goods, thus increasing Canada's speaking of the wealth and prosperity of other countries and of the poverty and desolation of our own. Many such people are only putting a general idea into words. Reading so much of unemployment, stock crashes, and the like, they think themselves abused, though they were never out of a position or bought a share of stock in their lives. If Canada's living conditions were more publicly compared with other countries, three-quarters of DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and prevent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quickly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. First correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the intestines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. mm m t ri t a a i bt m mn GET UP We are negotiating with a firm for the purchase of a wonderful clock that will yank a man out of bed at the right minute, drees him, put oh his shoes and lace them, while a special attachment attends to lighting the fire and getting breakfast. Meanwhile the best we tan do Is a. repeater alarm clock which breaks In on your dreams every minute or .two till you get up and stop it. They cost $2.75 and are worth lt. Other alarms at $1.25 to $5.50, , tikmi STORE With THE CLOCK, Oet pays. (I 'lUfi DAILY NEWS the pessimism would go, never to return. ' ;r Not 'only during Prosperity Week is H hoped tve hall be optimists. ( The war on pessimism is to continue. : till every lasf pessimist Is either j rdtl!tn 'oT w6ntt ? ato'Ulhk ttnth Wilkinson netelved Ten " i uii m i i lijr vcneo. we want prosperity, we Week JluperW ifrbm in man in uic JiiAuuii i i 1 v. TP T r- Where are these peewee golf 'courses I have heard so much Stores are lowering their prices, j about? I want to see what a Duttlne money is getting into circulation j iron looks like-1" , . and people are buying more" Canar ' i dlan goods than ever before. Econ-jThls frame of c peewee golf, omists are dusting up their hard- j rd SUrely love to see; earned nickels and taking them to ' so hurry up With your courses- fine the stores to trade on Canadian-1 And send aHlcket to me. made articles. Canada is prosperous "You admit that you put a lead tha AC. reading habit. It 1.'. Mil 1 fbitl Ibirt art titr :na,$tx) firms in (Haw ih tqn!p)(J ui'lb tht If.'rplont an J art daily nj'trltiicliig itt CPU- rttiitiictti -.;v m H ESSAY THAT 'WON PRIZE Dollars Donated Ily Rose, 1 ' Cowan & Lalta Prosperity Week" Is a week set ' aside this year to encourage the oeople of Canada' to bay Canadian waterials and goods, thereby de-i velopmg Canada's natural re-rSfturces and trade. Canadian goods are . advertised in all Canadian r,vlly advertised and because of .lie great tjuan titles in which they are produced they can be sold cheaper. But the latter reason does j not affect Canada very much now, ENRY DAVID THOREAU is reported to have said that he would rather walk fifteen miles than write a. letter: suggesting that in the letter lurked a thousand possibilities of being misunderstood, or understood too well! Think of the hours spent and the reams of paper used to explain the simplest proposition. Except from a trained hand, one cannot always see on the paper the smile, the erican magazines have a far larger sale in Canada than Canadian ma-gaiines. It is no wonder, then, that American goods are so widely used throughout Canada, for pages Mid pages of these magazines arc Riven over to the advertising of American products. Seeds of desire are qw,n in the minds of the Canadians who tised Roods. If he does hot have any in his stock he will readily secure them for his customer ami soon trn customers as well as th'tir friends newspapers and magazines and all continually using the Aiwetican products , Oie merchants of the cities are co- Reverse this state of affairs. Buy operating to turn the thougnts or Canadian goods as much as pos-the masses to the wealth that Is gjbie. The merchant will give you Canada's todtjr, by displaying Ca- What you demand and as a citizen nadian materials in brightly de- 0t Canada he would prefer to sell aerated and attractive windows. vou Canadian poods. The rcsponsl-One of ' : main causes of unem- bility rests with the people of Can--loymcht -n Canada is the inability ada, with the people of British Co- ;f manufacturers to dispose of lumbla, with the people of Prince : their products, due to the indlffer- Hupert, with you. Insist tin Cana- ence of the public as a whole as to dian manufactured and Ihe pros- nickel Into the complainant's cigar where JT7 their mniaMS rcnaseB are manu. manu' ,t of Canada aMured I better government and better Mv-vend!ng machine Don't you know 7 IL fictured. American goods are very lna mg conditions conainons than man anv any other other r-onnJ"? coun-! that that was cheating?" reproved try in tne worm and we should be the Judge. iroud of it. Take the frowns off j "Did you ever smoke one of those your faces and put them away for a ' cigars, Judge?" editorial in the Daily News dealing with the status of the more Dovertv-stricken aae sored J)rirjce Rupert Hospital. It is pointed OUt that one reason j the news, tell your neighbors we're While it takes an old farm hand f p'r failure of the local hospital to secure recognition is the j rich and w"4 the world to know it. j to win in a plowing match, the failure of the medical men to carry OUt their end of the Tn!s- ln shortIs the meaning of .younger men always win the prize worki While there is no regular staff of physicians dt the ! 2?pe?ty fl" Tf, 0?tlaw !f?ifor sowing wlld . . .. f ... slmism, to nourish and i optimism to v i n.i i ty j i hospital, al the doctors in the city use institution and . proctalni lt t0 to, wrld ; to they constitute the staff and they have failed to live to up j Since stock market crash( and win that raceto Australia. It was the requirements of the American College of Surgeons. through the era of unemployment, 'the gfrl at the other end that did The hospital has been steadily improved. A new operat-j.Canada has been laboring under a the trick. Visitors From New York Here ixcause of Uiq Increased tariff put on American goods sent into Can- Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDermid of ida. , New York City arrived ln the city American people do not .buy Ca-, the Prince Rtipertithls aftOr-nidian manufactures and therefore ' T0BJ Vancouver and "will pay ihe citizens of Canada should an wttendeel visit vrtth Mrs. MB-avold buying American products as Dcrmid's sisters and brothers-in-much as possible. In doing this, -av, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas driest. Canadians would Increase the Grihrtm Avenue and Mr. and Mr, prosperity of Canada and find em- Robert Moore. Seal Cove. Mr. and ployment for her people. Mrs. Mermld travelled from New It is surprising to note that Am- York to Vancouver by motor. good-fellowship, the brotherly intention ... the telephone, however, transmits the chuckle, the tone of displeasure, the forgiving voice, the firm intent. At once the reaction on the part of the listener at the other end of the wire can be detected, and the sails of conversation be trimmed, as necesary, to meet an unfavourable, or propitious reply. The telephone stands today at the head of humanizing agencies. Northern Electric COMPANY LIMITED A National Electrical Seri fa 150 ROBSON STREET VANCOUVER. B.C. " H ' ' ' r.r. Wednesday, October J? 1939 Dandruff Crust Quickly Dissolved .fv v... u.wuvvxy "ywfcuYf"' V .;: uiic.uim: uiv'uici.a iiiuunn Fieri obJ American products, and they ask women have made this discovery, (j.? the merchant if he sells the adver- 9 r.... ... ... .,,, Ii( lM pink oi conauion; makes h.iir tofb Get a bottle of "Dandcrine" (ronj your drag or toilet counter toibv ui a little on your brush ach t ri vo dress your hair. Penetrating to i,,v i , 1(j away. HAVE YbU TRIED A. CLASSIFIED? More and Ynore people are turning tb the classified columns of the Dally Newi ti find whit they want u od cars, furntture for sale, i, 1 and fbnfld, houses to rent :r for sale, pqsftlons wanted, A.t sorts of things are adverts ! there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit how. Try H today. CONVERSATION "Language may be considered the chief distinctive mark oj humanity." ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA i x. 261 inn "fit la ouuiiiiiiK uiu tnrftii jiua :in IT1 feverish scslp cool, comfortable, hcr Mhv' ir.eltj Dandruff Is unsightly. It is th , ,m of graVnes., baldness, dry, brittle dull hair. Wheft the calp is freed (r im thu irritating scVtrf, OandeTine soon h the hair back ir condition; soft, f'y thick, 1gordrA find youthful-loakiag! Start nn Danderine today nn! end hair worries. A tliirty-five cent LiotUc Wll demonstrate Its merit!