, : October 22, 1930 Parke-Davis Extract of Vanilla SPECIAL 'V:..I;'V,i?tllf i'Ply aged Tin du. rs a rich mellow flavor -HT. BUY IT BY THE BARREL ., ounifs 50c C ounces 03c 10 ounces $3.00 Qrmes lid. Jfto Pioneer Drug eisls phonic M & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists Ok LAMP to pSaij bij earliest childhood . . tat tare oj FROM the(r cyttl" Again and again, doctors and edu cationists sound this warning to parents. Eyes well treated in growing years seldom need glasses in lam-life. Be sure you use enough Edison Mazda Lamps to provide the jo. tHart-jrte light your children need I (EDISON lr-w IMS I i LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Distributed By Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. Distributors Parkin-Ward Electric Phone 125 V. R. Love Electric Co. Agents UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED slllnn I'rom mure ltu-rrt ' ol vi:it. VH'IOItll. lluiwlulr. . Irrt lliy. rlr. TiirwU.v. XM p.m. 'Xl l I It. MITOIIIX U.l'iilitlr, Alrrt Un. rtr. I rlil.y midnight 11 A KM, ANYOX. SilKWAItT. NitUk llhrr. Port MiliiMin. Muit- 'I i . Kirtl "' Av.iiur It, M. NM'TII Arm! Vtlnrt l(Hwrt. ItC : 11 ii li lu-kete wild to VHtiirl.i .mil StiiUIr uutl b-igguflt rlircK (I i tn I j drtlnllon B. C. Coast SAILINGS FROM TRINCE RUPERT . 'o Krtrhlnan. WiAuaell, Juneau. SRagway Oct. 26, Nov. 5. 19. o Vancouver Virtoria, Seattle Nov. 1. 15. 29. Princes Mary--ucean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and . Agents For All Steamship Lines " ' r, hard, Oeneral Agrnt. .trtl Ave. Prince Rupert, PhoneSI. TELEPHONE 657 VALCNTCN HAIilY FOR SKFLNA BRAND Camcry Butter & fnttazc Cheese f ,t' PASlKURizrco MILK v cream daily Earlr "fllvery Throughout uie City J " . " 'III.: that will not boil or freeze out N5 L-o MAZDA mm Steamship Service - 1 xrrt CDAL uy the real Coal our famous lMson and Cassldy-Wrlllngton In any Quantities. Also Uulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Pni.ce Rupert Feed Co IMIONES 58 AND 858 Local Items At Curzon's men's windbrcakers and workshlrts of all kinds. Glass fitted by rezfstcrtd optometrist at Ilcilbroncr's store. ! Harry Love aailod yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. At Curzon's All our sweaters and knit goods are made in our own factories. Inspector James M. Tupper R. C. m. v. returned to Xhe city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Hazellon on official duties. Ted Kergin. who has been in the employ of the Power Corporation of Canada here for the past several months, is s&UInz this afternoon on the Pfince George for his home in Alice Arm. H. A. DeWolf. local manager of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala yesterday af- -ernoon after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart n company business. Mrs. J. A. Klrkpatrick, wife of the well known local pioneer merchant, arrived in the city on yes terday afternoon's train after a visit In Nova Scotia and will spend i few dan here before oroceedins to her home In Vancouver. TAXI -PHONE 32 Comfort, Courtesy and Safety NEW CARS John Gurvich, Prop. Day or Night New Improved Frederic Vita-Tonic Permanent Absolutely 7 Cft Guaranteed Ozone Wet Wrap, $5.00 Advice cheerfully given to all clients. By means of a small deposit you can take advantage of this special offer at any time from now till Dec. ' 20th. See or phone us for appointment. LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY SHOP 210 Fourth St. Phone 301 DELUXE SERVICE, JTEAMERJ UouiL e TRAIN Bast e ntir anJ rusnfurl of 4'jitiiUn National MUt yM lrtl aHth r t?aa. MmHntmHinlimmm . . frassnal swtwlav M Salllnaa frnm llrlwaf Hui unxlaya Mtal '1KifiUw ttt.Oil .m. lit frur, ihriirr la w TrM ity rtW l irtrU un.l Saalll. Kor ivwurl mhI .syi. Wtt aaHaya 4.0ff p.m. tor ftrt atyl Krlrltikan, halurdayt 4.00 p.m. 1 Wrrkly Mtllnaa 1 PiWlh ! Nsth Qun CharlatU lalamlv Kurort far WinynfM inntJtT pa anil pw1 lJ rerv Klonla. ailnrailay and Hal unlay at 1130 a.m Hf (i'itniii 'torn n. r MMt.iiTON. u.r.K. Trine Hunan IS .13 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Tha croupy cOu .a rtnkes tih-or to the motheP"a MekVt. r " ' What a satisfaction she feels when she has at hand Dr. I hase's Syrup of - liauand.- and. Turpentine .with, which to bring quick relief to the little sufferer. . The Mmbination f linseed and turpentine with some other equally valuable ingredients has made rr Chase's. Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine the" most effective and" meet popular treatment for coughs,, colds, croup, bronchitis, etc. 3 Bffiseecl aiL Tu rpenti nc At Curzon's where we sell men's wear for all. Rooming house for sale, Hel- gerson Ltd. 249 Louis MazzeL who has been spending some time in Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Mrs. George Hills arrived In the :ity on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Stewart to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Casey, Eleventh Avenue. E. F. Barlow of the local branch )f the Canadian Bank of Commerce, who has been relieving In the o ranch at Anyox, returned to the sity on the Catala yesterday after noon from the smelter town. Inspector John MacDonald, cam- manding divisional officer of the provincial police, left on today's train for Srattheri where he will act as prosecutor at the prellmln 117 trial tomorrow of Fred Jus- sila alias Fred Anderson alias John jEmilson on a charge of murdering ! Charles Yoch. Houston fanner, last month. Pol ds Checked By modern vaporuing ointment Just rub on VapoRud 5C"S Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired Plating Work Done LEO CO.NTOLI JtO Sixth St. Mall Orders LADY BEAUTY SH0PPE Offers an attractive price on; PERMANENT WAVES KINCLLTTE OR NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone 655 Chas. P. Balagno TEACHER OF PIANO Announces he still has room for pupils (in class or private) who wish to revive their past, work. Special attention given to be-' glnnei-8 and adult pupils. 325 Firth Ave. or Phone Orccn 280 iir Alexander , i - X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 11ESNER I1LOCK DENTIST Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ilcllbroner's Store. Elks' Halloween Dance Friday. Oct. 31 in Elks' Home. 249 Rupert Legion No. 45 meets tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Please attend. 1 ' (247) At "Curzon's men's work clothes, overalls and underwear arid Jumbo wool sweaters, black and colors. Mrs. George G. Bushby sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for1 a trip to Victoria. Constable G. S. Blaney has taken over the permanent duties of desk officer at the city police station. L. F. Coles returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon from a trip to 'Ocean Falls. Extensive changes in the polling divisions of Fort George electoral J district are announced in the cur rent issue of the B. C. Gazette. At Curzon's are the best blankets made anywhere. Red, green and white Grey Point Blankets. J. F. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Mrs. Irwin Bruyn sailed this af ternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to Ketchikan. She will return to the city next Sunday. Mrs. D. O. Stewart, who has been visiting in Vancouver for the past month or so, returned to the city on the Prince George this after noon. F. Dodsworth, assistant manager of the Granby Store at Anyox; was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for a trip to Vancouver. At Curzon's men's hosiery and work socks knit in our own factory. We have all kinds and prices. N, L. Freeman of the Interna tional Fisheries Commission sailed this afternoon on ss. Princess Louise for a trip to Ketchikan on of ficial duties. Corp. Cameron R. C. M. P. returned to the city oh the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brief trin to Anyox and Stewart on official duties. Mrs. Frank Dlbb. who has been visiting for the past month In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon from the south. . J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., returned to the city on the Catala' yesterday afternoon from a trip to Stewart on company business. Hubert Ward, who has been receiving tcratment In the south following a recent Illness, returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon, greaty Improved In health. Hcman S. Nichols and Emery Thurber, well known local halibut fishermen, left on .today's train for their homo In Dtehy Counfcr.li... .. it. Nova Scotia, where they will spend tne Winter. George H. Booth of Winnipeg, western sales manager of the Lak of the Woods Milling Co., is a visitor in the city. He arrived In the city on the Prince George this af ternoon from Vancouver and' will return south on the same steamer tomorrow night. C.N.R. steamer Prince George Capt. Harry Nedden. arrived in -nrt at 1 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver, Powell Rlvex and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o' clock for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here south bound tomorrow evening. Ensign R. Boys, flnancial(offlcer nf the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska with headquarters, at Wrangell. arrived in the city jojo.thf Catala j$fiterday tftprnoon after a visit to Anyox and Stewart on Army business, ind sailed this afternoon on the Princess Louise for Juneau. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. LaValh of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, arrived in the city on yesterday after- noon's train and sailed this after- noon on the Princoss Louise for a trip to Alaska. Before they left. the weather at Fort Saskatchewan was as cold as 8 below zero. It was ( a pleasant change to be here. FREQU PAINS Never let a throbbing head interrupt your shopping! Or other pain that Aspirin ends so quickly. These harmless tablets are an antidote for the most acute pain. Relict is almost instantaneous. Taken in time, they' will break up a cold and head off discomfort. They'll relieve your suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, or the like, at any time. Thousands of AS PI RIM TRADEMARK REO. FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6 on Deposits, Compound Interest McC'AFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 Mrs. C. Batt sailed this afternoon on the Princess Louise for trip to Ketchikan. At Curaon's our men's all-wool Red Label Underwear at lower prices than anywhere. A. J. Prudhomme is spending a two weeks' holiday at Telkwa. He l.ft fnr th intorinr taaf natnrriiU ' Royal Purple BrtOge and Whl. E. Diekman. fuel agent here tor11 next ganie, November 3. ,)fm the Canadian National Railways, . Jiu left on this afternoon's train for a trip to Edmonton. Mrs. A. Bertrand. who has been! visiting in Montreal and elsewhere in the east since June, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. J. B. Woodiworlh arrived In the city on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit of insepctlon to Surf Point mine on Porcher Island. Owing to a meeting having been held earlier In the month, the regular monthly dinner of the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association did not take place last night. Bishop R M. Dunos. O.M.I.. who 1 amj Seattle, returned to the city rrm h Mtv tmm Mu .nntVi nr. SWIM WSV Will V. Wl the Prince George this afternoon Miss M. Menigohr arrived in th' city on the Princess Louise this afternoon from Vancouver. After n visit here with friends, she will proceed to Juneau. Dr. and Mrs. II. J. Nunn. who were married recently In Vancouver. , were passengers aboard iv Princess Louise this afternoon bound for AUtn where they will make their home. M. M. O'Brien, head of the field engineering department of the Consolidated Mining & Smeltln" Co., arrived In the city on the ss Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver to the Interior. There were only twenty-five pas-tenters aboard the steamer Prin cess Louise which was In port this afternoon northbound from Vancouver to Skagway. One passenger disembarked here from the vessel. Decayed by having encountered heavy tog on way up the coast :C P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Cnpt. Thomas Cliff, arrived Irs j 1 port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the south and sailed later In the afternoon for Skagway and other Alaska points. women depend upon Aspirin tablets every month to spare them from those pains peculiar to women. These tablets do not depress the heart; they may be used as frequently as there is need of their quick comfort. So, it's fojly to endure any pain that Aspirin tablets could relieve sq promptly. Get the genuine, which is always to be had at any drugstore. mu ANNOUNCEMENTS !f4tj Mooes vVhlst Drrre .and Danje, October 24. Varden's Concert October 30. United Church Hallowe'en tea' Oct. 30. Hill GO Bridge and Dance October 31. Bagles Smoker November 4. Catholic Baaar Nov. 5 and 6. Ltlt Brickaoh What Drive and dance November S. ' Moose Whist Drrrt and Danes November 7. Rupert Bast United Church Da-mar, November 11 Qyro Hoed own November 14. 'In Presbyterian Uataar Nov. SO. Anglican VV. A. Basaar Dee. 2. The Regal Shop Wc carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery & I'apeteries, Artcratt Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 360 Block, Th!:J Avenue Phone - Red 442 Hand Painted Enlargements,, ,ii .,'!', m vi liti Of anv Photo or Snapshot, in Oil, Wator or Crayon. All work. guaranteed Western Sales Company PHONE: CENTRAL HOTEL Po-it Office Ilox 158 w