PAGE SCC L.. HERE is where you say good-bye to toilsome, weary washdays Pay Only$5'Down for an ELECTRIC WASHER Let next washday mark a new era in your home. Make it the happiest washday you have ever known an electrical washday in other words. Choose your electric washer from the wide selection now on display and let it do the work. Nothing too big. Nothing too small or delicate. Electric washing saves wear and tear on all fabrics; saves your strength; protects your health. Just make the small down payment The balance spread over two years. Northern British Columbia Power-Company Limited SAFETY'S TEN COMMANDMENTS field will be quite accessible by wagon road. Samples which have been assayed show the ore to be of pyr-rhotlte containing good values in gold and or arsenical iron sulphide also running high values In gold. It is said that the assays have run from $80 to $130. W. J. Sweeney, well known Smlth-ers prospector and mining man, who has spent the past summer prospecting for the Consolidated Mining Se Smelting Co. at the headwaters of the Morice River, has returned to Smlthers where he will spend the fall and winter. C. V. Brennan, mine superintendent of the Britannia Mining & Smelting Co., who is well known in the Alice Arm district which he visited on several occasions while In the field service of the company, has been promoted to the position of assistant general manager of the company. The appointment has been made because of the Increasing expansion of the company's interests. Mr. Brennan, who has been with the company for over six years is a mining engineer and a gradu- I ate of McOlll University. myw sure neiier First: Thou shalt have no other thoughts but thy work. Second: Thou shalt take no unnecessary risks, nor try to show off, nor play practical jokes, for by this carelessness thou mayst do injury which will have effect unto the third and fourth generations to f pllow. Third: Thou shalt'hofi swear nor lose thy temper when things do not go just right. ' ? Fourth: Remember thou art not the only one on the job and that lives of others arc just as important as thine own. Fifth: Honor thy job and thyself that thy days may be . long in employment. ' ' Sixth: Thou shalt not clean machinery when it is in motion. Seventh: Thou shalt not watch thy neighbor's work,-but attend to thine own. y Eighth.? Thou shalt not let the sleeves of thy shirt hang l0.o8enor the flaps of thy coat to be unbuttoned, as they may get caugni in maenmery anu inereDy uo great uou ily harm. Ninth: Thou shalt not throw matches nor greasy waste on the floor, nor scatter oil around the bearings, as a dirty worker is a clumsy worker and a clumsy worker is a menace to his fellow workers. ,K()iTjprth:cahsilt not interfere with the switches, nor the dynamos, norTne belts, nor the cables, i)or the engines,-nor anything else thou art told is dangerous. rnLIH.W.raS CONSTIPATION ujnmipation rm BILIOUSNESS SLUGGISHNESS I'll! 222SSfHS2?2l?2S!2S02ooaoooaoDaaoaoaoooiaooooaooaoaai3ooeooaaioaooooooouaciooooaooo ooaaooaooooaoooofloaODaoooaaoaoooaiooooooooooaaoaoKoooooooioooooaoaoooov!oaooo Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. THE-: DAILY NEWS Wednesday Oc News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Premier Takes Rond on Property in Kamloops District Promotions in Britannia Group Service. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Kupert October 22, IU'0 white residents this week. Thi town of Port Esslngton was virtu-; ally Inundated. There were wash-' outs on the G.T.P. railway grade and the Government Telegraph line was put out of commission in a dozen places. j Prof. Hoyle's exhibitions of, hypnotism In the Empress Theatre 1 are occasioning great Interest. BIG HALIBUT SPECIAL OUT Train of Thirteen Express Refrigerator Cars Despatched East Yesterday Afternoon A special train of 13 express refrigerator carj containing Prince, Rupert halibut was dispatched easti bv the Canadian National nnllwnvit! iat 2:30 yesterday afternoon. The Masscw; Mrs. aeicna wmiams, Tyee fish, most of which was sold here statton: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Le Valr, Fort Saskatchewan; W. Walsh, on Monday and Tuesday, was con-1 slened for tho market in Rnim city; John aregory. Haysport; K. Canada and the United States. It Drydon- Prudhomme Lake; Mr. and was one of the. largest fish specials iMfOwuQOouooQuoaooooooaoooaaaoooaoaoowiWOOOGo irom here this year. vyvvVWVVWVWVWUVWUIUV WWW UVVWUUWVUVUUWUWUUVyUWWWWVVVVVVVWi.iMMMiwi u n i Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of First United Church, was the spea ker at the regular monthly open luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club In the Commodore Cafe today. In an Interesting manner, he de scribed incidents In the course of a recent trip to England. Combination Specials GROUP NO. : 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps 2 cans Plums, 2's 1 can Potted Meat, 1 bottle Sweet Relish-All for GROUP NO. 2 G lbs. Orcen Tomatoes 2 lbs. Pickling Cucumbers 1 lb. Orcen Pepper 1 quart White Vinegar 1 lb.. Mixed Discults All for ! . GROUP NO. 3, 8 lbs. Turnips 8 lbs. Carrots 95c 95c 4 lbs. Onions 4 lbs. licet :i !'' l-bMhc?'.CeWryAii : 'fli( nHk All for VOK All other Fresh Fruits & Vegetables' at reduced prices Fresh supplies arriving every boat i Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE n AND 81 EMPLOYMENT . OFFICE READY PROVIDE MEN 1 In view of the unemployment problem with which the city has to deal It would tend to improve matters if those wishing work done of j any kind would telephone the em- - nli-tWIit-if AfflAA TlhnMn 19Q nnH act I tl ft JJlUJiHtiiV ISAIHC, HVJllt lifU) UUU uon Premier Gold Mininer Col Ltd:1 has taken a bond dnHne that a man be sent to do the work. Lakeview group of 12 claims Situated 10 miles northwest fven such trivial tasks as carrying of Mount Olie on the Canadian National Railway about 60 SiXS miles north of the of the North Kamloops in valley Thomp- looked after and tnosc getting the son River. The Premier Co. will start exploration and de- work win be that much better off. velopment work at once, it is announced by Dale Pitt, Already a number of citiaens are general manager of the company, who recently visited the doIne tnls btut morc mlBht toke tn property. The new field was discovered only about a SviimL t , . ,i , , i i , w the men are- ready and willing to month ago and since then there has been a great deal of work ' prospecting in the district. The tiew Order Given For Power Cruiser Dr. L. W. Kergin To Have 3i-fool Boat Built At Loral Dry Dock 'During Winter ProyinciaH Architect Lawrence informs the school board that the Dr. L. W. Kergin has given an new eight-room school building on order to the local dry dock for th Seventh Avenue East will be ready construction of a 34-foot v-bottom for occupation by the first of the Power cruiser with a single deck year. At least one new teacher will and trunk cabin. The vessel will be engaged when the new school be equipped with a 34 h.p. Red Is opened. There are at present wlnK engine, four teachers on the staff. . The Job is to be carried out dur- ing the comine winter and the The Skeena River experienced Its boat will be ready by spring, greatest stbrnj In the history of , , ,. ., , HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel INIIIII NEW M AN.MIEMK.NT Mram 1 1 ruled; Tratrllrri)' Hnmplf Uimiiih: IM anil CnM Wutrr t'rrr llu lrrl All Tralm mid IkMl Rates $1.00 and Up MIXIAI. MONTHLY It ATKs C.K.IUGGART & A. DONALD l'rirlrtor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rnper.'s leading family hotel. Hot .md cold water In all room. A. J. I'KUDIIOMME. l'rop. Cor. of Fraser end Fifth SU. Edwin Savoy Jones and Dan Helmer, Mrs. R. C. Garner, Sunnystde; I Boys, Wrangell. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. ITop. the num. hoktii while Hut Se Cold Witr; Steam llt 75c I'EIt DAY AND UP Trlriiliotir '.'HI rr s Thel3tdefe7tst Lome tuy eae firtestfueZ (.scat o jwa . There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and ( ,fro away at Old Man Winter. He'll quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company. Ltd. Phone CIS It. Uoyal W. ,C. Dickson, Premeir; Ben Clodc. Vancouver; M. Linstad. Henry O'Nell and Dilly O Neil. city. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNKKS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties rhonc 4S7 Prince Kupert v Two Shows -7 & a p J I1AUUAKA STANWYCK 3 LOWELL SHERMAN AND RALPH GRAVES 1 in "LADIES' OF LEISURE"! AN ALL TALKING COMEDY AND DRAMATIC SENSATION I Great Golf Novelty "LEO 1)1 EG EL AND WALTER 1IA(,A.Y Admission 20c and 65c Feature Starts at 7:35 and i j I j Friday and Saturday JOHN BOLES In "SONG OF Till; WEsf COAL! PEMMNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton si---, MINKIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1 , MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . t :; .:,, FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'EKATINti (J. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOI h Engineers, Machinists, IltllermakerH,'ltlackmltli, I 'alt rn Makers Founders, Woodwnrkem, Utc. ELECT IUC AND ACETYLENE WBLU1NU Our Plant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAHINE AND COMMEKCIAL WOHK I'HONES 43 AND 383 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers VTIIE DAINTIEST KKEAKFAST FOOD '. ' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'HINCE KUI'EICT, II. C. cooooooooaooDOCioooooDDOQaoa DaoooooooooooDoo c-oi 8 ' Want Ads - Lot Them lie Your Ilrokcr in Huying , and felling Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody Is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It is you are In the market for. Oct the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undteamed of bai- ealn.y-undreamcd of opportunities. J3o your shopping through those columns and sec how profitable and Ptont r, ir'j . PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS; CLASSIFIED ADS S 0 Phone 98 "If it's fully told-it'a quickly sold" poooaooaooooiwooooflacHwoaoooBBoooofloooooooWMyvy