Oct Pays. MOW 1 WAMT VOU TO CAUL C?N A.KID WW1UE NOU ARE THERE. SEE TMAT VOU ACT LIKE A GENTLE FOR MHAU s E3 ,v October 22, 1930 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE assified Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices. DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! HELP WANTED in ted to sew at home, n ufihino neccaaary. Send i 'r reply. Dept. 14, On-v ckwear Co., '300 West i , Toronto. htf : u ds of $25 weekly grow-." 'i rooms for us, all winter , -:i;irs. Illustrated booklet "initidinn Mushroom Corn-Toronto. htf IS. SOT TIONa WANTED GU'l iva:JTS Work by hour, day or . Vhone Red 285. (247) V. a ants work. Phpna Red 249 FOR RENT FIVE r omed flat for rent. Phone En- m tf x FMT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. VIVP store. tf F RENT Furnished room. : i'tional. Phone 543. fiir. PFNT -Modern Flat, kitchen! i ' . Westenhrtver. Bros, tf F 'i M NT Two room shack with U . .. h ninge. Phone Black 697. tf For? UKNT - Housekeeping room d.iy, week or month. Phone C)7. tf F' " r?T NT nine-room flat close in p moderate rental. Westen- -. nros. tf TiiR r.KUT -Clean Well furnished iridic rn two-roomexi suite. Palm-fr Ap' Phone 444. tf Fi .!' I'F.MT Three-roomed furn- tufcc near Uotden Street . ; Phone Black 293. 246 FOR &LE t ir ALE- McClary Range. Koot-in good condition. Phone 103 249 :;ALE- Majestic Range, al-ncw. Variety Store, near office. 243 SALE Four pool tables In 1 shape. Price $125 for the Hde Transfer. 243 s,LE After 6 DJn. at 410 !'. Avenue Bast, single bed, .t. rug, open heater, small v. t:ible. 249 F in SALE Motorcycle engine am cylinder, four cycle Irfdlaro new. complete with mag- Apply 217 Fifth Avenue Fi.t 250 P' U I REDUCED The price ftf " launch Owen Is reduced to ") for quick sale. This Is Iho " 1 buy on the market. Cylinder titly re-bored and new ring. 'Mled. Pullen, Dally Jews. tt BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 1.'7 tt TRANSFERS I)! ' s TRANSFER. Catttfge and niture Moving. Phone 204. 253 NEEDLEWORK ' TITCIIINO, Mrs. Feasby, iie Red 315. FOUND :ND Motorcycle key. Owriej, '"v have same by calling at th'c tj tly News and paying for thM " ' ""vortlsmcnt. To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments use of electric light ond her Rental tin tn inmnrith1 "YKlt APARTMENTS 3111) AVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MINIATURE GOLF COURSE for homes and business purpose, something new, very elegant, English Scottish Idea, wonderful In golf, same set of 18 holes for Indoor And 'outdoor, registered. Will furnish complete set of specifications, blue-prints, pictures and instructions how to build, with full rights, for TWO HUNDRED DOLLORS. Apply to Puts-Pats Manufacturing Co.. orlSf" ,nd "ing 5 acres. telephone 316 Castle Building Montreal Que. Attention to Ho tels or Lodges, set' of 18 holes,:- built by US EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS F.O.B., MONTREAL. 250 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the 8tlklne Land Recording District tot of Cassiar District, and situate about three miles and one-halt south of Tulsequah Post Office-on Taku River. Take notice that I, William Strong, of of Tulsequah, B.C.. occupation merchant, intends to apply Tor a lease of the following described lsnds: Commencing at a post planted on band of a slough, thence south SO chains; thence east 40 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 40 chain,, and eontalninr 320 acres, more or leas. WILLIAM STRONG I Dated August 25. 1030. I LAND ACT Notice of Intention to applj for I .en In the Stlklne Land Ttecordlng Dls-trla of CassUr District, and situte about three mUes and orw-teff south of Tulsequah Post Office on Taku Rive?. Take notice that I, George BobWn of TUlsecmah, B.C.. ooeapatlon bookkeeper intends to apply for a teste vf the following described lands: commencing at a post planted an bank of slough, thence south 80 chaiua: thence east 40 chains: thence north 89 cbahiv thence west 40 chains, arid containing S30 acres, mere or less. OBOROE ROBBING Dated August 29. 19S0 LAND ACT Notice 61 Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore "JRhge S.-lQbHt' OKTrSt; ttd"?e- eoraing uisuiet or innce Rupert, ana situate on the East shore of Dundas Island, opposite Orren Island Llghthoase. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fish Packers Intends to aoply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at htghwater mark on the East (bore of Dundas Island oppoMte Oreen Island Lighthouse; thence East 9 chains: thenoe North 10 chains: thence West 8 chains more or less, to high water mark: thence Southwesterly along high water tnark to )xlnt of commencement and containing 9 acres, more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. It. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. Sth. 1030. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ea. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Sunday . Prince John pjn. Tuesday 3. Catala ... 3.30 p.m. Thursday S8. Pr. Oearge 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princes Mary 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Oct. 2( ss. Prln; Louise pm. From Vahcbuver Sdndayss, Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge ...10.30 a m Friday ss. Cardena pan. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. Batur. ss. Pr. Rupert, JO. '30 a.m. Oct. 22-ss. Prlntcss Louise a.m. a For Naas River ana Port Simpson Sundayss. Catala 8 pjn. From S'aas ttiver and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11.30 a.m. BRINGING UP LA Ml ART ' Notice of IntenWrm to apply to Leajg Foreshore In Range 0, Coast District. Land IV-coMlne District of Prlnoe Rrrocrt. and Kltutice on thr- Nortli end of Ilaystacrcfaftuate' oh Zayas Island Island Take notice that The Canadian Viah trig Co. Ltd., of VanoouVer, B.O., occupation ' Fish Tuckers lntetvl to apply fr.r a lease of the following describe foreshore: ' Commencing at a post planted t cement monument on the Nortlj-esi corner of Haystack Inland; thence iMirtfi S chains; thence East 10 chains; thence South 5 chains, more or less "to high water mark; thence south-westerly, following hlsh water mark, to po'ln', of THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. II. Holland. Agent. uated Bern. (in. 1930. - LAXO ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lcare Foreshore In Range 5, Coast District. Land R-. cording District of Prince Rupert, and i ntoate on the West shore of Dundas la "ona 01 lne oul Island. 6 mites Bouth east of the most I co""vr' westerly of the White Wand Oroup. 1 . T n"6 cnn F1,h" Take notice that The Canadian Fish-, ln8 00 "2 Vanciuver, .B.C.. occu-lng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. DC. oocu-;PaUon FUn Packers Intends to apply nation Fish Packers Intends to apply w le!Ute f tn iteming describes a lease of he Xollowlng descrtbei roor: . , . foreshore Commencing at ft post planted one- Commencing at a post planted at the guar"r 6f. m!1 North east of the uth entrant to a Bay lying about uth e"l.riI ,f 57" li"n'1: mil, aouth mt r.f t 4ut ih thence North east 10 chains; thence the White Island Groutr thenr tZ North west 10 chains; west S .chains; thence South east 10 ttns; thence Ncrth eMt S chains and containing s acres, more or less. THE 'CANADIAN FfStHKO CO. LTD. per A. H. Ifollsnd. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1830 LAND ACT Notice of Intenttcn to apply to Lea Foreshore In Caaslar District Land Recordin District of Prince Rupert, and sltut4 on D;g PUh Bay on Portland Canal Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fish Packers 'ntends to apply tor a lease or the followlng described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at at the Bouth wast corner of Lot 637 Castltr District; thence West 6 chains: thence North 10 chains; thence Hsj-S chains more cr leas to high waiter mark: thence Bouth westerly following high water mark to point ct commencement; and containing 9 acres, more or leas. THE CANADIAN FI8HIKO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Spt. Sth, 1WO. uxn ACT Notice of Intention to apply to leae Foreshore In Ransje S. Coast DtrtrU-t. Land Re- coming District of Prince tlupert, sn1 sttoate on the West hore of the rrVDSt fnmmjK yWtfJWIM oroup. I and one-nair mma mvmi oi ine Am Is ton Point, Dundas IslanL Take notice that The Canadian Flah in Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply Tor a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on North vest corner of the most westerly of the White Island Oroup. these south 10 chains: thence West S chaiu, thence North 10 chains; thence East 8 chains and containing S acres, mere or leas THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. pet A. K. Holland , -Agent. Dated September 8th. 190. UtM ACT Notice Of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range t. Coast District, Land Recording District of Pflnce Hupert, ar.c! situate on an nrmamed Islsjid lying one mile North of Hsystack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation FMi Packers Intends to a&ply tor a lease of the fcfloirtng described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed Island approximately one-quarter of a mile North and one-half of a mile West of Lot 6923 R. s Coast. thence West S chains; tbence South 19 chains: thence Bast S charm more or leas to shore line; thence North, westerly ilong high water mark to point of oommencement and containing 6 acres, more or less THE CANADIAN FISniNO CO. LTD pec A II. Holland. Agent. Dated Bet. 4th. 1&90. SKKE.S'A UND WECOnniNO DISTRICT Take notice that the British Columbia Fishing As Packing Company, Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, fls packers, intends to apply for a lease if the following described foreshore, situate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot S. Range S. Coast District: Commencing t post pianiea on me easi side oiNaas Harbour, thence west 15 chains, more cr lews, to the opposite shore; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, fol-le-wtoc high water mark, to the point of commencement, and containing twenty five acres, more or leas. Dated vth Angus. 1M0. J. II. BuahnelL Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FientNO ft FACKlNO XX) . LTD FATHER Q ttffil V MAN MAM TOMi-ATf 1 Notlxwf .Intentlorij-ta applfr J ? Foreshore ..fn' Ranee '5. Coast District, Land lie-' cording District of Prince Rupert, and oi went snore- fine, 1 and one-quarter miles south of i the north west corner of the Island. t f,Va WrfLnn Y.fit. Vh PanarttRn Fifth. ' Ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply I. for fOTeeho're: a lease Of the following described Commencing at post planted 1 an-1 one-quarter miles south of the North west corner of Zayas Island; thevce North eat 10 chains; thence West S chains; thence SSu'th west 10 chain; thence East S chains and containing 5 acres, mere or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1030. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Least ForesBdfe In Range 5. Coast District. Land Re c" District or rr.nee mrpert. ac f as umstiu, one-quarwr 01 oouin ean a cnama; inence soutn wesT 10 ohaHw: Uisace.,Noith -.west 8 chain '.uu uawiiiuiK. 0 agnp, ayiv or ieaa. THE CANADIAN TlBHlNG Cp. LTD per A. IL Hollaad, ' Agent. Dated Sept. 1st, l?SQ. LAND ACT Notice of IntenMcti to apply to Leaie Ftoresbore Id Range 9. Coast District Land Be- :'ord:r.R District of Prince Rupert, aB1 :tuau- on the Soath west hore i f Wales Island, opposite The Proctor lr -irds. Take notice that The Canadian Flsh- .ng Cc. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. oeeu- paticn Flah Packers Intends to applj ':r a lease of the blowing (reacrihed l3reehore: Oommenelng at a post planted en the South West share of Wales Island, opposite th Fnotot Islands; thon-e west 10 chains; tfcence North 10 chain' thence East 6 chain more or less tc high Water aaark: thenee South easterly alane high water mark toint of sommanceoient and containing P acre mrre orless. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. n. Holland. Agent Dated Sept. 4th. 1930. 1 I LAND .ACT - Notice of Intention to applv to Lean 1 Foreshore In Cassiar Dlstzlot Land Recordlni 1 DSftrlct of Prince "Ulurert. and situate , jn Dog Fish Bay on'Portfaitt Cknal I Take notice that The Canadian F!s:i - lng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occu- patlca Fish Packers-tatends to app'.v for a lease of the following described 1 , T foreshore Oomrtenetng at a poet planted at j lw objection la made to me In North west corner post of Lot 634 , ng. Cassiar. thence 1 cbatn West to hlgn. water mark: thenceWBoutb 10 chains; thence East 10 chains; thence North 3 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence North westerly along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. RoUand. Agent. Da6e5th.l30; . . LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8. Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and Htdite on the South end of Haystack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following deacribei tsreenore: Commencing at a peat planted at the south-east corner of Haystack Island; tlience South 5 halns; thence West 10 chains; thence North S chains, more. tr lest to high water mark; trVeace Southeasterly, following high water mark to point of commencement, 'and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD, per A. II. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 7th. 1TO0. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast DMtrtct, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barttett Point 'on the South I West of Wares Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., coco-patlon Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore; Commencing at a post planted at Bartlett Point, on South West shore of Wales Island, thence. West 8 chains: thence South 10 chains; thence East 10 chains to high water mark; thence north westerly following high water mark, and containing 10 acres, more cr less. THE CANADIAN FISTrtNO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent Dated Sept. 7th, 1930. AND IP 1 HE.AA THAT VOU DlDMT GO THER& rr WOMT Bfc GOOD VOU - DO VOU THAT r r i h 03 '.V-X't 1 . j?e i MJom I' OfDISEB Girt AT THE CAUSE! That's the idea with chiropractic. The seat of taost disease lies In the spine. Our method discovers where the root of your ailment Is and uproots it! No knife, no drugs, no dieting merely nature's own way helped by chiropractic. W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Thone-Green 241 a & 7 Exchange Blk, (Qpp. Orme's) ' :'...' fil''. STEAM BATHS 204 Cth Street Phone Blacky ,761 Opposite Prince Hupert llotet Ladies from 2 pm. to u pm. Gents, from ... 10 ajri. to 10 p.m Hunts Furniture & Upholslry ht Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arrahted G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red C37 HAND RSOiaTRY ACT NOTICE tofacific Salvage Co. l!td.j Certi' rut ptJo. 2891-1 TiatSlrnVee ind Twenty-iftji'y Equipped for Diving and! He: four 24l fisadk: Severrteen ItTI. Sec Tlbtt Sis' ', CTty of Prince Rupert. wABKMhS satisfactory pTOot 'of loss afetthe boi . OrranAte of tltie Issued :W Ufc.ftaM & John Gordon has been lefci4rWJnce, cctlrt It hereby , given that I shall at the exptrattoh of i rse moctn irm me nrst nay Or puo i l-Uon hereof, iaaac a Provisional I Certificate of Title m lieu of tWe said ; (msi !ost Part Certificate, iflata Hsitaas unless 4n tn the V meantime lkSar,tlnA Dated at the Land Kjgistery Office. Prince Rupert, BC. 3rd day Frince Rupert. B.C. thl 3rd dac October. t&SO. H F. Mac LEO D, Sat.-St-sjov I. .Roojatrar. DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETAHV OF STATE Reparation! PURSUANT to a notice that appeared in the Press, dated the 18th nay of November 1918, asking those of the civil population of Canada, who may have been subjected to loss and pecuniary damage arising from the destruction of lift snd property during fh Iste war through the Illegal warfare of the enemy, to file claims for compensation with this Department. Phbltc notice is. hereby 'given tfeat b an Order of Hi ExeeAentir U ttojttr-a or General in Council, dated trie 8fli feay of September 1930, the undersigned voaunjMMMier was appoiniea ice tue purpose of continuing aed completing n enquiry and reporting upoV all such claims, which (have not hereto- ror been disposed of in the report o'l3rd Avenue tne previous reparation uomsawsfei' dated the Mth day or TJeermber 19ST. !' Instructions respecting the method of filing and the proof to be furnished may be obtained from te. undersigned. The last dsy on which claims will be accepted for conssderatlon Is the 1st day of November 1930. ERROL il. MeDOVOALL, Reparation Commlvilontr. Rooms 901-8, Trafalgar BulKHwg. uttawa. ptember 17, litf, 329 ttELLO, MOMAHAN: NOT SO HOW'S EVERY' A WE WFE TMiKie "? HSR Jr.' Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin anrl I'iano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 JITNEY SERVICE Between Pen Clements and Uucen 'Charlotte City. Mondavi .! Saturdays. Leaven Port Clements. 8.30 a.m. Queen 'Charlotte 1 JO. p.m. Fare $r each. Round trip SO. I,. HYSON. Port Clement MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal . .Reading,. White Ilocse 423 Second Ave Telephone 7GT ' Silversides Bros. Wallpapers paints Window Glais Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 32 SAI.VAC AND TOWiNt; flf it!s or, or tinder the water we do if General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of ad descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire r "Barfcaihyiri "as Erifcihes Agents for EASTHOFE KNG Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidje Propellers and and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15G4 AUCTIONEER j PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART j We buy, s( or exchange any i kind of furniture or honehc41 goods, musical instruments ma- chinery, etc. General repairs,! crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just! phone Black 120 and we will, call. O. J. DAWKS. Auctioneer-! Federal Block. tfl SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged ; v r y m ' W H MontcrniTIPrV 11 w.-sila,gJlllCI.jr Phone Blue 3S0 C. N. R. TRAIN'S From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 ajn. Oet quick results with a want ari nr- By I 1 V7 GOOD LO-3T u ? w AW DON'T VtolCB J 11JO, IM I Fitlan I-. 14, CrMt Srium r(kl iwmc. i a -!- . . m v the Ad. reading nabli. 'li t.-.H.i' FREE SUIT With each suit thoroughly cleaned and pressed; you get a chance to win a hlgh- clais custom made suit. Your choice from largest range cl be'st materials. Sec Wm. Auld WEE TAILOR SUOt Opp. Post Office Phone $)l TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the aprrlal REBUILT UNDERWOOD S $75.00 Very easy terms All other makes from SIS.tin BirNIiSTRAND ADDIXO ' ' M.CIIINF.. United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VAM'OI.VKR. B.C A. W. Edge Go. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Walipapen Walifelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes. Oils, Painters' arid Paperhangcrs' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 320 Second Ave Prince Rupert Ray Oil Burnel SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL a ... $ce me how. . . ' WALTER LONGWIfcL Heating Engineer Phone 584 P. O. Box 130 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment) As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to auy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. KcSSafASHal LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage. Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Co.'l, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired , Furnaces and stoves cleaned and repaired. General handyman. Phone 20 i Nlffht phone Blue fl2 II. J. ZUMKEIIR George McManus SMUT UP! VOU KNOV'J WHBN 1 I 1