hi it! f 1 otr i r, i WediM-.d,v PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Scene during final of bushel .basket championsnip race at recent Borough M.irket and South London fruiters' annual sports at Heme Hill. Buckley's Mixture A Single Sip Proves It' T' I C a nir; opportunity for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows "or special low prices. Kcffular Prices Reduced $5.00 to S15.00 Finest quality, and latest patterns. Come In and see us today before it is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished in three days. . See Lin? the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Senortd Avenue Phone Gi!) mil freeze Is Much Cheaper Than a New Radiator Anti Freete far cold weather in aurance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, Including Pretone, llador (llyrcrlne and Alcohol Oprhaul Your Old ; Jire Chains And anticipate your needs In this line while our stock , is complete Cbld Weather Makes hard starting. Why pot Install a new battery now? OtJIt TRICE IS UIGIIT U-Platc Rattcry ..$10.00 13-lMatc Rattcry ..$12.00 S.E. PARKER LTD. I'llQNK 83 FOHI) DEALERS 'I BISHOP IS BACK HOME '( ontiniipd from r-.i"" mu" headiuartsrs and residence of the Archbiehop of Canterbury, who is the head of the Anglican Church In the world. There were present no less than 307 bishops and arch bishops. These were of al races, all nationalities and came , from all "parts of the world. Trie United States was represented with over 50 bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church. All Canada's archbishops bishops were there with the exception of three whom illness pre vented from attending. Lambeth Conference lasted for over five weeks and the remainder cf the time that Bishop Rix was in England he spent in missionary . work on behalf of this diocese. The most of the time was spent in Eng land where Bishop Rix visited some one hundred places. He spent two weeks In Sctland and, before ing home, visited the Continent for three weeks, going to Paris, Brussels and Antwerp. His daughter, Mrs. C. W. Breukleman, who has been living at The Hague, visited with him in Paris. Incidentally, Mr. and Mrs. Breukleman are about to leave Europe for Oklahoma where they will spend three or four months before embarking from Victoria for Java where they expect to reside for some years. Mr. Breukleman is In the service of the Shell Oil Co. and his duties necessitate extensive travelling. Bishop Rix, asked regarding conditions In the Oid Land, expressed the opinion that a person who had been there even for q year was hardly qualified to speak. As for himself, he saw little to indicate that there was want or privation although he knew it was there. Even in the slums of London, children looked stout and healthy. The dole was instrumental in this condition of affairs. Many men were getting as much under the dole as they had ever earned. The dole was an abomination, the Bishop declared. Yet it seemed that it was needed. Explaining a report as to making hlsl&st official appearance at Van-derhoof, Bishop Rix explained that this was due to the fact that Cariboo diocese waa taking over the work at Vanderhoof which really belonged In that diocese but which' had been administered up to now by Caledonia diocese. Pleas01 P The tlngline UMc pf frch mint learet U rI treat for your tweet tooth. WRIGLEYS Afford people everywhere great comfort and long4aitiog enjoyment Nothing clc give so much bve fit t to small a coU. It b a wonderful help' la 'work and play keep you cool, calm ana contented. A A A PITTSBURG TO GET FRANCHISE Will Take Place f Niagara Falls In i International Hockey League, . It Is Announced .TORONTp, Oct,, 22: Pittsburg will take over Niagara .Falls' franchise in the International Hockey League next season, Is was decided at a meeting of the league yesterday. HARRY DILLON WINS DECISION Winnipeg Light Heavyweight Defeated Opponent From Texas In Indianapolis Bout INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 22: Harry Dillon, Winnipeg light heavyweight, outpointed Churck Burns of San i Antonio, Texas, In 10 rounds here last night. MOOSE WHIST TOURNAMENTS ARE POPULAR The weekly Knock-out whist tour, naments at the Moose Club are bedouins increaslnjly popular, there "jelng a larger crowd than ever in ttendance last night. It was the first time that the affair had been hrown open to the public. First prizes, chickens, were won, by C. R. Blggart and partner while i second nrlze. two bet doss, wpnt t H. Letourneati and J. Lctourneau. The score was 15 to 10. District News , TERRACE Miss L. M Bowron, welfare officer representing the Department of Education, visited the various schools In the district during the past week. ' Mrs. C. M. McKinnon of Vanars-dol.Jeft on Thursday via Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will visit her mother for a short time, thence proceeding to California where she will visit with her daughter. She will probably be away several months. Fred Nash, who has been In the north for five months on Govern ment survey work, accompanied by Howard Wilson, arrived home on Wednesday. The hospital dance was held in the Canadian Legion Hall on Frl-l day night; about forty couples at 1 tended, The local orchestra, assisted by Mr. ..aavan with xvlo-phone and glockenspiel, furnished the mulc. Every one appeared, tv enjoy themselves, although thaj attendance was not as good as, might have been desired due, no, dobt,ftp the Jnclemeni. 'weather; j Henry Smith of Smlthers haaj taken 'the position of mechanic at the Terrace parage vacated by Norman Yac'k, who has left for hU old home In Ontario to visit rela tlves. f SORE SPORT CHAT i Another EngJish Rugby season is j under way in the Maritime Provinces and if the games played to date can be taken as a criterion of what is to come Maritime football followers are due for a fine .season. The Halifax City League Is well under way, with the Wand-jerers but in front with victories over Dalhousle and Acadia. Last season the Halifax City Leaeue .winners, holders of the McCurdy Trophy since It was first offered a$ emblematic of the Maritime English league championship, did not compete for the trophy, finishing their leaRue schedule too late to challenge. University of New Brunswick scored their first victory on the trophy by upsetting Caledonia, Cape Breton chamolons after the latter team had won the1 McTler Trophy, at Montreal. U.N.B., to date, has shown another: strong team while Cs'edonli with au of last year's regulars and a few newcomers in uniform, ar? aiming at the McCurdy Trophy. Caledonia faces a hard schedule, there being four teams In the Cap Rraton League, but to date, the MeTier Cup holders have not -x-perienced any great difficulty fn winning. Unle-. the Winder:-? eraek, they should win In Halifax, although the light yeung Aoadla fifteen, which held the Reds to a 8-3 More may rally. The Dalhou- rie Tiqpr; do not appear to be as rtron as h-'. year, when they won the city, championship. Mount Allison 'defeated by Charlottetown AboqweJts and Da'housie seem to be miiMof the championship picture. As- has been the case the Jast few seasons. Halifax champions. University of New Brunswlek and Caledonia are expected to 'be In the f inaj playoffs for the Maritime supremacy. ; TGDMGRGAN WINS FIGHT Outpointed Hector McDonald In Fast Rounds At Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23 Tod Morgan defeated Hector McDonald of Vancouver on Tuesday night In tn fast rounds. Morgan is now a full-fledged lightweight. High Tide Today The steamer Prince George, arriving at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the south, and the Princees Louise, in at 2 p.m.. loomed up large at their docks owing to an extremely high tide. Gang planks to the lowect decks presented quite a grade on going aboard the ships. The tide was to have been officially 23.3 feet but waterfront tide re gisters showed nearly 25 feet. Anglican Tea and Sale Is Success Substantial Sum of $50 Realized at Affair Ycsterdav at Home of Mrs,' J. C. McLennan The machinery or Glggey's new Jhe tea "lew h,W rdf.y "fterno" by sawmill arrived' on Thursday last ?e f!2fu.xU; and U now being installed and the ZLli tT FiKJi . the hom ef Mrs. J. c C. MeLennan, mill ni Is i. ,.,t to Ka be , expected ;tlon within a week. THROAT Rub on VTeks; alio vary few hours melt a little in the mouth and let trickle slow 1 down throat. OVtR -ttMllUON JARS USED YEARtY opcra" Borden Street, proved a very suc cessful affair, the sum of $50 being realized. ! Mrs. Thomas Andrew, president of the Woman's Auxiliary, and Mrs. McLennan received, the guests and Mrc J. H. Plllsbnry and Mrs. W. II. Tobey ooured. Assisting by. serving - were M- s7 A. J!. EzetWdhes, Mrs. AlIWahdlngtOTrrMrs. c. a Mills, IMrsJA. E. ParfoW aHdrUJV. A; j McLean. Mrs. Stamp-Vincent and Mrs. W. !C. Asplnall were in charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. C, V. Evitt and Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, the candy. Mrs. George Rorie was cashier. Y ' 1 A delightful musical program rendered during the afternoon Included vocjfil solos by Mrs. F. N. Good and Mrs. C, L. Monroe, with Mrs Ojjlr.lCullln at the piano, and recitations by Miss ueryi uircn. C. N, R.CRIBBAGE i GAMES PLAYED General Office Maintain- Substantial Lead In Standing Canadian National Recreation Association Crlbbage Lsanue results last night were as fnliows; Dry Dock Machinists 12. Round House 15. Locomotive Shops 11. Freight Sheds 16. Dry Dock Steelworkers 14. Car Shops 13. Station 10, General Offices 17 League Standing W. L. General Offices 55 Car Shops .43 38 Dry Dock Steeiwrn kers 48 St Freight Sheds .. il 41 Station ;;;! 43 Locomotive Shops 4I Dry Dock Machinists ' 40 Round House 34 47 Pts. 55 43 43 40 38 36 35 34 Bobby Juni's WalKllIK llow i : U. IT )V,!1 n f.cr i ! f.l Menu Pa. M Cln.-r .,' Kick-off ;it ., v.am "f h!';h .v ..vin v, B' l. i'ii- Mu D w . y- i VairT ndl Unjvi-rsi'y The b hk- pl.t.! ui s !- ii'W Sti'"(,;i ft i.m .'-:'.uuu.:i A Mid-Atlantic Hello ((OeUo Mother. Wro having a wonderful XI yorase. left Soutkampton day before yeater-flay and arrive Qu4ho day after tomorrow." The young man whoee pkaatom outline thows in the Picture of one of the deluxe apirtaenU of the nw Canadian Pic Haw Itapret, rf nnuin vrtll be able, whea the Aim ton hlp entws wvlee b! tween Qutboc and SouUamplon next June, to talk tp anyone in Europe or the Americas for tbo first time In Canada'a tnarlttae hUtory. Above, a rocent photof raph ahows tho new liner Installation that will ho a feature of overy first Class bedroom or apartment Direct connection through the ahlp'a swltchboardwlth any land telephone wlU make calling Vancouver or 0 from mld-Atlantle J6st a matter of lifting tM receiver and asking for the number. ,The CaiiadUJJ Pacific announces that tho wlrelew "telephone bo so iwwerful that continuous touch will 4 o10 talntd with both sides of the Atlantic . The magnlflcept new Empress of Urltatn, 7 ' long, 07H feet wlda and wtm a speed of 2i fx will bring Cherbourg, .SouUuunptoa and Qu moro than' a day cloaer. 3SS